You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 70 - Multiline loss

   Tonight’s Hill is very violent, thinking about dunking the ball, he has forgotten how good he is.

  Once again, Momo Chen passed the Mercedes-Benz restricted zone, and after jumping, he had to dunk on Felton Spencer’s head.

   If Spencer wasn’t gambled for a foul, he would have to do it again.

   “Aggressiveness, I never thought I would see such a face on Grant.”

   “Duke’s good boy seems to want to prove something, but it’s useless.”

   Only Mo Mengchen knew why Hill did this.

   Before the game started, he missed 21 consecutive shots while shooting and warming up, which also determined his offensive choice tonight, except for the restricted area, he would not shoot anywhere.

   Triangle Center Arena has the same color as Salt Lake City, melancholy and low, no wonder Jordan later repeatedly injured them.

   This kind of atmosphere that makes people just want to burst, who will not think about making this group of noisy, dull, perverted shut up?

   feels bad and is reflected in his free throw.

   Hill has a free throw percentage of 75%, but his two free throws are all missed, and the way of hitting iron is different, one on the left and one on the right.

   It’s like someone who hasn’t played in months and has no feeling for shooting.

  Jerry Sloan noticed this.


   Sloan called Morris Chris who was against Hill. The latter turned around and saw his coach shouting loudly: “Pull away the space and the Duke who came out wants him to shoot!”

   “Yes!” Morris nodded vigorously.


  Mo Mengchen saw Jazz’s off-ball pick-and-roll, which is exactly the same as the system, but the rules of the NBA and college leagues are somewhat different, and some tactics are generally different.

   Jazz’s flanker marksman Hornacek is in this situation to take a cover, completely abandon Alan Houston, appeared on the left three-point line to receive a three-pointer and hit.

   7 to 2

  The Pistons made an ugly start.

   “Come on, cheers!”

The team performed so well, and Larry Miller also had a light on his face. In fact, the guests in the VIP box were originally not interested in the game until the dumb little dula came to say “Hill.” Before turning his attention to the game.

   “The Jazz perform like this city, serious and neat,” Poser smiled. “It’s a good team.”

   “This is indeed a good team.” Miller also admitted this.

   Since the NBA began to implement the lottery show system, after so many years, the Jazz have never received a lottery sign,

The team’s internal and external dual-core for many years, one is the 13th pick in the first round (the team is small in 1984, not yet a lottery), and the other is the 16th pick in the first round. The second man made a seam patch and made a place in the west.

   This is also a problem, there is a certain competitiveness, but can not go further.

   Therefore, they introduced the marksman Hornacek to make up for the wing’s outside shooting ability.

   Their lineup finally became complete.

   Tonight, Hill not only did not feel the shot, the whole person was not in a state, the shot was unstable, he chose the back of the card and wanted to use his body to eat hard.

  Mo Mengchen hung the ball over, and Jazz’s baggage immediately let him know the hardships of the world.

Hill protects the ball from being stolen, but he can’t do anything. He vaguely sees the other side standing in Houston, trying to pass the ball. As a result, he passes a pass that only the giant Gelia can barely touch. ball.

   “Grant made a mistake!”

   “What’s wrong? Gao Caisheng, what’s wrong with you?”

   The Morris of the Jazz is a typical Dezhi villain who takes advantage of your illness, trailing behind Hill’s **** with cynicism.

   “How much did Utah give you?” Mo Mengchen asked.

   “What?” Hill was stunned.

  Mo Mengchen said: “How much did they pay to make you undercover? I doubled.”

   “I’m just in a bad state, you don’t have to hurt me so much…” Hill is embarrassed. Who doesn’t have a bad state?

   Why can’t he consider me?

   “Since I know that the state is not good, why should I bear so much? You treat us as waste? Can’t you do without it?”

  Hill made an excuse for himself, but also made Mo Mengchen’s words more intense.

   “Sorry, I shouldn’t be conceited.”

  Hill didn’t feel emboldened and ran back. His performance is indeed the best sixth man of the opponent.

   “Did you see there?”

   “Jazz has a 30% chance to cover there every round, no matter who they cover, at least destroy their pass, I hope your shit-like rotten state does not affect your pace.”

   Utah Shuangsha was still doing a double dance. The tactics predicted by Mo Mengchen did not appear, and Malone stuck Thorpe behind Mo Mengchen.

   Stockton received the ball and made a seemingly inadvertent blow to the earth.

   “You can’t stop him.”

   seems to prove this, Malone used his body to crush Thorpe, rolled his straight arm to shoot, and then entered.

   “Tonight’s Karl Malone is hard to stop!”


   9 to 2

   “Damn, home of this junk, fans of this junk!” Houston scolded.

  Mo Mengchen quickly passed the half and wanted to fight back. What kind of old fox was Stockton? It was impossible for him to succeed, using both hands and feet, leaving a scratch on Mormon’s dusty arm, and then stopped him.

   dirty is definitely the most accurate evaluation of Stockton’s defense.

   If any team’s starting guard has not been scratched by his salted pig hand, it can only mean that the defender is too bad to qualify for him to “take a shot.”

  Mo Mengchen and Houston settled in the frontcourt together. Although Hornacek retreated quickly, he did not have the first time to form a counterpoint.

   This kind of vacant space like the time difference, Mo Mengchen will not let go, he has a good vision that is different from ordinary people, opportunities that others can’t see, but he saw it.

   Therefore, at that moment, even the king of the CIC didn’t expect the ball to reach him.

   The ball came, he had only one idea, that is to vote!


   Houston opened the outside line, but also relieved the urgent need for the Pistons.

   “I let you **** not defend me well!” Houston waved and shouted.

   He said that Hornacek was wronged, but he defended well, just a moment of negligence.

“That rookie is sharper than expected.” Sloan was also shocked by this scene. The empty gear, not to mention Hornacek, even when he stood on the sidelines and observed, he didn’t find it, only Mo Mengchen passed the ball out. Only then did they realize that it was a dangerous pass that directly tore the line.

   is more than that.

   “I warn you,” Mo Mengchen looked gloomy, “If you dare to scratch me with your dirty hand, I will let you lie down.”

   Stockton shook his hand.

   After playing for so many years, being face-to-face threatened is still the first one, and the tone of the other party doesn’t seem to be a mystery.

   That kind of murderous look is by no means pretended.

   “John, shall I help you to teach him?” Ma Long showed his iron elbow.

   Stockton shook his head: “No, you are in excellent shape tonight, don’t waste it on this kind of thing.”

   Malone stared at Mo Mengchen: “The Australian who is not in sight, really **** wants to follow his head!”

   When the Pistons do not use the pick-and-roll system to create opportunities, it is often the time when Malone plays the most smoothly.

Mo Mengchen did not study Malone very much. He was not interested in soft eggs. Suddenly he discovered that this soft egg is not a normal soft egg. He is a fighter in a soft egg. He usually cannot see it. You only know him at the critical moment. Soft batch.

   Especially now in this regular stage, he is almost fierce.

   Thorpe was a poor stake in front of him. Malone held the ball at the free throw line this time and stepped past his defense line. During this period, he caused a foul. He made a layup and added a penalty.

  The king of Salt Lake City showed horrible muscles and declared his opponent strong.

   “You can’t stop me! Everyone is the same! Don’t be afraid of dying though come up!” Malone said with domineering.

   Just before he served, Mo Mengchen stood at the top of the arc, and Thorpe approached him actively.

   Now, Thorpe has developed the habit of having a small meeting with Mo Mengchen at the free throw time.

  Only he would do it in the starting line. Others didn’t know what the reason was.

   “I can’t stop him!”

   Thorpe is very direct.

   “Forcing him to the left of the paint area ~ ~ Mo Mengchen said.

“it is good.”


  Malone added a penalty, 12 to 5.

  Mo Mengchen saw a set of weird pictures before crossing, Malone’s shooting hot zone-left high and right high and free throw line position, all red. The location of the paint area is red on the right. On the left side, in the 1995-96 season, which is this season, only one shot was made, and he missed.

   This is really incredible for a player with a history of top scoring stability.

  Mo Mengchen didn’t believe that Malone would not score in that position, but since he shot so few times there, there was always a reason.

   And now, they are 7 points behind, facing the state of Malone, if no one stands up, it will definitely not work.

   There is a person who can’t wait any longer.

   “Momo Momo!!!”

  Houston called while running, fearing that his opponent would not know the tactics on his side.

Bizarrely, Mo Mengchen’s vision was clearly blocked by Spencer. He seemed not afraid of mistakes, or didn’t think he would make mistakes at all. A high ball was given directly behind Spencer, and Houston on the right was high , The latter made a landmark hit.

   12 to 7

   “Haha~! Mo, you finally know the importance of me!” Houston laughed proudly.

   At this time, Mo Mengchen was not in the mood to tell him this, and their opponents quickly attacked.

  Ma Long can’t keep it at this point, and another point that shouldn’t be lost is also lost.

  Mo Menchen told Hill the route.

   A ball-free screen by Sir, Hill did not expect that the executor would be his opponent-Morris passed the teammate’s screen, penetrated the pile of people, the top of the arc received the ball and shot.


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