You Boys Play Games Very Well

Chapter 29

Chapter 29
@Mangosteen: If anyone knows this friend named Guava, please let me know. I admire his strength very much and would like the opportunity to ask him for advice. Thank you.

[screenshot of Guava’s game data.jpg]

— @FanA: What’s this? Mang God overtly issuing a letter of challenge?

— @FanB: I went and checked the record of this person, fifty-seven consecutive victories and zero defeats. This is General Chang Sheng3. [screenshot of Guava’s historical record.jpg]

— @FanC: It must be a small account, but I don’t know whose small account.

— @FanD: Mang God VS Mysterious Small Account God, looking forward to it a little.


— @FanJ: The last match this ID played was this morning against Lemon and it was a victory with a huge margin.

— @FanK: So…this is Lemon Daddy being tragically KO slaughtered and Mang God wanting to stand in for him?

— @FanL: Mang God guarding his baby’s heart is understandable, but IMHO I’m not convinced he could win.


It was twenty-four hours later when a newly registered account replied to this Weibo post.

— @Guava: Ok.

The battle between Mangosteen and Guava was scheduled for Sunday night. In addition to Mang God’s, Lemon Daddy’s broadcast room was also crowded with people because he was going to do the guest commentary for the match.

Ling Meng, who had never served as a commentator, has done a lot of preparatory work, but he only had information on Shan Zhu for the player side of things. For Guava, besides the 57-game winning streak and his one personal experience, the information he knew was basically zero.

Before the game began, Ling Meng sent a WeChat message to Shan Zhu.

Ling Meng: I’m so nervous.

Shan Zhu: I’m the one playing, what are you nervous about?

Ling Meng: The opponent is likely a pro, I’m afraid you’ll lose.

Shan Zhu: Would you be disappointed if I lost?

Ling Meng: Don’t fuss, it’s normal to lose to professional players.

Ling Meng: There are so many people watching, I’m afraid that your powder watching you lose will be disappointed.

If Ling Meng were around, Shan Zheng would really want to pinch his face.

Shan Zhu: I just want to hold a training match with him, it doesn’t matter if I win or lose.

Shan Zhu: Even if I lose, it would be because of the strength of the other side, there’s nothing to worry about.

Shan Zhu: You don’t have to be nervous either. Don’t forget that every day in the Federation-Empire, you are Lemon Daddy, oh

Shan Zhu: DadIsFearless.gif

Ling Meng was amused by his own expression pack, so his nervous mood was greatly diluted.

Ling Meng: If you win, I will send you a big house too!

Shan Zhu: It’s better to privately transfer the money. I’d rather you keep me.

Ling Meng: Brake4!

Ling Meng found that if he hung around Shan Zhu for a long time, the level of braking would increase more and more.

Shan Zhu: If I lose, I also have something ready to say.

Ling Meng: What will you say?

Shan Zhu: YouBoysPlayGamesVeryWellOh~.gif

Ling Meng: Mud5!

The barrage came rushing forth like a high tide: tonight’s other protagonist had arrived, an unranked small account, without even an avatar. The more simple it was, the more mysterious it seemed.

[Room] Mangosteen: Thank you for coming.

[Room] Guava: It’s nothing, just casual.

The audience gasped when they saw this. The other side obviously didn’t put any weight in this match, it was just to pass the time.

[Room] Mangosteen: My friend and I are both broadcasting live, you don’t mind?

[Room] Guava: Oh, don’t worry. I don’t watch live broadcasts, I won’t stream snipe.

It was clear the other side understood the implication of Shan Zhu’s words. Shan Zhu said nothing more and entered the match directly. They were doing a non-random scenario, that is, they could choose the faction they wanted to use before the start.

Ling Meng was wearing a good mic. During a normal competition, the commentator and the audience could see the game screens of the players on both sides. However, this match was quite special and Ling Meng could only explain from a single perspective.

“We don’t really know much about this Guava. What kind of faction he’s good at and which he’s going to play isn’t known. I am afraid that this is really a blind fight for Mang God.

“Unexpectedly, Mang God has selected the alien faction. Everyone knows the aliens are the faction Mang God is most skilled with. There are few people playing aliens and ordinary players don’t have much experience with them.

“Mang God has locked in his faction, the countdown is going. In mere moments, we’ll see the opponent’s choice, he chose …”

Ling Meng suddenly raised his tone: “It’s also alien!”


1. local tyrant (土豪): slang for arrogant, wealthy people ↩
2. old driver (老司机): originally a slang term for someone who likes to talk dirty, has evolved to mean someone who is experienced (a veteran) ↩
3. General Chang Sheng (常胜将军): an idiom meaning the commander who wins every battle, someone who is effective in strategy, planning, and command deployment ↩
4. Brake (刹车): To curb bad habits ↩
5. Mud (泥垢): Internet slang homonym for “you’re too much!”, indicating anger at the behavior of the other person, can also be said jokingly ↩

Sometimes I just want to pat Ling Meng on the head, he’s so oblivious.
Next chapter you’ll have to decide: are you #TeamMango or #TeamGuava

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