You Are My Only Sunshine

Chapter 55 - A Celestial Fairy That Descended From the Heavens

Chapter 55: A Celestial Fairy That Descended From the Heavens

“Relax, I know what to do.” Zhang Qin puffed up her chest confidently.

She could almost foresee Mo Yun’s ending if she came to the banquet.

There was only one end for her; a dead end.

The fact that she could finally eradicate the pest that had been plaguing her for years, while making everything in the Mo family belong to her daughter made Zhang Qin break into an incomparably wide smile.

Anyone looking at her was astonished by the sheer ecstasy she displayed.

“To tell the truth, Mrs Mo is really a virtuous person. After marrying President Mo, she had always doted on Miss Mo. In this world, no stepmother would treat their stepchildren even better than their birth parents.”

“That’s so true. I even heard rumours that she was the one who orchestrated the engagement between the two families!”

“Look at her smiling so happily, one might even think it was her actual birth daughter getting married now!”

“Aiyo, Miss Mo is really fortunate to have a mother like her.”

“Yes, I totally agree…”

A group of people were busy gossiping about the good fortune that Mo Xingyu enjoyed. She not only had a rich and doting father, but even her stepmother is also so good to her as well.

Now she’s even going to marry the perfect man.

She also possessed an uncommonly beautiful countenance and was also a pharmaceutical genius! Her life was simply too perfect.

It could be said that in this world, it’s almost impossible to find a woman as fortunate and beautiful as she was.

Mo Xingyu felt that she was living a perfect life too and was basking in everyone’s attention, feeling as though she was the most fortunate princess in this world.

There’s only one thing still marring her perfect world though. Why hasn’t that little bitch Mo Yun come yet?

Once Mo Yun had been gotten rid of, then she would be able to live a carefree life forever, sitting in her lofty throne towering over everyone else.

Just as this thought flashed through her mind, a sudden commotion spread from the entrance of the hotel.

“My goodness, who is that?!”

“She’s so beautiful, which family’s young lady is this? Why have I never seen her before?”

Mo Xingyu had not looked towards the source of the commotion, but a foreboding premonition swept through her heart. As she turned to look, she saw Mo Yun strolling into the hotel. The sight of her, however, left Mo Xingyu’s eyes bulging in shock and her mouth agape. The sight was simply too unbelievable!

That’s Mo Yun? Impossible! How can she look like that, she looks… stunning!

It was not only her who was shocked, but Mo Zhenggan and Zhang Qin also displayed similar reactions as well, along with Chu Yi, who had been standing beside Mo Xingyu.

They never would have expected that Mo Yun would make this kind of grand entrance.

Beautifully clad in a pink satin evening dress that seemed to ripple with every step, the only expression that could describe her now was that of a celestial fairy that descended from the heavens.

Indeed, everyone present could only describe her like that.

Mo Yun’s appearance was simply too pure and innocent. Especially her snow white skin. It was glowing, radiant under the warm lights of the chandelier. And her eyes glowed with a lustre that made her seem like she had seen through the truth of everything, mischievously dancing with intelligence.

Her entire body, down to her very last strand of hair, seemed to exude an otherworldly charm and innocence that made it difficult for anyone to approach her.

Compared to her divine appearance, every other woman in the room seemed to have been reduced to mere lumps of flesh.

The similarly pure looking Mo Xingyu, whose looks carried a slight tint of aggressiveness, was reduced to mere dregs in front of Mo Yun.

She absolutely could not match up to Mo Yun at all.

For Mo Xingyu, who had always prided herself on her pure and innocent beauty, this was an absolute humiliation.

She never would have imagined that the unassuming and despicable Mo Yun, who she had always looked down upon, would completely upend her like this, with just a little makeup. Mo Yun wasn’t like this before, her hair used to be unkempt like weeds and she would always be covered in filth and look like a stupid bookworm. How could she match up to her?

Alas, reality proved to be heartless…

Mo Xingyu shot a death glare at Mo Yun and her face grew frighteningly ashen, feeling like someone had given her a powerful slap across her face.

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