You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 1100 - Man and lion and snow

   “The Boston Celtics’ eight consecutive championship records created in the 1965-1966 season, until today, after 51 years, was broken by the Detroit Pistons!”

   “51 years! God, time spanning five generations!”

   “No matter how long later, I believe that there will never be a team that can surpass the Pistons’ record!”

   “Tonight we witnessed the greatest moment in NBA history.”

  Lambir and Johnson glanced at each other, looking at Pistons No. 9 on the field: “Unfortunately, we will also send away the greatest player in history.”

  Mo Mengchen was surrounded by his teammates, and they frantically rolled on Mo Mengchen, as if to take this opportunity to revenge him fiercely.

   This “revenge” lasted for about half a minute, and they all got up one after another.

  Mo Mengchen hugged them one by one, then walked forward and greeted the opponent.

   can see the loss of Kobe’s face, this is his fourth time to lose in the finals, beating him is the Pistons, has been called him by contemporary Elgin Baylor.

  Despite the frustration, he still put down cruel words to Mo Mengchen: “You better fight for another year, otherwise there will be no piston dynasty next year!”

   “Listening to what you mean, considering for our team?” Mo Mengchen gave him a mocking look. “I have nine rings. Do you know what this means?”

  Mo Mengchen walked in front of Kobe: “Let’s go, the existence of the Piston Dynasty has nothing to do with me.”

  Mo Mengchen went to Garnett again to pay tribute to the 95th player whose achievement was second only to him.

  The audience yelled “Dor.Mo” together. They seem to be keeping Mo Mengchen in this way, or saying goodbye to him.

  The voice of 30,000 audiences cannot control the pace of Mo Mengchen’s departure.

   He walked slowly to the auditorium, watching Ephraim and their four children, Medela beside them, and the mother and daughter of Sivers sitting in the back rows.

   “People all over the world want you to fight for another year, don’t you stop thinking about it?” Ephraim asked with a smile.

   Of course there is, but we always have to let go.

   “I will feel sorry for this decision, but I will not regret it.” Mo Mengchen’s eyes looked at each of them. “The best part of my life is right in front of me.”

   A few minutes later, Mo Mengchen returned to the home locker room as a player for the last time.

   is also the last time to participate in Champagne as a player.

   This time, he no longer regarded Champagne as a childish game. In the past nine years, every time he won the championship and returned here, the one that bored him most was the Champagne Wars.

   is close to the difference, even if it is an annoying game, it is endlessly memorable.

After the stupid Champagne battle, the Pistons returned to the stadium wearing a neat championship T-shirt, embarked on the championship stage built for them, and took the eleventh O’Brien Cup from Stern’s hands. The Lakers have become the second-most winning team in NBA history.

   As for FMVP, they were selected from Anthony and Curry.

   Results, Anthony averaged 26 points, 8 rebounds and 8 assists in the finals, was elected the finals most valuable player.

Anthony, who has always been feared by his teammates, was pushed to the stage. This always belongs to the honor of Mo Mengchen or Hill, and fell on his head tonight.

   He gave a few jerky speeches, and then held the trophy high, trying to be as confident as Mo Mengchen, leaving a photo of extreme self-confidence.

   The award ceremony should have ended here, but this is the last game that Mo Mengchen played on behalf of the Pistons. When the Piston Awards ceremony was over, he stayed in the center of the venue and handed him a microphone to let him say a few words.

   “When I was an obscure Australian hunk, I wish I could play in the NBA.”

   “I want to be a remembered player;”

   “I want to be a starter;”

   “I want someone to scream for me;”

   Screaming sounded through the Empire Axis Arena.

   “I hope to help the team make the playoffs;”

   “I want to be an MVP;”

   “I hope to bring the champion;”

   “I want to rule the game like Michael Jordan.”

   can hear countless audience shouting: “You are better than Jordan!”

“Thank you for your support and encouragement for 13 years. Thank you for the screams and boos that always bring us the most decibels. Thank you for your enthusiasm…” Mo Mengchen didn’t know what he could say. In the end he said, “Thank you for inspiring me, the Australian villager who was seriously injured by fate, to become Dor. Mo.”

   The screams and voices at the scene made it difficult for Mo Mengchen to speak the conclusion.

   The one-minute scream caused an earthquake-like sound in the Empire Axis Arena.

  When the scene was calm, Mo Mengchen said, “Thank you.”

  Mo Mengchen surrendered the microphone. From the beginning to the end, he did not shed a tear. He did not want to show the weak side to others. From beginning to end, he was a strong look.

   At the press conference that evening, Mo Mengchen officially announced his retirement.

   The next day, the front page of the New York Times issued an article with the headline: “The shadow of the NBA era, which dispersed last night.”

Dor.Mo won a total of nine championships in a short 12-year career, eleven-time All-Star selection, seven-time Finals MVP, five-time regular season MVP, nine-time Best Team selection, six-time Best Team selection A good defensive lineup, played a total of career, got…

   is not a long-term career, but it is a page that will never be erased in NBA history.

   In his peak years, the league stars are bleak, and only the Pistons lead the way.

Because of his existence, superstars such as Penny Hardaway, Shaq O’Neal, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan, Alan Iverson, etc. have the best careers There was no grain harvest for nine years.

   They are uncrowned kings, challengers shrouded in shadows, superheroes who have been defeated by Dor.Mo repeatedly.

   In the 2007 draft, the Pistons selected Mike Conley using the fourth overall pick from the Blazers.

   As for the two brightest stars in this draft, no suspicious champions Greg Oden and Kevin Durant were won by the Mavericks in the west and the Eagles in the east.

   There is news that the Mavericks may send Oden to the Saint Lucifer Hospital for examination. If there is a problem, they will pay a lot of money to ask Dor.Mo to operate on him personally.

   Unfortunately, they are destined to return without success.

  Because as early as a few weeks ago, Mo Mengchen submitted a resignation letter to St. Lucifer Hospital.

  At about the same time, Noah Sivers, acting dean and head of the hospital of Saint Lucifer Hospital, also submitted a resignation letter to the board of directors.

   At the end of June, Mo Mengchen participated in the event for the last time as a piston-related event-a nine-year championship tour around the city.

   After the ceremony, Mo Mengchen cleared the relationship with the Pistons.

   Since then, he no longer asks about the NBA.

   He does not give Dumas advice and does not instruct the Pistons how other players should act, but he will still keep in touch with his old teammates by phone.

   In the first month of Mo Mengchen’s departure, the world was asking about his whereabouts.

  However, as if the world had evaporated, there was no news.

   Someone said he went to Africa because he was interested in lions;

   It was also said that he went to China, and it is rumored that the Chinese Basketball Association intends to naturalize it so that he can represent the Chinese team in the 2008 Beijing Olympics;

   Some people say that he returned to his hometown, he wants to go home to see;

   Others say that Dor.Mo is visiting the mountains and water with his family.

   Two months later, the world’s interest in Dor.Mo began to decrease, and no one cared but fans.

   However, Dor.Mo has a huge fan base. Even if there are fewer passers-by, there are quite a lot of people who care about him.

   It’s just that even the loyal fans need some clues to follow.

  Dor.Mo has no audio.

   No one knows what he is doing and where he is.

   He seemed to disappear.

   “Dear Dor.Mo, no matter where you are, I will always love you and wish you every success in the future.”

   A letter belonging to fans all over Mo Mengchen’s personal social media message board.

   He is still not dynamic, but they believe that Mo Mengchen must have seen it.

  The days pass by day by day, the new season begins, everyone must look forward.

   This day is November 22, 2007

  If you follow American time, today is Thanksgiving.

  This is the small town of Duameltz in Melbourne. Mo Mengchen sold the house left by his grandfather and paid a lot for the pasture sold by others. But his ranch does not raise cows and sheep, but raises some ungulates imported from Africa.

   Grace, who is 1 year and 3 months old, lives in this ranch. This is his 24th attempt to hunt.

   Its target is an antelope.

   This antelope’s physique is too big for it, but it is quite firm-it can also be said to be arrogant.

  It is an instinct to crawl forward when it sees its prey. After its owner, or friend, sees its movement, he takes out the telescope and looks forward.

   is now in the winter and snow season, the temperature is extremely low, he can only encourage the Grace to take the first blood of his lion’s life with a little praise.

   Grace, who has no adult lion’s words and lessons, is inexperienced. He stepped on the snow and chased the antelope who found it.

   Grace will find out sooner or later that this is not its strong point.

   No doubt, it failed again.


   Grace yelled and ran back. It jumped up and finished a hug with its human friend.

   They are not the relationship between the owner and the pet, they are an interdependent family relationship.

  At least for Grace.

   “It seems you have failed again.” Mo Mengchen took Grace out of the ranch.

   came out of the ranch and went home.

  Mo Mengchen found a secluded and undisturbed place for himself, where he had his own restaurant and ranch, Ephraim had his own law firm, and Sivers operated his own company.

   Before not entering the house, Grace used its unique voice to notify others in the house-it failed again and again.

  Sogra ran out to meet them, and Grace rubbed his head on his cheek with excitement.

  Mo Mengchen entered the house, quickly closed the door, and for a while it snowed outside.

  Ephraim is preparing for the Thanksgiving dinner, Mo Mochen could not understand why she puts an industry-recognized chef, she must prepare her own Thanksgiving dinner?

  Mo Mengchen looked at the pasture through the window. The green grass was covered with snow and turned white.

   Grace gazed at the ranch with him. What was certain was that it was not sorry for the snow-covered green grass.

  Mo Mengchen was surrounded by a transparent display cabinet with his championship ring and various trophies, as well as his achievements so far.

   Those are all past, he looked at the ice and snow outside, thinking.

  I don’t know how long after that, Ephraim walked over to him and said softly, “I’m ready to eat.”

   “Good.” Mo Mengchen said.

   Honestly, he didn’t expect to prepare his wife’s dinner by himself.

  Mo Mengchen looked at the ranch again for a while, and even Grace touched his leg with his small head, indicating that he had something more important now.

  Mo Mengchen had to turn around, leaving behind the picturesque beauty.

  Despite the overwhelming time of the past, the golden years are forever in our hearts. We can feel the passage of time at any time, knowing in what form life is flowing, it is still flowing now, and it will continue to flow in the future.

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