You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 970 - The military heart breaks the Knicks (debt repayment! 5/9)

Chapter ninety-seventh army distracted the Knicks

   “Amel, how do you know that Dr. Mo is going to make a three-pointer?”

   Adrian’s question made Medela think hard. She noticed that Ephraim didn’t care much about it. She seemed to be attracted by other things.

   “Because I watched Dr. Mo’s many games.” Medela emphasized the last few words, “Many games.”

   Sounds like a reasonable explanation.

   “Sister, what’s wrong with you?” Adrian found Ephraim’s face not very good-looking.

  Ephraim said, “Nothing, I will go to the bathroom.”

  Ephraim felt a slight pain in her abdomen, and secretions came out of her lower body. She could not determine whether it was urine or amniotic fluid, so she had to go to the bathroom to find out.

   She is not an inexperienced rookie mother. She has already given birth to a triplet, and she can make a correct judgment.

   She walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet, the feeling of contraction in her body was more intense.

   She had a similar experience, she knew what it meant.


   She shouted.

  Medella ran quickly outside the bathroom, “Ephraim, what’s wrong with you?”

   “I may be born…” Ephraim has seven points of confidence.

   Hearing her sister’s words, Adrian glared: “Fourth baby? Tonight?”

  Medella has called the security department of the Garryton apartment, told them to come over to help, and then said to Adrian: “You are watching them here!”

   Adrian looked at the carefree triplets and asked, “Why me?”

   “Because there are so many people in the hospital, we can’t take them to the hospital!” Medela said nervously.

  The security guard has arrived outside the gate of the Garryton apartment. Several people tried to hold Ephraim carefully in the wheelchair. Once the amniotic fluid ruptures, the pregnant woman is inconvenient to move around. When the body is still, the amniotic fluid will stop flowing out.

  All you have to do now is rush to take Ephraim to the nearby hospital.

   Adults hurriedly took their sister out of the room, and Adrian looked at Sogla depressively, “Doctor Xiaomo, why do I always be a child in their eyes?”

  Sugra did not answer him, just raised his eyes and looked at the roof.

   looked like he was rolling his eyes, but does a child under the age of 3 really know how to use eyes to despise others?

   As for the game, it has to continue.

   confronted Penny Momo Chen who didn’t know that Ephraim was about to give birth. He had full firepower, no rebounds or assists, and only the basket was left in his eyes.

  After the first quarter, the Pistons team scored 35 points, and Mo Mengchen alone arranged 24 points.

After playing the whole game, Mo Mengchen’s data was 24 points, 2 rebounds and 2 assists. This data is really not like him, but also under his selfish guidance of nearly paranoid offensive, the Pistons led the Knicks 36 to 25. 11 points.

   The live game entered the inter-sessional break, but Adrian in front of the TV was sitting in a difficult position.

   The competition can no longer attract him, he just wants to be with his sister, but there are three big beans in the family.

   “I won’t get married after I die!” Adrian realized that one of the greatest pains in his life was only 17 years old.

  If Ephraim knew this, it was estimated that he could not even give birth to a child.

   Empire Axis Arena

  In the first quarter, Mo Mengchen, who was brave on the offensive end, was temporarily replaced by Westphal to rest.

  The Pistons replaced Hill, Rashid and Reed.

   Rolle was also replaced. He sat beside Mo Mengchen and asked, “I never knew you liked to attack so much before.”

   “You don’t dissect someone else’s body, you never know that some people’s lungs are black.” Mo Mengchen gasped softly.

   A lot of offense cost him a lot of energy.

   It is always said that defense is more physical than offensive. In fact, when the proportion of offense reaches a certain level, and the opponent’s targeted up, the consumption of the offensive end is much higher than the defense.

   is the outer line, especially the inner line.

   After Mo Mengchen handed the ball to Lor, it took a lot of energy to receive the ball every time offensively, during which he was inevitably subject to intense collision.

  Lol knows Mo Mengchen, if he is really a person who thinks the offense is very important, he doesn’t have to wait to show it today.

   “What’s wrong?” Roll asked, “What’s the trouble?”

   Actually, it is my turn to adjust my mind by Louis M. Lor?

  Mo Mengchen sneered at himself, with a sharp mouth and counterattack to Lor: “If you are so leisurely, think about yourself more, how can you fight for your majesty as a veteran, have you ever thought about it?”

  Lol never thought about fighting back to majesty, that is unrealistic, his status in the Pistons will only gradually decrease with age and the influx of newcomers.

   “I didn’t think about it.” Lor showed a relief expression of giving up treatment. “Just so, I have no other expectations.”

   Suddenly, Fruse came over and said, “Mo, there is a phone at your home.”

   Normally, during the game, no matter what happens in the player’s home, the game must be played first.

   Not to mention today is not an ordinary game, this is the second game of the Eastern Conference semifinals, the Pistons want to fight to protect their home advantage.

   Unless it is a big thing.

  Mo Mengchen attaches more importance to his family than everything else. No one in the Pistons knows this.

   At this time, what can happen at Mo Mengchen’s house? What things can make the coaching staff take the risk of distracting him also need to be notified in advance?

   “Are you born?” Mo Mengchen already had an answer.

   The caller was Medela. Her voice was very heavy, and she seemed to have just experienced a fierce movement: “When I first arrived at the hospital, the doctor was already dealing with it.”

   “Is everything okay?”

   “Fortunately, Ephraim is very experienced.”

“I know.”

  Mo Mengchen hung up the phone and returned the mobile phone to Frause.

   For a while, Mo Mengchen rarely applied to Westphal to play early.

  If Mo Mengchen is replaced in advance, the rotation schedule of the Pistons tonight will be completely disrupted.

   “If you feel uncomfortable and want to leave early, I agree.” Westphal heard of the incident and made an excuse for Mo Mengchen’s early exit.

   “Of course, it’s uncomfortable to stand here while working like this.” Mo Mengchen said, “but I have to finish my work first.”

  Mo Mengchen and Westphal’s communication ends here.

  One minute later, Mo Mengchen replaced Hill.

   “What’s the situation?” Hill asked, “Coach, I can still fight!”

   “Grant’s presence was a hindrance. Replace him.” Westphal truthfully relayed the suggestion from Mo Mengchen. “If you have any questions, go to him after the game.”

  Hill could not believe his ears.

   “I’m obstructing?” Devil Mountain said angrily, “Is he crazy?”

  Westphal smiled lightly: “I heard that his wife is giving birth in the hospital, so he should want to play the first half.”

   “Why should I replace me?” Hill couldn’t figure it out, “Can’t I help him?”

  When he saw Mo Mengchen’s play, he knew why Mo Mengchen asked Westphal to replace him.

   Completely single-core play. Since he played, the ball is in his hand. How to attack and how to play tactics is all shifted by his will.

  Mo Mengchen played like Westbrook in the first triple-double season.

   feels more confident about the ball and does not pass.

   Unless it is a pass that can surely form a score, or come by yourself.

   As long as he can grab a defensive rebound, he must grab it. Only a defensive rebound can drive the fastest counterattack.

   The difference between Mormon Dust and Westbrook is: one is to make the game into garbage time in the first half, and the other is to go to the first average double-double season per game after the merger era with the support of the whole team.

   Hardaway’s momentum can’t be compared with the red-eyed Mo Mengchen.

   The two had just been in position, and Mo Mengchen arrogantly stepped forward to grab, which is the best expression of self-confidence and fighting nature.

   Anyone who prevents him from playing the game is a stumbling block. He not only has to kick the stumbling block away, but also crush it.

  The penny that can compete with Mo Mengchen in the first quarter, the second quarter completely fell into the wind.

   It seems that it is not a contest of the same level. Mo Mengchen forced his ball to stop. He wanted to pass the ball and then encountered the piston’s sandwich.

  Each star-level ball holder will encounter the Pistons’ package, and players who enjoy this package will be impressed.

   Hardaway has been tried during the regular season, placed in the playoffs, the confrontation strength and the pressure on the ball are more powerful than before.

   Hardaway dropped the Just halfway through the second quarter, the Knicks are already 15 points behind, and Mo Mengchen dribble to the frontcourt to chase three points.

   18 points difference.

  Mo Mengchen ignored Reed who had ran to the basket, and he took the opportunity to let his opponent over the blue to cast a three-point chase.

   “I do get in the way.” Hill admitted hardly.

  Although Hill can play without a ball or as a spot shooter, if he doesn’t take the ball for a long time, it will waste his personal ability and make him unable to find the state.

   Some players like to attack with defense, some players like to attack with defense.

   Lord of the Rings Russell was keen to give his opponent a few big hats at the opening, and then made the opponent feel “I will be blocked by him this time?”.

   Hill, he is very comprehensive, especially when holding the ball in hand, he is also the top contemporary all-round creator. If it is put into the current system that takes Mo Mengchen as the absolute core, he is a more advanced 3D.

Hill is not a good 3D. He can shoot three points, so he also needs to touch the ball to maintain his feel. If he is still on the field, all he can do for Mo Mengchen is to defend and squat three points. Only do this. He did not do as well as Reed, so Mo Mengchen proposed to replace him and thought his presence would hinder him. Westphal agreed.

   Devil’s Mountain was just beginning to be dissatisfied. After watching the game for a few minutes, he had to admit that Mo Mengchen was right.

  Momon Chen, who wanted to play the game, led the Pistons to explode with amazing energy. Five minutes before the end of the first half, the score difference was opened to 20 points.

  It can be seen that the Knicks have been beaten up and their hearts are broken.

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