You agreed to fight mechas, but your body exploded into stars?

Chapter 53 Testing the performance of the mecha, the second machine is born!

Jiang Chen was still shopping in Xantian City.

The first is to review the status and selling prices of peers to prepare for the next store opening.

The second is to update and iterate the props and equipment on the body.

The immortal shorts of Level 0 were replaced with a set of special tights made of Level 2 materials and extremely malleable.

Not only is it suitable for a layer of abyss, it also looks much better.

There are also first-level high-energy lightsabers, first-level mecha repair tool kits, first-level strengthening tool kits, repair and forging guides...

These most basic things, and the remaining contribution of more than 10,000 yuan from ordering a small base, are completely enough.

Even if the share is a little short, Jiang Chen can easily make up for it by selling one or two remaining modules.

The discarded zero-level shorts, lightsabers, and thermal pistols were not disposed of—

These external equipment are similar to mechas and have a certain durability. They will be damaged when attacked and require regular maintenance.

When it withstands energy output that far exceeds the upper limit, it may even be directly fused and scrapped.

Based on this characteristic, Jiang Chen used these eliminated external equipment as practice props.

Used to practice repair and strengthening proficiency.

In fact, most of the low-end, low-quality, cheap materials are consumed in this way.

Updating your gear doesn't take long.

After Jiang Chen received the news about the construction zone, he stopped his actions and rushed to the teleportation array in Xantian City.

When he walked onto the teleportation array, a voice sounded in his ears.

Verification completed, please select your destination.

A light blue magic projection appeared in front of him, and the virtual blue star slowly rotated, marking various locations.

Jiang Chen's eyes swept across the land and landed on the ocean area.

There is a mark of [Private Base] on it.

Confirming the transmission, the light covers everything.

When his sight returned, he had already arrived at an island from the Starry Sky Fortress.

On one side is the boundless sea, with crystal clear water and white waves lapping on the beach. The sea breeze blows with a light salty smell.

On one side is a lush island, and you can see a huge five or six-story building standing among the trees.

Is this a small base?

In just half a day, we built an artificial island directly in the sea, and even the vegetation was done...

The contribution of 130,000 yuan is well worth it!

Jiang Chen stood on the teleportation array, feeling the sunlight shining down and feeling comfortable all over.

He took out his personal terminal on the spot and gave it a good review.

Then he walked down the teleportation array, entered the forest, and took a brief look at his new home.

Interior decoration, freshwater swimming pools, fitness equipment...

Like a luxurious holiday villa, it has everything you need.

Even, except for the five or six-story, extremely spacious mecha repair room and enhancement room.

There is also a mecha showroom with a similarly large space——

The abyssal mechas held by mecha masters will be unlocked according to the rank, and their positions are fixed.

However, no one stipulates that mecha masters can only hold abyss mechas.

Mecha masters can completely build some ordinary mechas for temporary use.

Even if you can't enjoy the bonus of the module, evolve or sublimate, it can still provide some conveniences.

In addition, there are some mecha masters who have learned knowledge about [bionic machines], [controllable golems], and [biochemical servants] from the abyss.

After converting this knowledge into physical objects, a certain amount of display space is also required.

Mecha masters also need a life. Many mecha masters trust machines more than nannies.

As for me...there's already a nanny.

Jiang Chen said.

Bai Ying, help me pay back the rent in Shuilan City, and when I go to the abyss, bring my personal belongings back.


Bai Ying responded respectfully.

Look, the seventh-level mecha is no better than some bionic man?

After checking the indoor environment, Jiang Chen returned to the beach.

He looked at the boundless sea and couldn't help but open his arms.

The reason why we chose the ocean as our base location was not just to enjoy an island villa.

The most important thing is that he can test the mecha and the power of weapons on the sea around the base!

As long as there isn't too much movement, or some kind of radiation weapons, or dumping of polluted wastewater...

It's like having a free testing ground!

At this time, Zero has completed his sublimation for a long time, and both his attributes and appearance have undergone great changes.

Jiang Chen finally couldn't help it, and put his left hand back to his waist, stretched his right hand upward, and made a fist hard.


White and deep purple roots spurted out from his right hand and quickly enveloped it.

Pieces of holy white stone fell on the surface of Genman.

In an instant, a nearly four-meter-tall purple-and-white giant stood on the beach.

The giant paused for a moment, seeming to feel something.

Maybe it's because of the biological mecha. It's not the cockpit, but the root vines that completely wrap me up, and the nerves connect and control me.

It's as if I have truly transformed into a three-and-a-half-meter-tall root giant, instead of an extra perspective...

Within the Yuanchu Mecha, Jiang Chen could feel that he had become much stronger.

Finally, I have the feeling of wearing a mecha and getting the blessing of power.

He raised his right hand, and a pale white chip fell between his two fingers.

Then, a trace of vines emerged from the mecha's fingertips, wrapping and absorbing the chip, and integrating it into the body.

Loading module: [Biological Force Field].

After the module was loaded, Jiang Chen bent his knees slightly, and the gravel around the mecha seemed to escape the control of gravity and float.

The next moment, the air waves rolled up the gravel and spread in all directions.

Jiang Chen actually jumped into the sky and shot straight into the sky!


Soar high into the sky, into the clouds, and then free fall.

The moment he approached the sea level, he suddenly changed direction and seemed to turn into a sharp sword, cutting through the waves and crashing onto the beach!


Sure enough, mechas are worthy of flying!

After Jiang Chen experienced Zero's new form, he started to do business.

He said to Bai Ying.

Bai Ying, record my current attributes through observation.

After that, he stepped onto the sea and performed a set of majestic punches, causing waves to splash.

When the walkthrough is over, return to the beach.

Bai Ying gave the answer.

Sir, based on your performance, your strength is 183 and your agility is 133.

When Jiang Chen completed the promotion trial, his dual attributes of strength and sensitivity had reached 71 and 70.

The current zero and force sensitivity dual attributes are 180 and 130 respectively.

That is to say...

Can you only use less than five percent of your attributes?

Jiang Chen understood in his heart.

The previous Zero mecha was equivalent to him wearing an exoskeleton suit, he could move on his own, and his attributes could be used with full efficiency.

And now he is wrapped in a three-meter-five-meter biological mecha, which is mainly controlled through neural links. Even if the physical body tries to cooperate with the mecha and affects the power of the mecha, the efficiency is greatly reduced.

10% of the attributes cannot be used even 10%.

Jiang Chen had already expected this outcome.

Moreover, the attribute bonus of less than 5% is a bit too useless.

He simply gave up his physical actions and focused on controlling the mecha itself.

After testing the performance, Jiang Chen recalled Ling back to Yuan Wen.

His attention fell on something else.

[Mecha Prototype: Boiling Steam]

Mecha prototypes can also be dropped in abyss dungeons, but the probability is relatively low.

However, only in the abyss and trials of level four and above can prototypes of mechas of excellent quality appear.

Jiang Chen couldn't wait that long.

Excellent quality is enough.

He touched the abyss pattern.

Activate the mecha prototype and summon the mecha!

A large amount of abyssal aura surged out from the palm of his hand and turned into brass gears and parts, connected on the surface of Jiang Chen's body.

Pieces of brass plates fell from the sky, covering the gear parts, connected and closed by rivets.

In the blink of an eye, a brass-colored mecha stood on the spot, and the jets on its legs, arms, and waist suddenly spurted out a burst of hot steam.

He's pretty handsome...

Jiang Chen raised his hand and looked at the alloy gauntlet. He was quite satisfied with the appearance.

However, as the initial steam-style mecha, it also means that it has a higher degree of compatibility with modules and materials with mechanical, technological, extraordinary and other attributes.

Evolving into a bio-mecha like Zero would waste a lot of potential.

Unit No. 2 must not overlap with Zero's role.

Alloy, machinery, extraordinary...

Power, speed, mystery...

What path should I choose?

I tested the text illustration function, and also tried searching for AI drawings myself, and made a mecha drawing of [Original Evolution].

But I'm not very good at this, and the results I got are not very satisfactory...

Can anyone give me some advice?

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