You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 88 - Confrontation

   Detroit City Court

   Today, Silas Stevens will appear as a witness to testify against David Sessions.

As the only witness in this case, his testimony will play a crucial role.

  Mo Mengchen held his data in his hands.

  This document includes his resume and his recent speeches…

   “Ephraim, everyone hates politicians, and I believe the jury is the same.” Mo Mengchen is not a professional lawyer and can’t give much advice.

  Ephraim nodded, she kept breathing and exhaling. Today is very important to her. If the treatment is not good, the jury may be completely turned to the prosecution.

  Mo Mengchen attended the court hearing with a mask. Due to his suspicious appearance, the court security inspected him up and down three or four times and found no dangerous goods.

   “Don’t be nervous, I just caught a cold.”

  Mo Mengchen didn’t want these security guards to continue to touch their dirty hands with their dirty hands.

   “I will stare at you,” said one of the security guards.

   “Please stop.” Mo Mengchen smiled.

  Everyone is in position. The judge is in a position that is so obvious that it cannot be ignored, but because of its years of existence, people always choose to ignore his brand-the trial is in progress.

  Before the trial, the presiding judge of the court told the jury: “The jury has a great responsibility in criminal cases. I want to remind everyone that as a member of the jury, you need to follow the following guidelines…”

   The first half of the trial was always meaningless. Until Silas Stevens played, the atmosphere at the scene became tense.

   Stevens sat in the witness seat, and the prosecutor took the lead in asking questions.

   “Congressman Stevens, can you recognize the driver who caused the accident?” the prosecutor asked.

  Stevens pointed to David Sessions sitting beside Ephraim without mercy: “Of course, he is sitting there.”

  The prosecution continued to ask: “Can you describe the situation at that time?”

   Stevens has already prepared for this.

He recited his speech exactly as he did the manuscript: “I changed the lane at that time so that he could pass by me. If I knew what would happen behind me, I would definitely stop him. He was then A sharp turn came directly to me. I felt that he was very wrong. The sharp turn almost pushed me out of the driveway. It was very dangerous.”

   Sessions’ lips twitched, and he was irritated because this had never happened.

  Feeling Sessions’ anger, Stevens smiled lightly: “He still looked at me angrily, I think he should be drunk at the time.”


   Ephraim shouted loudly.

   This is the first time Mo Mengchen saw her in working condition. It looks completely different from usual.

   “Assuming facts cannot be counted as a basis!” Ephraim pointed out solemnly.

In addition, she directly denied Sessions drunk driving: “After a blood alcohol concentration test, it is completely certain that David was not drunk at that time, and his body alcohol content was lower than the standard prescribed by law. Therefore, he did not have drunk driving. in accordance with.”

   “This is two things, but Ms. Orreina, you are right.” The presiding officer said solemnly.

  Medella whispered: “She’s so imposing.”

   “If the reconciliation person is Ephraim, should it be all right now?” Mo Mengchen looked at Medela in disgust. “How can I have an assistant like you?”

   Suddenly, Medela’s complexion turned to pig liver, and she didn’t know whether it was because of shame or anger.

   The prosecutor continued to ask: “Then, what else?”

Drunk driving was denied, Stevens had expected that he just wanted to plant a seed in the heart of the jury, a seed about the possible drunkenness of David Sessions, even if that was not the case, the jury made The civilians are composed, they are not professionals, they will have their own views, there will be doubts of this kind, but no one will answer them.

   These gangs of fools will only be fooled by me in the end.

  Stevens’s face smiled evilly, and said the most terrible sentence today; “Then I saw the roadside sign, which said: Congestion ahead, slow down, be careful.”

   “So I slowed down, and when I turned, I saw the horrible car accident he made. It was really a tragedy!”

  Every politician is an excellent actor. When it comes to this, Stevens has rosy eyes and wants to cry anytime.

   “It’s disgusting!” Medela was deeply obsessed with Stevens.

   Just when Stevens said this, Mo Mengchen couldn’t help laughing.

  He just didn’t know how to put this guy in, but he said it himself, which is really good.

   “Do you hate him?” Mo Mengchen asked.

  Medella said angrily: “This **** doesn’t have gentlemanly demeanor at all. He let two rude security guards push me out of the office that day. I fell and I still have bruises on my feet!”

   “Silence!” The presiding officer gave Medela a glance.

  Mo Mengchen found that the mask could still be used like this, because he was wearing a mask, so he could not see him talking.

   “Although you are stupid, you are my assistant.”

   “He is rude to you, is rude to me,” Mo Mengchen said, “unforgivable.”

   “What are you doing?”

   “To prevent you from messing things up, this matter is kept secret from you.”


  At this point, the prosecution has finished asking questions.

   “Thank you, I have finished asking.” The prosecutor thought that the information revealed by Stevens was enough to tilt the balance in the jury’s heart.

“rest assured.”

  Ephraim whispered to Sessions.

   Sessions nodded, at this time, he could only believe this seemingly weak woman.

   Ephraim stood up, dressed in professional attire. She looked so beautiful and beautiful, so that she could not imagine that this was a stupid woman who destroyed the whole kitchen for a Thanksgiving dinner.

   She has not yet walked in front of Stevens, but she has taken the lead in speaking, and the beautiful voice can completely try to sing.

   “I like Detroit, and the world knows the name of the car city. Our great city has the most cars in the world. Therefore, congestion occurs every day, and accidents happen every minute.”

  Ephraim looked at Stevens: “Mr. Congressman, do you know how many drivers have been prosecuted for traffic accidents in this area?”

   “Unclear.” Stevens said arrogantly.

  Ephraim smiled and said: “Even if it is a fatal car accident, the prosecuted person should be no less than 10%, right?”

   “I think you said the same thing.” Stevens didn’t notice the trap in Ephraim’s words.

   “Actually only 1%, it seems that David’s case was picked out here…”

  The presiding judge heard impatiently: “Please state your point, Ms. Orrina.”

   “Congressman Stevens, do you have other arrangements after the accident? For example, call your friend and baseball player, the district attorney to call, and personally demand to sue John.”

   Ephraim’s problem and its spikes.

   “Your question is stupid.” Stevens rubbed his lips impatiently.

  Ephraim pressed step by step: “Cursing someone is not the same as answering, sir.”

   Everyone looked at Stevens.

  Mo Mengchen noticed that half of the people in the jury showed mood swings, their expressions changed, and many micro movements appeared in their bodies.

  These actions indicate that they have been greatly impacted.

   Nothing can provoke the anger of civilians more than the abuse of power by politicians.

   “After the accident, how many speeches have you given about road construction in your constituency, Mr. Congressman?”

  Ephraim began to ask questions continuously.

   “I have made many speeches.” Stevens underestimated the difficulty of this matter.

“Counting yesterday’s words, seven times.” Ephraim made a gesture of “7”, “I like the beginning of your speech: let the car crash get out. This sentence catches the eye. You also sponsored road construction.. .”

   “No! The defendant’s problem has nothing to do with the case!”

  The prosecutor got up.

   “What you say next is best related to the case, Ms. Orrina.” The presiding judge said with a sullen face.


   Ephraim was getting closer and closer to the MP, and she knew that she was going to anger the other party.

   “Mr. Congressman, are you profitable from David’s case? Perhaps it has something to do with the road construction proposal you sponsored and vigorously promoted? Is your brother opening a steel and iron yard?”

Every time Ephraim’s problem increases, Stevens’s face becomes more angry, and he holds the chair with his hands so that he can restrain his impulse to stand up and growl at this **** woman.

   “I’m not saying that he might earn some rebates…”

“shut up!”

   “ You should shut up.” Ephraim continued, “Your proposal…”

   “Who the **** do you think you are?”

   Stevens’ anger made him completely out of control.

   “These projects are fair, and the proposal is also beneficial. There are no personal factors. The promotion of these things has also created employment for many people. You are not qualified to be fooled by this!”

   “Yes, it is extremely beneficial to your family.” Ephraim smiled.

   “The drunk lunatic is the criminal!” Stevens shouted, “He just sat there!”

   At this time, Ephraim smiled at the presiding judge: “Master Judge, I’ve finished asking.”

  At the end of the trial, Stevens looked at Ephraim and Sessions deeply, and he let out a low hum and walked away.

  Medella asked: “What shall we do now?”

   “Ephraim knows what to do, you take me to the hospital now.”

  Medella felt that she was a burden in this matter. Without him, Stevens may not appear in court to testify, and now the other party has provided a testimony in the court that is extremely unfavorable to Sessions.

   On the day of the accident, there were warning signs on the driveway.

   If this is the case, the trouble will be great.

  Mo Mengchen got in the car and took off his mask.

  Warning sign?

   “Is that idiot MP a Democrat or a Republican?” Mo Mengchen asked.

   “Democratic Party.”

   “Do you know Republicans? Anyone will do.”

   “Don’t know, why did you mention this suddenly?”

   “If you want to take revenge, get to know a Republican friend now.”

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