You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1020 - Enthusiastic rookie

   Chapter 102: Enthusiastic Rookie

  Mo Mengchen struggled to get up from the bed. The older they were, the less sleep they had. He turned the other way around.

   After getting older, it is difficult to get up on time according to the previous rules.

   He kicked off the quilt, folded the quilt again, and then left the dormitory, a time: 7:41.

   slept 41 more minutes today, but he still felt a little sleepy and glanced at the schedule again.

   Morning surgery, afternoon training, evening competition.

   Very good, such a full planning, my life is really full of meaning-let me die soon.

  Negative emotions only stayed in my mind for a moment. He has lived in this kind of life for more than ten years and has long been used to it.

  He first rinsed, then ate breakfast, turned around and went to the hospital.

He came to the hospital less and less. Because of his existence, St. Lucifer is already the most famous hospital in Detroit. There are many excellent surgeons, but no matter how many surgeons, their reputation is not as good as 100% doctors. Reassure the patient.

   Although Mo Mengchen is no longer a 100% doctor who never misses, he has an indelible contribution to the development of Saint Lucifer Hospital.

  In order to attribute points, he will let the hospital arrange surgery in the morning as soon as he is free.

   Now he doesn’t even come to the hospital even when he’s free, unless it’s surgery day.

   He turned around and unconsciously walked out of Sivers’s office.

  Severus is not only the general manager, but also the deputy dean of St. Lucifer Hospital. When Martin Pinger retires, she is a popular candidate for the dean.

  Mo Mengchen knocked on the door regularly.

   “Please come in.”

   “You are late,” Sivers said.

   “Sorry, in the face of boring things, men are never as enthusiastic as women.” Mo Mengchen walked to the cabinet beside him, took out a bag of instant coffee, filled it with water, and took out his exclusive cup.

  Severus asked, “How have you been recently?”

   She has become accustomed to Mo Mengchen’s talk and the gun and stick, even if their relationship becomes ambiguous, even if she has a daughter for this bastard, this has not changed.

   Sometimes she really thinks, does he treat everyone like this, or is it treated differently?

   “I can still stand here very spiritually, ignoring the crow’s feet on your face, you said I am OK?” Mo Mengchen unpacked the instant coffee bag and poured it in.

  Severus’s eyes developed a few wrinkles.

  Severus is 2 years older than Mo Mengchen, but the white people are always very old, even if she pays attention to maintenance, the years still leave marks on her face.

   Like Ephraim, women who are more and more charming, not to mention white, are also very rare when people of all colors add up.

   “If you have time, go and see Monica.” Sivers said, “She always talks about you.”

  Mo Mengchen held a cup of instant coffee and asked, “There are seven days a week, probably two or three days away from Detroit. I will visit her once or twice a week.”

   “Why can’t it be increased to three or four times?”

   “I try my best.” Mo Mengchen took a quick sip of instant coffee, and the bitter taste made him a lot more energetic.

   The familiar taste will always be so unforgettable.

   only took a sip, and Mo Mengchen dumped it.

Instant coffee is Sivers’ favorite drink in the office. Killing Shirmo Mengchen didn’t know what was delicious. It was unhealthy and nutritious. It was almost useless except for the bitterness of the person. If you drink too much, your teeth will be stained yellow, and bad breath may be serious. It is simply a garbage drink.

  Every time he was sleepy, he would come here to take a sip and dump it.

   “If you don’t want to drink, you can give me a drink.”

  Want to kiss indirectly? Why not be more direct?

  Mo Mengchen pointed to his face: “Look at my bitter face, enough proof that I drank it.”

   “Yes, just took a sip, and then dumped it.” Sivers got up. “Don’t you know it’s shameful to waste, Dr. Mo?”

Mo Mengchen placed the cup on the table and said eloquently: “If the world would be destroyed because I was wasting a bitterly bitter cup of coffee, my behavior would indeed be shameful.” If the world is so stingy If so, let it be destroyed.

   looked closer, although Sivers’s face value has deteriorated, but through beautiful makeup can still reach the peak of the beauty.

  Makeup is really a magical skill.

  Mo Mengchen threw a handful of bangs, “If nothing else, I’m going to have an operation.”

   “The operation time is nine o’clock, and half an hour.” Sivers reminded.

  I don’t want people to console the patient before the operation and let him relax on the operation. I will definitely let him wake up unharmed?

   Well, I am not so kind.

   “You still have something?” Mo Mengchen asked.

  Siefers put down the file and smiled softly: “Please ask Dr. Mo to lock the door first, let’s talk slowly.”

  Mo Mengchenpi looked at her with a smile: “Is it too late to run now?”

   “Unless you plan to’talk’ about it in your office.” Sivers got up, leaned down slightly, and the cool-colored suit slipped slightly, showing the beauty of the center. “I have no opinion.”

   It’s so good, the real version of “Night XXX” is going to be staged in Detroit’s best hospital, St Lucifer Medical Center.

in the afternoon

  Mo Mengchen joined the team training on time.

   has played five games so far this season, the Pistons record is four wins and one loss.

   won the four pairs of hands, such as the Hornets, the edge of the pursuit of the playoff team, there are the Lakers such as the need to go all out to the enemy and the championship contenders, the same, of course, there are grizzly and jazz fish belly.

In the game where    lost, the opponent was also a dead enemy.

   Philadelphia 76ers from the east.

   Today’s 76ers are still Duncan and Iverson’s team.

  Since the two men joined the group four years ago, the 76ers entered the second period of the team’s strong season. They reached the division finals three times in four years, all lost to the Pistons.

  Iverson and Duncan are not young, a 30-year-old, a 29-year-old, the good old days have passed away, they have only a few years of prime time to pursue the championship.

  If they can no longer succeed, they will become tragic heroes like Malone and Elgin Baylor.

   Even if they become such a person, there is no need to be sad, because there are too many sad superstars of the same generation.

   defeated the Pistons battle, mainly because Duncan’s inside was unstoppable.

   37 minutes, 15 rebounds and 6 blocks of performance, ruled the three-second zone, less than half time, Curry hit a foul crisis, swinging back to power forward even more Gerard burst into suspicion of life.

  The Pistons swallowed their first defeat of the season, which was completely expected.

  Tonight, they will usher in their sixth opponent this season-the Cleveland Cavaliers.

  Affected by the butterfly effect of the Crosser, the fate of the knight has completely changed.

   The King of Akron, the little emperor James is now sitting on the Iron Throne of Apolis, and is escorted as the Wolf King II, and assisted by the powerful crocodiles such as O’Neill.

   What about a knight? They did not get a historical superstar similar to James.

But in the past few years, under the leadership of Ricky Davis and Ben Wallace, each year is enough to make the playoffs. The Eastern Conference team, the whole team runs like a team. A weakened version of Boom Pistons.

   Last offseason, Steve Nash, the son of the wind abandoned by the Mavericks, chose to join, making up the Cavaliers’ biggest shortcoming.

It seems that the pinnacle has passed, and Nash, who should consider retiring in a few years, even gave Cleveland a second spring, not only leading the Cavaliers to play the league’s premier offensive efficiency, but also eliminating Nick Penny Hardaway’s lead in the first round of the playoffs. Sri Lanka, who reported the revenge of the previous year, lost six games in the semi-final against the Pistons.

  The combination of Nash and Davis is known as the weakened version of Mormon Dust and Hill.

  The Cavaliers should not be underestimated. Davis is no longer the saddled younger brother of that year. He is the only star in the East.

“The Cavaliers are coming tonight, and we all know that they are the top teams in the East.” Frasses stood on the court at the Henry Ford Training Center. “They not only have our old friend Ricky, but also big players. Ben, Steve Nash is also an excellent star guard.”

   is also a hand mask, foot, tongue and tongue licking lick, Canadian dirty goods with very bad hygiene habits.

  Every time he plays a game with Nash, Mo Mengchen will let others switch defenses.

   There was no other reason. He simply couldn’t bear the operation of “set the hand soles before the free throw, and then stick out the tongue to lick the left palm and lick the right palm just after wiping the sole”.

   “Today we will not practice our strength, and leave your strength to greet the Cleveland.”

  After finishing the speech, Frauss let the people disband.

  Mo Mengchen patted the ready to do shooting training.

   This year’s only rookie Mattel Webster enthusiastically ran over and asked, “Daddy, do you need to take your hand?”

   “I just need a caddie to pass.” Mo Mengchen said.

   “I am willing to work for you.” Webster salutes like a mercenary in a fantasy novel, and actively shows Mo Mengchen his bald head.

His dirty braids have been shaved completely, as Mo Mengchen said, he looks very ugly with bangs, but when he shaved his head, the leader of this matter-Dor. Mo, suddenly found that the most The one who knows himself is always himself, although the dirty braid does not match Webster, but it is much better than bald.

  Poor child, obviously in his early 20s, with a bald head to match this old face, just like a 40-year-old veteran.

  Mo Mengchen had no remorse in his heart, he really asked Webster to help him pick up/pass the ball.

   Today, his shooting feel is not very good, Webster showed enough enthusiasm, running around, running around, is definitely a qualified caddie.

   “Don’t you tell the rookie, even if he is as enthusiastic as the side dog, will the dad not treat him tenderly?” Magloire asked.

   everyone shook their heads.

  Since he doesn’t know, let him continue without knowing it, it’s not a bad thing anyway.

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