You agreed to fight mechas, but your body exploded into stars?

Chapter 38 Weird Corrupted Life

Darkness falls and the temperature drops.

The monsters of the abyss have obviously become much more active.

For example, the Abyss fishmen are not only less afraid of flames, but their movements are also much more flexible, and their agility has increased from three points to four points.

Fortunately, they still dared not come into contact with the flames and did not get too close to the shelter.

Otherwise, the steam mechas in the shelter will face another wave of fierce battles.

This environment is obviously not suitable for finding survivors.

Jiang Chen gave up the action and hurried back all the way.

When he arrived at the shelter, the steam mechas waiting at the entrance quickly surrounded him.

Lord Apocalypse!

The tone of these drivers was quite respectful.

Regardless of whether the person who calls himself Apocalypse is an outsider as he described himself, or a special transcendent...

His actions on this day were never false.

All the drivers present were also saved by him.

If you are grateful, you will naturally not question anything.

Thank you for guarding the shelter.

Jiang Chen looked at the large and small mechas in front of him and said.

You can now enter the shelter to rest like everyone else.

Leave it to me to defend against monsters.

The drivers fell silent.

A ten-meter-tall steam mecha stepped forward, knelt on one knee, and bent down.

Lord Tianqi, we are on duty during the day and have all had a rest. We are not sleepy now.

The fuel stored in the air raid shelters and school warehouses is enough to keep the mecha's power furnace running for a long time...

Please let us stay outside and help you fend off the monsters.

Jiang Chen brought back a total of thirty-seven steam mechas.

Among them, although there were only six ten-meter-tall medium-sized steam mechas, under the operation of experienced pilots, they easily defeated many abyss monsters and protected the safety of the shelter during the day.

Does this make them inflated?

On the contrary, these pilots are deeply aware of the strength of the monsters of the abyss.

Even the steam army in the past would have struggled in the face of endless abyss monsters, not to mention that they only had a few dozen steam mechas left.

No matter how you look at it, it's like a mantis trying to use his arms as a chariot, and he will definitely die.

But because of this, they cannot hide in the shelter like those helpless students with peace of mind.

It is even more impossible for this Lord Apocalypse to fight against the endless abyss alone.

If this is the end...

Let them face death with the mecha.

I can do it alone. You are too weak to be of much help.

Jiang Chen spoke quite straightforwardly.

But not a single mecha in front of them wavered, they all stood in place, silent.

A moment passed and he shook his head.

Well, since you don't want to go in, then just stay outside.

Abyss monsters at night will become violent, and more powerful beings will appear.

Jiang Chen planned to find opportunities on the first night to grow his armor and accumulate attributes, so as to fight against powerful abyss monsters in the future.

At this time, the pilots of these steam mechas were unwilling to hide in the shelter. If they had to help him share the pressure from the monsters, it would inevitably affect his plan.

Fortunately, the impact is not big——

How can a mere thirty-seven steam mechas stop the violent monsters at night?

As time goes by, the fishmen passing by the school become more and more manic, and their fear of fire is gradually weakening.

Some Abyss fishmen even ran over only one or two meters away from the line of fire and rushed into the night again.

Until a certain moment.

They completely lost their fear of fire.

I saw hundreds of murlocs with deformed heads emerging from the night, crossing the line of fire, and rushing into the entrance area of ​​the shelter!

The steam mechas raised their weapons without hesitation and attacked the deformed fishmen approaching them.

However, something strange happened.

These fishmen did not take the initiative to attack the steam mecha. They were even knocked away by the attack. They did not fight back. They quickly got up and rushed out like crazy.

They passed by the steam mecha, crossed the line of fire again, and rushed into the night.

There seemed to be something more worthy of their fear than fire.

Stand tall and see far.

A medium-sized steam mecha saw a vague shadow outline emerging from the darkness in the distance. He looked carefully and his breath was stagnant.

I saw a giant jellyfish-like soft-bodied creature floating in the air, slowly approaching from the direction of the coast.

Ink-like black tentacles extended from below it and landed on the ground.

When the dark tentacles came into contact with the deformed fishman on the ground, they quickly turned into fluid and penetrated along the eyes, mouth and other organs.

Just a moment passed, and the deformed fishman seemed to be completely filled with black fluid. His body expanded several times, and he moved slowly like a puppet.

As the soft-bodied creature gets closer and closer, you can see huge figures coming out of the streets and ruins below it.

Deformed fish-men, giants of the abyss...

There was even a steam mecha that was completely filled with black fluid!

Tentacles extend from their heads, connecting with the soft-bodied creatures in the sky.

The pilots who saw this scene felt trembling in their souls.

What it is!!?

External scanning devices provided the answer.

【Corruption Matrix】

[Attributes: Strength 4, Agility 4, Defense 30, Mystery 30. 】

[Characteristics: Corrupted beings distorted by ancient gods are not only difficult to destroy themselves, but also have the ability to corrupt and parasitize other things.

The things parasitized by it will gain far greater power than before. 】

[Weakness: Fire. 】

[Evaluation: Invincible. 】

This is the monster with the highest mysterious attributes that Jiang Chen has ever seen.

Its dual attributes of strength and sensitivity, inferior to even those of the Asabu Yufolk, do not affect its power at all.

The attributes of the corrupted and parasitized Abyss fish-men have skyrocketed to the level of an Abyss giant!

The cargo-carrying steam mecha that was parasitized by corruption also completely got rid of the awkward situation of 1 point of agility, and directly increased to 10 points of agility, and its power was also greatly improved.

It's just a cargo-carrying mecha, and its attributes are almost as good as those of a medium-sized steam mecha!

Not to mention the already relatively powerful Abyss Giant.

The dual attributes of force and sensitivity have more than doubled, and they have completely suppressed the medium-sized steam mecha.

the most important is……

There are so many parasites under the control of this corrupt mother body that even Jiang Chen can't determine the specific number when he looks over.

This is definitely the weirdest monster Jiang Chen has seen so far!

If it were an ordinary new mecha master, he would probably turn around and leave.

But the drivers at the shelter door cannot see this data.

Although they were trembling in their hearts, they still controlled the steam mecha and picked up weapons one by one.

Machine guns, flamethrowers, chain saw knives, metal drills...

Regard death as home and fight to the end!

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