You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1013 - There will be no second hill

  The Pistons returned to the home, nervously preparing for the opener.

   away season opener for them, just played a more serious preseason game, accidentally abused the Hornets 27 points, it is really ashamed.

  The first home game this season, the Pistons will hold the seventh home crowning ceremony in seven years.

  Mo Mengchen will take over his seventh championship ring, and the Empire Axis Arena will raise the ninth championship banner in the history of the Pistons.

   defeated the Lakers two years ago, the Pistons won the seventh championship in the history of the team, surpassed the Bulls, became the third in the NBA championship team rankings, second only to the Lakers.

  Although the rise of the Pistons prevented the OK Lakers from winning three consecutive championships, the ancestors of the Zijin Legion were indeed unbearable.

In the era of George McCann, before the twenty-four second rule, the Lakers were still in Minneapolis, with five crowns in hand, plus the six crowns combined in the seventies and eighties, is NBA history The team with the second highest number of championships.

   Pistons fans can mock the two fans of the Lakers and Celtics, and the two fans have nothing to say.

  The Lakers played five times in the Finals with the Pistons. They lost four games and won one game. They couldn’t lift their heads at all. The only advantage was their thick foundation.

Not to mention the Celtics, Larry Bird’s Green Army ruled the East in the hands of the Bad Boys. In 1997, Duncan was selected to think that he could rejuvenate the team. As a result, Duncan was beaten by the Pistons. Going to Philadelphia and Iverson to hold a group, the result is still not as expected.

   The Celtics have been sinking. In 2004, they traded for the No. 1 pick and selected the last high school student in the history of NBA, Dwight Howard, and gradually left the ranks of the rotten team in the east. Relying on the pair of insiders Howard and Bosh, it will take time to turn the sky in the east.

However, due to the existence of Howard, Bosh has developed a range outside the three-point line in advance. If he wants to play brother basketball with the Son of Heaven in the future, it is estimated that even running-in is free, and the first year can be directly integrated into one star. The system has become the most stable shooter around the Son of Heaven.

Similarly, the Celtics still rising, if their fans want to say, they can only talk about how good the ancestors are, but their most powerful eight-reign dynasty is now only one champion away from the Pistons. In addition to the different times, the competitiveness is very different. In addition to Celtic fans, the Pistons dynasty is basically the most dominant dynasty recognized.

  The three fans were fighting for words, bringing countless heat to the NBA.

  Twitter, YouTube, must die…More is the battlefield where several fans pinch.

   What is amazing is that the world feuds of Lukai and Zijin, in front of their common enemies, can turn the goddess into a jade silk and work together to fight against the powerful enemy.

  Hu Kai’s friendly piston-based stalks also spread throughout the fan circle.

   The war between fans generally does not rise to the players.

  Mo Mengchen never asks these things, no matter how many doubts, as long as they break the seemingly impossible records, they will disappear, and the rest is just a compliment of “Every generation, all rivers and lakes.”

   On the day of the home opener, Mo Mengchen did not train in the morning. He stayed at home and accompanied Sugla to watch TV.

  Sugla asked various questions while watching TV.

  Mo Mengchen sometimes really doubts whether he is watching TV, or is he looking for opportunities to ask questions with TV gimmicks?

   “Dad, without Grant Hill, can the Pistons get so many championships?” Sugla asked.

   This question made Mo Mengchen unable to answer for a while.

   Generally speaking, in order to show his importance, he will give a positive answer.

   As a traversal, he has a system and can interfere with the management draft. He should also have such confidence.

   But he did not give a definite answer.

   “Maybe not.” Mo Mengchen’s sentence is the greatest recognition of Hill.

  If the Devil Mountain, who is suffering from Apollis, hears this, there will be no regrets even if he dies in bed.

  Unfortunately, he was destined not to know that Mo Mengchen had such a high evaluation of him.

   “Why?” Sogra didn’t mean to see Bian Hill, he simply asked questions, got other answers after he got the answers, and then asked endlessly.

   Clearly basketball is not his favorite sport.

Sugla’s favorite sport is swimming, but it’s a pity that he has the heart, but his dad, who didn’t pass on the genes suitable for swimming, has insufficient coordination under water. As a hobby, if the future is true To be a professional swimmer, the upper limit is nothing more than a professional swimmer.

  Sugla’s Chinese name is Mo Wuwei. Since the day he was born, Mo Mengchen had great expectations for him, no matter what he did, Mo Wuwei.

   Therefore, he and Ephraim actively guided Socrates to like other sports, but with little success.

   “Some accessories are easy to find, and some accessories may be the only one in the world.” Mo Mengchen said, “Your godfather, is a unique accessory.”

  Mo Mengchen will compare Hill to David Robinson of Jordan’s successor. They have the same good character, they will not fight for strength, and will not make a big fuss because their status is threatened.

  Mo Mengchen showed his momentum when he joined the Pistons. Hill’s reaction was surprisingly calm. He chose to approach rather than avoid. He adopted tolerance rather than resistance.

   It was Hill’s modesty and regression that allowed Mo Mengchen to grow up smoothly. Until 1999, he truly became the Pistons’ number one player.

   Hill is still dazzling, but the spotlight always shines on Mo Mengchen first. When we are rich, we can only see a person’s sincerity. The piston dynasty reached its heyday, and Hill still fully supported as a green leaf without complaint and regret.

  Mo Mengchen can build an invincible division for the Pistons, but he can hardly find another hill.

   “So, Dad evaluated Cameron so much, is it because you want him to be the second Grant Hill?” Sugla asked.

   “Maybe it is.” The more important reason is that he misses his days with Hill.

   In the starting lineup, suddenly a player of the same generation was gone, and Mo Mengchen was not used to it.

  Sugera couldn’t understand it. He paid more attention to this issue, and then he was attracted by the food on TV.

  Mo Mengchen is the same, they are very keen on food.

  Father and son sat down and commented, commenting on the skill of the chef on the TV, and then visually judged whether the food he made can be called a food.

   They will also play some small games, such as guessing the specific use materials through the appearance of the food production. If the guess is wrong, the next three days will live with the dishes made by Ephraim.

  Because the punishment was too horrible, Mo Mengchen and Sugla had never been involved in this link.

   Later, when Ephraim stumbled upon her and saw that the father and son actually used their own food as a punishment for the other party, she was so angry that she extended the “Ephraim breakfast day” by one week.

   night comes

   Tonight’s Imperial Axis Arena is extremely noisy and lively.

   This is the Pistons’ 7th consecutive year of this ceremony. Some teams have dreamed of holding such a ceremony at home since entering the NBA.

   But this kind of ceremony is not a chance for every team.

   Pistons are different. They have held such grand ceremonies for seven consecutive years, and they have all done their best.

   Fans are no longer so curious about the championship, the important thing is the sense of participation and ceremony.

  Although such ceremonies have been repeated for seven years in a row, as long as the players receive the ring from Stern and watch the championship flag rise again at home, the fans will still give a shrill cheer.

   Dressing room

   The players are all in their own suits, put on the jersey first, and then put on the uniform.

  Anthony prepared without expression. He still had dirty braids, although Mo Mengchen had vomited this hairstyle more than once.

   He did not yield as easily as Webster, he just didn’t want to shave his hair, this was his last stubbornness.

  Mo Mengchen robbed him of his smile, robbed him of his freedom, robbed his habit of growing up, but he couldn’t take away the proud dirty braid alone.

   He vowed to keep dirty braids until the day he died.

   People think that it is darkness to cover our eyes. Only when we wake up will the sky break. Daybreak is not just dawn, the sun is just a morning Lake.”

  Looking at the locker room motto, because every season will be in and out of the locker room, most players have already recite this paragraph.

   “Who’s opponent tonight?” Mo Mengchen was surrounded by them.

   Previously, the person in charge of standing here was Hill, and now only he was qualified to stand here.

   “The Lakers.” Curry answered.

   “Why is this name so familiar?” Mo Mengchen asked.

   Jerome said: “Because we kicked their **** three times in the finals.”

   “Wrong.” Mo Mengchen corrected, “Yes, we have a glorious history. We, and the team’s great ancestors, defeated the Lakers 4 times in the finals.”

   “Tonight, I want to see everyone take a correct attitude and let the world see our determination to chase history and create more glory!”


   “1! 2! 3!”


  The Pistons ran into the field, and they were greeted by the cheers of the audience.

   As for their opponents, they have entered the field first.

  Garnett and Kobe are warming up.

   In the first year of their cooperation, the Lakers had powerful veterans such as Malone and Payton to join, swept the west and successfully reached the division finals. In the second season after that, Garnett and Kobe were affected by injuries. In addition to the lack of depth of the lineup, the team did not have a clear tactical system and lost the semi-finals.

   This season, the depth of the Lakers’ lineup is still stretched. Kobe’s nightmare Smash Parker let the former know-Mr. Kobe, all the encounters in this world are long-term reunions. Even the butterfly effect caused by this traverser could not prevent him from joining the Lakers.

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