You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 126 - Aggressive

Early morning

“Mo, I’m too late, Adrian will give it to you.”

Ephraim held Mo Mengchen’s hand as if to give him the greatest hope of his life.

Mo Mengchen had known Adrian for as long as Ephraim. At first, he was just Ephraim’s brother. He even had doubts-Adrian is the son of Ephraim-and later proved that they It is indeed the relationship between sister and brother. In order to please Ephraim, he naturally wants to please Adrian. When he established a relationship with Ephraim, things started to change.

He began to be less patient with Adrian, after all, a 9-year-old child was the most annoying.

The most terrible thing is that Mo Mengchen was obviously disgusted by this. In order not to hurt Ephraim, he had to endure this wayward imp.

“No problem, rest assured to me.”

Mo Mengchen was so reassuring every time, Ephraim kissed him happily, and then put Adrian’s hand on Mo Mengchen’s hand.

“Be good.” Ephraim said.

“Relax!” Adrian’s little head twitched, his brow twitching, like two black restless caterpillars.

God knows what he’s trying to do.

Mo Mengchen now just wants to know: “Did you wash your hands this morning?”

“Of course, hand washing is something I must do when I wake up every morning.”

Even if Adrian spoke eloquently, Mo Mengchen was a little unbelieving. When Ephraim went away, he looked at the time and went to wash his hands.

“Dr. Mo, where did you and my sister go?”

“Are you in a good relationship now?”

“When do you get married?”

This little fart kid is a walking questioning machine, and his many questions make Mo Mengchen want to put his hand towel into his mouth.

“If you will shut up, I can answer one of these questions.”

Mo Mengchen’s expression was pleasant, as if not angry at all. If his teammates saw this expression, they kept them scared.

Where does the innocent little kid understand the horror of Adrian only wanted to know why he had to shut up to answer the question.

“Because you have too many questions, good kids only ask one question every day.”

“Isn’t that very inefficient?”

God, this kid actually knows efficiency?

Mo Mengchen did not know how to shut him up, but he gave up.

“Want to eat something?” Mo Mengchen asked.

“I want to have breakfast with an Australian flavor.”

“Okay, I’m going to make a live roast koala. Are you interested?”

Live roast? Adrian shivered: “Is that too cruel?”

“Don’t you know that we Australians are all fierce?” Mo Mengchen now looks particularly like Hannibal played by Anthony Hopkins.

Adrian was terrified: “You are terrible! You and your sister said they were born a pair! You should be married!”

“Unfortunately, we are all still young, this matter is not planned at the moment.” Mo Mengchen smiled.

Then, breakfast was released.

Adrian watched the delicious sandwich fall into Mo Mengchen’s mouth and said, “Dr. Mo, good things should be shared with each other.”

“Only good children can eat my breakfast.”

“How can I be a good boy?”

“Don’t talk. Can you do it?”

Adrian nodded affirmatively: “This won’t bother me.”

Mo Mengchen thought he finally subdued the little boy, he gave Adrian his breakfast: “Good boy.”

He did not expect anyway that the harmless children of humans and animals would forget his promise so quickly.

Adrian just took a bite of the sandwich and said, “Sister should force you to marry her.”

“Why do you say that?” Mo Mengchen said.

Adrian is like an accident-prone old fritter saying: “I read from the magazine that every NBA player will eventually go bad.”

“How did it get worse?”

“Smoking marijuana, sloppy, staying at night, fooling around in bars,…”

A 9-year-old child said these words without a surprise.

Mo Mengchen froze for a few seconds, and said: “You make sense, but I will not become such a person.”

“I don’t believe it.” Adrian finished the sandwich.

Later, Mo Mengchen asked Medela to send Adrian to school and went to Saint Lucifer alone.

During the playoffs, he had no other arrangements. If he was in Detroit, all he did was train every day.

Even if he went to the hospital, he would not have surgery because he had to spend more time on training.

After observing the patient, Mo Mengchen left.

“Mo, is it so early?”

Although Mo Mengchen never slacks off, being late is a common occurrence, because everyone knows he is going to have an operation.

His teammates couldn’t imagine how he would train the patient while calming his stomach.

As long as it does not affect the game, the team will not interfere with his part-time job.

After a season, the hospital’s work not only did not affect the game, but let the nickname Dor.Mo spread throughout the United States. Even Americans who are not interested in basketball know that there is a doctor named Dor.Mo playing in the NBA.

Mo Mengchen has the highest popularity among the 95 rookies, which is inseparable from Dor.Mo, because his way of playing does not attract fans.

Only those who really understand basketball will appreciate his game. For fans, they would rather watch Starkhouse one-fifth, or watch Stoudemire’s fast-breaking fast break, rather than watching Mo Mengchen present. Running back and forth.

After a game, he may not singled out at a time.

Most of the scores he gets are those that are not surprising.

Not long ago, the game against the Bulls was the game he played the most in the rookie season. The preview before the lore added to the legend of the game, and the lore from the top of Jordan shocked the league.

More and more people began to pay attention to him.

The speaker was Hill, and Mo Mengchen patted the ball and said, “I haven’t had surgery recently.”

This kind of problem that can be solved in one sentence, Mo Mengchen didn’t want them to ask the second sentence.

“Mo, don’t you think you are playing too rigid sometimes?”

I saw Mo Mengchen practicing another three-pointer, and the practice was still the long three-point distance before the three-point line was shortened.

“Inflexible?” Mo Mengchen didn’t expect the word to be put on himself.

Hill nodded: “Yes, rigid.”

Mo Mengchen said: “Can you explain?”

Mo Mengchen is not unacceptable to criticism. If you want to criticize him, you must say something, not open your mouth and run the train.

If it is reasonable, he will accept; if it is nonsense, then don’t blame his mouth for poison.

Hill also knows the risks of this matter, which is his personal opinion, he must say it.

“You are sometimes too aggressive,” Hill said. “If you can properly increase personal attacks, we will have more opportunities, the space for positional battles will be more open, and your vision will increase greatly.”

Mo Mengchen said: “Why do you think I lack aggression instead of not being aggressive at all?”

Hill smiled: “In the playoffs, we played 84 games together. I think I know you very well. You will only show your aggressiveness when there is a crisis.”

“I’m not saying this is not good. I mean, can’t your aggressiveness be properly displayed at the regular stage?” Hill asked.

If even Grant Hill feels that I am not aggressive enough, then I really have to find the reason in myself.

Mo Mengchen cherishes feathers and is afraid of injury. This is for sure. Anyone with a history of injuries like this will be afraid.

Since he got the skill of Ruo Ru Boneless, he has let go of his heart.

It’s just that he is still used to playing conservatively.

He didn’t know why this happened. As Hill said, showing some aggressiveness in the opening stage can not only help his teammates to contain his opponent, but also put pressure on the opponent.

“You make sense.”

Hill thought that Mo Mengchen would blast him, but he did not expect that the other party would recognize him.

Hill gradually knows how to communicate with Mo Mengchen, which is difficult, and not everyone can do it.

At first, he would be angry because of Mo Mengchen’s reproach that seemed to have no respect for the old team members. Later, he found that Mo Mengchen simply raised some questions roughly.

If his words are not intense enough, others may not even listen.

This is his way of urging others. Of course, not much can be accepted.

“I gave you advice, shouldn’t you give me advice?” Hill asked.

Mo Mengchen pointed to his position: “My opinion is only one, please suggest the **** three-point shooting rate to 30%.”

“Damn! Is the three-pointer so important?”

Mo Mengchen hit the iron with three points.

He walked and said: “If our inside is weak, unfortunately, the opponent’s inside is very strong, just like I can play against the Magic series-the size of the space will determine the success or failure of the game.”

“But didn’t we restrict them well the night before?”

“You can’t expect them to be so abnormal every night.”

“Don’t say it, let’s compare to shooting, beggar!”

Houston walked over in a curvy posture.

Hill asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

Houston said: “I heard that this can make the feet relax the most.”

“Although I don’t know where you saw it, but I’m sure it’s deceiving!” Hill’s face “you’re being fooled again”.

Mo Mengchen is not in the mood to mess with them is tomorrow, he is now worried about the trouble of tomorrow’s game.

The Magic will surely find a way to organize them against Hardaway with a pick-and-roll, or Hardaway thinks of it himself.

It is impossible for them to continue to beat O’Neal because Game2 has proved that O’Neal can’t beat the dead.

So, what changes will they make?

No, maybe no change is needed.

As long as the dual cores inside and outside play normally, they will struggle.

The strength gap is there, and the Magic only needs to adjust its mentality.

The team that needs to change is the Pistons themselves.

PS: Continue the four changes today, three changes every day from tomorrow, my old book is not over yet, the pressure of updating is a little bit big, save some manuscripts just in case, please forgive me

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