You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 992 - Don’t be discouraged

Chapter 992 The road ahead is far, don’t be discouraged

   “For fans, this may be the best era in NBA history.”

   “The Detroit Pistons defended their championship with the most dominant season in fashion and achieved a five-time championship. Before this, only the Celtics had done this half a century ago.”

   “It is well known that half an century ago, NBA teams were scarce and weakly competitive. The playoff teams only need to win one opponent in the same zone to advance to the finals.”

“The league has developed to today, there are a total of 29 teams, attracting players from all over the world. The talent pool is deeper and deeper. It is more difficult to rule the current league than ten times in the past? In general, it can be three consecutive times. Winning the championship in the year is the limit of our time.”

   “But the piston changed this perception.”

   “77 wins, defending the playoffs, five consecutive championships.”

   “For other teams, this is the worst era in the history of the NBA.” Elliott said with tears.

   For the first time in the history of the Spurs, they reached the finals. The result ended in such a way that no one would be reconciled.

   “From 1999 to the present, the Pistons have never lost again. They have won the championship for five consecutive seasons. They are strong and strong, and there is no sign of decline at all.”

   “The scary thing is, in terms of their personnel structure, salary, and age, they will be the biggest favorite of the championship next season.”

   “The most desperate thing is that this team, which has ruled the times, has the fifth overall pick in the first round of the draft conference that will take place ten days later.”

   “They just played one of the most dominant seasons in history, and then have to choose talent in the lottery area? Think about it, with the Pistons scouts, can they pick the best player?”

   This is even more desperate than 2001.

   That year, the Pistons defeated the Lakers to achieve three consecutive championships, but then had the third round of the first round in the subsequent draft. They took this pick and held countless questions to choose Eddie Curry.

  Curry was initially questioned as a parallel, but now it is gradually playing out. Even if he cannot become an All-Star player, as long as he maintains his current combat strength, he is also an indispensable member of the Pistons.

   The scene of the game was chaotic. It was clear that the Pistons had already won the championship four times, but there were still people running around the field. They used this way to vent their excitement.

  Mo Mengchen saw Kidd approaching him.

   2003 was the last time Kidd led his team to the finals, which was based on his previous life.

   He is already 30 years old. Even if the guard has the older and older demon rule, for any player who is well-known for his overall age, his age becomes older and his athletic ability declines, which is a factor of his strength.

   It’s just that Kidd in the world is in the Spurs, and there are potential stocks such as Arenas in the team. Perhaps the old Kidd can continue to reach the finals under the leadership of Arenas who has gradually entered the peak.

   Plus Gasol who has just passed the second grade.

   Perhaps the Spurs will be the Pistons’ main competitors for some time to come.

   Kidd came to Mo Mengchen, his face was heavy, and he didn’t have any meaning to admit defeat. He said with endless reluctance: “We will come back.”

  You say that Big Big Wolf will be angry.

  Mo Mengchen did not intend to shake hands with Kidd, especially after he said this, they did not need to shake hands or hug.

   This guy doesn’t even want to say false blessings, it’s already a little too real.

  Mo Mengchen walked past Kidd expressionlessly.

“Year after year, one after another,” whispered with a smile, “You know, to me, you are just another body that fell in front of me, no big deal, goodbye, man Loser.”

  Kid held his fist in anger. He couldn’t say anything else. If he lost, he lost.

   Only winners can run wild.

  Arenas has a little more youthful spirit than Kidd. Only in the second grade, he was able to reach the finals with the team. This is a valuable experience.

  Maybe because of this experience, coupled with Popovich’s teaching, they will have a completely different life from their previous lives.

   “Mo, see you next year, I will beat you sooner or later.” Arenas said.

   General’s cruel words are not unpleasant, this is a sentence that every person with good will will say after failure.

  Mo Mengchen simply shook hands with him without saying much.

  The last person to pay tribute to Mo Mengchen was David Robinson who had just played the last NBA game in his life.

His career ended with the finals. The enthusiasm of the audience touched the big man. He burst into tears, not sad to retire, but only to tears for failing to bring a ring to San Antonio. .

  He felt that he was not worthy of the praise he received.

   “My invitation is still valid, Detroit’s door is open to you at any time.” Mo Mengchen and Robinson hugged.

  Robinson’s few opponents that he embraced in recent years.

  Robinson patted his back and said, “Thank you for your invitation. I have considered it. I decided to solemnly reject you. My career is over. I will always be a Spur.”

  Already considered? Mo Mengchen sneered.

  Robinson may not have thought about this matter at all. He played the old spurs from the beginning, and a ring holding his thighs was not enough to make him apostasy.

  Robinson glanced at Mo Mengchen into the alliance, and now Mo Mengchen sent him away again.

   Strange fate.

  Interestingly, Robinson was the first player to be affected by the crossover effect.

  Since Mo Mengchen opened the first domino in the summer of 1996, it caused the crossover effect and changed the fate of the Spurs. Many things have changed.

   2003 in this world is almost not the same as 2003 in the previous life.

   The distribution of stars, the ranks of top teams, and the basic structure of the championship teams have been completely changed.

   To challenge the Pistons, there must be two superstars sitting in town. This is already a consensus.

   Those who only have one super seat, such as the Knicks, Spurs and Duncan Celtics, are inevitably defeated by the Pistons.

  Robinson was supposed to join forces with Duncan, but now he was waiting for Kidd, and finally he inevitably retired alone.

After    goes crazy, the player has to return to the locker room.

  In addition to the necessary champagne showers, there is also time for the championship stage to be set up.

   After Mo Mengchen and the coaches saluted, walked into the player channel.

  Old place, Hill is still here.

  On June 26, 1999, the Pistons won the championship for the first time. Mo Mengchen and Hill embraced each other excitedly. At that time, they were 27 years old and 26 years old.

   Now that they are all in their standing years, the Pistons have also won the championship year after year, creating a great cause of five consecutive championships.

  Hill will not be so excited to hug Mo Mengchen, nor will he be so excited that he will cry because he has created three consecutive championships. He is much calmer.

   “It seems that you have completed the final attack on the Spurs.” Hill believes that Mo Mengchen will stay on the field and spray **** with his opponent.

   Am I so bad?

  Mo Mengchen said lightly: “The last attack? You said it seriously, just one or two words of encouragement, and say goodbye to David by the way.”

  The Pistons’ championship battle and Robinson’s retired battle happened to be the same game. Witnessing Hill of Robinson’s half of his career, he was so moved to see such a senior retired. When he saw the admiral admit his fate, he could not help but admire him.

   who wins, and who is full of honor, can be called a hero.

  But like David Robinson, the 37-year-old body beat the last bullet, facing the unchangeable defeat, sadly and solemnly accepting the result, it can also be regarded as a hero.

   “Mo,” Hill said, “When we get old like David, can we meet a young man who ended us like him in the finals?”

   Mo Mengchen smiled faintly: “For me, that day will not come.”

   Everyone will grow old, and only Mo Mengchen, a self-confident guy who dares to ignore the laws of nature.

   Hill is accustomed to his appearance, and finally asked: “I have reached five consecutive championships, and also set the best record in the regular season. The playoffs won the defending title and won 20 points in each match.”

   “Mo, is this our ending?”

   It can be seen that every season of battle, every season hits June, which makes Hill very tired, he also needs a source of power.

  Mo Mengchen looked at him and smiled and asked, “Do you think we really broke all records?”

   “What else is there?”

   “After the league entered the merger era, no team has achieved four consecutive championships, but we have five consecutive championships.”

   “We took the Bulls’ best record in the regular season history by five games.”

   “We maintained a full victory in the playoffs ~ ~ replaced the 76ers in 1983 and became a genuine FO-FO-FO team.”

   Hill asked seriously: “What record?”

“Indeed, the record after the merger era is gone.” Mo Mengchen closed his smile and turned his eyes. Two majestic gazes seemed to point through Hill’s body, pointing directly at his heart. “Pre-merger era What have you never considered?”

   At this moment, Hill’s heart almost stopped beating, his gaze was certain, all goose bumps jumped up, and thick hairs stood up involuntarily.

  He finally knew what Mo Mengchen’s ultimate goal was.

   Things he never thought of.

   Things you can’t even dream of.

   A few years ago, this was simply unreachable.

   But now, they have five consecutive championships, and have the potential to continue to compete for the championship.

“You’re thinking…”

  Mo Mengchen walked past him, patting Hill’s shoulder, “The road ahead is far, Mom, don’t be discouraged.”

  Finally, Mo Mengchen walked past him, Hill was silent for a few seconds, followed, and seemed to have found a new source of power.

   They came together outside the gate of the dressing room.

   Pushing open the door seems to be more difficult than making that decision.

   “Go!” Mo Mengchen said.

   “Okay!” Hill answered and opened the door. Mo Mengchen hid directly behind him, and the Devil Mountain suffered a large amount of champagne attacks.

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