You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1044 - Why pass?

   As the New Year arrives, the Pistons burst out of favor and defeated the underdog Bucks by 2 points.

  The Bucks’ head player Peja scored a career-high 45 points.

   Some people think this is an unacceptable failure, and some people think that the Pistons need to lose a ball at this time.

  Fraises said: “Losing sometimes is not necessarily a bad thing.”

Whether    is a good thing or a bad thing, no one can make it clear. The only thing that can be said clearly is that the Pistons achieved 14 wins and 1 loss in the following month.

   In the first month of 2006, Mo Mengchen averaged 35 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists per game, and was undisputedly elected the Eastern Conference Player of the Month.

   Some people think that Cameron Anthony can also be selected as the best of the month.

  Although his scoring is not as impressive as Mo Mengchen’s, but he showed enough versatility.

In the fifteen games in January, Anthony averaged 24 points, 8 rebounds and 10 assists per game.

  Especially 10 assists, Anthony seems to have found the fun of passing, more and more smooth.

  With a record of 14 wins and 1 loss in a single month, the Pistons also surpassed the Timberwolves and reached the top of the league’s combat power list.

  In early February, the league announced this year’s East-West All-Star list.

  Mo Mengchen, Anthony and Curry were selected at the same time.

  Mo Mengchen was elected as the voter again, which was his vote for the All-Star Weekend for seven consecutive years.

  In addition to the Pistons, there are three players selected, other All-Stars, there are many players associated with the Pistons.

   Rashid, Ben Wallace, Ricky Davis, Michael Reed, Rashard Lewis and Zach Randolph.

  These six people are now the core players of their respective teams and will also represent the team in the All-Star Weekend.

Unconsciously, the Pistons players have been all over the league.

   It’s just that those media that are hostile to the Pistons like to tout these players who have grown into All-Stars on other teams.

   “The Pistons always send good players out.”

   This is the consistent tone of the media.

  Even if Anthony has been selected as an All-Star, and Curry has been selected as an All-Star for two consecutive years, he still cannot stop them.

   And before the All-Star weekend, the Pistons still have eight games to play.

  In the first game in February, the Pistons had to start a trip to the western three-seater.

  Among them, the two away games in Los Angeles are the highlights.

   A game against the Clippers, one of the dynasties of the Pistons, the Clippers led by Michael Reed.

   This season, Reed officially entered the peak period, averaging 25 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists. Although he is not the kind of superstar who can bring the team into the playoffs with his own strength, he is also an All-Star player above the standard.

  To this day, he is also recognized as the strongest of the 2000 rookies.

   Surprisingly not Reed’s strength. Surprisingly, the Pistons selected the strongest among them from the disaster-prone draft contest with a second round pick.

  The scout of the Pistons has been mythical, and some teams even spend a lot of money digging the scouts from the Pistons.

   Most scouts know that the Pistons’ draft is so scary and they have little to do with them. The core members of the scout team know the truth, but they cannot tell the truth to other teams.

  Because if other teams find that the Pistons draft has nothing to do with them, they are no longer fragrant.

   Therefore, although the scouting team was itchy about the things that Mo Mengchen was overstepping, it was helpless. It was a matter of great importance and he had to swallow his breath.

   Tonight, Reed didn’t have a soft hand.

   against Ginobili, Reid’s shooting was in full swing, scoring 38 points, but the Clippers inevitably suffered a defeat.

Although the Clippers have an all-around four such as Odom, and some powerful players like Wilcox, Reed itself is the kind of super shooter that needs someone to feed him the ball, let him play with the ball, he The efficiency is not as good as without the ball.

   After being traded to the Clippers, Reed struggled once, because in the Pistons he only had to run to catch the ball and shoot, and the Clippers had to bear more.

   After several years, he developed a handy ability to hold the ball and adjusted the shooting posture to make his shot more suitable for the rhythm of closing the ball after dribbling.

   Several years of adjustment finally blossomed this year, but there is a huge gap between the Clippers and the Pistons.

   The result was inevitable. The Clippers were sunk and the Pistons won the first away game.

  After the game, Reed hugged Mo Mengchen tightly: “Dad, congratulations.”

  Mo Mengchen fully understands Reed’s mood.

   Reed played for the Pistons for three years. In the first year, he was directly transferred to the Development League because of nothing. In the second year, he became the sixth person in the team.

   mentioning Reed, everyone will tell this story: “Michael in the first year will not even make a jumper. In the second year he is already the best shooter of the Pistons except Dor.Mo.”

   Reed as the sixth man in the past two years, is also the pinnacle of the piston dynasty.

   In those two years, the Pistons won 69 wins and 77 wins in history.

   Reed started his career in an environment full of winners, and then he was sent to the Clippers that had scored only two playoff games in decades.

   I can imagine the depression in my heart.

Mo Mengchen knew that he was definitely willing to return to the Pistons to fight the sixth man, but things were irreversible. If he was reluctant to let him go and watched, he would be left to fight the sixth man. Sooner or later, he will also be due to the role positioning and The team fell over.

   He is enough to start on any team and sending him away at that time is a good choice for both sides.

  After playing the Clippers, the Pistons immediately returned to the hotel to recuperate.

  Two days later, they will meet the Lakers at the same venue.

   This was the last time they played in the regular season this season. The last time the opener met, the Pistons laughed to the end. This time, the Lakers must have come to destroy them.

  The Lakers have more problems than the Clippers.

   Clippers can say that Reed didn’t help, the Lakers are the coaching problem, KK combination talent can play all over the league, but also needs a suitable tactical system, only rely on them to play at will, the Lakers also stumbled this season.

   Three months into the game, the Lakers have a record of 30 wins and 16 losses, ranking fourth in the West.

   For a team with Kobe and Garnett, such a record is simply an insult to them.

   The voice of changing coaches has already sounded. There is news that Zen may return to the Lakers, but his conflict with Kobe is also well known.

   At the time of OK battle for hegemony, the Zen master seemed to have the same attitude towards both sides, but in fact he clearly favored O’Neill.

  The incident of Kobe Eagle County happened, and the Zen master’s prejudice against him became deeper. When OK broke up twice, Lao Yan splits, and the Zen master also left to live a life of retreat again.

   If the Zen Master wants to return to the Lakers, his contradiction with Kobe must be resolved.

   There was a lot of discussion from the outside world, and the Pistons and the Lakers launched a regular-season game in this atmosphere.

   “As soon as it opens tonight, Bryant looks like he will bury the piston!”

  Kobe turned into a venomous snake that was constantly spraying venom, traveling alone.

   Another superstar Garnett in the Lakers acquiesced in this behavior.

   The Lakers’ strong period is generally the first half. The KK team will take turns at this time, using talents and personal abilities to control the game.

   But tonight, it was Kobe Bryant who blew up in the first half. Garnett played very restrained, or he put more energy on defense.

   Garnett reminded Mo Mengchen of the first year of the Celtics Big Three in the previous life.

   That year, Garnett sacrificed possession and rebounds. The data has deteriorated greatly compared to the Timberwolves period, but the defensive dominance is unparalleled in the world. He was elected DPOY that year without suspense.

   At this time, Garnett, the pinnacle of the Big Three, was willing to give Kobe a green leaf and defend fully.

His shift defense, assist defense, athleticism and vitality, his sweeping high position and low position control, he rushed to the three-point line and delayed the pick-and-roll of the piston, and returned to the rim to protect the rebound. He even shot the dead ball. Don’t let it go, if the Pistons players try to shoot when the ball is dead, he will cover the ball.

   He is like a beast with infinite energy.

   Jonathan Bender should learn from Garnett.

   is also far away from the rim, and also the defensive range is extended to halftime. Garnett can do defense while dominating defensive rebounds.

  Curry, who has not lost rebounds so far this season, has been educated by Garnett.

  The offensive Kobe Tenjin came down and scored 55 points in three quarters.

   KK combination hit this point, the game is still not over.

   The outside line of the Pistons bit the game, and Mo Mengchen, Anthony and Ginobili all performed well.

   The suspense of the game dragged to the last minute.

  The moment of the final battle, Bryant single shot broke the piston’s defense and used a hard shot to help the Lakers lead by 3 points.

  Mo Mengchen wanted Anthony to fight.

  Young people need to accumulate experience. The outcome of a regular season is irrelevant. What is important is that they need to use such games to increase confidence.

  I don’t know why, Anthony dribbled the ball for a while, but actually passed it back to Mo Mengchen’s hand.

   “It’s critical to see Dor.Mo!”

  Mo Mengchen, who was not ready to take the pot, shot with an uncomfortable rhythm.

   missed the ball, Garnett grabbed the rebound, Kobe fast break.

  The offensive and defensive conversion, Kobe lightning back to the frontcourt slam dunk.

  The Staples Center fell for Kobe. They screamed and screamed. Finally, they defeated the Pistons again!

   Even if this is just a regular season!

   “Through this game, we can see that the future of the Pistons does not fall on Cameron Anthony!”

   “Eddie Curry is also very young!”

   “At the critical moment, they only have Dor.Mo in their eyes!”

   Even opponents can see, not to mention Mo Mengchen? He stared fiercely at Anthony and asked for an explanation: “Why pass?”


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