You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 54 - Bird-like

  Teus Edney is a typical small defender, with strange speed, low breakthrough center of gravity, difficult to defend, rushing to the basket is very threatening, but that’s all.

  His 3-pointer is on par with Hill, which makes his offense very restrictive.

   “Pay attention to pick-and-roll!”

  Momon is expected that Houston will come forward to help him pursue the chasing time. In terms of Edney’s assists, if two swingers of about two meters strike at the same time, he should not have the ability to get out of the ball.

  Edney used his teammate’s pick-and-roll and was thinking about showing his talents. Houston was like a bodyguard guarding the door to block him, there was no reason.

  Edney just wanted to find his teammates, and the phantom behind him disrupted all his plans.


   “Dor.Mo steals!”

  Mo Mengchen was about to push back, the king’s AC slammed forward, trying to find his little brother back, and Mitch Richmond, the man Jordan called the most difficult opponent.

   Nicknamed Rock, he has an extremely strong body, and Mo Mengchen hit him without any defense.

Collision is only foreseeable, because it is also foreseeable that the ball is dropped due to too fierce confrontation. The most incomprehensible thing is that Mo Mengchen throws the ball to Richmond’s leg somehow. Going on, led to the basketball out of bounds and saved the ball.

   He sat on the ground and looked up at Richmond.

  He now has the NBA level of power, but it is still dwarfed by Richmond’s defense against top guards.

   “Rock, thank you.”

  Edney heartily thanked the elder brother, otherwise Mo Mengchen’s counterattack would be defeated.

   “That guy is not simple, you need to be more careful.” Richmond said.

   “Understood.” Edney nodded.

Mo Mengchen’s understanding of Richmond is nothing but Jordan’s evaluation of him. A shooting guard who can score 20+ points per game for ten consecutive years shows that he can put himself in an extremely stable On the level, and only one of the King’s eight seasons brought the team into the playoffs, it proves that he is not a qualified leader.

   There are many players like this. They will leave their mark on the times, but after a long time, others will forget him.

   “Are you scared by him?” Hill asked.

   “I was thinking, when will my teammates come over to pull me up.” Mo Mengchen said.

   Hill smiled bitterly, reaching out to him.

  Mo Mengchen took his hand: “Give you a task.”

   “Give me the task?” Hill was shocked.

   “We help you open up the space, you just need to explode your opponent.” Mo Mengchen gave a seemingly simple task.

  Hill puzzled: “It’s not like your style, don’t you like to play tactics?”

   “Don’t let me change my mind.” Mo Mengchen said.

  The rare heads-up opportunity, Hill certainly will not refuse, he is just curious why Mo Mengchen suddenly turned, he does not advocate the use of personal abilities to break the opening stage.

  Hill’s opponent Walter Williams didn’t know the high energy in front. Hill had a back card, received a ball, and turned over, causing him to foul.

After    caused a foul, Hill went straight to the free throw line and made two free throws.

  The King’s counterattack came very quickly, and it was also a low back. In this league that would not be embarrassed to go out and see people, it is common for star players on both sides to fight against the low.

  You come, I will go.

Hill’s talent is better than Mitchmond, and his single-handed success rate is higher. Especially after it is fully opened, the dribble stops, breaks through the force and tears the defense line, directly hits the basket, or the sinking position is the same as Jordan. It’s okay for the back attack of the paragraph.

Mitchmond’s offensive methods are also very comprehensive, and any means will be a little bit, but none of them are unskillful tricks, which is why he can play a season with 20 points per game for ten consecutive years, but no one has 25 points per game. The outbreak season above.

   can be regarded as Joe Johnson of this era, but it is not very similar. After all, the latter leads the team with a good record, but considering the teams in which the two are located, the configuration of teammates is actually the same.

  Mitchmond was misaligned, but Hill became more and more brave.

  In order to keep up with his pace, the king sent Edney to defend.

  Edney comes to defend? It doesn’t matter, Hill dribble to the free throw line and pull up a strong shot.

  Edney is only 178 centimeters above sea level, Hill shooting in front of him is as easy as training.

   The King’s head coach looked at it, that wouldn’t work.

   Mickey is here, ace vs ace.

   Then Hill didn’t face his face and forced a shot. Instead, he used the first step of terror to get rid of Mitchmond, and it was still unstoppable.

In exchange, they can only allow Walter Williams to defend. As a result, Devil Mountain changed shape, turned into a back demon, otherwise it would arch, gently arch, force arch, force arch , Lao Niu hoards the arch… Any arch of the back **** is very skilled.

  The Kings tried everything they could, but they couldn’t stop Hill.

  At halftime, Hill tweeted like an estrus cock, chopping 24 points, 6 rebounds and 3 assists.

Because of his activity, no other teammates have any sense of existence. Any fan who has watched this game will only remember how Hill in the first half slaughtered the king’s outside line, and could not remember the other people in the Pistons. contribution.

   “Grant turned the game into his acting show in the first half, and Detroit took a 7-point lead.”

   “Fat first is not fat, only the person who wins the final points can become the winner.”

   Perhaps Xu was deeply injured by Hill. The Kings gave up one-on-one in the second half. As long as Hill took the ball, he immediately wrapped him.

   This is the purpose of Mo Mengchen to make Hill singles.

   From the configuration point of view, no one can limit the Kings Hill, just like the 1993 finals, no one in the Suns can play against Jordan, eventually let the latter play the most horrible finals in his career.

   couldn’t match up, they could only try one by one. They tried half-belief unbelief, and finally found the problem that even Ephraim and Adrian could see.

   “They couldn’t prevent Grant Hill at all.” Adrian said.

   “Well, it seems to be.” Ephraim said.

   In the second half, the King’s power forward Alden Pollinis started with a layup and gave them a good start.

   One of the most well-known things about Pollinis in the NBA is that on his draft night, the Bulls chose him with the eighth overall pick in the first round, then took him and made a deal with the Supersonics.

   Not bad, Scott Pippen is the Bulls that goes like this.

   That guy who lived with Jordan all his life was so engaged in the arms of Chicago.

  Polynes had only started seven games in four seasons in Seattle. Especially in his last season, Pippen grew into a star player with excellent offense and defense. The Sonics can no longer look directly at Polinis.

  Pippen changed defense against the Magic in the finals, which changed the trend of the finals and helped the Bulls to establish the victory. It is estimated that the management of the Supersonics will take a subconscious glance at Pollinis.

   Why did you come back after changing this thing?

The deal with Pippen was a part of Pollinis’s life. As a player, he is an ordinary blue-collar like most players who have been obscured but have struggled for many years in the league, but there are always people who want him, so He played in the league for many years.

  He hit this ball very hard, facing Thorpe, with a big elbow to score the ball.

   “They are going to cover you.”

  Mo Mengchen said to Hill.

   Hill’s eyes swept over Mo Mengchen and Houston; “What do you mean?”

   “So what to say? Passing!” Houston suffocated badly, and he stood akimbo outside to watch Hill alone in the first half.

   He couldn’t figure it out, did the Kings coach have **** in his mind? He used his toes to think that he knew that these goods could not resist Hill, and he had to do single defense, single defense, just like a CP.

   “Well, if I see you guys.”

  Hill wants to show that he will pass the ball if the other side does.

  Straight steel men like Mo Mengchen never accept any euphemism, he will go straight: “If you can maintain the offensive efficiency of the first half under the envelope, it doesn’t matter if you pass or not.”

   “No, the ball still has to pass!” Houston said.

  Hill swallowed. It was really the same to these two people.

   is outside, Hill catches the ball, he just wants to king’s bag is here.

   As soon as the bag appeared, someone must fall into the empty space. Mo Mengchen called for a cover, allowing Thorpe to hang Edney and quickly run to the top of the arc.

  Houston is also running, and the two most threatening shooters in the Pistons ran out of position at the same time.

  Hill decided to follow his heart, ignoring the bright and earnest eyes, watching the basketball player who can drool, and resolutely passed the ball to Mo Mengchen, who is famous for efficiency.


   The CIC king screamed angrily.

   When Mo Mengchen received the ball, everything around him was still. His shooting seemed to bring some special effects, which made everyone stop.

  Lifted the basketball, three fingers followed by force, and gently pulled out.

   “Beautiful shot!”

   “Yes, I never thought anyone could use the shooting posture to attract the audience.”

   The ball hung high in the sky. Mo Mengchen expected to make three points. He didn’t even go to watch the ball. After landing, he turned and walked away.

   He just turned around and the ball crossed the net.




   “What a strong confidence, he didn’t look at the basket after he shot, he just turned and left!”

   “I suddenly think he looks like Larry Bird.”


   Mo Mengchen’s teammates simply want to give this godlike commentator a hundred likes, so **** apt!

   Even Mo Mengchen himself liked the commentary.

  Like Bird?

   Well, it really looks like.

   Someone thought narcissistically.

   Thank you, Xiao Ni, the crazy fan, and the invincible reward.

  Recommendation! Seeking collection! Seeking a reward!

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