You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1029 - Beautiful and worth remembering

   Chapter 129 is beautiful and worth remembering

  Medella is not malicious, she has limited knowledge of Ephraim’s life.

  Mo Mengchen asked her to stop: “Okay, don’t ask East West, just finish breakfast, and bring this dog who only speaks people and leave here!”

   “What’s the hurry…” Medela gave him a dissatisfied look.

   This woman is more and more pretentious.

  After Medela mentioned Ephraim’s family, she was silent. She didn’t say anything until Medela left.

  Mo Mengchen comforted her and said: “Don’t think about it, Amel is an idiot, she is unintentional.”

   “I know.” Medela whispered, “I just remembered something suddenly.”

   “What’s the matter?” Mo Mengchen asked.

  Ephraim said, “When I was 10 years old, when my mother gave birth to Adrian, she died of dystocia…”

   This matter, Mo Mengchen knew that it had been known a long time ago, but he never found Ephraim to know the inside story.

  Just like he did not want to mention his family, Ephraim was not willing.

  Ephraim’s father, Pedro Orreina, was imprisoned for economic crimes when Ephraim was 13 years old. He faced multiple charges and was eventually sentenced to 18 years in prison.

   Calculate the time, it should have been released from prison for 2 years now.

   But Mo Mengchen had never seen this father-in-law, and never heard Ephraim mention him.

  Ephraim said: “In the past many years, I almost forgot him, he is no different from my mother who passed away, but recently, I feel that he has come to me, but I can not recognize him.”

   Feeling? Mo Mengchen had a creepy feeling.

The doubts in his mind were quickly dispelled. On the day of Ephraim’s marriage to him, there were few relatives from her family. Even if her father could inquire about her residence and want to enter the Garryton apartment, he faced the most professional. The security team and the top security measures on earth.

   These people and measures are not like the mansions in the movie that were casually broken by spies or killers.

  If you want to threaten the security of your apartment, you can’t do it.

   Not to mention his father-in-law.

  As long as he wants to meet Ephraim, as long as he wants to enter the Garridon apartment, he must pass the certification of the bodyguard team.

  Once he reports his identity, it matters a lot. The bodyguard guarding the apartment will naturally tell Mo Mengchen.

  Mo Mengchen has not received any news about his father-in-law’s visit.

   “Why is this feeling?” Mo Mengchen asked.

   “I have recently received public calls from outside.” Ephraim said, “There is no sound on the other end of the phone. After a few seconds, he will hang up.”

   “What if it’s a prank?”

  Ephraim was like seeing her father with her own eyes: “I can feel it is him, I have no evidence, but I have a feeling.”

   “If it really is, why didn’t he come to you directly or find me?” Mo Mengchen asked, “We can provide him with a superior life. If he is released from prison, he should come to you or find me.”

   Then, Mo Mengchen learned something from Ephraim’s mouth that he had never heard of before.

  When Ephraim was a child, Pedro was busy with work and stayed away from her family. In addition to supporting the family’s financial resources, she never felt her fatherly love.

   “He has never seen me before coming to school.”

After Ephraim’s mother died of dystocia, the family hired a nanny. Their sister and brother even got closer to the nanny. Except for holidays, they rarely saw their father. Then, it was the one who changed Orrina. Case of family fate.

  Pedro was involved in economic crimes, with strong evidence, facing multiple charges and was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

“I have always felt that he doesn’t like me and Adrian all these years, so I don’t like him either.” Ephraim said with red eyes, and I didn’t know that he was angry because he remembered these old things, he was still sad, “I was working while going to school, with hatred towards him, and until today, I just wanted to prove that without him, I could have a good life like Adrian.”

  The matter has come to this point, Mo Mengchen can only say: “It’s all gone.”

  He patted Ephraim’s shoulder and took her into his arms.

   At noon, Mo Mengchen drove to the Henry Ford Center.

  He has gifts here, a lot of gifts.

   is after all Thanksgiving, and teammates will give each other gifts to connect with each other. When Mo Mengchen first joined the Pistons, his teammates didn’t understand his preferences, so he gave him high-end kitchenware.

   At first Mo Mengchen felt that they were very attentive. After that, he sent kitchen utensils for several years in a row, which made his warehouse not only kitchen utensils but also kitchen utensils.

   Later, he said that if someone sends kitchen utensils again, he will refuse.

   So, his Thanksgiving gifts have become diverse.

Since Momengchen couldn’t keep up with it, what gifts to give Momengchen became a problem for this group of big bosses. Some people gave gold chains, some people gave high-end hairsprays-to keep Stallone’s hairstyle without hairspray, some people Send ancient tactical illustrations.

   “This group of guys can always give me some fresh tricks.” Mo Mengchen looked at the pile of gifts.

   Even the assistants gave gifts, which made him deeply ashamed.

  He didn’t have so many things to give gifts, the same thing, bought dozens of pieces and packed it, let people send to the team one by one, live together.

  Because there are too many gifts, Mo Mengchen needs the help of the stadium staff to bring these things to the parking lot and put them in the trunk at one time.

   These enthusiastic staff, Mo Mengchen did not treat them badly. He took out his personal shoes prepared in advance and gave them to them. First, thank them for their help, and second, it is also a gift for Thanksgiving.

  No matter what, they have a reason to accept the gratitude.

  The next stop is Noah Sivers’s home.

  Although he couldn’t spend Thanksgiving with Sivers and Monica, he would spend some time every year to sit in their home.

   Monica just regarded him as an enthusiastic uncle, and had not found many similarities between them.

  Mo Mengchen always compares Monica, Loriya and Irene. Monica is older than Loriya and Erin, and she has more Asian features.

   In other words, she inherited the characteristics of more fathers.

   “Uncle, why don’t you want me to be a doctor when I grow up?” Monica asked around Mo Mengchen.

   “Because it is difficult.” Mo Mengchen said.

  Curious children ask how difficult it is, and Monica is no exception.

   “My good girl, do you think your uncle has much hair?” Mo Mengchen proudly displayed his hair.

  If he is going to make a costume drama in China now, he can even avoid wigs.

   “More!” Monica replied concisely.

“There are many disciplines in medicine. In a subject in a discipline, there are many points that need to be recorded, which are comparable to our hair.” Mo Mengchen reached out his hand and lifted a hair in his forehead. “The teacher will I would like to ask you what is the scientific name of this hair, what benefits does its existence have for our body, and what are the consequences of losing it and having it? Can we perform additional treatment on it? What will these treatments cause? as a result of?”

  Mo Mengchen wanted to scare the child, but she said that Monica’s curiosity was even heavier.

   “What is the scientific name of this hair? What benefits does its existence have for our body?…?”

  The omnipotent Dor.Mo on the court dug himself and buried himself.

  Severus laughed out loud.

   Monica didn’t know why her mother laughed, just got infected, and followed by a bell-like laughter.

  Dor.Mo is usually very serious. Everyone thinks it’s funny, he won’t laugh. At this moment, he laughed for his stupidity, for the innocence of his daughter, for this rare moment.

   But he will leave after all.

   “Monica likes you very much, she can’t bear you to leave, so she won’t come out and give you away.” Sivers said.

   They walked outside together.

   “I like her too.” Of course, I can’t bear her either.

  Mo Mengchen got in the car, rolled down the window, and Sivers lightly kissed his lips: “Be careful on the road.”

  Mo Mengchen slowly started the car and drove towards the home.

   On the way home, his cell phone rang, it was a call from Apolis.

   Caller: Grant Hill-the most wordy man in the world.

   “Can I have turkey meat in the hospital?” Mo Mengchen asked.

   “No!” Hill told Mo Mengchen sadly, “Doctors say my current constitution can’t absorb the nutrients of turkey, will this be permanent?”

  Do you want to scare him?

  Mo Mengchen worried about scaring him to death, forget it, and told him the truth directly.

   “Generally speaking, no.” Mo Mengchen said.

   “What about the average?”

   “If you want to cause permanent trauma to your physique, resulting in inability to absorb meat nutrition, the probability is one in 100 million.” Mo Mengchen said.

   If this kind of trauma really occurs, Hill will not only be reimbursed for the season, but his entire sports career will also be terminated. To the extent that the Mayo Clinic attaches importance to him, such a thing is impossible.

   But this kind of thing is really difficult to say, after all, the incidence of Hill’s infection is one in one million.

   Although it is not a concept with one hundredth of a billion, it is also unlucky to count.

   Hill felt relieved as soon as he heard it: “I still listen to my dad’s words, and I feel a lot relieved at once.”

   He actually said that I was listening? Mo Mengchen suddenly found that staying in the hospital for a long time would indeed make a person silly, which is why he gave up being a doctor in this life. Humph.

  Hill and Mo Mengchen chatted a few words, said happy holidays, and then hung up the phone at the nurse’s urging.

   “Poor, all calls are restricted.” Mo Mengchen shook his head for a while.

  Mo Mengchen returned to the Garryton apartment, parked the car in the parking lot, entered the elevator through the secret passage of the parking lot, and went directly to the second

  He gently knocked on the door and opened it.

   “Dr. Mo, go to the kitchen, or your sister will cook again!” Adrian shouted like he saw the savior.

   He pushed Mo Mengchen away and said, “I will help you to watch the children, you can quickly take the kitchen back from my sister!”

   “Wait a minute!”

  Mo Mengchen leaned over a head toward the living room, “Hello, my little friend.”

   I saw the eldest daughter Loriya said with eyes, “Dad, you must regain control of the kitchen!”

Under the warm request of the child and the younger uncle, Mo Mengchen could only obey. He came to the kitchen and found that Ephraim was about to destroy this dinner. He hurriedly stopped, starting with “Aren’t we saying that?” , “Leave it to me for Thanksgiving dinner this year” as an auxiliary sentence, and finally, “You have worked hard all day, you should take a good rest, it is bad for your skin to stay in the kitchen for a long time” as a killer, persuaded the stubborn wife.

   “Then…okay.” Ephraim gave up the kitchen.

  Mo Mengchen made a dinner that satisfied everyone.

   Ephraim, Adrian, and the four children are enjoying themselves. They are carefree. The smile on their faces and the cheerful atmosphere are enough to show that this is a beautiful and memorable Thanksgiving dinner.

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