You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 47 - You are not a cancer

   The poor outside feel affected Hill’s overall performance. His second half and the first half formed an extremely dazzling contrast.

In the first half, Hill played like Larry Bird with enhanced athleticism and weakened projections. In the second half, Hill played like a big version of Rajon Lang who insisted on not trusting his shots. many.

   Hill’s slump caused the defensive pressure that had fallen on him to be dispersed.

  The Knicks are no longer like before. As soon as Hill sees the ball, they are tight. They start to have time to take care of others, especially the defense against Mo Mengchen.

   As a player with a total rating of only 64 points, if the overall rating is used, he may be the worst player on the field.

  The player with the lowest overall rating has the toughest defense, and the Knicks would rather let other people show up rather than let him take advantage of it.

   Hill was depressed, Mo Mengchen was locked, and the Knicks counterattacked by Ewing.

  Ewing turned a bunny jumper on the right side.

  Another pick-and-roll pick up the high rabbit jumper.

   Then there was another pick-and-roll that cut straight into the catch and one-handed gorilla smashed the buckle.

  The middle of the third quarter was his personal scoring show. For this reason, Collins called a timeout, replaced some of the top Hill, and restarted the double point guard lineup.

  Hill looks annoyed. He feels guilty that he didn’t help the team.

  Mo Mengchen returned to the field. He played the second quarter. Now that he is about to play the third quarter, Collins suddenly forgets his injury history.

  For him, this is nothing.

   He knows how to protect himself. Considering his weak knee, he never jumps at full strength and sprints at full speed. He just tries his best to compete, but never pushes himself to the limit.

In order to avoid other injuries due to fatigue, Mo Mengchen deliberately improved his physical fitness during the period when he needed to upgrade other technologies most. Although his physical fitness is not yet top, he has to play a whole game like this, It will not cause the body to be exhausted to cause excessive injuries.

  The effect of the dual point guard lineup is beginning to show, especially Mo Mengchen has a height of 197 cm but can hold two positions. His shooting makes the Knicks afraid, and his organizational ability also makes his opponents headache.

   Dumas shared his pressure after playing, he does not need to take the ball at any time, he can stand in the corner and direct others to move.

  Ewing led the Knicks, the score difference was chased by them with only 1 point left, and the form was at stake.


  Mo Mengchen likes Thorpe, not only because of his dedication, but also because he can hang his opponent firmly on every cover.

   At his age, he still has this quality of pick-and-roll. It is really rare. As a silent devotee, he works hard every game. He is the only player in the Pistons team who has not been sprayed by Mo Mengchen.

   Thorpe obviously did not know that Mo Mengchen had a very high evaluation of him. Every time he played, his goal was to do his job well.

   This is the blue-collar mission. An excellent blue-collar should have such consciousness.

   They are not the protagonists, but the success of the protagonists is inseparable from their silent dedication.

   “Damn it! Be careful of Australian ghosts!” Starks exclaimed.

  Mo Mengchen ran to the top of the arc to catch the ball. His position disturbed the Pistons’ defensive position. The original defender was Starks, but this time he changed into Anthony Mason enough to stop the children from crying.

  He has a vicious face, facing Mo Mengchen at the moment, his eyes are full of murderous opportunities: “What do you want to do?”

   “I want to call a tactic and then make a three-pointer on your face that needs plastic surgery.”

When Mo Mengchen sprayed rubbish, Houston put on a cover and rushed at him. He ran very fast. Whenever he carried out tactical positioning, as long as the end point was clearly on him, his running speed might be comparable to the Olympics. The gods of the men’s 100-meter race compete.


  Houston roared loudly. Behind him, the person chasing him was Derek Harper.

Mo Mo Chen put the ball behind him, the moment Houston ran to him, the ball completed the handover, he stuck Harper sideways, Mason wanted to change position to catch up, but unexpectedly Thorpe came over and took a second cover, putting him Completely blocked.

   vacancies are extremely precious for a shooter like Houston. Every opportunity needs to be rigorous, especially at this critical moment.

   Ewing counterattacked with the Knicks, and his goal will put out the opposing counterattack.


   “Alan Houston hits the arrow!”


  Houston roared, Mo Mengchen ran towards him, raised a hand.

   The excited CIC king no matter whether the person waving his hand was dear Hill or the abominable Mo Mengchen, he shot it hard.

   It was this kind of cooperation that prevented Ewing from leading the Knicks to complete the counter-attack in the third quarter, and also dragged the suspense of the game to the final moment of the fourth quarter.

   At the beginning of the last quarter, Starks scored against Mo Mengchen’s jumper.

   This is the 10th point scored by Mo Mengchen’s opponent tonight.

   In other words, one of the tasks assigned to him by the system: “Do not allow opponents to get more than 10 points.”

  With Mo Mengchen’s experience, there will be no other punishment for this failed mission, but no reward for completing the mission.

   Judging from the proportion of tasks, this task should be rewarded with 100 attribute points. Failure of the task means a loss of 100 attribute points.

   is nothing to him. The most important thing is to win the game. Only if you win the game will there be no penalty of halving the return.

In the fourth quarter of life and death, both sides shot a real fire.

The score was stopped at 80-76, the Knicks were four points behind, and for five minutes, the two sides came and went, and every round they could feel the kind of fierceness they had to kill each other on the field, But no party can break the deadlock.

   In order to score, Nielsen called a timeout, Collins also called a timeout.

   But none of their suspensions worked.

   Five minutes deadlock.

This is undoubtedly the most hated game of David Stern. This kind of game will lose some impatient spectators. Those beginners who see such an anxious game will only feel that the skills of the players on both sides are not good, and all kinds of shots cannot be entered. And they don’t think about it: why are they just unable to vote?

With six minutes left in the final quarter, the only superstar on the field is determined to use his personal abilities to end this stiff situation.

   “Pat gets the ball!”

   “Pat attack!”

   “Have you heard? Madison Gardens audience roared with anger!”

  Ewing is incompatible with New York, he is too dull, and his play is not as bright and bright as Jordan, so many fans are extremely disgusted by him.

   But what New York fans have to admit is that Ewing is at least better than the last King of New York. (Bernard King)

  When everyone couldn’t open, Ewing withstood the pressure, took the ball from his back, and sat on the mills with a buttock, just like the barbarous O’Neill, he carried out a terrible violent abuse basket under the basket.

   78 to 80

   “This is the value of a superstar!”

   “Patrick Ewing has the ability to kill him!”


   Everyone is breathing, and this suffocating battle has come to a final juncture.

   There are 4 minutes left in the game, but the difference is only 2 points.

   “Grant, you still have a chance to prove that you are not a tumor tonight.”

  Mo Mengchen let Hill take the ball through the half, but he did not leave directly, but stayed in the backcourt to explain Hill’s things.

   “You said I was a tumor?”

  Hill started playing when he was 5 years old. He was praised as a player who was beneficial to the team wherever he went. The term “tumor”, he grew so big, the first time he heard someone use it on him.

   “20 in 5.”

   This is Hill’s hit rate. If he didn’t make a lot of kills, his efficiency would be very ugly.

   “Damn, I’m not a cancer!” Hill said.

   “That orangutan committed four crimes,” Mo Mengchen said, “Go.”

  Hill trance, he is not very sure, Ewing tonight performed very well.

  His outstanding, not his current data, when the game is stalled, or when someone needs to stand up to break the situation, he can stand up and let everyone know who is the best player on this field.

   This momentum, even Hill, was terrified.

“let’s go!”

  Mo Mengchen pointed to the restricted area.

“damn it!”

Hill’s self-cultivation has been defeated in this game. Now he just wants to be bold, what kind of tutoring, the brother’s restraint, the media has blown a hundred times, a hundred times the gentleman style, all thrown by him Lost.

   “You don’t seem to have any confidence, really worthy of being a good boy from Duke. Has old K taught you how to play in this situation?” Mason asked.

“Go to hell!”

  Hill’s personal settings have been broken At this moment he just wants to prove to Mo Mengchen: Lao Tzu is not a tumor!

No matter how you describe Hill’s first step, it’s too thin. His first step is lightning, meteor, and the extreme of humanity. Everyone scored because of Iverson’s continuous change of jumper against Jordan in the rookie season. The memory is deep, and Hill shook Jordan one step before Iverson and broke through the penalty area.

   His first step was the ultimate talent that even His Majesty the Trapped Man could do nothing about.

The Devil’s Mountain from Duke University is now rushing towards the aging New York gorilla. He is full of talent and he is full of spirits. He just wants to dunk on the opponent’s head and incidentally cause the opponent’s fifth foul. And all of this, The ultimate goal is only one, that is to prove to the rookie with **** in his mouth: I am not a tumor!

   That moment, Ewing remembered Pippen. Jordan, Wilkins… and other people used to complete the buckle on him, every time it was terrible, every time he was the one who created the best slam dunk in the other party’s career.

   And this time, Hill overwhelmed Ewing in the air in exactly the same way and smashed the button.

When the whistle sounded, Madison Garden was as silent as a cemetery.

  The commentator’s words were extremely harsh:

   “Duke’s lightning struck the Jamaican orangutan, God!”

   Less than 4 minutes left, Hill’s deduction completely destroyed the New York Knicks.

   Strangely, he has been glaring at Mo Mengchen.



   “You are not a cancer.”

  Mo Mengchen said with a helpless face, even reluctantly.

   For recommendation, for collection

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