You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1057 - Daobai

   “No, I chose to be a cleaner, just to try my luck.”

Pedro explained: “I think maybe one day you will appear with Ephraim and your children, but for more than a month, I have only seen you come and go by yourself, to be honest, this makes I’m a bit depressed.”

  Mo Mengchen felt ashamed, he thought his father-in-law was too bad.

   Anyway, he is the father of Ephraim, what can be disgusting?

  Mo Mengchen didn’t ask about his past, why he didn’t go home at that time, or how he was imprisoned, it was all a thing of the past.

  Since the purpose of his father-in-law is so simple, he has no reason not to help their father and daughter, and Adrian break the mirror.

Mo Mengchen looked at him and suddenly said: “If you want to see Loriya, Irene, Soukra, and Salem, this is very simple. I just need to notify the management department to let you be a cleaner at the competition site. See them from a distance and get the best front seats in the world.”

  Pedro heard a heartbeat.

“But do you really just want this?” Mo Mengchen asked. “You don’t want to talk to them and hug them? Do you plan not to reconcile with Ephraim in your whole life, so that she hates you forever?” “

Then Pedro said his way: “You can bring the children out for dinner, and I will wait for them at the place to eat, so that I can see them and hug them without disturbing the law. lotus.”

   This old guy is really tricky.

   Mo Mengchen said with a smile: “You and I know that this is not a solution to the problem.”

   “You obviously have an opportunity to meet them every day and embrace them anytime, anywhere, why should you refuse?” Mo Mengchen asked.

  Pedro looked at Mo Mengchen and asked: “Mr. Mo, why do big people like you intervene? Don’t you want to hurt Ephraim? This may make her sad.”

Mo Mengchen cut the steak gently: “I decided to intervene just because I didn’t want to make her sad. You must see each other and make it clear. I think, with your eloquence, let her believe that those things were all caused by reasons. It should not be difficult.”

  Mo Mengchen habitually stings in his words, which makes his father-in-law, Lord, very upset.

   “If this is what you want, I will do my best.” Pedro said.

  Mo Mengchen agreed with Pedro, but this cannot be done right away. It needs to be discussed carefully, choose a suitable day, at a suitable time.

  On April 17, the Pistons defeated the Bobcats away.

  Mo Mengchen faced Delong to kill again, and the Bobcats fans witnessed an inhuman game.

  Mo Mengchen drove 50 points in 33 minutes, and Delong, with his cooperation with the inside, scored 6 points with a 20% shooting rate.

   The Bobcats lost at home.

   The Pistons record became 65 wins and 16 losses.

   There is one game left in the regular season. In the final game, the Pistons will play against the New York Knicks at home.

On the eve of the game, Mo Mengchen had already planned to arrange for Ephraim and Pedro to meet in the Garridon apartment, but he did not expect Ephraim to collide with Pedro.

   Moreover, she clearly recognized Pedro.

   Because she saw Pedro and ran into the apartment quickly.


  When Mo Mengchen heard this, he glared at Pedro angrily for a long time.

   “I didn’t expect her to recognize me at a glance.” Pedro said helplessly.

   Mo Mengchen didn’t expect that, he sighed softly and said, “No matter what, it’s tonight, you come with me.”

  He took Pedro into the apartment, but did not let him into the room, he had to go first and speak clearly with Ephraim.

   Room 250, living room.

  She leaned on the sofa and did not greet Mo Mengchen.

   “The man outside the apartment…”

   “I don’t want to talk about this.” Ephraim glanced at Mo Mengchen, “You brought him, right?”

  Ephraim was not an idiot, her father appeared suddenly, and then his husband came out and mentioned the matter.

“I just want to help.”

   “No, you are wrong, you are not helping me.” Ephraim’s eyes were red, “I’ve seen him already!”

  Mo Mengchen asked: “When?”

   “A few months ago.” Ephraim paused. “On the way, I saw him! Although he is just a sloppy old man now, I know him!”

   “I was sitting in the car, he was standing by the road!”

  Mo Mengchen was surprised and looked at her less unexpectedly: “He may have done many wrong things, but he is still your father.”

“After Mom died, he was always away from home.” She said about it. “I called him more than once. He always talked to me about work and things that I couldn’t understand at the time, and then he warned me again Don’t call or you’ll be kicked out.”

   Is he such a jerk? The experience of the two worlds made Mo Mengchen know that sometimes you just say something harsh to your family.

  Mo Mengchen asked: “What if he has troubles? Ephraim, you probably didn’t understand those things at that time, so you should sit down and have a good talk.”

“After I saw him that day, I had this idea.” Ephraim said fragilely, “I stopped there for a long time, I have been looking at him, I don’t know, I think I may need to tell him something , I think I might understand what he did that year. I think I should have the courage to call him Dad…I should say something to him, but I don’t.”

  Mo Mengchen looked at her while crying and said that she had never been so emotional.

“Later I would pass there every day, but I never saw him again until he called.” Ephraim said while shaking his head. “I dare not talk to him. I worry that I have been thinking stupid all these years. Life, maybe he is a good dad, maybe I misunderstood him… But if he is not what I thought, why has he never called me or written a letter for so many years?”

  Mo Mengchen knew that he could not allow Ephraim to be so speculative, he interrupted Ephraim: “This is why you have to sit down and have a good chat with him.”

Mo Mengchen walked over to her and put her hands gently on her shoulders: “If you don’t do this, these questions will always exist, you will never get answers, time will continue to pass, maybe one day you The truth can no longer be known, and everything will be irreversible by then.”

“Ephraim, I have never envied you so much.” Mo Mengchen said softly, “Your father, my father-in-law, once handsome but now ugly Mr. Pedro Orreina, he is very Healthy, he is alive and well, you have the opportunity to explain everything to him, he can also explain to you the previous things, if the misunderstanding can be resolved, you can still live together in the future.”

   “I am willing to give up everything I have to get this.”

  Ephraim was moved by Mo Mengchen, but she was just not firm enough: “If…if that’s not a misunderstanding?”

   “At least, you know.” Mo Mengchen said, “You will not be troubled by this matter again, you can look forward.”

  Ephraim no longer gently pursed her lips.

   “Now, can I bring the once handsome and now ugly father-in-law to our house?” Mo Mengchen asked with a smile.

  Ephraim nodded gently.

  Mo Mengchen stood up, walked to the door, opened the door, and gave his father-in-law a “don’t mess things up” look.

   Instead of staying in the living room, he went directly to the children’s room, and they needed a private space.

   saw dad come in, the children quickly gathered around him, each with their own requirements.

   “I can satisfy all your wishes, before that, I want to bring you to know a person.” Mo Mengchen said.

   “Who?” Loriya asked.


  Mo Mengchen told them not to make a noise, gently opened the door, and watched Ephraim and Pedro communicate from afar.

   The process was calm, and suddenly, Ephraim hugged Pedro and cried out.

  Mo Mengchen knew that things were almost the same, so he took the children out of the room.

   “Loria, Irene.” Mo Mengchen embraced her daughter in one hand and her son in the other, “Sugra, Salem.”

  He brought the children to Pedro: “This is your grandfather.”


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