You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 954 - Chinese Derby

   Chapter 954 Chinese Derby

  Mo Mengchen won his second three-point contest trophy with a perfect score.

  The reporter surrounded Mo Mengchen, who broke the record.

   “Dor.Mo, how does it feel to break the record?”

   “Excellent.” Mo Mengchen said, “I always wanted to leave a record in the three-point contest, and now I finally achieved my wish.”

  The reporter asked again: “Someone said that you broke the record because of Michael’s encouragement, did this happen?”

“It can be said that he wants me to break the record he left in the three-point contest, we all know that it is not a glorious record.” Mo Mengchen smiled, and the reporter also smiled with him, “To break him The record is too difficult for me. As we all know, I am the best shooter in the world, so I can only break other records.”

“When I broke the record, I looked at Michael sitting on the sidelines. He gave me the look of’you better break the record’. I understand. In the previous preliminaries, I almost broke the record. , It was finally successfully concluded tonight.”

Mo Mengchen vividly narrated the stories that happened on the field to reporters. These stories were not only told to reporters, but also to the audience in front of the TV. After a long time, this story will become similar to “You are here to fight for the second The “Daily” paragraph, spread from word to word, will never fade.

   After the second half, the Eastern All-Star did not leave any chance for the Western All-Star, through selfless cooperation, played a game that was both ornamental and quite selfless.

  142 to 117

The Eastern Conference All-Stars beat Western Conference All-Star Jordan by 30 minutes and scored 34 points and 5 rebounds. His stats are not that dazzling among Eastern Conference All-Stars, but this All-Star Weekend is basically his farewell party, as long as The Eastern Conference All-Stars won and Jordan’s stats were passable again, and the AMVP trophy tailored for him was in his pocket.

   After the game, there was no accident at the award ceremony. Jordan got the trophy that was not obtained in his previous life.

   He holds the trophy and has no sadness or joy on his face. With his achievements today, he does not need to use this trophy to celebrate himself.

After the game, the Pistons players gathered together.

  Mo Mengchen, Hill, Houston, Rashid, Davis, Wallace and others gathered for a meal.

   used to be in the same boat, and the day of chasing the championship seemed to be just yesterday, but after this meal, I had to go to another place.

   “Dad, I hope you won’t meet you in the playoffs.” Davis said with a smile.

  The Cavaliers under Davies and Wallace are now ranked fifth in the East. For them, this ranking is just right to meet the closest opponent in the first round.

   Wallace’s view is different. He would like to meet the Pistons in the playoffs: “Daddy, help me bring a word to JD.”

  Will you tell him the truth?

   The truth is that the decision to let Wallace go was made by Mo Mengchen, and Dumas helped me. Originally Wallace respected Dumas very much, after this matter, the relationship between the two has been wicked.

  Forget it, Mo Mengchen believes that a good general manager should be as stingy, ruthless and as courageous as Dumas.

   Therefore, in order to maintain Dumas’ good image and Wallace to continue his struggle with a hatred, he did not tell the truth about Big Ben’s affairs and let him continue with hatred.

   “I know what you want to say, and I will bring it to you.” Mo Mengchen said.

  At the end of the party, everyone took photos to take pictures, and each returned to the hotel.

  The next day, players who gathered in Atlanta for the All-Star Weekend left.

   But the dark tide surged in the trading market.

  The Timberwolves put Garnett on the shelf.

   Almost all other teams in the league have called the Timberwolves management.

   Even Joe Dumas asked price tentatively, but the Timberwolves management is not an idiot, unless the Pistons are willing to send Mo Mengchen or Hill, otherwise no need to talk.

  The other party did not have the sincerity to make a deal. Dumas’s inner thoughts disappeared in the shadows.

   The Pistons are great, they want, dare to ask, but they have a lot of teams.

   First of all, the Celtics, their chips are: Antoine Walker + Mike Bibby + this year’s first-round draft pick.

  If you don’t know what this means, it doesn’t matter.

   This means an All-Star + a starting point guard and a top five pick in the draft year.

  To get Garnett, this is just the starting price, the Celtics said that they can negotiate, as long as the transaction can be completed, the price is free to open.

  Anyway, they have no money.

  The Timberwolves’ management neither agreed with the Celtics’ offer nor refused.

  At the same time, rumors came out that the Celtics were leading the Kevin Garnett deal.

   Then, Mo Hunchen’s chief mouthpiece Henry Hasman also released news: The Timberwolves are increasingly inclined to complete the deal with the Celtics.

   Fans are frantically searching for information on the Internet, but unfortunately they can only hear some boring rumors.

  Only insiders know what these rumors mean.

  The Celtics’ chips, although sincere, are not enough to impress the Timberwolves’ management. For them, this is just the starting price.

   Any team that wants to get Garnett should not offer a lower offer than this.

   Then, the Knicks also made their offer: Marcus Camby + Kurt Thomas and the first round of draft protection without protection in the next two years.

   It’s just that the Timberwolves’ reply made them desperate about the prospect of this deal: if you are willing to add pennies to the deal, we can close the deal.

   This is certainly not possible. Penny is the face of New York. Although he failed to lead the team to win the championship, he is definitely the most popular Knicks player after “Grand Theft Clyde” Fraser.

  The Knicks can trade anyone, but they don’t trade pennies.

   Therefore, the Knicks immediately terminated the transaction, and Garnett was small. If the content of the transaction leaked out, the chemical reaction affecting the team would be over.

  Of course, the Lakers will join in the fun. OK has reached this point. They also deliberately formed a space warship, saying that except OK, you can come up with anything. In addition to the players, they are also willing to give up the unprotected first-round draft picks for the next three consecutive years and the right to exchange for draft picks in the fourth year.

   looks tempting, but the Timberwolves are idiots if they agree.

   They scared the Lakers away by scaring the Knicks: “If you are willing to add Kobe to the deal, we can close the deal.”

  The Lakers retreated.

   Since Garnett was put on the shelf, the trading market was in a turbulent wave, and every team in the league asked the Timberwolves for a price.

   Teams that dare to gamble have no chips, and teams with chips do not want to change.

  The Timberwolves’ goal is very clear, it is not impossible to trade Garnett, but it must be replaced with a superstar of the same level.

  What level of superstar is Garnett? With an average of 24+14+5+2+1 all-around super giants, players of this level are basically non-sell items of each team and are not tradable.

   They don’t want rookies or ordinary All-Stars. The first-class immediate power is not useful for them. The attractive draft picks are not very useful if they are picked.

   As long as superstars, and not ordinary superstars.

  The Timberwolves reminded Mo Mengchen of the pelicans of the previous life, and placed the thick-browed brother on the shelf in a mighty way, which caused the alliance to vibrate, and everyone from all walks of life snooped.

   That’s all, let the Lakers become licking dogs, not only did people not get, but also caused the chemical reaction in the locker room to explode, which caused the career stain of James Westward Journey led the lotto in the first season.

The winds of the trade deadline blew through, but the transactions that appeared were all small transactions of minor repairs. Without the All-Star leaving the team, Garnett was asked by the teams for the price, and it is still sitting in Apollis. at home.

   The next day, the trading deadline ended and the wind stopped.

   No big deal appeared, the pattern of the league is still the same as before, the regular season officially entered the second half.

   Just after the All-Star weekend, the Pistons set off for the away game against the Cavaliers under Davis and Wallace.

  Be aware that before the All-Star weekend, the Pistons lost only four games, one of which was lost to the Cavaliers. This battle is considered a battle of revenge.

Even if there are three former comrades in the opposite team, the Pistons players have no air cuts a triple double of 20+10+10, Wallace also gives away 5 hot pots and sits at home. The knight was defeated by the Pistons.

“Looking at their performance, you can’t help but move. The Pistons are too strong. They are the strongest team in history.” Davis lost nothing to say, “The Pistons this season are the strongest in history. team.”

   These words caused a series of controversies.

   If we say that the Pistons are the strongest team this season, there will be no dispute, but with the prefix of the strongest history, then all the ancients have to stand up and compete.

   These rumors, the Pistons ignored, they went straight to the next away-Chicago.

  The place where the trapeze takes off is also the place where the trapeze landed.

   Last summer, they picked up both the top pick and the flower pick at the same time. They selected Yao Mei and Jay Williams as the stars of tomorrow.

   If this kind of good thing happened in 2003, they would have the opportunity to get James + Anthony or James + Wade at the same time in the first draft.

   If you have made the choice of James + Milicic, you are not losing money.

  Yao Can and Williams are both rookies, but they both have good fighting ability. The Bulls are not going towards the lottery area this season. They have been working towards the playoffs.

  Yao Can is far from mature, but the defensive end has been able to improve the overall look of the team, making the Bulls the middle east team.

  Tonight, due to the Pistons’ presence, considering the grievances of the two teams and the Chinese derby of Mo Mengchen and Yao Can, the game is bound to attract countless people’s attention.


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