You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 102 - Signboard speechless

In the next day’s All-Star game, the Eastern All-Stars defeated the Western All-Stars 129-118, and Jordan scored 20+8 to be elected AMVP.

   This is what Mo Mengchen can’t understand.

   Even Houston is saying: “It makes no sense, why is MVP not Shaq?”

Why do you say that? Because O’Neal took 25+10, his stats are obviously better than Jordan, but this is an All-Star game, the honor is not very important, the dispute only lasted a little.

  The good times always pass very fast, and the few days of vacation will soon pass.

  Mo Mengchen can be said to be a worthwhile trip. He made a group of stars through Dumas, and also performed well in the rookie challenge. The attribute points were once again accumulated to 30,000.

   is a bit bad for the Pistons.

  Unexpectedly, Houston actually scratched his finger because of eating steak and missed most of the month, which caused a lot of trouble to the team.

   In the next half of the month, the starting lineup and rotation adjustment. Substitute replacement must be re-enacted.

   The first game after the end of the All-Star weekend.

   Pistons vs. the Suns.

  Mo Mengchen didn’t expect that when he and Buckley became friends, they would meet on the field.

   smiled off the court, and no one would be merciless when he arrived.

   This game hit the last minute and did not score the victory and defeat, until Mo Menchen’s key shot, it was a goal that no one could have expected.

  Mo Mengchen first hit a pick-and-roll, giving Terry Mills a chance, and the latter made a three-point shot.

   From the moment he shot, Mo Mengchen determined that he would not enter, and he sensed the ball’s falling point, and ran first before anyone else left.

   Eventually, he took the initiative to win this rebound.

   watched him grab the rebound in the air, backhanded and made the whole game boil.

   “Dor.Mo got the fifth triple-double of the season!”

   “His layup extended Detroit’s lead to 5 points!”

   Without counting the triple-double in the Rookie Challenge, this is the fifth time Mo Mengchen has won a triple-double in the regular season.

   The whole game, his stats are 22 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists.

  With Houston absent, he shared the outside shot and scored the team’s highest score with consistent efficiency.

   “Damn, can you see the future?”

   lost the game, Barkley did not know how Mo Mengchen saw the trend of rebounds.

  Although many people can predict the falling point of rebounds, none of them like Mo Mengchen seems to know its landing point in advance. It doesn’t matter whether it will make an error or not. If there is an error, will it be too late to retreat? He didn’t think about it, he just started first, and he really bet on it.

   “I can’t see the future, I just believe my eyes.” Mo Mengchen shook hands with Buckley.

   “I feel my legs and feet are getting more and more uncomfortable.” Buckley said.

   “You hit with injuries?”

   “No, just uncomfortable.”

  If someone in the Pistons feels a little uncomfortable, Mo Mengchen will suggest a truce to the opponent. If it is himself, he will truce without hesitation.

   playing with injuries is certainly courageous, but this is not their job, their job is to stay healthy, so as to better reward the team.

   In Mo Mengchen’s view, it is the most stupid way to take an injury. There is no other benefit besides inspiring the team.

   The question is, there are so many ways to motivate the team, why choose one that will exacerbate its own trauma?

   against the Sun, he got the fifth triple-double.

   At the same time, it also made him achieve another achievement.

   “Achievement: The fifth triple double.”


   The game’s reward points plus achievement reward points, 900+3000, Mo Menchen’s attribute points reached 34000 at once.


  Two days later, the Pistons played away against the King.

   This is still a fierce game, Mo Mengchen swings to the second position, and Dumas returns to the starting position to play the first position.

  Doug Collins is trying various lineups.

   The results show that whether it is the first or second position, Mo Mengchen can help the team, if not worried about his injury, Collins even wants him to try the third position.

  In Sacramento, Mo Mengchen scored 17 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists, and the Pistons won two straight games.

   Back to the home game against the Clippers, Mo Mengchen scored six points and three points in the half and eight points and three points in the game. He scored a career high of 26 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists to sink the Clippers and the Pistons won three straight games.

   “Who said he would not score?”

   “As long as the team needs, he can score.”

  Houston’s first three games missed, averaging 21 points per game, which is a 10 point improvement over his scoring average.

  Through these games, coupled with the surgery done in the past few days, the attribute points accumulated by Mo Mengchen have risen to 35,000, and he has never been so “rich”.

At the end of the month, they have a two-day offseason.

  The final review of the David Sessions case also took place on this day.

   “The government has done nothing.”

   Apartment Garridon

  Mo Mengchen, Medela, Ephraim and David Sessions gathered together.

   “According to the prisoner’s account, he replaced the warning sign with this one before the accident.” Medela took out the sign that said “the government did nothing.”

  Medella said: “The police believe that this practice eventually led to a car accident.”

   “So, you haven’t received any warnings. Congressman Silas Stevens made a false testimony. There were no warning signs on the street that remind you of congestion in front of you.” Mo Mengchen asked.

   “This is it!” Ephraim said, “This is what we need!”

“I heard that the presiding judge Ghana Johnson is a law-abiding person. If he knows that David has not violated traffic rules or ignored warning signs, she may be inclined to our side.” Ephraim was full of spirits, as if hoping for a final trial Start immediately.

  Medela’s eyes moved.

   “In this case, as long as David appears in court again to explain this matter, shall we win?”


   Sessions’ face appeared hard: “I didn’t see any warning signs or street signs at all, and I didn’t have any impression at all.”

   “I don’t remember at all, because at that time…I really couldn’t take care of these.”

Ephraim said: “If you say in court that you don’t remember, the prosecutor will inculcate the audience with a warning sign that says nothing important, because you ignore him, so it doesn’t matter, David , Which is bad for you.”

   “It doesn’t matter, let David appear in court, we are not trying to persuade the prosecutor.” Mo Mengchen smiled, “If they want to ask, let them ask.”


   final review

   court scene

   “Mr Sessions, do you think of street signs now, don’t you think it’s a little late?”

  The prosecutor’s questioner got up and circled around.

  Mo Mengchen also wore a face mask. He looked at the people who came to the hearing. In addition to him, and Sessions’ friends and family, there was Silas Stevens.

   This disgusting guy is also here.

   “And, is this timing a bit weird? Why didn’t you say it until now?”

Faced with the prosecution’s questions, Sessions sat calmly in the position. So far, he has no problem: “It is true, but after such a tragedy has happened to me, I have to face prosecution, which is also very important to me. strange.”

   “You mean, are you surprised that you will face prosecution after killing your wife?”


   Ephraim stood up and shouted.

   “Against invalidation,” the presiding judge said stiffly.

“Why didn’t you tell everyone before that the warning sign reads “The government has done nothing”?” The prosecutor’s questioner pointed at the jury with a proper tone. The average person is easily led away by him, “Because you forgot?” “

  The eyes of Sessions dodged a bit, at this time, the jury looked at him one after another, just saw this scene.

   He was afraid.

  Why should he be afraid? If he didn’t lie, he didn’t need to be afraid.

   “Only for this reason can you explain why you did not see the street sign because you are driving under the influence of alcohol, are you not driving under the influence of alcohol?”


“invalid objection.”

  Ephraim sat down again.

   “Is this all invalid?” Medela scolded, “This stupid presiding judge!”

   “You drank alcohol and you were very angry because you were arguing with your wife.”

   “This is not true!”

What Sessions said is not important to the prosecution, because he said these words to the jury: “You are very angry, and your mind is not clear, otherwise you will definitely see the huge warning sign, and your wife Will not die.”

   “No!” Sessions shouted.

   The more angry he is, the more proud he is.

   “Did you notice the warning sign at that time? No matter what was written on it.” The prosecutor pressed.

  The defense line of Sessions has been destroyed, his voice is hoarse, said: “No, I did not pay attention.”

   “In this case, it doesn’t matter what is written on the warning sign.”

  Mo Mengchen was sitting at the back. He knew that both the prosecution and the jury had fallen into the trap. Ephraim now had to do what she should do.

   is like a show that has been practiced countless times. Complete it!

“The prosecution believes that because David did not pay attention at that time, the content of the warning sign was not important, because David did not pay attention, because David did not see it, and if he did, he would remember that it was normal Logic, right?”

   A member of the jury nodded and agreed with this statement.

   “No, it’s not right,” Ephraim said. “Our brain receives countless messages every second, and we can’t write them down one by one.”

   “The brain will make choices, this is unconscious, we can’t feel it, it will only remember the information that it thinks is useful.”

   “Because only in this way can we focus on important things.”

“And the warning sign that says “The government has done nothing” is important?” Ephraim also looked at the jury. Yes, she saw the obvious expression on the juries’ faces. “This is unimportant information. Even so, In order to prove what I said, because I think this detail is extremely important, you should not just listen to my words, so before the trial began, I quietly let people remove a sign next to His Excellency, that is a very The big sign is very big and very eye-catching. Every court trial is hung on it. Now, can someone tell what is on the removed sign?”

  When Ephraim came here, Medela thought for a while, she had no clue.

  The idea was proposed by Mo Mengchen. She didn’t know why the latter was so sure that no one could remember the sign on the jury.

   “If anyone remembers?”

   “Everyone will ignore irrelevant things, and I will do the same.” Mo Mengchen said.

At this point, Ephraim approached the jury and said, “David saw the warning sign, just like we have all seen the sign next to His Excellency, but like all of us, he ignored it because it was not important Information is worthless.”

   Then, Ephraim turned back and blinked at Mo Mengchen.

  Mo Mengchen got up and took out a sign that read: No noise during the trial.

   “Like this sign,” Ephraim took it from Mo Mengchen’s hand. “As written here, there must be no noise during the trial.”

   “Ms. Orreina, if you put the sign back, I will thank you very much.” The judge said with a straight face.

   “Of course, I will put it back,” Ephraim smiled mischievously, “However, this is not actually the signage around the Lord Judge.”

   She returned to her desk and picked up another sign, “This is what it is.”

   the sign reads: The trial is in progress.


  The prosecutor said: “The defense is misleading the jury!”

   “Ms. Orreina, please put the sign back.”

   “Of course,” Ephraim put the sign back, saying, “I want to express that, just like this sign, they have no value, so we have no impression of it, just like David.”

Ephraim put away his smiley face and said seriously: “I promise, if the information on the warning sign is valuable, such as “congestion ahead, slow down”, then David will remember this information and be prepared, The car accident will not happen, and his wife will not die.”

  Mo Mengchen sat in the position, he could see clearly the face of everyone in the jury.

   He saw them nod slightly.

   They agreed with Ephraim.

“the above.”

After Ephraim returned to its original position, the judge discussed with the jury for a long time, and they finally reached a conclusion.

   “David Sessions acquitted!”

   Everyone was cheering, cheering for this unprovoked lawsuit and this exciting victory.

   Stevens’ face was blue and purple.

   “Congressman Stevens, what a coincidence.”

  Medella has been waiting for this moment.


   Stevens looked at her, not knowing what the woman wanted to do.

   “David’s case is over, yours has just begun.”

   “What do you mean?”

  Medella said with a smile: “To perjury, bribe, recruit prostitutes, deceive the voters, we come one by one, I believe that your future life will be colorful, Mr. Congressman.”

   “You see how proud she is, so stupid.”

   Watching Medela sprinkle salt on Stevens’s wound, Mo Mengchen shook her head again and again.

  Ephraim just wanted to kiss Mo Mengchen’s face fiercely. If he didn’t make a plan behind the scenes, the lawsuit would not go so smoothly.

   It is a pity that he is wearing a mask now, and Ephraim just wants to be lighter than him.

   “Thanks to it today.” Mo Mengchen raised the sign that was confusing.

   “Me too, I love it.” Ephraim picked up the sign that read “Don’t talk during the trial”.

After   , they walked out of the court together and tossed the sign that was loved by thousands of people a few seconds ago into the trash can at the door.

   “Goodbye, signage.”

   “I will always remember you won a lawsuit for me.”

  Said Ephraim affectionately.

   The sign is speechless.

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