You agreed to fight mechas, but your body exploded into stars?

Chapter 20 This is the real abyss

[A must-read for newcomers, details on the difficulty of Shadows of the Old and exploration suggestions! 】

When Jiang Chen saw the title of the post, he couldn't move his eyes away.

Compared with other lofty posts such as [Personal Ranking of Overclocking Modules], [Ranking of Top Mecha Potential], [On the Relationship between Basic Trial Evaluation and Talent].

Jiang Chen was more interested in the difficulty analysis of Shadows of the Past.

After all, talents, modules, mechas...

No matter how much these things are seen, they will not bring any gain to Jiang Chen's combat power. They are of no use when exploring the abyss.

On the contrary, it is the shadow of the past, a part that all mecha masters cannot avoid.

Check out this post, you might be able to get some help.

He clicked on the post and a line of preface came into view.

[The shadow of the old world, also known as the copy of the abyss, is the shadow of the old world reflected in the abyss. 】

[It hides the danger of engulfing the world, but it also brings the ladder to immortality. 】

[I would like to write this article in the hope that every new mecha master can find the abyss that suits him. 】

Skipping the preface, what follows is an analysis of the difficulty of the Abyss dungeon.

[Simple: Don’t be confused by these two words. Simple difficulty is not simple. There is no abyss copy in the world that can be easily passed.

Even the Abyss dungeon, which is said to be the safest and simplest, has all kinds of monsters in it, as well as powerful bosses.

Only by defeating the leader can you complete the Abyss dungeon.

A simple copy of the Zero Level of the Abyss, the difficulty is similar to the basic trial.

It is not recommended for new mecha masters who have passed the basic trial to enter immediately.

You need to purchase at least two to three accessory modules and conduct certain combat exercises before you can enter them and start exploring.

Only mecha masters equipped with a full set of modules and strengthened a certain number of times can try to defeat the boss independently and clear the abyss.

Note: The Abyss dungeon can be explored in a team, with a maximum limit of three people.

Although the drop rate will be reduced, the difficulty will also decrease.

It is strongly recommended that new mecha masters find two teammates who can be trusted to support them and explore the abyss together. 】

[Income: Low-level material book, extremely low income, no module output at all. 】

Because the Abyss dungeon of easy difficulty is what new mecha masters are most exposed to.

The poster was very detailed.

Jiang Chen also nodded slightly.

If the simple difficulty of the Abyss dungeon is exactly the same as the basic trial, and the root giant is the leader...

It requires at least ten points of full attributes, that is, a mecha with a full set of excellent modules, to defeat it.

The poster's advice is very sound.

However, this is an easy difficulty? ?

You know, a zero-level mecha can be loaded with up to four modules and strengthened ten times.

Among them, the attribute value that enhancement can bring is about the same as the four modules combined. If high-quality materials are used, it may be more, but it is also quite limited.

A complete set of excellent modules is equivalent to half of the strength, but it can only be barely passed.

There are three more difficulties to come!

Jiang Chen couldn't help but look down.

[Normal: Just like the easy difficulty, the normal difficulty is not ordinary.

The monsters are stronger and the bosses are more powerful. Please explore with your teammates in a team state.

If you must explore the Abyss dungeon of normal difficulty alone, please make sure you have loaded a full set of modules and strengthened the mecha ten times to reach the peak of the current stage. 】

[Income: Low-level module book, average income, low probability of producing some high-quality materials. 】

A complete set of modules and ten mecha enhancements are equivalent to a zero-level full-level mecha.

With such strength, he can only barely pass the normal difficulty level?

Jiang Chen was shocked.

No wonder this post needs to be hung in the most conspicuous position, and a sign must be added for newcomers.

If there is a new mecha master who treats the abyss as a game and directly enters the ordinary abyss for a walk...

Entering the reincarnation process at the speed of light.

So, what about the next two difficulties?

[Difficulty: Difficulty is really too difficult.

An abyss dungeon of this difficulty is the limit of ordinary mecha masters.

Even if you have a full set of modules loaded and your mecha fully strengthened, you should never explore alone, let alone contact the boss.

You must work with two teammates who are of the same level and have a tacit understanding before you can try to challenge the boss.


There are always some geniuses in the world that make people sigh.

Just like the advanced evaluation of the basic trial, even if they are all full-level mechas, they can still exert greater power with their outstanding talents!

If you are a beneficiary of the New Talent Protection Act, you can try to challenge the boss independently, but you don’t have to stop there.

Deeper abyss will be opened for you. 】

[Benefit: Excellent material book, probability of producing excellent modules and core modules. 】

Jiang Chen suddenly understood.

The poster has been talking about the strength of mechas before, but now he actually mentioned mecha masters.

Obviously, only the combined power of the mecha master's own talent and the mecha can be regarded as true strength——

Just like Jiang Chen, when it comes to mechas alone, even the Type 2 mechas have attributes that are not much higher than those of other rookie mecha masters.

At most, the recovery speed is faster.

However, if you include the mecha master talent.

Jiang Chen's attributes have been doubled. Even without wearing a mecha, he can still tear apart monsters with his hands.

Other mecha masters naturally also have talents. Even if they are not as strong as [Immortal Unarmed], they can probably enhance the attributes of the mecha.

Other SSS-level newcomers can wear Zero mechas and defeat bosses like the Genman Giant.

Most of the talents can double the mecha's attributes, or even be more exaggerated.

In this way, passing the abyss dungeon that ordinary mecha masters find difficult will naturally not be a problem.

Naturally, you can also challenge higher difficulties.

[Nightmare: The nightmare of ordinary mecha masters. They are not strong enough. Please do not try to challenge it.

Even if you are a beneficiary of the New Talent Protection Act and a genius mecha master, you must not challenge the nightmare boss alone.

Unless you are an SSS-level newcomer, please give up foolish personal heroism and team up with talented mecha masters of the same level to explore the abyss together. 】

[Benefit: Excellent module book, with a probability of producing excellent core modules and mecha master traits. 】

Nightmare difficulty, only SSS-level newcomers can clear it alone?

Jiang Chen touched his chin.

The explosion rate seems to be higher alone. If you want to obtain the [Weapon Master] trait, it is better to explore alone.

He thought as he slid down.

I would like to see how other mecha masters respond to this post.

Unexpectedly, the post did not end.

Lines of new content jump into view.

[The above is the difficulty guide for the Zero Level Abyss. I hope it can help newcomers explore the abyss. 】

[Remember, you only have one life, don’t rush into the abyss that you are not sure about. 】

[In addition, when all new mecha masters break through to the first level of strength and reach the first level of the abyss, they will see two new difficulties in the shadow of the past - hell and abyss.

Please don't try it, it's not something you can challenge. 】

[Hell: The hell of genius, the end of the mecha master.

Many talented mecha masters failed at this difficulty and died on the spot.

Even an invincible mecha master with SSS-level talent, a symbol of the alliance, must find two SS-level teammates before he can try to pass the level when challenging the Abyss dungeon on Hell difficulty. 】

[Benefits: Extremely rich, extremely low probability of producing an overclocking module (only happened three times in the world). 】

[Abyss: Alliance symbol evaluation, this is the real abyss. 】

[Profit: Unknown, no one has passed the level. 】

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