You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1042 - 3rd grade bastard

   “Mo, how would you rate Eddie Curry tonight?”

   “Except for offensive, impeccable.”

  Mo Mengchen rarely praised Curry’s performance.

   Although Curry didn’t feel well today, his offense relied on tactical position to eat the cake and grab the offensive rebound after the second attack.

  Relying on intelligence and enthusiasm, Curry scored 14 points, 20 rebounds, 9 assists and 6 blocks.

   Moreover, of his 20 rebounds, 8 are offensive rebounds, compared with the Pacers’ two starting inside rebounds with a total of 17 rebounds.

   As the game showed, the only thing Bender did better than Curry was offense.

   Bend scored 34 points, 9 rebounds and 4 assists tonight. From the data point of view, he played like a small forward with a strong rebounding ability.

  Because of the lack of tough performance in rebounding, Bender has also been widely criticized by old-school players.

  In an era when elders pull out shots and will be labeled as soft eggs, Bend’s style of play says that the good points are epoch-making, and the unpleasant points are reverse times.

   Then, the media asked Anthony again.

   Still that question, what do you think Anthony did?

   Tonight’s Anthony is quite satisfactory, the offense is not as good as Mo Mengchen, and the comprehensiveness is not comparable to Curry, just doing what a second attacker should do.

  Mo Mengchen scored 45 points, 8 rebounds, and 12 assists. Anthony received a midfielder with a small number of low backs and a large number of counterattacks. He scored 23 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists.

   “About this matter, you can understand through the game video.” Mo Mengchen said stiffly.

   He still did not praise Anthony.

  Why not praise Anthony? Mo Mengchen couldn’t tell himself.

  Compared to Curry’s previous life of parallelism due to lack of discipline, Anthony proved himself, also because there is no strict discipline, and eventually became a star destined to be covered up by history. The latter is undoubtedly more pity.

   Because of this, Mo Mengchen’s demands on Anthony are too high.

   The harsh response to the direct treatment was that melons became bitter melons.

   “Can Cameron Anthony get a commendation from Dor.Mo in his life? We will wait and see!”

  After the press conference, Mo Mengchen got up and left the room, followed by Curry.

   “Dad, is Melo not playing well?” Curry asked.

  Fraises behind them, heard Curry take the initiative to provoke the topic, he could not help listening carefully.

  Fraises has been in the team for many years, watching the Pistons play the semifinals to the division finals, and then become the final champion, creating a dynasty.

  Mo Mengchen teaches newcomers, especially the way to train players, which makes him feel new.

  The dynasty of the Pistons came and went, and there were always a few fixed people.

   The success of Mo Mengchen and Hill shows that a team must have both ghosts and angels.

   But if Li Gui and Angel choose one of them, Frasses may choose the former.

Take the coach as an example, Pat Riley is a ghost like Mo Mengchen. He is unpopular, but he can win the championship; Westphal is a hill-like angel. He is tolerant, peaceful, and leads the team Means are too excessive, giving players too high authority.

  This method made him popular, and the initial stage of the team will be smooth, but for a long time, too gentle management methods and players who get too many permissions will commit chaos.

   Therefore, if Westphal did not meet the Pistons team, it was only a recognized good coach, but he could not get the championship.

  Mo Mengchen is like Riley, but he has never encountered Riley’s extreme pressure on the downside, which aroused the rebellious heart of the players and brought them together to fight against him, which eventually led to the end of the betrayal.

   From the point of view of Fraises, Mo Mengchen is the invisible coach of the Pistons.

  ’S existence indicates the team’s direction, raises the team’s upper and lower limits, and activates the team’s potential.

Fraises watched Curry change from a rare high school student to a mature and stable core player; he also watched Anthony, an arrogant man who had been a winner since childhood, was confident and confident when he first entered the team. With a sweet smile, but now he is unsmiling and as cold as a killer.

   “Why do you ask?” Mo Mengchen asked him back.

   Curry said: “Maybe I have a bad memory, but you never seem to praise him, even if he played well.”

   What’s wrong with this world? Even Eddie Curry wants to be a good person?

  Mo Mengchen said with a sneer: “You have this spare time, why don’t you care about yourself? I haven’t settled the accounts with you tonight.”

   Curry said with a smile: “You all say that my performance is impeccable, what’s the deal…”

  Does he think that a smirk can cover up the fact that his offense is like shit?

   “My original words were, besides the offense, your performance was impeccable.” Mo Mengchen forced his eyes, “Shall I tell you how much more Jonathan scores than you?”

Since several other data from Curry have suppressed Bender, even the number of steals is equal to Bender-they are all 1 steals-therefore, he is now a relatively tough waist: “But the game is never only offensive Yeah, all of my other statistics are higher than him. Daddy, you said that besides the offense, my performance is impeccable. Although I didn’t go to college, I know what impeccable means anyway. You like people who pick bones in eggs so much… uh… I don’t mean you…”

Is    an illusion? Mo Mengchen felt that Curry was more and more like Hill lying in the Mayo Clinic.

   Optimistic, positive, and a lot of nonsense.

   “Say, I listen, and continue to speak.” Mo Mengchen’s eyes fixed on Curry like death.

   “Anyway, my other aspects are impeccable… What does the offense almost have to do? Dad and Merlot’s offense is enough to help us win.” Curry said.

   That’s right, Mo Mengchen turned his eyes to the front.

   “So, why did Dad never praise Merlot?” Curry did not hesitate to take himself as an example. “Even a stupid person like me occasionally gets a few praises, why is he not?”

  Mo Mengchen sneered: “Does he need my praise?”

  Curry is very difficult to get the truth from Mo Mengchen, because this truth, even Mo Mengchen himself does not know what to say.

   He has a feeling, quite strong feeling.

   “Mo, proper encouragement is good.” Flauses said behind him.

   “Yes!” Curry said, “just like me, dad, a bowl of water should be flat!”

   will still be a fake.

  Mo Mengchen looked at Curry with a smile: “You mean, I will treat you like Merlot in the future? Okay, I promise I will be fair and just, as you wish, a bowl of water will be flat.”

  Curry didn’t expect to ask for an appeal so that he fell into the pit and screamed injustice.

In the locker room, Anthony was cleaning the cabinet. He looked at the old clothes and shoes in the cabinet in disgust.

   “Mello, do you want to go out for a drink?” Prince asked.

   “Scientific research shows that” Anthony said seriously that he was not suitable for him. “Ingesting too much alcohol will kill your life. I have no interest. I wish you early death and early birth.”

  If he said this in a joke tone, Prince would not mind taking his joke.

   “You guy is getting boring,” said the little prince.

   “Troll you!” Jerome scolded, “My mother has been drinking for more than ten years, why is it all right?”

  Anthony said in a light tone what made the garbage dog angry and continued barking: “This is why you are frequently injured.”

   “You **** this stinky mouth is more and more like a daddy!” Jerome muttered.

   “Cough…” Lor asked with a smile, “Jerome, you just said what is our dear dad?”

  The garbage dog found out that it was wrong, and quickly put on an offense: “Shit, I was biased by this third-grade bastard. That’s not my sincerity. I was in a hurry, and it shouldn’t be true!”

  Anthony threw all the dirty clothes and old sneakers in the closet to the corner, and the staff will collect these abandoned items and divide them equally.

  After throwing things away, he said: “Scientific research shows that truthful words always come out through two ways: alcohol and anger.”

  The garbage dog didn’t expect that Anthony’s servant would not show his ability at ordinary times. Suddenly, his few words made his blood rise. This group of young people is getting more and more asshole!

  He just had to continue to say that the door of the dressing room opened, and Mo Mengchen, Curry, and Flauses entered at the same time.

  Fraises affirmed everyone’s performance, and then said Merry Christmas, and left with his things.

  Curry said hello to everyone he saw.

   Asked well, Curry began to show off Mo Mengchen to praise his impeccable things in front of the media.

   The person is at the scene, how can he be allowed to make a rumor?

   “Correct you, I’m talking about being impeccable except offensive.” Mo Mengchen interjected.

   “I think this is also remarkable.” Lor said, “the only one who can be impeccable on both ends of the offense and defense is…”

  Lol was scared by Mo Mengchen’s bully In addition to the offensive, impeccable. “Anthony opened his mouth, not knowing if he was jealous of Curry, or he could not help but hurt others. “Conversely, your attack tonight is useless. “

   The same is Tan Hualang, why is it too urgent?

   Curry stared. He just said good things to Mo Mengchen in front of him. This guy is good, but he attacked him in reverse?

   “You are jealous of me!” Curry shouted.

   “He was right.” Mo Mengchen hung the towel on his shoulder and said, “I meant that.” when passing by Curry.

  Mo Mengchen just entered the shower room at the front foot, and Curry pointed at Anthony at the back foot and said, “Your third-grade **** is more and more like a daddy!”

   “Who the **** are you talking about?”

   The devil’s voice made Curry feel like someone was holding a stick and burst the chrysanthemum, scaring him to shout: “Who the **** is this bullshit? Mattel, are you saying bad things about your father?”

  Innocent Martel Webster shook his head in shock: “I don’t know anything!”

  Mo Mengchen closed the door of the shower room, not a feeling or an illusion, but something that was happening.

   Cameron Anthony, more and more like him.


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