You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 140 - Wind and grass

In mid-June, on Father’s Day, the Chicago Bulls won the Seattle SuperSonics 4-2.

Jordan also started his journey of “I am still the best” after two years of rest.

At the end of the season, the teams were engaged in an arms race.

As far away as the Garryton Apartment in Detroit, Mo Mengchen is listening to the latest news.

He has been training for a month and a half.

This month and a half, he completed 5 operations, all of which were successful, earning a total of 0000 attribute points, plus the original deposit, he suddenly had 40,000 attribute points.

Last night, he used this score to improve some attributes.

The first is strength. He increased the strength of the lower limbs from 84 to 94, and then increased the strength of the upper limbs from 80 to 90.

What does this mean? This means that Jason Kidd can no longer eat him with his back. With his current strength, even if he wants to carry some strong second position, it is not a problem.

This month and a half, his weight increased by nearly 2 kg.

His current weight data is 824 kg. Without taking medicine, he can’t take heavy weight training. His weight gain progress is extremely slow. His goal is to increase his weight to 84 kg this summer. The road is still very long.

The greater the weight, the greater the increased strength.

Now the strength attribute points of his upper and lower limbs have reached 90, which makes his strength into the top of the league.

At the same time, it also cost him 1,000 points.

You know, this was earned in the playoffs, and the sum of the five points of the surgery this month, it took him a season to increase the strength of the upper and lower limbs to the top.

This is not the core strength.

His core strength is only 60 points, barely improved by 1 point through this one and a half months of training.

With 9,000 attributes remaining, he took a look. The power does not need to be considered for improvement for the time being. The existing attributes are enough. He has to shift his focus to other places.

The problem of strength has been resolved by eight points, but the core strength is not good enough. This can be done slowly.

Next, he will focus on increasing speed.

Speed ​​is an attribute that is difficult to improve. It is not that it cannot be improved, but it is difficult to improve. What’s more, someone like him who has experienced serious injuries is always a bit resistant to training that requires a lot of legs and feet.

Therefore, he chose to use attribute points to improve the speed attribute.

Among them, the most important attribute for him at present is the traverse speed.

It was added to 70 points last season, but now there are 9,000 points, but only points can be added, which shows that the system also thinks this attribute is extremely important.

Mo Mengchen did not hesitate to add directly.

Other changes are subtle, such as offensive stability, which cannot be increased by points. Through his accumulation this season, his offensive stability has increased from 44 to 50.

The open three-pointer has also been trained for at least two thousand goals a day during a season, and has gone from 5 to 60 in the offseason.

The promotion of the first stage of the offseason was over. His overall evaluation improved from 66 to 69, which was only 1 point away from 70.

Rarely, it won’t take long for me to be a member of the 70 Army.

Mo Mengchen thought derisively.

At this time, he was in Garryton 250’s own home, sitting next to the chief operating officer of dreamotrue, and his “surviving” agents Harding Patton, Amel Medela, and the Momochen team who just recently joined. Media personage Henry Hasman.

Hasman can be said to be supported by Mo Mengchen. He mainly provides services for the league teams.

Initially, he was known for several breaking news, and these materials were naturally given to him by Mo Mengchen.

After he became famous, the general managers of the ghosts began to find him. They needed to pass through Hesman’s mouth to reveal all kinds of things, but there is no real evidence and the official does not deny or admit the gossip.

Some of these messages are smoke bombs, some are genuine, and some are fake messages used to deceive opponents.

Mo Mengchen learned about the alliance’s movement through Hessman.

“The draft conference is about to start, you can say what you know.” Mo Mengchen sat on the sofa and chopped apples.

Parton sat beside Mo Mengchen, but his hands were not idle.

Mo Mengchen cut one, and he took one to eat.

Because he knew that Mo Mengchen didn’t want to eat apples, he just had nothing to do and he could do the knife work. The ghost knew why this part-time doctor guy likes to play knife so much.

Hasman watched Patton eat with relish, and felt a lot of saliva in his mouth, isn’t it an apple? Why can this **** make it like eating the most expensive meal in the world?

“Hardin, I still suggest you don’t continue to eat better.” Mo Mengchen smiled.

Parton asked: “Why? You see the apples you cut are so beautiful, it’s a pity not to eat them?”

“Yeah.” Medela was also eating.

Should we tell them that this fruit knife that cut apples had a rat that scared Ephraim recently? Should I?

Although it has been washed over and over again, absolutely no traces of bacteria can be left behind, but after all, it has been hand-cutted by mice.

“Speak.” Mo Mengchen said.

Hasman said: “Toronto wants an insider. They need an insider with unlimited potential to partner Damon Starkhouse. There is news that their goal is locked in Marcus Camby. This guy is in college. The performance completely suppressed Tim Duncan of Wake Forest University.”

“There are signs that Jerry West firmly believes that Kobe Bryant is the person they want and they will start trading on draft night.”

At this time, Mo Mengchen finally had some interest: “Continue.”

“Kevin McHale is very optimistic about Stephen Marbury. If Philadelphia does not win this guy, I believe he will wear the Timberwolves next season.”

What Hasman said is roughly the same as Mo Mengchen’s understanding.

His arrival has not caused a knock-on effect because he is just a rookie who looks promising.

“The Sun is also interested in Kobe. According to reliable sources, Danny Angie plans to use their first round 15th pick on draft night and add some extras in exchange for lottery picks. He is determined to win Kobe.”


Mo Mengchen still has some understanding of Anji. During college, he was a two-way star of basketball and baseball. He was first selected by the baseball team. At that time, everyone thought that Anji must have played baseball, so he ignored him, and the Cardinal took the opportunity to take the second round. Anji was picked in order.

Since then, Anji has made contributions to the Celtics, and it is also an unavoidable name in the 1980s.

However, what he really impressed Mo Mengchen was one thing he did in the late Celtics.

In the 89 season, Anji suggested to the Green Army management that the old injuries of the Big Three of the Green Army would suggest to the Green Army management to take advantage of the trade value of Byrd and others and take them back for something valuable.

Did the bishop hear this? If this matter spreads, the Green Army will not explode in place?

As a result, Anji was traded. Later, Bird and others retired as much as possible. Anji became the general manager of the Sun, returned to the Kai team at the beginning of the century, and became the general manager of the Green Army under the recommendation of the bishop.

Many people knew what happened afterwards.

This is the person with the highest interests. As long as it is beneficial to the team, he can even trade it out.

Mo Mengchen scoffed at his suggestion to trade Byrd at the time, but as he grew older, he discovered that this person was a natural manager.

When the bishop heard his suggestion, he did not necessarily feel impressed in his heart, but Bird and other people were outstanding, and there was almost no feasibility. If they did, the public opinion, fans, and even the board of directors of the management might engulf them, so Only Anji can be traded.

Unexpectedly, he also took a fancy to Kobe.

Mo Mengchen doesn’t care about where the future history of the Iron King is, he is more concerned about the team’s choice.

“Did anyone pick Doug Collins?”

“It’s Jerome Williams without surprise.”

That face appeared in Mo Mengchen’s mind.

“Mo, I have another piece of news.” Hasman suddenly said when Mo Mengchen thought deeply.

The apple had been cut by Mo Mengchen, and he pinched the fruit knife and asked, “What news?”

“News about the Knicks.”

“about you.”

Mo Mengchen looked at him.

“Not long ago, the Knicks proposed a trade plan. John Stackhouse was the main thrust of the trade, plus two first-round draft picks this year. They want you and the Pistons in the first round of this year.”

Hasman’s words shocked Medela and Patton.

Mo Mengchen asked: “The result?”

“It’s just a rumor, it’s hard to tell the truth. It is said that Doug Collins finally hung up the phone and said it was an immature proposal.”

Mo Mengchen smiled: “Whether it is true or not, spread the news.”

“O, what are you doing?” Hasman asked with a smile.

“I want to make the New Yorker panic. The lunatic should be able to do a lot of things.” Mo Mengchen suddenly wanted to play a game with the Knicks. He wanted to ask Stark House.

Your team did not hesitate to catch up with you and two first-round picks in order to trade, but it was rejected by our general manager. What does that mean?

He doesn’t even have to think about how fierce the crazy monkey’s reaction will Don’t laugh like that, I’m afraid. “Patton said.

Mo Mengchen continued to ask: “What about Ben Wallace’s draft market?”

“No one cares, as you expected.” Hasman said.

That being said, there is no need to encourage the team to win him, let Big Ben follow his original life trajectory.

It’s just that the person who ultimately saved his nba career will no longer be the bone crusher Unseld, but him.

“Pay attention to his movements at any time, and notify me at any time if there is any situation.” Mo Mengchen said.

Mo Mengchen didn’t actually do anything, everyone’s direction was still in accordance with the original historical process.

This year the Pistons really have no drama to sing, he just needs to make sure one thing.

Let Big Ben join the Pistons a few years in advance, whether it is for the needs of the team or to eliminate hidden dangers in the future, this matter must be completed.

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