You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Mrs. Good Son-In-Law

Because the firstborn of destiny has come, He will lift up the light of truth that casts out lies, takes away disease and death that deceives all beings, and restores the world to its original appearance—

The Future of the Primordial Scriptures: The Third Prophecy of the Disciples

Blackthorn United Kingdom, on the outskirts of the port city of Graham, an elegant manor surrounded by neat green grass is very lively at the moment.

The sound of the violin wafted, and a large number of waiters shuttled back and forth in the kitchen and the reception hall.

Under the exquisite ring chandelier, some gentlemen in tuxedos and white shirts occasionally invite a lady in a wide-brimmed gauze hat to dance on the dance floor.

More guests gathered around the dance floor in twos and threes, talking about topics of their own interest.

Their voices were generally very soft, but with a large number of people talking, it was inevitable that there would be a humming sound.

With the continuous music around, Mrs. Chelsea frowned.

She didn’t like the atmosphere here, and even though she was hosting the party, she still didn’t like it.

“Don’t have fantasies about so-called social situations, people who don’t expect to be friends with you, but want to do whatever they can to drag you into the bushes in the back garden.”

Not long ago, she had used this sentence to refuse her daughter’s request to attend the party.

It was obvious that her daughter was dissatisfied with this, and the teenage girl had already begun to take an interest in two or three things in the bushes in the back garden – which was the main reason why Mrs. Chelsea was strictly guarding her.

It’s easy to be tempted by a young girl caught up in the restlessness of growth, especially when there’s a “big killer” in the ballroom.

Thinking, Mrs. Chelsea unconsciously glanced at a figure in the distance.

The man was sitting at a table in the corner of the hall reading a book at the moment. The dim light made his facial features a little hazy, but the haze revealed a mysterious beauty instead.

It was silent, but it attracted the attention of the ladies around.

However, if you look closely, you can find that there is a touch of immaturity in the other party’s elegant and three-dimensional face – short black hair and blue eyes, obviously only fifteen or sixteen years old, about the same age as her daughter.

It’s not normal for this age group to attend such a social dinner, but since you can be invited, there is naturally a reason.

Meren Gilbert.

His father is a wealthy local real estate businessman, and his mother is a well-known writer and thinker in China. He once participated in the organization of the sensational women’s suffrage movement and was very influential in women’s groups all over the country.

In addition, he has a brother in his family who runs a newspaper office in the city and is said to be very capable.

Of course, if this is the case, it is not enough to say that this young man is a big killer. There are many such young Mrs. Chelsea, who have a good family background and outstanding appearance.

In fact, under the surface, this Merron has a little-known identity, that is, a famous domestic fairy tale writer.

According to the information surveyed by Mrs. Chelsea, this Mellon started his writing career at the age of seven, and up to now, seventeen books have been published, each of which has a special place in the hearts of children at home and abroad. the same influence.

And her daughter happens to be this book lover, and she is still a very fanatical one. It can be said that she grew up reading this book since she was a child.

Just being a fan of books is enough. The problem is that my daughter didn’t know where she found out a while ago that the idol and her live in the same city, and she even revealed that she wanted to visit.

Fortunately, Mellon’s identity as a writer was not exposed, so Mrs. Chelsea could invite her to see the situation before her daughter made her move.

Seeing this, she was startled.

Originally, she thought that a writer full of childishness must be an experienced old gentleman, but she did not expect that she was even a year younger than her daughter!

This has to be guarded against-

To say that for a normal noble family, it is not difficult for such a young talent to have contact with their daughter.

After all, this era is no longer the age of blood-only theory in the early years. The rise of the bourgeoisie has shattered the impact of the old aristocracy. The pride of knights and lords has long been washed into the garbage of history by the torrent of industrialization. in the barrel.

But Mrs. Chelsea’s family is not a normal aristocratic family.

But a family of pure blood wizards.

They live not on earthly possessions and glorious family histories, but on magic in their hands and supernatural knowledge in their heads.

It can be said that what Mrs. Chelsea’s existence can see and what ordinary people can touch are completely two worlds.

A lion may be able to condescend to befriend an ant. After all, if an ant can get into the eyes of a lion, it must not be a simple ant.

But what about a lion going to marry an ant?

Such a thing is simply unimaginable.

This is Mrs. Chelsea’s notion.

And her daughter, because of her age, has not completely formed this concept.

So have to guard.

However, it doesn’t take long…

Reducing her gaze, Mrs. Chelsea then looked under a gorgeous load-bearing column not far from the hall.

There, the housekeeper was leading a young man of fifteen or sixteen to wait quietly.

That was the fiancé she found for her daughter.

He was also born in a pure blood wizard family, and he was a perfect match.

Mellen’s head hurts a little at the moment.

This was not because of the noise coming from the surrounding like a heat wave, but because he had completely awakened the memory of his previous life when he was just reading a book.

Yes, wake up.

Looking back at this time, he was quite sure that he had traveled from the earth to this place similar to nineteenth-century Europe in the womb of his mother.

At the beginning of the time-travel, his brain was obviously unable to accommodate the vast amount of memories in the information age of the previous life, so most of the memories were asleep in the depths of the body at the beginning, and slowly merged with age.

This gave him a lot of whimsical ideas since he was a child, and those ideas were combined with “indigenous thinking” and “vented” with writing.

So Mellon became famous early and became a talented writer.

In the past, he had not actually figured out where those endless inspirations came from.

Until just now, the only remaining part of the memory finally emerged, which made him completely wake up and realize that he was a transmigrator.

“And it’s still a traveler with a golden finger.”

The young man in the corner thought to himself, and when he looked at the book in his hand, he was full of scrutiny.

The book is called “Heirs of the Mysterious Legacy”, and it describes the story of a country similar to the United States, after acquiring the powerful weapons left over from the civilization of the previous era, it became independent and separated from its suzerainty country a hundred years ago.

According to Mellen’s understanding, the historians are still not sure that there was another civilization in this world.

So obviously, this is a fun read to pass the time when you’re bored.

However, what I saw at the moment, the black text in the preface was slowly creeping, twisting and changing towards another appearance—

【Fate: 0】

[Person: 0]

[Skills learned: Writing (Proficient), Violin (Proficient), Piano (Beginner)]

This appears to be a “Properties Panel”.

What is the survivable number?

What about the personality?

Why isn’t what I’ve learned in my past life reflected?

I have been a theological genius all my life, and the teachers in my school often praised me, but I didn’t?

Mellen was at a loss for this “panel”.

However, before he could ponder the rules, a unique attraction faintly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Following this feeling, he saw a brown-haired young man with a sad expression who was also staying in the corner and leaning against the wall of the hall not far away.

Mellon knew each other, an introverted young man from a magician family named Garcia Parker.

However, because of his age, he has not had in-depth contact with the other party. He only remembers that the other party is a taciturn and shy person, and is very unsuitable for the job of a magician.

When looking at the past at this moment, there is nothing special about the other party.

But in Mellen’s handbook, or under that panel, a new line of words appeared—

[Three days later, Garcia Parker will go to the new world with his parents, and he will never have the chance to meet Winnie Kate, the noble lady who has been secretly in love with him for a long time, which will make him regret for the rest of his life. 】

The New World is the continent where the “America” described in the book in hand is located. Because of the long distance, people who go there rarely have the chance to come back.

As for Winnie Kate.

The name made Merron turn his gaze to the other side of the banquet, a fat figure who was talking to a group of young men.

“This guy’s aesthetic is really unusual.”

After thinking for a while, Meren put down the book in his hand, walked over to the brown-haired youth and whispered to him, then ignored the other party’s surprised appearance, and walked towards the group of Miss Fatty.

“Sorry to interrupt,”

In the southeast corner of the lively banquet hall, Mellon, who pretended to pass by, suddenly stopped in front of the group of people, “Are you guys discussing photography?”

“Uh, yes.”

Some people responded one after another, feeling a little surprised at the appearance of the big boy in front of him, “Is there something wrong?”

“I recently heard about a way to make a developer with coffee and salt, but never tried it.”

Melon lied and said without changing his face: “Perhaps you have heard of this method?”

“Coffee and salt?”

Several people were shocked by this remark.

“how can that be?”

“Where did you hear that?”

“All I know is that coffee and salt are for eating…”

Photography is not popular in the current era, the camera is bulky like a wooden box and requires very tedious steps to get a picture.

Mellen didn’t really understand this, but that didn’t stop him from daring to talk to him after just rummaging out a few key words in his mind.

Picking up a conversation like this is very scary for social fears, but it is not difficult for people like Mellen.

As long as there is an appropriate excuse to insert into the conversation and lead the topic without a trace, he will naturally be able to become friends with others.

For example, at the moment, in a few words, Mellon has successfully integrated into the topic of this group of people.

And within five minutes, the conversation shifted from photography to magic—the field that the brown-haired Garcia Parker excelled at, who had been following Mellen’s ass.

So, when Mellen lied about going to the bathroom and stepped out of the circle, Garcia Parker was already stumbling about the bluffing tricks he was teaching the fat lady he had a crush on for a long time.

Several new lines of text then emerged from the book Mellen was holding.

【You rewrote the fate of Garcia Parker】

【You got the number of fate X1】

[You can use your destiny to randomly draw a skill from the opponent in a conventional way]

[You can also explore this destiny and try to use it as other fields]

“Random draw?”

The number corresponding to the fate was gray, and Meren reached out and touched it, and the gray streak jumped out of the page in an instant, entangled and merged into Meren’s fingers.

A strange feeling of twisted bones was born from his hands, and along with it, a memory emerged from the depths of his mind.

【You have obtained card magic (Proficient)】

“It’s so convenient?”

The knowledge in his mind seems to have been learned for many years. UU reading remembers it very deeply. When he moved his ten fingers, he found that his hands were obviously more flexible, as if he had been trained for a long time.

Therefore, Meren couldn’t help but look at another figure in the banquet hall who was attractive to him.

It was a lady in a black evening dress with a waist, looking less than 30 years old, with fair skin, long gorgeous golden hair, and a delicate lace gauze hat popular in this era on her head.

At this moment, she was sitting on the sofa not far away, talking with a blond young man across from her. She had an elegant manner and a calm expression. One hand was dignifiedly placed on the table, the other was holding a goblet, and her elbow reached her. White velvet gloves look particularly dazzling in bright light.

She was the host of the banquet, Mrs Isabella Chelsea.

Although Mellon is not socially fearful, he is not actually interested in this kind of social banquet. He was invited to come here entirely because of Mrs. Chelsea.

Mrs. Chelsea is very beautiful in life. She sits on the sofa as slender as a water snake, and her expression and demeanor when she speaks are full of a calm and composed temperament of a strong woman.

Very much in line with Melen’s XP.

Mellen feels that if you want to choose a first love girlfriend in this world, there is no one who is more in line with your heart than this lady.

However, when he looked at each other, the words that appeared on the pages in his hand made him feel very confused.

[Isabella Chelsea, who was born in an ancient mysterious family, did not encounter many setbacks in her growth, so there is a great conceit in her character, which is obviously not a good quality. 】

[Tomorrow at noon, Isabella Chelsea will be assassinated for her arrogance. 】

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