You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 974 - Years of cause and effect settle today (debt repayment! 7/9)

   Chapter 974, Years of Cause and Effect, Knot Today

   People always look forward.

   The next day, the **** smell of Madison Garden was a little lighter, but the fans will not forget.

Hardaway brought them hope, and Mo Mengchen gave a bottomless despair. That dribble passed halftime and passed two Knicks players in a row, confidently pressing the game time to the last “please witness” pressure Whistle against lore, will remain in the hearts of New York fans for a long time.

  Early this morning, the league announced that it will announce the winners of the season’s best lineup, best defensive lineup, best defensive player of the year, sixth best man of the year and other awards at twelve o’clock.

   Currently, only three people are in stable positions.

   27.5 points, 11 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 blocks per game, O’Neal, 25 points per game, 13 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 blocks Duncan and 25 points, 11 rebounds, 8 assists, 2 steals and 1 blocked Hill.

   These three men’s positions are as steady as the mountains.

  The center is dying. No one at the center can threaten O’Neill’s position, let alone mention it.

At the peak of Duncan, the MVP list predicted the only five insiders in the top five. Garnett and the Timberwolves broke out, Weber peaked, and no one could shake Duncan’s position for a while.

   Hill is also the same reason, Weber’s peak period has passed, Garnett and the team are in trouble, playing time is strictly limited to 25 minutes, there is nothing to say about performance, and no one can compete with him.

   The most intense position is the defender.

  Mo Mengchen, McGrady, Kobe, Pence, Iverson, Kidd, Marbury, Payton, Nash.

   Of these nine people, three cannot be selected for the best lineup.

The battle for    was particularly fierce.

  Both Kobe and McGrady are monsters with an average of 30+6+5 per game. It is at its peak. It is no problem to be selected for a while.

  But this year, there was an additional Momo Chen who led the team with 77 wins and averaged 28 points, 8 rebounds and 7 assists per game.

  Compared with Kobe and McGrady, Mo Mengchen had 2 points less, more rebounds and assists, and the efficiency also opened them up a lot, leading the team to no one else.

   Therefore, Mo Mengchen basically locked a seat for a while, but the competition was too fierce, and there were some doubts.

   twelve o’clock

  The alliance officially announced the final result.

   Annual burst: Mo Mengchen, McGrady, Hill, Duncan, O’Neill.

  Annual first defense: Mo Mengchen, Kobe, Hill, Duncan, Wallace.

  After the Pistons were the Bulls and Lakers, another team with two players from the same team was selected for the double-double.

  Hill is considered to have a low gold content in the double one. Because there are many unexpected factors, the competition is not fierce, but the selection is the selection.

   This is the third time in Devil’s Mountain since 1999’s lockout season.

   If it wasn’t for the power forward heyday, the NBA did not subdivide the size of the power forward when selecting awards, Hill could completely dominate the double for five consecutive years.

   is the existence of the three people of Duncan, Garnett and Weber, making it difficult for Hill to rule this award all the year round.

   As the strongest small forward in the contemporary era, Hill can win the power forward in the prosperous world, and was selected for the double one for three times in five years, which is also a proof of his strength.

In addition, Michael Reed was also elected sixth man of the year for the second consecutive year.

   Rashid Wallace also squeezed out Bowen by virtue of “good” word-of-mouth, and was selected for the annual second defense.

   As the first 77-win team in history, the Pistons won four awards and won six awards, which is undoubtedly a proof of the team’s strength.

  Detroit held a grand celebration for this, in recognition of the Pistons’ achievements.

one day later

  New York, Madison Square Garden.

  The Knicks ushered in the final game of the season. Before Game3, they claimed to defend the home field. They emptied all the ammunition and were brutally murdered by Mo Mengchen.

   That game dampened their confidence, the Knicks were unable to fight anymore.

  The Knicks had almost no resistance and were defeated by the Pistons by 19 points.

   “The eight consecutive wins in the playoffs, the Pistons became the first team to advance to the division finals.”

   “This is also since 1998, the Pistons reached the division finals for six consecutive years.”

  The Pistons passed easily, but the divisional semifinals between the East and the West were stuck.

  Western played two sets of 2 to 3 big score.

In the East, at the end of the Pistons-Knicks game, the 76ers and Pacers scored in overtime.

The 76ers sitting on Duncan and Iverson, it stands to reason, the only team capable of defeating them is the Pistons, but the Pacers’ strong rise is not only reflected in the regular season record (second in the East), but also in the postseason It was intuitively displayed in the game.

   In the first round, they swept their opponents 4 to 1 gentlemen and fell into a hard battle with the 76ers ranked third in the east.

   They beat their heads and broke the blood in order to win the qualification to challenge the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals.

  Although both teams know that the Pistons are at their heyday, no matter which team they go to, it’s a lot of evil.

  Even if the future is bleak, they have beaten you to death for this opportunity.

   In the battle of the Tenno Mountain, the Pacers and the 76ers played three overtimes, and the two sides were sent off a total of 7 people.

   In the final stage of the third overtime, Jonathan Bender dribbled into the basket and forced Duncan to foul, making Shifo a full graduation.

   At the last moment, veteran Reggie Miller edged out of the sheath, killing the 76ers with a three-pointer, ending the **** three-plus-hour **** battle, the Pacers took Tianwang Mountain and held the match point.

   “After tonight, the era of confrontation between Detroit and Philadelphia in the east is over.”

   “The new forces have risen, they are young Indiana Pacers!”

   “Under the leadership of young Jonathan Bender, this team is ambitious.”

   In addition to the Pistons and Knicks series, the other three semi-finals in the East and West all played a 3-2 situation. If they are stronger behind, it is likely that there will be two or even three tiebreakers.

  While other teams are still struggling for the finals, the Pistons are preparing for another major event.

  Mo Mengchen originally planned to return to Detroit with the team.

  Because the Pacers and the 76ers have at least one more game to finish, they have a lot of time to take a break. He also took a few days to relax.

   But a major event related to the future of the team, informed by Dumas’s phone, handed over to Mo Mengchen.

   This thing does not require technology, no strength, even if it is an animal that can understand the password, it can be done.

   This matter was the lottery drawing conference in 2003.

Seven years ago, in the summer of 1997, the Pistons sent veteran Otis Thorpe to the Memphis Grizzlies in exchange for a future first-round draft pick.

At that time, no one could think that the Pistons would hit the present level, and no one had thought that they have won four consecutive championships. This season, the Pistons won the best record in history with 77 wins. There is a 15% chance of winning the 2013. No. 1 pick in the draft.

  After the efforts of the Grizzlies, they played 24 wins and 58 losses this season, ranking third in the league.

   This year, only two teams signed for the top spot.

One is the Minnesota Timberwolves. They were originally a strong team in the west. Due to Garnett’s disagreement with the management, he was clamoring for a deal. In addition to an injury at the beginning of the season, the Wolves management temporarily decided to ruin. .

   As a result, they did a pretty good job, winning the penultimate 17 wins in the Western Conference and reflecting with the Eastern Eagles.

  The grizzlies who struggled hard, but still failed to play a good record, let the Pistons pick up cheap.

   They played the penultimate record.

  If you have better luck, you can pick up the top lottery, and you will almost never get out of the top five.

   For the Pistons, the best result is the No. 1 pick, so they don’t have to think about anything. If they choose James, let the NBA finish.

  If you get the second, you can choose people at will.

   The third overall pick is also not a problem.

   If it is the fourth or fifth, then you have to figure it out.

   Although the 03 generation is known as the most talented draft year after 96, it can really be cultivated as the cornerstone of the team, that is, Zhanguawei, others, not worth mentioning.

  The Pistons are still at their peak. Hill is 31 years old and Mo Mengchen is 30 years old. They are healthy. Their peak can be maintained for at least four to five years. This year’s draft is to prepare for the future.

   From 1999 to the present, the only draft that was considered to be the successor was in 2001, when the Pistons selected Curry with a flower pick.

  Curry is now gradually changing in the direction that Mo Mengchen wants him to go. The progress is not very fast, but it looks like a year.

   The core of the future inside, there is.

   Therefore, they need an outside core seedling.

  Except for Zhan Guawei, don’t think of him.

   This year is the best opportunity, you can get super huge seedlings without hurting your muscles, and it will not be a talented outside line for the next few years, but it is difficult for the Pistons to get such a top pick.

  The future draft picks traded back in previous years, the one with the most potential has to wait until 2007 to realize.

   Therefore, Mo Mengchen decided to act as the team’s representative again and participate in the lottery together with Dumas.

   It felt like he had returned to two years ago. In 2001, he and Dumars also won the prize of that year.

   This year, he is not very demanding, as long as the top three picks are enough.


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