You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 988 - Uninterrupted offense and defense

Chapter 988 The Attack and Defence

   The opening four minutes, the most impressive to the audience, in addition to the two teams of well-organized offensive and defensive, there is the hard work of the oldest veteran David Robinson on the field.

   “David, save your energy.” Gasol said to him, “I can share it for you.”

   “No, I don’t need it,” Robinson said. “As long as I think I can no longer stand here to play, I will go all out.”

  The last year of his career, the admiral reached the finals with the team. It should be said that this was the highest point of his career, but unfortunately met the strongest team in history.

   In the first quarter, the Admiral played seven minutes, chopping 7 points, 5 rebounds and 2 blocks. If converted to 48 minutes, it would be 48 points, 34 rebounds and 13 blocks.

   Of course, this cannot be counted, because the longer the playing time, the lower the efficiency.

  It is just shocking and admirable that Robinson’s 37-year-old can play such a performance against the Pistons.

  The Spurs team was influenced by him, and they tried hard to play again. The content of the game was similar to the previous one.

   In the first quarter, the two sides have no distinction.

   32 to 29

  The Pistons lead the Spurs by 3 points, and there are only three quarters left. This gap is simply not enough.

   In the second quarter, the Pistons replaced Curry, who had a cold bench, and he would play against Swift.

   Swift has always been able to get stable playing time. Although he did not realize his terrifying potential, but also because of a team like the Spurs, he did not lose his competitiveness after playing the rookie season like his previous life.

  The Spurs need his athleticism. Defensively, he only needs to jump and jump like a monkey to provide a decent defense. As for the offense, with Kidd feeding the ball, he can stage several wonderful aerial relays per game.

   Due to the time of the Spurs, most of the time is boring, and some conspiracy theorists believe that they kept Swift only to sell tickets and consolidate ratings.

  As soon as the fans on the spot were found to be drowsy, they quickly put on Swift and dunked a few **** to make everyone spirit.

  Although this statement is nonsense, and the Spurs are deeply disgusted, there are still a few people who are willing to believe it.

   Because the Spurs game is so boring.

   sat down to watch Curry and Swift match up. To Mo Mengchen, it seemed like after a week of busy work, there was finally time to sit at home while watching a movie and drinking afternoon tea.

  Hill also followed the controversy: “This guy’s talent and athletic ability are enough to make any team drool, no wonder that he was able to win the second pick.”

   “Yes, his order is higher than you.” Mo Mengchen said heartily.

   At this time, Swift finally cut into the lift off, such as the rocket, catching the ball, smashing, and surprisingly buckling, the atmosphere of the scene led by him, it was almost turned into a concert special.

   No wonder the Spurs have kept him, his presence is also a great stimulus for the fans.

  Tall players like him, who are so explosive, are very rare, plus his shoulder width, arm width, strength and strength are excellent, and static and dynamic talents can’t pick out many faults.

   The only problem is that the brain is not good.

  Defense only thinks of nailing big caps and catching caps, and offensive only knows all kinds of dunks.

   was a defender when he was a kid, and he had quite comprehensive skills. It was just because of the slam dunk effect that he was labeled as Shark II during college. This label also ruined his life.

   Addicted to dunking, not thinking about progress, relying on talent to eat.

   Compared with him, Curry is an offensive kaleidoscope.

   took the ball from the free throw line, Swift took a step and he shot directly.

   34 to 31

   Spurs, the offensive continued, Swift can’t do anything with the ball in the post, and embarrassed to pass the ball, had to come up with an ugly turn jumper to hit the iron.

  Curry took the rebound and Watson firmly controlled the rhythm of the field, not playing fast breaks, because the Spurs had withdrawn from defense.

   Curry continued to take the position. This time it was a low position on the left side. Swift was behind him, but was shot by his shoulder-shake fake action. He went out and pulled out of the space to make a jumper.

   36 to 31

   The gap turned to 5 points, Kidd looked anxious, let Swift obediently come out to pick up and cover, do not do those useless low-level offenses.

   Swift came out to pick and roll, Watson’s body can not stop Kidd’s breakthrough, plus Kidd’s shooting tonight is outstanding.

  Curry jumped out of the shot while Curry didn’t change defense, and scored another goal.

   33 to 36

   “It would be nice if JK could find the texture earlier.” Elliott said annoyedly, “The texture tonight is really great, but it is too late.”

  Westphal saw that Watson couldn’t stop Kidd, and turned back to Mo Mengchen.

A player like Kidd cannot give him a state of attack on the offensive end. Even if he can’t prevent his offense, he has to attack by attack. Through a more intense attack, he consumes him and makes him defensively laborious, so as to reduce his shooting. The purpose of the hit rate.

  Mo Mengchen was replaced with Reed.

   The Spurs also quickly changed back to the admiral who played a brave performance in the first quarter, and replaced the monkey-like Swift.

  Curry sent a touch-line.

  Mo Mengchen firmly controlled the ball and let Curry arc top pick and roll.

  Kid didn’t expect that he would attack as soon as he played. He tried every means to avoid the pick-and-roll, but he didn’t expect that the pick-and-roll was just a disguise to distract him. Mo Mengchen had no intention of breaking through from the position of the pick-and-roll.

The more Kidd was concerned about the impact of the pick-and-roll, the more restricted the defense was. Mo Mengchen first started in the direction of the pick-and-roll, which caused Kidd to shift his center of gravity and stepped out in the second step, just like a venomous snake with fangs, towards the pick-and-roll. Break in the opposite direction.

   is almost a word.

   Kidd couldn’t react, Mo Mengchen had broken through from his front and accelerated to run, Kirilenko could not return, even Robinson just jumped from the side and tried to interfere.

   As if this could not threaten the interference of the ball, Mo Mengchen was completely fearless, his fingers flicked and he got two points.

   40 to 36

  Mo Mengchen ran past Kidd and whispered: “Your defense is too bad. From now on I will not call the pick-and-roll and hit you, I don’t need it at all.”

Kidd has a habit. Every time he brings the ball to the frontcourt, he will first hand it to the high post and run a tactic inwards. If he runs out of opportunities, he will directly attack. If he does not run out of opportunities, it will be considered harassment. Take a look at your opponent.

   From a tactical point of view, that’s right, but from a defensive point of view, the Pistons better limit him.

  Mo Mengchen observed his running position, combined with Gasol’s position, judged their attacking style.

This should be a hand-to-hand shot. Kidd first ran a lap and then returned to Gasol to take the ball. With the Spanish ingenuity, it is possible to take a ball-free screen after handing the ball out. .

   I think it is pretty.

  Mo Mengchen patiently followed Kidd. When Kidd returned, Mo Mengchen believed that his judgment was correct, and followed closely. Gasol sent the ball to Kidd’s hand, just as a cover. Mo Mengchen, who was trailing behind, turned directly around his body and passed his cover like a dribble, just before Kidd.

  Jid jumped into the air to prepare for a shot Others have jumped into the air, Mo Mengchen’s height and arm length, plus the speed and bouncing, are above him. Such a shot is very likely to be blocked. Kidd can only pass the ball.

   unexpected passes are extremely difficult to control.

   Kidd throws the ball to the admiral in the basket, if Robinson can react, it can also form a direct attack opportunity.

   Unfortunately, Robinson’s attention is all on the card position, and this ill-intentioned pass eventually fell out of bounds and failed to return.

   “You know? Your defense is going to be over again.”

   After Mo Menchen’s words were finished, his feet suddenly ran away.

  Kid responded quickly without losing his position.

   Two teammates set up obstacles along the way. He has long been accustomed to these obstacles for his convenience. Teammates also believe that he can run out of chance to score.

   Right-winged at a 45-degree angle, Mo Mengchen caught the ball, and the defense of Kirilenko, who had switched over, was already attached to his face. The arc of this ball was higher than the previous shot.


   is still in.

   He looked at his opponent playfully: “You should be used to it?”

   Kirilenko had an angry face, Kidd was calmer than expected.

   43 to 36

  This is not a good Spurs can always bite the score for a period of time, but they can’t last till the end.

  The power of the piston is here.

   Their offense is as stable as their defense and can last from the start to the end of the game.

  Once their opponent’s offensive power was cut off, they went through positional battles and counterattacks. After a few rounds, the score difference may have been pulled to double digits.

   If the opponent is behind by 7 points or 8 points when the power is turned off, a one-minute power offense may allow the Pistons to pull the point difference beyond 15 points.

   The offense cannot be stopped, and the hit rate must be guaranteed.

   This is not easy for them.

  Kid no longer runs the position, he called Robinson to the high position and passed the ball, allowing him to cooperate with Gasol to play the high and low double towers.

  Robinson was swaying, dribbling offense, rushing to the basket and giving the ball to Gasol.

   The Spaniard made a long shot and scored a layup.

   38 to 43

   The game became more and more anxious, and Mo Mengchen seemed to attack again.

  He has arranged two rounds of attack in a row.

   Kidd seems to have Mars in his eyes. If Mo Mengchen continues to attack, he will give a fierce foul even if he can’t resist it.

   As a result, Mo Mengchen’s offensive was just a bluff. As he broke into the penalty area, Reed got a comfortable big space and only needed a pass. The Spurs’ defense would collapse.

   Reed received a pass from Mo Mengchen and made a three-pointer.

   46 to 38

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