You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 144 - You little clever ghost

“Mo, do you want to play?”

Barkley asked with a smile.

Mo Mengchen said lightly: “I didn’t bring any money.”

Barkley drew a small pile of Mo Mengchen from his cheque piled up like a hill: “I borrow you, I’m not as stingy as a black bald man.”

Jordan looked weird.

Although Barkley did not name the surname, there are not many black and bald people here.

Starkhouse and Marbury didn’t figure out the situation. They wanted to isolate Mo Mengchen. He didn’t expect him to greet him. He immediately sat next to the most important group of people.

“What fascinating soup did this **** give the old guys?” Starkhouse hated.

Pippen turned up the card Lucy gave him and smiled, “I like this card!”

The person who laughs first may not end up laughing, Scott.

Old-fashioned sticks like Jordan know some little secrets about big names. Even if his cards are very good and extremely good, he will try to hold it back unless he can’t help it.

“Well…I advise you not to bet against me, otherwise I will let you go back to the hotel in a glorious way!” The old rogue gas field opened, and the scene was dizzying to watch.

Don’t want Buckley cards, just say: “This guy is **** empty again, ignore him!”

Empty the cannon? Not necessarily.

Mo Mengchen glanced at his card.

The first card has nothing to say, they need to continue to deal cards.

But, Jordan handed out a cheque of five thousand yuan and said, “Who wants to follow?”

“Dead bald, you can’t see you so generously for tipping!” Buckley scolded.

Pippen didn’t get scared by Jordan, and launched a cheque of five thousand yuan in his backhand: “Sorry, there is no brother in the card market, I followed.”


Barkley felt that the two were crazy.

Joining the lively Kevin Johnson joked: “It’s funny, the two guys who are the most stingy in tipping in the NBA are just the two most generous people on the table.”

Mo Mengchen looked at his cards, and Barkley borrowed a total of 30,000 cheques from him. He didn’t want to waste. He quickly calculated the odds of drawing good cards in his mind, and how many good cards he needed to beat Pi Penghe. Jordan.

In the end, he gave up this one.

“Mo, can’t give up!” Barkley thought Mo Mengchen was just like him.

Mo Mengchen smiled: “Chuck, lose first or lose.”

“Damn, how do you know you won’t turn over behind?” Buckley asked.

If you lend me 100,000 in one breath, I might consider playing a heartbeat, but you, the stingy fat man, will give me 30,000.

“I don’t have much chips, I have to save a little.” Mo Mengchen said.

“Don’t you worry about this?” Buckley pulled out a stack of checks: “You **** worried about a bird chip? How much do you want me to borrow from you!”

Praise fat people!

Barkley is undoubtedly the most generous person in the NBA, I withdraw my previous words.

“Since you gave up, come and help me see, these two Chicago **** are a gang!” Buckley asked for help in person.

Jordan and Pippen don’t care either. With good cards in hand, what can Mo Mengchen do?

After Barkley called, Lucy dealt.

“Wow!” Buckley exulted.

It seemed that Mo Mengchen wanted to give his pig head a big stick.

However, after Pippen and Jordan got their second cards, their faces changed to varying degrees.

That is definitely not a good change.

They got a bad card.

“Ahaha! You are dead, you better give up now!”

The veteran stick has its own way of coping with it, and Jordan began to bluff with momentum.

Pippen didn’t have the courage, that’s why he could only do the second child. When he saw bad cards, he didn’t take risks. He said he lost.

“Mo, what do you think?” Barkley asked.

Jordan’s eyes were as if he wanted to lock Mo Mengchen.

He knew that Mo Mengchen had seen through his tricks, and his expression meant “You **** tell me something?”

“What do you think of your card?” Mo Mengchen asked.

Barkley praised: “Absolutely the best fuck!”

“What else do you ask? Do you believe in yourself or others in playing.” Mo Mengchen asked.

“I believe in myself!” After that, Barkley launched a hundred thousand chips, “Dead Bald, come on, be happy together! Let’s see who the **** is more ruthless!”

After the words fell, Barkley showed muscles in his hands and accidentally revealed his cards.

Jordan never showed weakness in his life, unless he really could not.

The old hooligan dropped the card and Buckley became the final winner.


Barkley has never won such a big hand, he cuddles Mo Mengchen: “You **** is a clever ghost, I don’t think you should **** cards, just give me an idea next to it! This bargaining chip Don’t pay it back, it’s my reward!”

“Mo. I’ll give you fifty thousand chips, you come to my side.”

Pippen said.

“Hill, you **** come here less!” Buckley grabbed Mo Mengchen’s arm, no matter whether he accepted it or not, he couldn’t leave him. “This guy is covered by me!”

What are you doing?

“Is this guy so flattering?” Anfini Hardaway asked.

Like people? So the word can be used on Mo Mengchen?

Hill remembered a word: people **** love.

This **** is a group of old mentally sloppy skins. Is it normal to like this bitch? He hasn’t said a few words today…

In the middle of the game, Jordan and Pippen lost their underpants, Barkley earned a pot, and Mo Mengchen also shared a cup of soup.

“Damn, play your own next time!” Jordan lost badly and set such a rule before breaking up.

Buckley grinned and dragged Mo Mengchen to the pool to brag.

“This bald loses to me every day, I think he will lose even the brand AJ sooner or later!” Buckley laughed.

“Loss every day? Not necessarily,” Mo Mengchen used to pierce others, especially his friends. “He won’t win the 1993 Finals.”

The laughter of the dead fat man came to an end.

Jordan and Pippen laughed away.

“How do you still demolish my desk?” Buckley said grumbledly.

Mo Mengchen said with a smile: “I will dismantle your platform first, and Michael will have no platform to dismantle. Do you think it is more embarrassing for me to take the initiative to mention this matter, or is Michael taunting you with this matter and make you want nothing more? Embarrassing?”

When Barkley heard this, it felt so reasonable.

“You **** genius!” Buckley said heavily, “absolute genius!”

He said this, Jordan Pippen was relieved, and there were some steps down. Although Barkley felt harsh, he was not hurt.

If Jordan said, Buckley had to play a duel with him.

“You see things so clearly, then tell me, what should I do next?” Barkley asked.

Suddenly asked, Mo Mengchen knew what he was asking but asked back: “Sleep.”

“Who asked you this? I wanted to ask you, what do I do after the Olympics? Do you know that I am a free agent?” Buckley said.

No matter how calm Mo Mo Chen was, his heartbeat accelerated.

Every sentence must be carefully considered.

He can use Barkley’s good feelings for him to win over this veteran superstar who can still fight, but is his arrival good or bad for the Pistons?

“I believe you have a team strong enough to give you advice.” Mo Mengchen said.

Barkley hummed: “That bunch of birdmen use a fart!”

“They are professional after all.”

Perhaps Barkley just wanted to hear Mo Mengchen say “I want to play with you”, but Mo Mengchen really didn’t think about it now.

In his original plan, Barkley did not exist.

He knows which players can enter the NBA in the future. He can plan ahead and create an invincible division for himself, which is why he has to reach into the management.

Barkley is now in his senior years and will gradually decline in the future. If he joins the Pistons, how will the team place him.

In the first year, he can still play the starting game. In the next few years, will he accept the bench?

“What do you want?” Barkley asked.

Mo Mengchen said: “This question is a bit difficult for me. My answer is I don’t know, at least not now.”

“Don’t know? Then you should know that your general manager called me over the past few days and told me how much do you all want me?”

I know this.

Mo Mengchen thought.

Collins made a deal that the outside world can’t understand, and now Mo Mengchen can’t understand, leading to a lot of criticism. If he doesn’t do anything in the free His next work will be under great pressure.

Moreover, the management of the Pistons is not alone.

Even the coaching staff have been replaced in the offseason.

The joining of Dura Electric has made a slight change in the distribution of the upper camp, and there are rumors that Shannon Poser wants to buy some shares of the Pistons in his own name.

Although it is only a rumor, many media have already captured Poser and Dan McNeil, who owns 14% of the Pistons.

“I heard, what do you think?” Mo Mengchen asked back.

Barkley grumbled: “I have no opinion on your head coach. I just think he is farting. I want to hear your opinion more. Do you think I am suitable for you?”

Is he suitable?

It is undoubtedly suitable at the moment. The team needs a scoring point. Even if Barkley’s defense is not good, his offense is still a star.

“Chuck, the summer is still very long, don’t worry, why don’t you let me check your knees, don’t you keep saying that you are a little uncomfortable?” Mo Mengchen disturbed the topic.

Buckley raised his big fat legs and said: “Then help me to see, this knee feels like a bomb is installed, I don’t know when it will explode.”

Mo Mengchen raised Barkley’s knee and asked, “Do you think something is wrong?”

“A little sour?”

“No, not this.” Mo Mengchen pressed.

“Go fuck!”

Buckley scolded with pain.

“Are my knees dead?” Barkley asked.

“No, but you may not be able to play the Olympics.” Mo Mengchen said.

Barkley didn’t expect it to be so serious: “Really?”

Mo Mengchen raised his eyes and said, “I don’t make jokes like this.”

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