You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 158 - I\\\'m grateful if you don\\\'t get hit

Hill is about to be cast into a psychological shadow by Mo Mengchen, and the three-pointer has become his heart disease.

Mo Mengchen was just okay just now, and he didn’t sprinkle salt on the wound.

In fact, Hill misunderstood. Mo Mengchen was only frightened by his performance. I didn’t know what words to use to describe this shot.

Outside the 45-degree paint area on the right, Robinson turned his back to the card position. The small general did not greedy and took the anger, turned his anger into motivation and passed the ball.

Robinson holds the ball. Now that no one has scored, he needs to break the egg.

At this time, Houston sneaked in from behind, trying to make a sudden attack. His pace was very fast, but it was too fast. After his teammates reminded, the admiral looked back at the moon and passed the ball out of the line.

Vernon Maxwell is a typical old-time shooter who dares to shoot, but his shooting rate is unstable.

This is not an excuse for Houston to abandon him. Although the opponent is a sharp shooter with a perennial hit rate of 30%, such a large space is simply giving points to the opponent.

Maxwell got a pass from Robinson, made a three-pointer and made a hollow shot.

3 to 0

Houston’s face sank. He just caught the opponent’s low three-pointer percentage and boldly wrapped up. This ball gave him a wake-up call.

“Why can someone take the opportunity of the core player to be caught and hit a three-pointer?”

Mo Mengchen said cool words, and Hill was once again stricken.

To save face, Hill chose singles.

Hill ran fast, his opponent was unsteady, he made a smart little jump, like a flea, it looked like it flickered, and then, the pace passed together, the ball passed under the foot, the left hand pulled the ball, the body issued A burst of right shaking like a breakthrough.

His opponent was tortured, and Hill was finally bored. He received the ball and greeted him. With his golden star status, he fouled a foul on the opponent’s hand and hit a jumper.

“I’m fine, guys!”

Devil Mountain turned to his teammate and said.

The embarrassment is not that no one responded, but that the person who responded didn’t seem to be worried at all: “Got it, free throws!”

Barkley shouted.

Hill was more and more sad. He tried so hard, but no one could see it. He even mocked him with his hand. It was a shame that the vacancy was three-thirds.

No, try again.

Hill thought of this and his eyes were even hotter. He wanted to make a three-pointer. He made a thousand three-pointers every day this summer. Although it is not as perverted as Mo Mengchen, it is still after hard training. He does not believe this. No effect.

Increased penalty hit, 3 to 3.

Still outside the paint area on the right, Robinson took the ball without looking inside and got together, only thinking about the offense. Thorpe fell backward after his body impacted. His original intention was to create an opponent’s offensive foul, and he didn’t want to make a mistake. The lower body touched the Admiral’s ball.

Barkley picked up the ball and passed Mo Menchen.

Mo Mengchen’s counterattack was about to be launched, and the small general’s violent foul stopped him.

“Does it hurt? The pain is right, I will never make you feel better tonight.” The little general said fiercely.

Suddenly, Mo Mengchen’s eyes became dangerous.

Seeing him like this, Houston swallowed: “Dwarf, I advise you to be kind.”

“Shut up for me, idiot!” the little general shot back.

Before serving, Mo Mengchen came to Houston and said a few words.

“Are you sure? This is not our tactic.” Houston said in surprise.

“Sometimes it’s nothing bad to try new things.” Mo Mengchen sent Houston a throw-in.

The small general waited in the frontcourt, he wanted to stop Mo Mengchen directly.

As a result, Houston cut out and made a hand with Mo Mengchen, and the side was emptied quickly. This situation not only made their opponents look confused, but the Pistons coaches on the field did not know what happened.

“This is not our tactic!” Collins yelled.

Matt Jones’s eyes slowly enlarged, nothing wrong, absolutely nothing wrong, is a low post tactic in the triangle offense.

It’s just that none of them thought that the person who executed the offense would be Mo Mengchen.

Mo Mengchen leaned against the little general.

It seems that this is a disparate matchup.

The narrator on the spot broadcast a data: “Dor.Mo did not score low in the rookie season.”

As the words fell, Mo Mengchen gathered his strength and arched fiercely towards the general.

This is the first time he has shown such an amazing strength advantage on the court, and his opponent has never imagined that what the weak Australian could have experienced in the offseason?

Johnson was unable to think, because in the next second, Mo Mengchen’s second impact directly knocked him to the ground.

In the boos of 30,000 fans in the city, Mo Mengchen licked the basket to score.

Johnson could hardly think. He watched Mo Mengchen pass by before his eyes, and nothing happened.

“Is he stupid?”

“who knows.”

Houston and Hill question and answer.

Barkley laughed: “This back beat really has my demeanor, playing that kind of little kid, talking about any technique is nonsense, it’s done!”

Collins was so cold, he thought of many possibilities.

The biggest possibility is: Mo Mengchen is backwatering?

He wants to play triangle offense? No, if he wants to play, he should give his opinions during training, this is his style.

It’s definitely not his faction to engage in a sudden attack on the field. Their relationship has not reached the point where they can’t communicate, so what happened?

Collins still needs to continue to observe, the dead rival Matt Jones has a kind of unspeakable excitement, he thought it was Mo Mengchen’s reputation.

Johnson forced the basket, causing Barkley’s defensive foul to make two free throws.

The triangle offense disappeared. The tactic just now was like a sudden upswing. Maybe the players themselves didn’t even know that they played a triangle offense.

Collins’ mood has recovered a lot, which is good news.

Mo Mengchen will suddenly pull out a tactic they have not played.

Especially for this tactic just now, they may not have practiced it in private. They suddenly took it out and used it. It seemed simple. Mo Mengchen had a strong side, and the other four people occupied the middle and left to form a deformed triangle.

Barkley sinks into a low position, and the space is pulled apart again, especially Mo Mengchen, standing opposite Barkley.

Dare to spur the Spurs?

Doubts appeared.

After Buckley took the ball, Johnson was motionless, he knew that Mo Mengchen could not be put.

Barkley got a one-on-one opportunity. He was not polite. The fierce low offense ravaged his opponent in three seconds. The aggressive offensive occupied the entire restricted area and ended with a powerful two-handed dunk.

The two sides played back and forth. The first quarter directly scored a rare 37 to 34 score.

In this era of not paying attention to three-pointers, the first energy-saving player played such a high score, which shows that the two sides feel very good, and one thing is obvious, their defense is surprisingly rotten.

The restricted area where the Admiral was seated should not be so fragile, just blame Barkley for this eruption, Mo Mengchen and Houston’s outside line have both.

The problem with the Pistons is relatively simple. Their penalty zone has no air defense capability at all, and it is normal to be detonated.

In the second quarter, Collins began to use the depth of the team’s lineup to make large-scale adjustments.

Keep Alan Houston, the unstoppable physical monster, and win Barkley, Hill, and Momon Dust; go to Dumas, Don Reid, and Theo Ratliff.

After Ratliff played, the Pistons finally got a barrier in the restricted area, but without Mo Mengchen, the game became ugly.

This is the least understandable point of Collins.

Obviously there are so many tactics in his tactical library that can be played, why as long as Mo Mengchen is not, this group of people can only XD?

This is a problem that Collins has been criticized for a long time.

As he said, his tactical reserve is very rich, there are dozens of conventional tactics, but there is no fixed frame.

He does not have his own system.

These tactics are extracted from different systems. They are infinitely powerful in their respective systems, but if there is no system blessing, the effect will be very bad.

This is why the piston will play so chaotically after Mo Mengchen ends.

“The more chaotic Detroit, the more important Dor.Mo appears.”

“I always feel that basketball is a team sport where five people work together, but there are indeed some players, and their presence is very important to the team.”

Teammates ran around like headless flies, and Mo Mengchen heard Matt Jones talking to the assistants: “If we play triangle offense, they don’t have to be so confused at all. The biggest use of triangle offense is to let the supporting roles fit into the game!”

Did you hear it, Doug?

Mo Mengchen had just played a triangle offense just now, it was just an entry-level triangle offense, because they hadn’t practiced it and couldn’t play a too complicated triangle offense.

The round of Fang Cai provided a strong argument for Jones and others. It is foreseeable that they will have a new round of rash after they return.

There is a major problem for Collins right now.

How can he use the team’s lineup to get the game done?

From the minutes when Mo Mengchen and other main players came off the field, the Pistons did not look like a team with a deep lineup. They were hit by the Spurs’ second lineup on the ground.

45 to 39

Only three minutes later, Collins rushed into Momenchen to save the scene.

The people who were taken down were Houston and Thorpe, and they were replaced by Mo Mengchen and Ma Hong.

At the same time Little General invited Tassel to battle, he and Mo Mengchen still have some things to count.

The Spurs’ head coach agreed to the request of the general and allowed him to play.

“Fate is destined to blow you up today!”

The little general stared at Mo Mengchen.

“Are you coming by yourself or will I help you?”

Mahon asked briefly.

Mo Mengchen took the little general as air and said to Ma Hong: “Take care of yourself, as long as you don’t get beaten by Greg Anderson, I’m thankful.”

“What kind of thing does he beat me?” Ma Hong sneered.

Mo Mengchen didn’t take care of the little general all the way, making the latter awkward.

“Wait for me!” The little general finally yelled and returned to the field at the same time as Mo Mengchen.

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