You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1082 - Very long, very beautiful future

   “You hug a little tighter, your chest can crush my ribs.”

   “I hug a little tighter, I can squeeze your **** out.”

   “Almost got it.”

  Dor.Mo vomited Hill because he hugged too hard.

   “Sorry, I’m so excited.”

  Hill holding Mo Mengchen while wiping tears on his appearance suit.

  If Mo Mengchen knew that Hill was carrying him to do such a thing, he would forcefully hug the unhygienic **** to see if he could actually squeeze his excrement from his body.

   The game ended too suddenly. The Timberwolves thought they had the winning ticket. All of a sudden, everything changed. In the Pistons’ “please witness” time and time, they lost their hope of winning.

   The most lost person is O’Neill. He lost the **** of the best lineup this year, and may have lost the last chance to defeat Mo Mengchen.

  He is already old. Like his style of play, the older he becomes, the more problematic he is. Like those famous evergreen trees, he cannot choose to transform as his physical qualities deteriorate.

  O’Neal’s style of play is unmatched, and the vertical and horizontal courts are ruined. As long as he is present, he must be assigned an absolute core position. Otherwise, he will waste his offensive ability and cannot expect him to rule the game on the defensive end.

   Because he can only play the core, it is difficult for him to maintain a stable high level year after year like those 35-6 year-old evergreens. Once his physical fitness declines, he cannot crush his opponents as when he was young.

   This season, O’Neal has only averaged 20+9 stats per game. For the first time in his career, his average rebounds have not reached double digits, and the decline will only become more and more serious.

  What is his expectation?

  The young super catcher Hamilton?

   May Payton retire this year?

   Has Bowen determined to reimburse next season?

   is still a promising future, and it is difficult to have a dominant child in the short term?

   What is certain is that this year is the pinnacle of the combination of James and O’Neill, and the final pinnacle.

  Because O’Neill will continue to age, James’ progress cannot keep pace with his aging.

  O’Neill looked at the field and saw Mo Mengchen.

   happens to be, Mo Mengchen is also watching him.

   The shark has already written this nasty face into DNA. Even if he has Alzheimer’s disease in the future, he believes that he will not forget this face.

   This face that gave him three defeats in the finals is so terrible.

   Since 2001, fans called him Chamberlain II.

   This is not a compliment, it is a mockery.

   taunted him as a god, but he couldn’t win the championship with his talent.

   He was once the most influential player in the league. Such a player who raised his hand and ruled the whole game could not lead the team to win the championship. This is like Chamberlain.

  O’Neill doesn’t think he deserves such a title. Although Chamberlain had many incomprehensible defeats in the playoffs, he won at least twice, holding two rings in his hand.

   And what about him? His hands were empty.

  Mo Mengchen stood up and walked onto the field.

  O’Neill waited for him to come to him, reaching out hard and saying, “Don’t think I will bless you,”

  Mo Mengchen said lightly: “I just don’t need the blessing of the loser.”

  O’Neal gritted his teeth fiercely. He didn’t know why he lost. Three times in a row, two hits in a tie-break, but they lost the game in an unimaginable way.

   Then, Mo Mengchen walked past the shark.

   His feet were very inconvenient, but his pace was calm, and he left behind Shaq O’Neill, who was full of unwillingness but unable to change the results-this time it was different in the past. This time, he left Mr. Shark, the great Shaq O’Neill, behind him forever.

  Since then, the Shark has never been able to return to the finals, and Mo Mengchen has not given him the opportunity to take revenge.

   The two’s grudges will be permanently frozen.

   as a winner of the eight consecutive championships, proudly moved forward; one was three times to reach the finals, all bleak results, proclaimed that he is the 21st century Wilt Chamberlain.

   This matter made many old Zhang Mi very unhappy, because although they have more black history in the playoffs, but they have won two finals anyway, what is O’Neill what a cat and a dog? How can He De compare with the Big Dipper, which has both ruling-level data and two ring bottoms?

  Return II? Go! Go! Go! ! !

  James saw Mo Mengchen slowly coming, he was sincere and afraid, because he didn’t win.’s eyes, he may still not be qualified to shake hands and hug.

  James slowly approached Mo Mengchen.

   The two are facing each other.

   “, congratulations…” James hadn’t finished speaking, and Mo Mengchen walked directly in front of him.

   is the kind of shuttle that leaves people alone.

   Still the same, James did not win the respect of, at least not now.

   He watched Mo Mengchen walk away from him in front of him. He never said a word to him from beginning to end, as if he was really a transparent person, or a passerby. In short, it was not worth shaking hands, hugging, or even talking.

   a sense of humiliation was rippling in the heart of the Son of Heaven, he did not know why Mo Mengchen did this to him.

   what happened tonight is enough to provide him with a source of motivation for hard training in the offseason.

   He silently vowed to make a comeback next season, let the Pistons, let the damn, dog-eyed Dor.Mo pay the price!

  Why did Mo Mengchen treat James this way? It’s actually very simple. How James treats the Pistons on the eve of the 2003 draft, how he treats James.

He wanted to say to James, “The future is yours,” but there is a suspicion of doing so. Old Deng’s head has been beaten by him and he hasn’t won a title until today. It’s already bad enough. How can he steal the other party? Sentence curse of staying young in history?

  He sincerely hopes that one day Duncan will say this to James personally in the finals in the future-of course, this must wait until he retires, and the probability of occurrence is very unlikely.

   ran over to face Mo Mengchen, imitating a whole group of “please witness” teammates with poor skills, magnificent determination and moving fighting spirit.

   There is Mr. Bitter Gourd, there is the future, there is Sakuragi, there is the Pampas Eagle, there is the little prince.

   Seeing them coming, Mo Mengchen suddenly felt bad.

  Because Eddie Curry, this idiot, can’t hide the plan in his heart.

  Mo Mengchen remembers that whenever he showed such an expression, he must have kindly prepared a plan that would make him hot-because I know him too fucking!

   “What do you want to do?”

  Mo Mengchen’s face sank, and he wanted to make a majestic look to bluff this group of people.

   seems too late.

   “Dad, we want to say thank you.”

that’s all? That’s fine, I accept.

Mo Mengchen just spoke, these four sweaty rough men, plus four or five substitutes sitting below the audience, surrounded Mo Mengchen like a gang fight, one person, one hand, he took him up and threw it to In the air.

   “Brothers, are we?”

  Mo Mengchen was thrown up.


  Mo Mengchen fell, and was thrown up again, there was a scream of screaming in the air: “Stop me~~~!!!”

  No matter how loud his voice is, he will be overwhelmed by the unanimous “We are…” and “Champion!”

  Poor Dor.Mo suffered such a big ups and downs but was helpless. From the extreme resistance at the beginning to full acceptance, he endured the terror process of “throwing into the air with nine people and catching it, then throwing it up again” five times.

  Mo Mengchen flew back and forth for twelve trips, which was more exciting than the roller coaster.

  Because he was afraid when he was riding a roller coaster, but because of the proper protection measures, he believed that he would not die, which is different now.

   He does not have any protection measures. This group of king **** who have lost their awe and have awkward hands or even slid his hand directly to death on the spot, how will future generations evaluate it?

I, Mo Mengchen, the two are human, the star who shines in the music scene, the death nemesis on the operating table, the born chef, the piston dynasty creator, countless glory in my life, and finally was accidentally fell to death by my teammates during the celebration, the greatness of life, Suffocating.

   is finally over.

Mo Mengchen returned to the land from the sky, even if it was only a few minutes, he also tried the life of a flying animal. He sincerely hoped that this was the last time. After all, he had already passed the age of flying wings. Too.

  Mo Mengchen stood on the ground, watching his teammates.

   Some of them are laughing, some are worried that she is angry, some people don’t know how to express their emotions, everyone is very excited and excited, obviously this is not their first crown.

   They have already won the Why are they so excited?

  Because this is the first time in eight years, the Destiny of the Pistons is free from the hands of him and Hill, and the game is completely handed over to the young people.

   This group of promising young men finally won something for themselves.

   also made Mo Mengchen make a decision.

   Sometimes, the plan is just to keep up with changes.

  Mo Mengchen said, “Go and enjoy your victory.”

   They spread out quickly.

  Mo Mengchen exhaled softly, and turned back to see Hill who had been standing in the distance and watching here.

   “If you want to say that you are envious of me being thrown into nature, it is still free.” Mo Mengchen said with a smile, “I want to kill this group of **** before landing.”

   Hill asked: “Why don’t you do it?”

  The whole world knows that Dor.Mo can do everything.

   “If I start, the piston will have no future.”

   “So now, are we in the future?”

   “We don’t have it.” Mo Mengchen turned his eyes to the crazy young people celebrating, “They have.”

   And it is a very long, very beautiful future.


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