You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 59 - Superb licensing

In the beautiful winter of Indiana, through the fragrant leaves in the cold, a mottled shadow was cast on the balcony of a hotel. When the pleasant majestic wind blew, everyone in the house held the card in the hand or used the table. Suppress the cup and check.

The bird chirped on the branch (zhoujiu), and could hear the diligent tree planter holding a large pair of scissors “click” from the other side of the lawn, and the voice echoed slowly between the high buildings around , Jumped into ears. And all this, to make people in the hotel who are gathering for gambling follow the pleasing eye, they have to get them a good hand.

Mo Mengchen held a good card in his hand and became an NBA player since playing. He learned some entertainment games that he was not interested in before. Playing cards is one of them. Not only did he practice superb card skills, he often learned from His teammates won a lot of money in his wallet. Annoyingly, he actually did not lack money. He made some successful investments in private. From time to time, he also used the identity of a passer-by to bet on some games he already knew the result. As the salary of the first round of the show, usually do not spend money, coupled with a good sense of financial management, the most important thing is that this game can also allow him to ugly this group of guys who get along with them in addition to the game and training .

  Mo Mengchen sat on the sofa, straightened his legs, and looked around at his teammates.

Hill shook his body slowly. Although he was thin, his height of more than two meters was not a joke. The chair was squeezed as if it would be subverted at any time, but Mo Mengchen really worried about his body. It only struck him in 2000. Don’t be injured because of a stupid hand game, my Duke is a good student!

Hill picked up the glass to welcome the sun, reveled in this situation, and the smile on his face seemed to say: “I grew up with a good family education, excellent tutoring, or from Duke University, and I have received countless awards since childhood. -These are enough to prove that I am better than you, even if it is a vulgar hand, you guys are better not to play psychological games with me.”

  Although the psychological activities are quite rich, but in this round he has discarded because the cards he draws are too stinky.

Houston leaned forward, his face unhappy, his hand scratching his cheek, while staring at the card in his hand, as if writing Xu Xu’s large numbers gave him a headache, as can be seen from his expression, he was not lucky Great, at least this hand makes him very unhappy, but he can afford to lose, not to mention that he has a higher salary than others, this season’s brilliant CIC king, recently became one of Dura Electric’s spokespersons The endorsement contract alone is worth a lot.

  In Mo Mengchen’s view, idiots can only appear more idiot in smart people. They will fight for the so-called “gambler” gambling position to make up for the shortage of IQ, and avoid the matter of less wins and more losses falling on themselves, just like the one that Bitri Mills took Confused with a focused face, he has a good position, but he has got three bad cards in a row.

   “Mo, I’m with you.” Mills put a thousand dollars on the table.

  Mo Mengchen can never understand why this group of people like cash so much, is it not good to gamble with cheques? It’s clean and doesn’t pile up the whole table. There is money everywhere.

  Mo Mengchen casually counted the money on the table. He had won three in a row. He thought about it. The money would probably allow him to buy food for several months. He looked at Mills’ face again. If he had a good card, his face should be trembling, but his face was as calm as a paralyzed needle, saying that he was insulting these four words. .

   Veteran Thorpe is much more relaxed about this kind of thing, as long as he is not sure, he must fold.

   “Too bad fucking!” Thorpe gave up.

His voice is very low, back to the back of the chair, shrugging his sturdy shoulders, you know, this has been fighting with Jabal, McHale, Parrish, Moses Malone, and the four centers in the inside. shoulder.

Then there is the last one. The Pistons have the 30th overall pick in the second round this year. He has the lowest pick and the lowest salary in the team. He is also very careful about each hand because he is short of money. Both young and old pointed at him, and some poor relatives who hadn’t seen him a few times since they were young also asked him for money in three days.

  He is a typical example of climbing a family from the bottom to the top, but his salary is not enough to support the happiness of the whole family. He has to make careful calculations to support his family.

Rhett licked his lips, his expression suddenly dimmed, with a desperate desperation on his face, as if to say: “This money is nothing to me, it will be better tomorrow, and the gambler will take care of every dare to take risks People.”

Today he brought a lot of money, which was the salary he had just paid a few days ago, and the living expenses he had set for himself in the next few months. After all, he had to support his family-this is not like Sprewell’s. The crazy talk-he really wants to support his family.

“Mo, do you have any thoughts on Reggie Miller’s sentence?” Rhett decided to disturb the attention of others, and he was doing his final thoughts while everyone was taken away by this sentence. He just has this kind of cleverness, but unfortunately he has no great wisdom.

   “What words? He said a lot recently.” Mo Mengchen said.

“Dor.Mo is excellent, I have watched his performance in the Summer League, but he has never encountered a real starter defense before. In Indiana, his set will not work, and the game tonight will also be Prove this.”

  Hill repeats Miller’s cannon to the media exactly as the person concerned.

   “Forget it, let me follow.”

  Reid finally chose to keep up with the bet.


  Mo Mengchen removed his leg from the chair to speed up the blood circulation in the body, and said by the way: “I will follow, there is a thousand knives here.”

   He grabbed Lor’s hand standing beside him and pushed the banknotes on the table to the center of the table.

  This can avoid contaminating the bacteria carried on these unrecognized banknotes. He is not like this group of reckless people to gamble with banknotes. Should someone with a card like him should play with checks? Doesn’t that look more card-like? I really don’t know what this group of people think.

   “He said a lot recently, I don’t care.” Mo Mengchen said.

  Looking at the money on the table, Mills and Reed took a breath.

   Mills counseled, and Mo Mengchen’s expression gave him a sense of sight, “You are all finished!”

“Fuck, my luck has burnt!” Mills didn’t want to lose the panties, he directly inserted the card into the discarded pile. “Damn this **** hand, why can’t I Give me a good card that no one can beat?”

   There is only one survivor left.

  Mo Mengchen looked at Rhett, the peer who led the team’s lowest salary, what would he do next?

   “Don’t be fooled!” Houston supported him and Mo Mengchen in the end, but he didn’t spend his money anyway. “He’s bluffing, don’t forget how he won the first few.”

   “Don’t follow, Don.” Hill doesn’t think so.

  Mo Mengchen knew that he would follow because he had already put up a posture that he could afford.

   No accident, Reid may hesitate for a second, just like the local tyrant holding the highest salary in the team, with a careless and exaggerated gesture to push all the money out.

   “Mo, I followed!”

   “Almost,” Mo Mengchen said, “Come on, let me see, what brand do you have?”

   “I have a big card.” Reid turned the card and was nervous to everyone.

  Mo Mengchen intentionally made the atmosphere tense. He wrinkled his face, shrugged his shoulders, raised his eyebrows, and stared thoughtfully at Reid’s cards.

   He saw Rade’s expression constantly changing: hope, despair, hope, despair, hope, despair.

  Finally, Mo Mengchen finally completed his abuse and turned over the card: “It’s a pity that I got the biggest card.”


  Reid buried his head under the table, this time he really had to eat dirt.

   There are no nightclubs, no pastimes, and they have to rely on nutritious meals served at home. They cannot afford tips outside. In the next few months, he will become the top of the contempt layer of waiters and couriers.

   “Damn, the bluff was three, and it really made him draw a good card!” Houston expressed shock at this.

   “I need to calm down.” Reid turned and walked out of the room.

  Houston said: “As a peer You are too ruthless.”

   “Don’t play if you can’t afford to lose, I didn’t force him,” Mo Mengchen glanced at CIC Wang. “Which guy just told him I’m bluffing? He didn’t have to lose so badly.”

   Houston was choked by Mo Mengchen’s words for a long time, and he said for a long time: “I will lend him a little money.”

  Lor, who knew Rhett well, said, “He won’t accept it.”

“Oh, it doesn’t matter whether you receive it or not, the rookie should have a lesson, otherwise he really thinks that this little cleverness can be overwhelming.” Hill gave himself a third glass of red wine, “Damn, it’s really cold here , When will winter pass? I miss the summer sun.”

  Mo Mengchen asked Lol to collect the money for him, picked up a glass from one side and said, “I bet this scum scum will miss the cold wind of winter until summer.”

   “What kind of scum, it’s too much for you to say so…” Hill said aggrievedly.

   “Mo, these money…”

  Lol clicked, and there were tens of thousands of them, without the check that Mo Mengchen had brought.

   In other words, for these four cards, Mo Mengchen made tens of thousands of nets, and the money came too easily.

   “Wait for my assistant to find you, you just give her the money.” Mo Mengchen said.

  Houston had met Medela, and the beauty of the latter surprised him: “Mo, can I pursue your assistant?”

   “It’s not your turn, the famous flower has a master.” Mo Mengchen said.

   “Why a beautiful woman can’t wait for her real son?” Houston said regretfully.


   Ask a question, do you want Dallas in the novel to be called Mavericks or Mavericks?

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