You agreed to fight mechas, but your body exploded into stars?

Chapter 133 Chain disaster, large suit!

Jiang Chen was able to understand the words of the Dark Mistress because of the [Universal Translation Device].

This device will translate language and thoughts into understandable similar words to achieve the purpose of barrier-free communication.

For example, what you step on is the [earth], the satellites surrounding the planet are the [moon], and the star in the center of the galaxy is the [sun].

However, this method of translation has one characteristic -

Both parties must have a certain knowledge of something.

Just like the original Super Master.

Although Blue Star had many mecha masters, including Li Xiao, who had driven mechas to challenge him.

But he didn't understand or know the concept of [Mecha Master].

Therefore, when he originally called Jiang Chen [Challenger], it seemed extremely general.

At this time, the words of the Dark Mistress were translated as [Mecha Master] instead of words such as ants, enemies, and challengers.

This means that he has not only met a mecha master, but also fully understands the meaning of a mecha master. He has a corresponding concept of the entire system of mecha masters, but the names are different.

This is outrageous!

Blue Star mecha masters who can reach the second level have a clearer understanding of their own strength.

It will no longer be like the first level, where you will challenge unbeatable enemies at will.

Therefore, in the past twenty years, there have been only four records of the Devil's Arrival in the Abyss difficulty.

This is obviously not enough for the Dark Mistress to understand the mecha master system.

There must be other channels of information for Him.

At this time, Jiang Chen's eyes were shining, he firmly grasped the Dark Mistress's limbs, and shook her slightly.

I didn't expect that the famous legion lord would also know my identity?


The Dark Mistress is the lord of the Second Abyss.

He absorbed the power of the entire planet, with attributes as high as one hundred thousand.

With such a powerful force, he was completely unable to break free from Jiang Chen's hand and was tightly held.

After struggling hard, the rest of the limbs had been crushed by the rocks and sunken, but Jiang Chen's hand did not move at all.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

Just like cockroaches in the kitchen, no matter how hard you kill them, they can't be killed and they always come back...

Use the power called the Abyss Mark to wreak havoc throughout the abyss...

The legions have fought against enemies for a long time...

Even many legion lords are enslaved by you...

Haha, I can easily distinguish the stench of you mecha masters even if they are burned to ashes.

The Dark Mother's voice was cold and sharp, but there was no fear at all.

When Jiang Chen heard this, his eyes brightened.

This abyss lord is indeed from a large organization, and he does know a lot of information!

The legion he belonged to had been fighting against the mecha masters for a long time?

To change my thinking, didn’t the alien demons invade Blue Star for twenty years?

Obviously, Legion is most likely a disaster suffered by an ancient civilization!

That makes it all clear.

The more powerful the civilization, the more powerful the disaster will be.

Just like the original Fire Carrier civilization, those ancient civilizations have lasted for who knows how many years. They may have mastered the method of crossing the abyss without special traits.

It has become a true abyss-level civilization!

Then, the disaster they have to fight against is naturally an abyss level or even more terrifying disaster!

Since a disaster of this level can threaten a civilization of that level, it is only normal to have the ability to cross the abyss.

Just like a strong wind blowing, it will not only affect the largest bonfire, but also set off the aftermath, affecting those small fires.

These horrific disasters will also affect some weak civilizations and become the source of disasters for more civilizations...

If you think about it carefully, there seems to be similar shadows in other shadows of the past.

The source of the disaster on the mutated star where Master Chao is located is a space virus brought by an extraterrestrial meteorite.

What is the source of the virus?

The Baigui Wujian where Master Luo was located opened the door to purgatory, causing hundreds of ghosts to pour out.

What's on the other side of Purgatory?

Why did the Ice Soul Tyrant suddenly resurrect after thousands of years and possess the power of the frozen planet?

These are unexplainable sources of disaster.

Perhaps each one corresponds to a terrifying abyss-level disaster!

Of course, these abyss-level disasters will not affect Blue Star currently.

However, it provided Jiang Chen with an idea.

【Module Set】.

Usually, modules produced by the same Shadow of the Old One are easier to combine into corresponding sets because they have the same source of power.

Just like the [Endless Core] set provided by Master Chao.

However, a single Shadow of the Past can only produce a limited variety of modules.

Even if the power source is the same, the attribute effects may not match, and they may not be able to be combined into a set module.

This is why Blue Star has only developed a small number of module sets so far.

There are fewer shades of yesteryear, fewer choices, and fewer natural combinations.

Now, it seems that I can change my thinking.

Different shadows of the past may have the same source of disaster!

Such as this demon army.

There is one at the first level, and there is also one at the second level.

Maybe there is a shadow of Legion Calamity in the third level, fourth level, fifth level, or even stronger shadows of the past!

Then, Jiang Chen only needs to keep searching for the series of modules of Legion Disaster.

It is possible to form an entire large set!

[Demon Legion Set]!

In addition, there is also the life virus disaster represented by Master Chao...

【Virus Life Set】!

The hellish ghosts and disasters represented by Master Luo...

[Underworld King of Hell Set]!

As long as the scale of the abyssal disaster is large enough and there are enough shadows of the past left behind.

Naturally, it can be combined into an excellent top-level module set!

What a terrifying legion disaster...

He is clearly the second generation of angel investors after Master Chao!

In just a moment, Jiang Chen understood the nature of the legion's disaster.

In addition, there was another key word in the words of the Dark Mistress, which caught Jiang Chen's attention.

The warcaster enslaves the legion lord?

How to be enslaved?

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

Until now, he has only heard of killing abyss monsters, absorbing the breath of the abyss, and producing module materials.

I've never heard of any talk of slavery...

Could it be that those ancient civilizations have developed special techniques for capturing abyss monsters and training them into Pokémon?

Jiang Chen's curiosity touched the sensitive heart of the Dark Mistress.

He was relatively calm at first, but suddenly became furious after hearing this.

Damn warcaster!

I knew you had bad intentions!

Why are you defecting to the legion... You are really just a nasty liar who wants to get information!

Don't even think about enslaving me!

The Dark Mother screams and attacks.

Various moves such as magic fire and flesh-cutting were released one after another.

Unfortunately, during Jiang Chen's promotion trial, his strength sensitivity attribute had already reached 250,000, and his defense had reached 280,000.

It has been able to crush him and block these moves easily.

With this powerful strength, he steadily suppressed the Dark Mistress, hoping to obtain more information along the way.

It's a pity whether it's gentle persuasion or coercion.

The Dark Mistress seemed to be going crazy and did not want to reveal any more information.

Even if Jiang Chen removed all his limbs and forced him to the ground, he was still just sneering.

Even if I die, I will just return to the void.

You can never really kill me.

on the contrary--

Since you can come here, it means that your world has been noticed by the Legion.

One day, I will find your world and lead the Void Legion to destroy your civilization!

...Remember to line up.

Jiang Chen realized that the Dark Mistress could no longer squeeze out much oil and water, so he no longer hesitated and blasted her body.

With a large amount of abyssal breath pouring into the palm.

The eternal flames burning on the planet finally slowly subsided.

Those wailing souls also dispersed happily.

Lines of text appeared before my eyes.

[Kill the Dark Mistress and obtain the perfect module: Magic Surge (Overclocking). 】

[Successfully killed the leader and ended the abyss disaster. 】

[Number of people cleared: one]

[Number of abyss levels: two]

[Rewards are being settled based on known information...]

[You have obtained the perfect module: Magic Gold Shield (overclocking). 】

[You have obtained the prototype of the mecha: Shadow Spider (excellent). 】

[The Abyss has been cleared, and the shadows of the past will be shaped based on the fragments of the Abyss. 】

[The abyss has been cleared, and a new endless abyss will be opened soon according to the number of abyss layers. 】

[The Abyss has been cleared and the endless difficulty is open. 】

[After clearing the second-level abyss for the first time, the potential of Blue Star Civilization has increased. Current potential: 23. 】

[Unknown traits are brewing (civilization potential is insufficient, please continue to improve). 】

[Settlement completed, exiting the abyss in thirty seconds. 】

There are no multi-arm or multi-legged modules...

Jiang Chen glanced at the settlement rewards and felt a little disappointed.

The reason why he chose [Devil Arrival] was as the first shadow of the past.

In addition to its similarity to [Devil's Gate], it is also related to the fact that the Dark Mistress is a multi-limbed lord.

There are more than twenty arms and feet in total, and it may be possible to produce corresponding multiple arm modules.

Thus forming a coordination with the Three Lives Skull.

The whole three-headed, six-armed suit or something.

It's a pity that the idea was very good, but it didn't explode.

It doesn't matter. Just go back and place a transaction request on the alliance exchange.

Let everyone help me refresh the body module...

Ordinary limb modules like the spider-shaped arm that cannot be modified will not work. It must be the Skull of Three Lives, which can make the module additionally effective...

This way there is a chance of forming a suit.


When Jiang Chen saw the prototype of the mecha [Shadow Demon Spider], which had a similar appearance to the Dark Mistress, his heart moved.

[The enslavement of abyssal monsters by mecha masters] from the words of the Dark Mistress...

You don't mean to produce similar mecha prototypes through killing, and then build them into corresponding mechas, right?

If you think about it carefully, it’s really possible!

However, Jiang Chen took a look at the prototype attributes of the Shadow Demon Spider and couldn't help but shake his head.

With such different attributes, who would be willing to enslave you...

What a shame.

Darkness came over and swallowed him completely.

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