You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1038 - I should say that I have given in, right?

  Chapter one hundred and thirty-eight I should say yes, right?

   Parker singled out Mo Mengchen’s success to cheer up the team. He who was too proud even sprayed a **** sentence to Mo Mengchen: “Success, Dor.Mo.”

  Curry ran to the basket to pick up the ball, not to mention Bend, he can achieve his goal tonight if he can play above average.

  If he didn’t even perform above average, he knew he would definitely be scolded by Mo Mengchen.

   This is beyond doubt!

  Curry didn’t find that Mo Mengchen’s attention was taken away by Parker. The Frenchman said “acceptance”, which gave Dor.Mo a little anger in his heart.

   “I bet that the French are going to be unlucky tonight!” Minneapolis, thousands of miles away, Hill, who has spent the most dangerous time, was qualified to watch the game live, and he confidently told the nurses around him.

  Concession, right?

  Mo Mengchen patted the ball heavily, two meters away from Parker.

   Nine meters away, Mo Mengchen shot a three-pointer directly, quite unreasonably, and Parker wanted to fail to defend, they were too far apart, and there was a certain gap between their height and bounce.

   Three points hit directly!

   7 to 10

   “I should say this to me.” Dor.Mo kept a small belly in the frontcourt, and he was very concerned about Parker’s rubbish, “Concession, thank you for giving me such a big empty shooting opportunity.”

  What can Parker say? The top three-pointer is the farthest from the basket-7.25 meters. Mo Mengchen only stood two meters away from there. Who could have thought that he shot without thinking? And, what kind of people would use it as a vacancy?

   still free? Where do the monsters take that opportunity as a vacancy?

  The Pacers’ counterattack was just in time. Bend finally got rid of Gerrard’s entanglement. He didn’t expect this guy who looked like a small forward to start crazy and have such power.

   The ballless winding just made him really trouble, this time, he decided to fight back.

  Bend’s footsteps are fast, penetrating Gerard’s defense like an arrow. The defense is like a fishing net, cut by a sharp weapon, Bend rushes into the restricted area of ​​the Pistons. Even if Curry’s assist defense is in place, he still uses a left hand lever like a monster to avoid the block and play cricket.

   12 to 7

   “8 to 0.” Mo Mengchen threw the ball to Curry. “It seems that you have done a good job of mathematics. Knowing that 0 is divided or multiplied by all is equal to 0. I really look down on you.”

  What does Curry need to do to pretend that he cannot understand Mo Mengchen mocking him?

   “Why didn’t you go to college?” Mo Mengchen chased him, “So we won’t delay you to become a mathematician.”

  Education Curry is just an episode in the game. The things about Mo Mengchen and Parker are not over yet.

  When Mo Mengchen hits a nine-meter three-pointer over Parker’s head, French sports cars can no longer give Mo Mengchen a lost space.

   Even if you are shopping at the LOGO location of Dor.Mo Dribble Station, you can’t give you a seat. The ghost knows if you will suddenly throw your brain into the water and throw it in…

   Parker’s defensive determination is quite strong, he ignored one thing-to give Mo Mengchen space, not because Mo Mengchen does not have the ability to shoot those long-range three-pointers, but his breakthrough is more dangerous.

  Since Mo Mengchen has become a dangerous breakthrough player, he has evolved from a frightening shooter to an unsolvable attacker.

  Parker posted so tightly, for Mo Mengchen, it only takes a start to break through this defense.

  In a blink of an eye, Parker’s defense was broken, and the Pacers’ defensive flexibility was commendable, but Mo Mengchen strangled the reins at the free throw line, controlled his body, and made a jump shot.

   9 to 12

   “Merci, I am grateful for the space you gave me.” Mo Mengchen said to Parker.

  Parker’s complexion is getting worse and worse.

  Merci means thanks in French. Mo Mengchen must have learned the word specifically, and it is very authentic. He can’t hear that this is an Australian who has never set foot in France.

   “It seems that Tony Allen’s attack angered Dor. Mo.” Lambier laughed.

   Based on Vinier Johnson’s knowledge of Mo Mengchen, he put forward another point of view: “I believe things are not so simple, maybe Tony also sprayed some unpleasant **** afterwards.”

  He said that Parker disagreed. The word “acceptance” is both humble and polite. How can it be unpleasant rubbish? In fact, Parker is not wrong, he just said something pretending in a bad way, and you know, Dor. Mo hates others pretending to be in front of him.

  The Pacers’ offense was in Artest’s hands. Bend’s breakthrough was blocked by Curry’s assist defense and it was lucky to be able to pass the ball. Artest didn’t have such a delicate offensive skill. When confronting Anthony, the two bodies collided first. Then, the beast made a jumper without any technical skills.

   missed a shot, Curry protected the defensive rebound and dumped it to Mo Mengchen for the first time.

Rebounding is Curry’s advantage. Bend has not had a double-rebounding season so far. The main reason is that he is always outside and it is difficult to get easy rebounds. The second is that he can’t keep his current style of play. The practice is too strong, which is not good for the card position; the third is that his rebounding prediction is not top, and the rebounding depends on talent and enthusiasm.

   Curry’s speed allows him to catch up with Mo Mengchen, which is also the speed that makes him an unlucky background for this counterattack.

  Mo Mengchen and Parker entered the basket together.

  If Parker still had a touch of reason, he should stop and watch God’s performance, he didn’t do it, because Mo Mengchen’s **** words had angered him.

  The two took off together, and Parker, who was irrational, wanted to cover Mo Mengchen? The intense contact in the air caused the French sports car to overturn on the spot. He was knocked to the ground by Mo Mengchen. He only heard a whistle and no suspense. This is Parker’s defensive foul-BOOM! Mo Mengchen then smashed the ball down to complete a murderous counterattack.


   Live fans are as fanatical as God.

  Mo Mengchen’s children were also attracted by what happened on the field.

  Loriya and Irene couldn’t help but take off the Walkman and screamed with the audience.

  Mo Mengchen grabbed the basket and looked down coldly at Parker who fell to the ground: “I should still thank you for your hard work to catch up to make this dunk more exciting.”

   Parker looked up at Mo Mengchen hanging from the basket, with fear in his eyes, but more anger.

   “I swear in the name of God, I will definitely fight back!” Parker said fiercely.

  Mo Mengchen finally let go and walked to the free throw line without looking back: “Don’t always embarrass God, God is busy.”

   Halfway through the first quarter, Curry failed to compete with Bend.

   stood up and attacked Bend by Mo Mengchen. These three three-pointers made the game back to the starting line.

   12 to 12

  The Pacers coach Rick Carlisle saw Parker drink irrationally and distracted others. He knew that the impulsive Frenchman had fallen into the trap of Dor. Mo.

   Gerrard’s defense against Bend is very laborious.

   As long as Bender receives the ball, Gerald’s defense will be difficult to follow, and the opponent’s confrontation after starting is beyond his tolerance.

   Therefore, off-ball defense is the key to defending Bender. In order to get rid of his defense, Bend had to bypass the space like an outside line. As a result, he ran for a long time, and Parker let him get away. He drove the ball and hit Mo Mengchen.

   Bender had no choice but to put his hands on his hips and his face was full of helplessness, “I see what you want to do.”

   Parker’s breakthrough ability is well known, Mo Mengchen defended him all by speed and body advantage. If Parker’s speed can’t be simply accomplished, it is more passive to go to the penalty area and want to show a layup.

   This time Mo Mengchen was well prepared, and after Parker’s turn was caught up, he couldn’t do anything at all.

   The offense was stuck in the paint zone. The Pistons surrounded him. Parker’s recklessness led to an offensive defeat. The Pacers were attacked for three seconds.

   “For your generosity, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you on behalf of this group of incompetent guys.” Mo Mengchen smiled and said to Parker, who was retreating.

Curry just wanted to show that he wasn’t a bad guy, Mo Mengchen threw the ball to Anthony, who stood at the sideline, and said: “If I was beaten 8 to 0 by the guy who promised to start at the beginning, I would know Closed her mouth.”


   “Dear Mr. Curry, everyone in the world who is ridiculed and sarcasm deserves a crime.” Mo Mengchen received a serve from Anthony’s sideline.

  Curry’s heart was not as fragile as he used to be. After five years with Mo Mengchen, he had refined a face comparable to body armor. A few **** words could not hurt him.

  He said eloquently: “Although Mr. Bender scored more points than, but our rebounds are 4-2, I have the advantage, daddy, you must admit it?”

  Curry was right, but Mo Mengchen had already dribble the ball and headed away.

  Anthony gave Curry a slightly regretful look, and Curry ran forward smilingly.

This world is so peculiar. He is also in hell. Some people can live optimistically like Curry and create an indestructible heart; others can be as tough as Anthony. After the sweet smile disappears, it is replaced by an easy Unshakable and resolute face.

  Mo Mengchen gently clapped his hands, Shuang Tanhua suddenly stepped forward, made a high double pick and roll.

   The Pacers were shocked. Okur and Artest quickly came over to stop people, but at their speed, Mo Mengchen passed Parker back and forth three times.

  Mo Mengchen drove Parker away from behind a dribble. Parker wanted to chase back, but bumped into Curry’s chest, and sat down directly on the ground. Then he watched Mo Mengchen dribble into the penalty area and jumped up, facing Bend’s help, just like the admiral of a million troops. The enemies at the first level, with their hands up and down, separated the ball into the basket across Bend.

   Dor.Mo’s voice sounded the Empire Axis Arena.

  Mo Mengchen ignored Bend, who lost his big face, and passed by Parker when he returned to the defense, and asked coldly, “I should say yes, right?”


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