You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1093 - Undefeated in January

   “Jerome is a warrior. With his retirement, part of the greatness of the Piston Dynasty also left with him.”

  Williams jersey retired night, caused a lot of fans emotion.

  On the strength of light, Williams’ unobtrusive, mediocre personal data has never been the core of the team, but his retirement, symbolizing the merits of the piston dynasty, officially entered the end of his career.

  Williams was the first, but by no means the last.

   Two days later, the Pistons started the trip of Texas’ three consecutive passengers.

   Mavericks, Rockets, Spurs.

   These three teams except the Mavericks, the other two teams are strong push team for the playoffs.

   The opponent in the first battle is Mavericks.

   This is a game without suspense, the Pistons blade out of the sheath, the battle ended in three quarters, and the Mavericks won by 28 points in four quarters.

  Mo Mengchen played for 28 minutes and got a triple-double of 15 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists.

  At the end of the game, Dallas played a tribute video live.

  The Mavericks official also gave Mo Mengchen a gift.

   “This may be Dor.Mo’s last game in Dallas.”

   “Tonight the fans are full of the scene, so people have only one purpose-say goodbye to Dorm.Mo.”

  Mo Mengchen’s reaction to this matter was not as great as the outside world.

   He calmly accepted the interview and thanked the Mavericks and enthusiastic Dallas fans.

   “The enthusiasm of the fans made me feel at home.” This made him look forward to the last time he played in New York.

  I don’t know if the New Yorkers with their nostrils lined up will be as emotional as Dallas fans, giving him a farewell like Reggie Miller?

   For this, Mo Mengchen’s expectations are not high, because they hit the Knicks too many times in the playoffs.

   The enmity between each other may have surpassed everything, and it can not be concealed by a retired gimmick at all.

   Of course, Mo Mengchen also believes in the glory of human nature.

   So when he traveled to San Antonio for the last time in his career, he was looking forward to the opening tribute.

   Although the Spurs were defeated by the Pistons in the finals twice, the two sides also became enemies, but this layer of grudges did not seem to affect them to pay tribute to Mo Mengchen.

  When broadcasting the Away team members, the scene will usually be brightly lit. If the two sides have hatred, the fans will make a huge boo when the DJ reads the name to show respect.

  As for tonight, when it was Mo Mengchen’s turn, he was treated like a home team player.

   Att Stadium turned off the lights for him, the audience stood up for him, the fans followed the roar of the home DJ: “No. 9!”

   “From St. John’s University!”

   “Secretary guard!”


  Mo Mengchen ran into the field, the salute ceremony here was far warmer than Dallas, and the Holy City people didn’t seem to embarrass him because he hit the killer twice.

   They gave the greatest respect to a legend in active service.

  Mo Mengchen suddenly discovered that he underestimated the fans.

   They gave Mo Mengchen the respect and no less than home fans.

   After the game started, Mo Mengchen turned his joy into strength and took turns attacking the Spurs.

   The Spurs’ restricted zone is only threatened by Paul Gasol’s defense, but he is not the kind of Optimus Prime that blocks the restricted zone. One person’s strength is not enough to deter Mo Mengchen.

  Mo Mengchen made an outsourcing shot with 31 points and 10 assists for the Spurs fans, bringing him a perfect performance and ending his last game at the ATT Arena.

  After the game, Popovich said: “This is why Dor.Mo is so excellent, he is still the best outside player in active service.”

   defeated the Spurs and the Pistons moved on.

  Time entered 2007.

   This is the thirteenth year of Mo Mengchen’s entry into the league and the last year of his career.

   This year, Mo Mengchen was 34 years old, or, strictly speaking, it should be 33 years and 156 days.

   Anyway, he is no longer young anyway, and he is getting closer to the lifeline of the superstar-35 years old.

   Most superstars will fall off cliffs after this age.

  The last away game of the Texas three-runner, against the Rockets, this is a game with no suspense.

   Although the Rockets pursue the playoffs, but a Pierce can not set off the storm. Recently, Pierce also wanted to be traded because of the team’s poor condition and lack of helpers.

   Rockets soothed him on the one hand, and on the other hand tried to find ways to make a difference in the free market, but stingy bosses and lack of attractive chips made their trading market thunderless.

In the game against the Pistons, Pierce’s emotions were vented and he scored 34 points.

   This game is the Pistons’ most watched rookie Brandon Roy’s season debut.

  Ginobili was put on the bench, Mo Mengchen hit the second position, Roy hit the first position, the piston maintained the high speed and strength of the outside line.

   The tradition of the big ball-handler of the Pistons has not changed since Mo Mengchen.

   Back then, Ricky Davis came like this. Ginobili was also successfully transformed into a two-point guard that was biased to the second position. Roy’s indistinguishable ability to control the left and right hands made Fraises shine.

Tonight, Mo Mengchen played only 21 minutes, Roy played 26 minutes, scored 17 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists. As an older rookie, his immediate combat ability is satisfactory, and his skill is so mature. Marvel, this is a player who can guarantee the future of the future.

  Texas three consecutive passengers as the starting point, the Pistons began to fight Lian Jie.

  In January of the New Year, the Pistons won all 15 games.

   Undefeated in January, Anthony was elected the Eastern Conference Player of the Month by averaging 28 points, 7 rebounds and 7 assists per game.

   After Roy came back, he was the seventh man, averaging 20 minutes of playing time, scoring 12 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists. His efficient and versatile performance made him the best rookie of the Eastern Month.

   The depth of rotation of the piston swelled up.

   Although Momengchen and Hill’s plays were reduced, their strength was not weakened.

  Mo Mengchen dominates the game as he pleases. His playing time has been reduced to 26 minutes. One game is good, one game is mediocre, and the cumulative output is still 17 points per game.

   Interestingly, as the sixth man, Hill averaged 24 minutes of playing time per game but scored more points than Mo Mengchen.

  Mo Mengchen is averaging 17 points, 6 rebounds and 8 assists, but Hill is averaging 18 points, 6 rebounds and 3 assists.

   Looking at their current data, one can’t help but sigh the hero Yi Lao.

   Back then the Pistons double MVP, now also reached the age as a veteran pass.

   It’s just that Mo Mengchen announced this season as his retirement season earlier, so he got more attention than Hill.

   Time to enter February.

   Pistons record is 45 wins and 3 losses.

   They have 10 more wins than the second Lakers in the league and 14 more than the Pacers in the east.

  As long as there are no major internal problems, they can basically lock the league’s first record. The only question is how many wins will they get?

  Do they have a chance to challenge the 77 wins created by them?

   This is a question that nobody dares to answer, because that record is too great.

   That season, the Pistons 77 wins and 6 losses, swept the playoffs to win the championship, Mo Mengchen and Hill were elected the most valuable player in the finals, that is the only time in history that there are two most valuable players in the finals.

   The most regrettable thing for fans is that Mo Mengchen failed to share with Hill the most valuable player in the regular season.

   That was the pinnacle of the piston’s dominance and the epitome of the legend of the piston dynasty.

  In early February, the Pistons finally had their fourth defeat.

   The team that gave them this defeat was the Indiana Pacers. The Eastern Conference second boss killed the Eastern Conference boss. It seems reasonable.

   On the second day of the Pistons defeat, the league announced the big list of Las Vegas All-Star Weekends.

   Four Pistons were selected.

  Anthony, Curry, Mo Mengchen and Hill.

Mo Mengchen became the ticket king again. Most of Hill’s election was because of feelings. His data and strength are not all-star levels. The reason why he was selected for the main game is because the fans cannot accept Dor.Mo’s last. Grant Hill cannot be seen at the All-Star weekend.

   So, this matter is quite reasonable. At least Hill himself accepted it very quickly and was excited to say that he was ready to participate in the Las Vegas dunk contest.

   Unfortunately, he didn’t sign up for the dunk contest in the end, because Mo Mengchen told him-“As long as you are old, I’m afraid you will be reimbursed for the season without finishing the three goals.”

   Did Mo Mengchen’s curse scare Hill? No one knows, what we can know is that Hill has dispelled the idea of ​​participating in the dunk contest.

   With the All-Star weekend approaching, the regular season is also over half.

  The love and perseverance of Mo Mengchen became stronger and stronger, and the Detroit fans were more or less aware that Dor.Mo had decided.

   They were greatly impacted from the beginning and were difficult to accept. They carried out a march until Mo Mengchen eased his attitude and calmed them down until now.

   The fans found that the Pistons without Mo Mengchen were still in the championship, and they began to understand the latter’s decision.

   perseverance pervades every corner of Detroit.

  Mo Mengchen can perceive the retention of fans in any corner of the If he walks on any street in Detroit, he will hear countless people asking him to fight for another year.

  Mo Mengchen did not want to face these enthusiastic fans, so he concealed his whereabouts.

  Back home, Mo Mengchen opened the door, and Grace hurried towards him.

Grace is five months old, but the growth situation is not comparable to that in the zoo, even the wild lion. It is obviously delicious at home, but the nutrition has not been able to supplement. The five month old looks at three It looks like a month old.

  Mo Mengchen picked it up and gently touched his cheek with his small head, which was a way of greeting from cats.

   “Dad, Grace bite my toy again!”

   Although the body is not long, the teeth are always growing. Grace, who is in the rapid growth period, needs to grind his teeth every day. The inexperienced Mo Mengchen family does not have suitable grinding tools, so it has to open a heartless iron mouth to the girls’ toys.

  Mo Mengchen can hear her daughters complain every time she comes home.

   “Is Grace so naughty?” Mo Mengchen gently touched Grace’s head. “If you do this again, Buddy will educate you.”

   Grace, who has been integrated into the Garryton apartment, used Mo Menchen’s “threat” as a game. Not only was he not afraid, but he took the initiative to play with him.


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