You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1047 - Gossip

   Chapter 147

  The plane landed in Houston, and Mo Mengchen appeared with Anthony and Curry, attracting a large number of media.

  In this trip, four people came.

  Momon Chen, Anthony and Curry, who participated in the All-Star game, did not mention, and there was a lively Jerome Williams.

  The reason why Jerome put on a rare holiday without rest, followed Houston, there is an important reason that he thinks this may be his last All-Star weekend.

   Recently he is seriously considering the matter of retirement.

  Although he can still play games, his fragile body prevented him from exerting himself as he did when he was young. In addition, the positioning of the team is becoming more and more marginal, and the idea of ​​retiring has also emerged.

   As for his final decision, no one knows, Mo Mengchen had to invite him to Houston together, perhaps the atmosphere of the Space City could evoke his idea of ​​playing a few more years of competition.

  Junk dog is still the main substitute for the current Pistons, but not because of his strong strength, but this season the Pistons rarely have a shortage of personnel.

  The departure of Rashid makes their power forward position extremely weak. Gerrard is adapting to this position. Jerome and another veteran Dale Davis will help him share a lot of pressure.

   “Dor.Mo, do you have any impression of Houston?”

   “Of course, Houston and I are old acquaintances.” Mo Mengchen made a joke, “I’m talking about Alan Houston.”

  Interesting reporters laughed out loud.

At that time, the Pistons’ three famous leagues, Houston was also a player of the Pistons. The first two crowns of the first three crowns set up a remarkable achievement for the establishment of the Pistons. As long as they retire, the Pistons will retire his jersey the first time. player of.

   “Alan Houston has suffered consecutive injuries in recent years. What do you think is the reason?” a local reporter asked.

  Airport media loves and hates Houston. What he loves is that he does have the ability. Otherwise, the team will not take him away from Detroit with a top salary.

  In the first few years of signing the top salary contract, Houston reached the peak of his career and teamed with Pierce to bring the Rockets to the semi-finals in the best year. Unfortunately, the OK Lakers were so popular.

  While the fans expressed their expectations for their next development, he was injured. He was injured continuously. He had just been injured. He came out to play a few games and returned to the factory for overhaul.

  Mo Mengchen expressed deep sympathy, but he was helpless: “There are unexpected circumstances in the sky, and I don’t know what caused Alan’s continuous injuries.”

   “As a doctor, can you give him some advice?”

   “Trust me, the advice provided by the Rockets team doctor is definitely more comprehensive than mine.” Mo Mengchen said, “No one wants to be injured. Sometimes we have taken all precautions, but injuries will still come to the door.”

  Mo Mengchen is definitely the best player in the league to maintain his health.

   When he entered the league, the team doctors of all teams decided that he could not survive a season. As a result, he not only survived the rookie season, but also played eleven consecutive seasons in a healthy state.

  From 1995 to the present, the most serious injuries that Mo Mengchen had suffered were colds, cramps, and strains. The knees of the left and right feet were never injured.

  This is generally considered a miracle by sports medicine experts.

  Many people hope that Mo Mengchen has published a book about sports health, but Mo Mengchen has always refused.

   The so-called maintenance, everyone knows, that is, there are a few hidden dangers in this regard, they will definitely do enough maintenance, but some people are unlucky, they will be injured.

   These years he has been keeping healthy, on the one hand is luck, on the one hand is the help of the system, on the one hand is the maintenance.

  No matter how high his attributes and overall evaluation are, his knee health attribute points for his left and right feet are 35 and 30, which is already the lowest health standard for the system.

   was able to stay up to now without being injured, and he often felt happy for himself.

  According to the reporter, the Pistons and his team of four got into the special car of the bodyguard Luca Adriano brought by Mo Mengchen.

   “Daddy, where are we going?” Curry asked.

   “Since I come to Houston, I have to go to this place.” Mo Mengchen said, “I especially like a noodle restaurant.”

  As a textbook-like licking dog, Jerome echoed: “It can’t be wrong to be valued by my dad.”

   “Don’t say it too early,” Anthony has recently become more and more fond of singing against others, “Everyone’s taste is different.”

   Adriano followed Momon Chen’s instructions and took them to the place.

   This is a Chinese noodle restaurant. The name is also very Chinese. It says “Old Place” in Chinese. It is also marked with bold Pinyin letters under Chinese.

   “Mr. Mo, I know you have to come.” The owner of the old house is Tang, whose surname is Tang, and he is a Beijinger with a Chinese character face. The authentic Beijing movie makes people listen very kindly.

  Mo Mengchen brought in everything including Adriano: “Why does the boss know that I am coming?” (Chinese)

  Tang boss smiled and said: “All Star Weekend, this neighborhood has spread all over the neighborhood. Of course, you have such a big wrist, you will certainly participate. I am thinking about you but my noodle restaurant, you can’t look at other places.”

  Mo Mengchen said with a smile: “I’m good to arrange, that is, my friends have a bit of mouth, you have to worry more.”

   “Hey, just these few Americans, it’s easy to deal with!” Then, boss Tang’s face was full of smiles.

  Because he heard Mo Mengchen say “I’m good to arrange”, if this uncle thinks that he is good to arrange, there should be no one on the planet who is not easy to arrange.

  Every time Mo Mengchen went away, the restaurant in that place would suffer, especially the restaurant opened by the Chinese. If the taste was wrong, he would point it out on the spot.

   If a person like him is so big, he feels that the food is not tasty, and those who come here will naturally go away.

   When Mo Mengchen took a few Ma Zi to visit, Boss Tang was also anxious for a long time, and finally got a sentence “There is finally a family that can eat” suspected appreciation.

  Mo Mengchen and his teammates were seated, and boss Tang hurried to the kitchen to order.

   “Daddy, what did you just talk to him about?” Curry asked.

   “I let him entertain you well.” Mo Mengchen said, “Even if it’s awful after a while, you have to finish eating, don’t spoil the food, you know?”

   Everyone promised.

   For a while, the hot face came up, and Mo Mengchen’s condition was obviously different from that of several others.

  Curry’s noodle is a version of boss Tang’s meticulously improved to cater to the tastes of Americans. Mo Mengchen’s authentic Chinese flavor. It’s not that Mr. Tang has done a good job, but that other Chinese noodle restaurants nearby have forgotten the original method in order to cater to the tastes of Americans. What they make is disgusting and unpalatable. Otherwise, it’s as good as him. How can people leave the table angrily with just one bite? No, he didn’t overthrow those shit-like American Chinese foods, and he’s well-trained.

  Everyone started tasting, and the evaluations given were relatively consistent.

   is a good word, and I don’t know if I look at Mo Mengchen’s face, or it is really delicious.

   “Daddy, didn’t Alan say that there is a stage play tonight?” He was also invited when he looked like Jerome.

  Mo Mengchen nodded, “Are you going with me?”

   “Since it’s here, don’t go and don’t go, I’m curious how this guy is acting.” Jerome said with a smile.

  Anthony and Curry are not interested in this matter. When they joined the team, Houston was no longer in the Pistons, so there was no friendship.

   These guys were eating noodles and dumplings, and couldn’t rest their mouths.

  Their fierce offense is the starting center in the east this year.

   “You said, Yao and I, which is more worthy of the starter?” Curry asked confidently.

  Because all the teammates were present, the only person who was not a teammate was Mo Mengchen’s bodyguard. This girl should not look at the monk’s face or the Buddha’s face.

  Anthony asked: “In addition to scoring rebounds and assists, where else do you have an advantage?”

  Curry didn’t expect Anthony to be so harsh: “Isn’t that enough?”

   “Not enough, you don’t have 1.3 billion Chinese to build the foundation, of course not enough.” Anthony gave him a white look.

  In fact, no matter what data Curry hits, he can’t grab the starter from Yao Mei.

In the rookie season, Yao Can overwhelmed O’Neal with the tactical power of the East to become the center player with the most votes. That was the peak O’Neal. The average beast of 30+14+4 per game. Curry may not be able to play this data in his entire life, but Was grabbed by rookie Yao Not to mention now?

  On the statistics, Curry averaged 22 points, 11 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 blocks per game this season, which is basically the top three centers in the league. Except for Shaquille O’Neal, none of the centers has obviously stronger than him.

   is just in the Pistons, his data is hydrated in the eyes of others, because there are two outsiders Mo Mengchen and Anthony to help him share the pressure.

Regarding this matter, Jerome sees it most clearly: “All-star starters or all-star substitutes are just a reputation, regardless of high or low, what is controversial, do you still want to play 30 minutes to entertain the public? There is this Is it not good to do something with energy?”

  Jerome simply said to Mo Mengchen’s heart.

Since his announcement of Ethan’s identity in the 1997-1998 season, he has been voted eight times in nine consecutive years. The only year that was not the voter was the last year of the Bulls’ second dynasty. He lost to the overwhelming Jordan with a slight advantage. .

In the past nine years, there have been eight years of wasting great holidays on the All-Star Weekend. Even in the first two seasons without being selected for the All-Star season, in order to communicate, they have worked hard to follow Hill and Dumas and others to the All-Star Weekend. The city is bustling.

   It can be said that in eleven years, he has not had a carefree All-Star holiday like everyone else for ten years.

   whispered while twitching east and west, time passed quickly and my stomach was full.

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