You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 61 - CIC King\\\'s proposal

Hill’s heads-up ability is undoubtedly, the top height and wingspan, the fastest first step in the league, it is impossible to imagine that he can only catch the blind accurate middle distance outside the three-point line, plus the successor as Jordan must There must be the ability to end the penalty zone, as long as there are no double players, few players can limit his heads-up.

   “Mo, lead Mark to me, I can help you.” Hill said.

   If Mo Mengchen remembered correctly, Derek McKay shot only 25% of his three-pointers and made 0.2 of 9 three-pointers per game. This three-point threat is not much better than Hill’s.

   “His right hand is more threatening.” Mo Mengchen agreed with Hill’s suggestion and focused on this point.

   “Understood.” Hill nodded.

  Jackson is not just a stunned butt, but he knows better than anyone what a point guard needs to do.

  Brown asked him to destroy Mo Mengchen with his butt, but did not specifically tell how to destroy it.

  With his knowledge of Brown, he certainly did not want him to use offense to destroy Mo Mengchen’s defense. There must be other intentions.

   Few people have a big **** like Jackson. Against him, Mo Mengchen feels that his physical energy is consumed faster than usual, and he can do it without any entanglement.

  Although he was forced to the left as much as possible, Hill did not have the opportunity to step forward and wrap up, because Jackson’s eyes were always on him.

   “Do you want to be included? When I’m stupid?” Jackson smiled lustfully, and suddenly, sideways gave Schmidz outside the paint area.

  As a template for Yao Ming, Schmidz’s offense has certain similarities with Yao Ming’s overhand hook and jumper, but he does not possess Yao Ming’s low-level aggressiveness.

  Smith backed an arch, waiting for Mills to put pressure on him, withdrew his stool to unload his jumper and hit the iron.

“and me!”

   Another of the Pacers’ black and white doubles jumped out. Dale Davis picked up the rebound from Thorpe’s head and picked it up again.

   “Be careful behind you!”

  Jackson’s reminder was a bit late, Davis just wanted to lift the ball, and Mo Mengchen’s hand was already cut off.


   was clearly a clean steal, but the referee made a foul.

   “Do you have an opinion?” The referee looked at Mo Mengchen.

  Mo Mengchen had no opinions, but his teammates had great opinions.

   “Damn, I can hear the sound of palm bats so far away, is he deaf?” Houston was uneasy for Mo Mengchen.

  Mo Mengchen walked to his side and said, “Do you want him to target me all night?”


“To shut up.”

  Mo Mengchen glanced at the referee, then reviewed the formation of the Pacers.


   This is a more conventional sideline formation for the Pacers. Usually, a screen will be hung first to let Jackson catch the ball. If not, Miller will hang another screen to catch the ball and shoot a three-pointer.


  Mo Mengchen pointed to the right beyond the 45-three-point line on the right, “You are staring right here.”


  No time to explain, Mo Mengchen leaned against Jackson’s body and would never let him catch the ball.

   “Hey, if you do this, you may make you pay a higher price.” Jackson’s hippie smiled, and he didn’t find that Mo Mengchen had already set a trap.

   A cover, Mo Mengchen withdrew early, flashed off, threw it up at the first time, blocked the pass line.

  McKay had to find another person.

   Miller looked at it, it was an opportunity to directly borrow Schmidz’s pick-and-roll to run out of the three-point line.

  Forty-five degrees outside the three-point line.

   “Be careful of Reggie Miller!”

Collins only saw the Pacers’ intentions now, but if it was clear now, it would be too late. McKay passed the ball, thinking that the ball would fall into Miller’s hands, and their boss would take one. The three-pointer made Mo Mengchen’s defense a joke.

   “No! No!”

   Jackson called out.

   “Why did Grant Hill appear there?”

   The ball failed to fall into Miller’s hand. Hill swept the sword and grabbed the basketball.

   This is kind of magical.

   Hill does not know how Mo Mengchen did it. The other party often makes such unintelligible but flawless decisions.


   Playing with Mo Mengchen, Hill felt the burden was much lighter, although he was still the team’s trump card and core, but he only needed to play well and never had to worry about other things.

  Momen Chen is dedicated to all this.

   There was no one in the frontcourt, Mo Meng expected Hill to break the ball, so after the Pacers sent the ball, he rushed straight to the frontcourt, as if to escape.

  Hill has a long pass, he is too good at this kind of pass.

Mo Mengchen catches the ball, no one can limit his scoring, the Pacers fans at the scene booed, hoping he made a mistake, although the probability of this happening is less than 1%, but even Jordan will fight back at 1 0 When the embarrassing hand slipped off the ball, why wouldn’t Mo Mengchen?

   “This fool!”

   For the first time in his career, Mo Mengchen did not have a proper dunk.

After coming to the frontcourt, he slowed his pace, held the ball with one hand and hit the basket. He managed to grasp it just right. The ball hit the basket and flicked. Mo Mengchen jumped off the momentum and grabbed the ball with one hand in the air. Crammed in and hit hard.

   Bounce is not high, the speed is not fast, and the stretchability is not enough, but the whole process is very smooth, this is a very ornamental self-throwing self-locking blue.

  On the court, this dunk is humiliating, especially since the two sides have not been friendly since the opening.

   “Are you **** playing monkey?” Miller shouted.

   “Do you want to die? Stupid pig Australian ghost!”

   “Are you an idiot invited by the circus? This is not a zoo!”

   “Go to death, Aussie!”

  The audience was as angry as Miller.

  Mo Mengchen swept to Miller: “You rarely say a word that I agree with, I am indeed playing the monkey.”

   “What did your mother X say?” Miller was furious.

   “Self-knowledge is a valuable quality, please continue to maintain.” Mo Mengchen ran past Miller.

   Seeing Mo Mengchen’s buckle, coupled with the scene’s reaction and his **** against Miller, Hill only had one impression: “Is he really afraid of being beaten? This is not Auburn Mountain.”

   Speaking of which, CIC Wang said that he had a say: “I promise, this guy is really not afraid of being beaten! This **** man is a lunatic who does not care about the consequences!”

   “Rookie, you are anxious about Reggie.”

   Jackson dribble over, so to speak.

   “So do you want to use your big **** to help him out?”


   The voice fell, and Jackson raised his huge hips and bombarded Mo Mengchen behind him.

   He is not a star-star defender, and there is no staggering killer, just rely on this big ass, arch the league.

   The entire league can find at least eight better No. 1 positions, but there are not many No. 1 positions like him that make Mo Mengchen helpless.

   He not only has an invincible big butt, but also has the experience of seeing through the audience. He is not angry, will not be anxious, and looks at the whole situation.

   Momen Chen was helpless and made a wrong defense. He used his knee to lift Jackson’s hips. This defense can offset part of the impact, but it also means giving the initiative to Jackson.

   “You made a mistake, rookie!”

  Taking your knees to push someone’s buttocks is equivalent to concentrating the strength of the whole body in one place, just like a fulcrum. As long as Jackson shifts this fulcrum, Mo Mengchen’s defensive center of gravity will vanish.

   This process is particularly simple. Jackson just made a simple in-turn, Mo Mengchen’s defense was shaken, Mills assisted, Jackson passed the ball to Schmitz for a jumper.

   “Strike, Mark!” Schmidz praised.

   “Well-to-be smart people will make mistakes.” Jackson smiled at Mo Mengchen.

   Thorpe picked up the ball and said to Mo Mengchen: “You are rash.”

   “How to prevent?” Mo Mengchen really has no better way.

   “No way, low-level offense and defense is the most unreasonable, tonnage and strength are far more important than skill and talent.” Thorpe said.

   Although Mo Mengchen was a basketball enthusiast in his previous life, he was just a paper talker. The actual combat was not good at all. Naturally, he didn’t know how to defend Jackson. He thought that Thorpe could provide some suggestions. He didn’t expect him to do anything.

   “If you carry him to the restricted area, will you finally help defend?”

   “He has a good chance of passing, he is very smart.”

   All along, Mo Mengchen has used his mind and vision to solve problems. He has never encountered a domineering back player like Jackson.

   Thorpe’s words reminded, weight and strength are far more important than technology and talent.

  If O’Neill has only talent and no weight of 300 pounds, he will not be able to rule the league a few years later.



   Mo Mengchen suddenly wanted to open the system to improve the strength of the lower limbs, but not only would not change the situation at the moment, but also because of the sudden increase in strength, the shots became unstable, which was not worth the gains.

   “Mo, let me change your defense.”

   Suddenly, Houston came over and said.

  Mo Mengchen just wanted to refuse, but Houston said angrily: “I am fed up with Reggie Miller’s rubbish, I think a **** like this has to be aligned with a **** like you!”


  Mo Mengchen didn’t think Houston was because of unpleasant Miller’s rubbish, he was just giving himself a step.

   This is the second time he has offered help tonight, and for the first time Mo Mengchen has rightfully refused.

   This guy seems not so stupid.

   Should I treat him better? Mo Mengchen thought.

   is right to change defense. Mo Mengchen can’t withstand Jackson, and if he continues to fight against Jackson, it will not only affect his performance, but also greatly consume his physical strength, which is really not cost-effective.

  If possible, Mo Mengchen would like Collins to propose this transposition.

   It’s just a pity that Collins didn’t change the meaning of counterpoint from beginning to end.

   This almost unrestrained head coach is frustrating.

   Even Houston could see the problem, but he couldn’t see it, so he stood on the sidelines with his hands around his chest, knowing that he was coaching, and not knowing that he was a bronze man on the sidelines.

  Recommendation! Seeking collection!

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