You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1034 - This is definitely a dream!

   Chapter 1034 This is definitely a dream!

   “Our attack tonight is like Hodge’s conjecture, they will never be able to solve it.”

  After the game, Eddie Curry said 34 points, 14 rebounds, 7 assists and 5 blocks.

   His performance tonight is dominant, as the axis of the triangle offense, Mo Mengchen and Anthony are his foil.

   Although Mo Mengchen and Anthony both have 20 points, their impact on the game is far less direct than Curry.

  He alone smashed the Trailblazers inside, forcing them to be involved. The doubles cannot prevent the Pistons’ offense. The opponent’s doubles only provide Curry with an opportunity to demonstrate his passing skills.

   It was after the opponents’ double-teaming that Curry kept sending out passes that created open shots, which fundamentally killed the game.

   “I now know why you chose him.”

When    finished the game, Miller said to Mo Mengchen.

  Mo Mengchen also glanced at Curry, the reporter’s enthusiasm, but the knife mouth still couldn’t hold back: “He played so well, indicating that your defense has a big problem, you should reflect on it.”

   Miller only had a wry smile.

After the on-site interview, the reporter also asked Mo Mengchen’s evaluation of Curry tonight.

   “He played well.” Mo Mengchen said critically, “It would be better if there were no mistakes.”

   Curry’s total data is 34 points, 14 rebounds, 7 assists, 5 blocks and 2 turnovers and 4 fouls.

   You know, Curry is the core of the offensive and defensive tonight, he is under the greatest pressure.

   Trailblazers later took countless ways to limit his low post attack.

  Mo Mengchen’s harshness to the Piston Double Probe has never been directly praised and also became a fan’s talk.

   “If Dor.Mo named Eddie and Cameron one day, it must be the end of the world.”

   “If one day, Dor.Mo praised the double flowers, the family sacrifice will never forget the naeng.”

   “Eddie Curry’s performance is too bad. Although he ruled the scene, he still has 2 turnovers and 4 fouls? This is really unacceptable!”

   Of course, there are other ways for the media to ridicule Mo Mengchen.

   It is very dangerous to do so. Mo Mengchen is the deity of Detroit, the darling of the media, if the scale of the play is not properly controlled, it is very likely to catch fire.

   There are a lot of talks about why Mo Mengchen kept quiet about praise and double exploration.

   “Unsurprisingly, Eddie Curry will still be selected as an All-Star this year, and is likely to be selected for the best lineup for the first time in his career. Will Dor.Mo praise him then?”

   On this issue, ESPN initiated a vote on the official Twitter.

   The total number of voters is up to 2 million, and more than 70% of them voted “no”.

   It seems that everyone knows Mo Mengchen very well.

   As for the Pistons, no one would be so stupid as to ask such a question. After so many years, Curry is also used to the days of not receiving praise.

It’s just that Mo Mengchen didn’t praise other people. Grant Hill’s eloquence could boast him and dance, plus a few sentences from Westphal, enough to satisfy the young people represented by Double Probe. .

   Now that Hill is reimbursed for the season, at least he won’t be able to return to the team until April next year. Suddenly there are only big sticks, no one feeds the radish, and the young people are really a little uncomfortable.

   “Mo, do you really not praise them a few words?” Fraises and Mo Mengchen walked back to the dressing room together.

   “Is this necessary?” Mo Mengchen asked back.

  Fraises had an iconic smile on his face. This smile warmed people’s hearts. When he entered the Pistons, he used this smile to capture people’s hearts.

   Fraser’s sweet smile, and Hill’s frowning smile, are two indispensable scenery in the piston locker room.

   Of course, Dor.Mo’s sneer with a straight face can also be included.

“If I were a young man on the team, I played Eddie like this tonight, I would like Dor. Mo to boast me a few words, it may be more praise for me than the head coach to call him alone to the office for half an hour. It’s even more significant.” Fraises said, “Mo, shells and icing are indispensable.”

  Mo Mengchen seemed to be able to see Hill standing beside him, a symbolic bitter smile on his face, proudly said: “Look, my importance is self-evident.”

   If this season is counted from November 1st, now 33 days have passed.

   33 days when my mother was away, I really missed him a bit.

   “I can try it.” Mo Mengchen stepped up and said suddenly, “You’d better not expect too much.”

   “I am very happy that you are willing to give it a try.” Frasses kept up.

   Locker room, everyone is very active.

   Tonight is a victory for young people. Mo Mengchen walked on the field, scoring 22 points, 7 rebounds and 4 assists, watching Curry pocket the game.

  The era of young people has indeed arrived.

“I’ve been emphasizing that we have to play smart, because you are all talented.” After entering the locker room, Frauss turned the locker room into his podium. The voice of the kind fat fat man was very good. Infectious, “You did it tonight! Talent is the treasure in your body, wisdom is the key to unlocking the treasure. Don’t forget, you represent not only yourself, but also the glory of the Pistons’ nine crowns, this Glory is heavy and solemn, and you must be gifted and wise. Please keep it up, just like tonight.”

  Flauses finished, his eloquence was so outstanding, people could not help but want to applaud him.

   This guy is a natural chicken soup master, who has been with Westphal all these years. He fully realized how limited the coach’s influence can be during the game.

  Controlling the emotions of the players, controlling the rhythm of the court, decentralizing in a timely manner, and making contingency strategies are the duties of an excellent coach.

   He is no longer the rookie that was applauded by the Zen master.

   “I am proud of your performance, go back to the hotel and have a good rest.” After that, Frauss brought his things, gave Mo Mengchen a look of “please start your performance”, and then walked out of the locker room.

  After the coach left, Hill will break the silence and enliven the atmosphere of the locker room.

  If Hill is inactive, no one will dare to speak if Mo Mengchen is calm.

   This season, the Pistons’ locker room has been quiet.

The peaceful locker room atmosphere makes it more difficult for Mo Mengchen to speak, because as long as he speaks, everyone’s attention will be transferred, and then he has to be in front of everyone, embarrassingly rewarding Eddie Curry deserve Compliment.


  When Mo Mengchen spoke, the twelve other players and many assistants in the locker room turned their heads.

   They are all serious looking “you please, we all listen”.

  This is called Dor.Mo.

   “Your performance tonight can be scored 95 points, if there aren’t those two mistakes, maybe worth a full score.” Even this level of recognition has made Anthony’s eyes hot.

  Once you win 34+14+7+5 in a single game, you can get praise? Mr. Bitter Melon thought in surprise.

   34+14+7 is a difficult stat for him, but it is not impossible. The difficulty lies in 5 blocks. He has only won 4 blocks in one game so far.

   “However,” yes, he should have cursed Eddie! Mr. Bitter Gourd determined that this would happen, and he looked forward to it. As a result, Mo Mengchen went on to say, “Even a player like me has 2.8 turnovers per game.”

  Whatthefuck! ! !

  Everyone looked at in amazement. I saw Mo Mengchen said to Curry, “So I have to admit that you played well tonight and continue to maintain.”

   The scene was as quiet as a dead person, Curry shouted, “No problem! I can keep it! No problem! No problem…!”

  After ten consecutive problems, Mo Mengchen nodded and took the bath towel into the shower room.

   “Cough…” The Argentine demon knife said in disbelief, “If I heard correctly, the father just praised you face to face, right?”

The veteran of the same generation as Mo Mengchen said his professional analysis: “No, he said a total of three sentences. The first sentence is a polite compliment, and the second sentence is an analogy with himself. It should be regarded as a sandy projective compliment. Three sentences are positive compliments…so…I suspect that Mo who appears in the dressing room tonight is a dummy.”

Since Mo Mengchen rarely praises others, his teammates, mainly Roll, launched a “Dor.Mo praise This system is divided into three levels: euphemistic praise, sandy projective praise , Positive praise.

   This system is very popular.

  Trash dog Jerome Williams pointed to the wall: “Eddie, why don’t you bump into it and try it? This is definitely a dream!”

   Curry was excited to go crazy, walked around the locker room, and finally took off his jersey directly, twisting his fat buttocks and shaking like Cai Xukun passionately.

   Seeing Anthony’s bitter expression, Curry patted his shoulder with pride: “Mello, don’t worry, as long as you learn more from me, one day, Dad can also give you positive encouragement!”

   “Go!” Anthony snapped his hand, “I’m not rare.”

  Mo Mengchen heard the movements in the dressing room. He didn’t expect a praise that embarrassed him to make Curry excited like this.

   For a long time, he always played the role of critic.

   This character is especially suitable for him who can inadvertently export wounds.

   There was Hill before. No matter how bad he hurt young people, the former can heal their wounds and make them stronger.

   And now, after all, Hill is temporarily out of the team.

  Young people want to accept new roles, and he is the same.

   So, this is fair.

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