You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Different Treatment

Where there are wizards, there are classes.

Aside from the family background, if an ordinary person offends a wizard apprentice who has entered the door, the situation will be like an adult man naked facing a powerful beast showing fangs.

Easily killed.

But if the wizard apprentice was humiliated by a full-fledged wizard, he basically wouldn’t dare to let one go.

Because there is a clear disparity in power between the two sides.

Correspondingly, the wizard family and the wizard family are also divided into classes.

When the people of the small family meet the members of the big family, it is inevitable that they will feel jealous and even inferior.

But when he turned his head, the wizards of the small family were full of superiority when facing the half-blood wizards who had no family, or were hated by the family.

However, although he was born in a small wizard family with low comprehensive strength, Martin Boswell’s status in the circle of young wizards in Graham City is not low.

In the wizarding circles of other cities, no one dared to underestimate him.

The reason is very simple, he, and the family he belongs to, have masters.

Their owners are the Chelsea family that controls Graham behind the scenes.

Or the past generations of the family’s head.

Martin remembers that when he was young, his master was an old gentleman named Rich Chelsea, who was very friendly and loved by the people below.

It is said that he also hugged Martin as a child.

Although he was not impressed by this, it did not prevent Martin from having a good impression of the old gentleman.

But now, his owner is the contemporary owner, Mrs. Isabella Chelsea.

Martin was afraid of her.

Although he rarely saw the lady.

But he never forgot that a little friend who played very well in his childhood was tragically destroyed because his entire family betrayed his wife who had just been promoted to the head of the family.

The annihilation incident was actually not bloody, and it could even be said that there was not a single drop of blood.

But every time he thinks about it, it makes him shudder.

Because those people died in the mouth of countless black pythons.

One bite at a time, it seems clean and neat, but it is actually extremely cruel—

Because of their special spells, they can stay awake in the snake’s belly without breathing or eating.

This is not the end.

After being swallowed by the python, everything they had was turned into nourishment for breeding snake eggs and continued to serve the Chelsea family.

That batch of snake eggs seemed to number in the thousands…

This incident can be said to be his shadow for many years.

Although this happened for a reason, Martin could not help but feel a sense of sadness.

On the other hand, Martin is proud to have a master like Mrs Chelsea.

Because she is cruel to the enemy, but very generous to her own people.

And since being promoted to the head of the family, the Chelsea family, which is located in a corner, has risen several layers in the overall wizarding circle.

This made them all honored as servants, and they dipped a lot of light.

Therefore, when Mrs. Chelsea gave Martin a task through her grandfather who was the housekeeper, he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep!

What does this prove?

Prove that you have a certain impression on the lady!

And if this task is completed well, this impression will be transformed into a corresponding status!

“Unfortunately, the mission requires approaching a group of half-blood wizards…”

The only thing Martin wasn’t happy about was this, it didn’t feel very good to be like a city man about to go to the country to hang out with a group of old farmers.

But there’s no way to do it. It’s good to have a task to do, but there’s no room for him to pick and choose.

And that’s all, other wizards of the same age who serve the Chelsea family are still envious.

Among those peers, there are many better than Martin.

It can only be said that your personal ability is good, it is better to have someone beside your master.

However, although he didn’t look down on the group that the target of this mission was in, when Martin really went to contact the members of the other party, he was very polite.

“Excuse me, what do I need to pay attention to?”

“You must first treat yourself as a half-blood. Our organization does not allow pure-blood wizards to mix in.”

The person who answered was a guy in a cloak with tough features, dressed like an ancient medieval monk.

His physique is very sturdy, about thirty years old, and his bright bald head seems to be faintly reflected under the candlelight.

“Secondly, you need to fake the casting traces inside your wand, and many of those spells are unique to pure-blood wizards.”

“This… I didn’t pay attention to this before I came…”

“200 grams of ghost dust, I can help you clean those special marks.”

“Is this too expensive? For that much money, I can buy another basic wand!”

“If you think a blank wand can fool you, I’m fine with that.”

“…Okay, I agree to the deal. You go ahead.”

“Your book of secret words needs to be forged, and the examiner will focus on observing the mailing list in your book, which is very easy to reveal your identity as a pure-blood wizard.”

“Uh… this, I didn’t prepare in advance…”

“500 grams of ghost dust, I can give you a fake ten-page edition, if you want more pages, you can add money.”

“Why don’t you grab it? Ten pages only sell for 400 grams in the store!”

“can not afford?”

“How is this possible!? It’s just that you are too expensive…”

“Then you can buy a blank one, and then figure out how to forge the mailing list yourself, so that it’s easier for others to believe your identity.”

“…Forget it, five hundred is five hundred. Is there anything else to pay attention to?”

The two are now in a dimly lit small room.

The bald head was an insider found for him by Martin’s grandfather, who would help Martin initially integrate into an organization called the “Association for the Protection of the Rights of Half-Blood Wizards”.

Only by integrating into the organization can Martin get close to the illegitimate son of former Guard Captain Brady.

And only by getting close to the illegitimate child, can he possibly obtain clues related to the assassination of Mrs. Chelsea—

Or prove that the illegitimate child was not involved at all.

Martin actually felt very strange about this, because if he wanted to investigate the illegitimate child, wouldn’t it be enough to send someone to arrest him and interrogate him?

As for trying so hard to get him close?

Strange but strange, he was not qualified to give advice to Mrs. Chelsea, he muttered a few words in front of his grandfather, and even got a reprimand.

And if not, how could he possibly get this opportunity?

“Because there have been several incidents of **** in the past, the organization’s current review process for recruiting new members is very strict. Your family, growth experience, skills, knowledge and relationships will be reviewed in turn.”

After all the previously agreed transactions were completed, the bald head said solemnly: “Since you can stand here, it proves that these have been cleaned up. But I still need to remind you that you must be careful when facing the assessment.”

“I understand.”

Martin nodded solemnly.

So the two stepped out of the dim little house.

Outside the small house was a dirty street, and across the street was a row of old apartments.

At the back of the apartment, the whistling of the train whistled incessantly, accompanied by a large amount of black smoke slowly rising from that direction.

Apparently, this place is close to Graham’s logistics area, and the living conditions are poor, no different from the ghetto.

The destination that Bald and Martin went to was in an apartment in this area.

Of course, this is not to say that this group of half-blood wizards are worse than ordinary rich people, but because of concealment—

Although Graham’s master, Mrs. Chelsea would not embarrass them, there are always those pure-blood wizards with extreme thoughts who want to come over and find fault.

As long as no human life is caused, the wife will basically not care.

Before he came, Martin already knew about this, and he also knew that there was a pure blood who came and caused people to die. As a result, the murderer was thrown into the snake cave by his wife, and the end was miserable.

For this reason, the Chelsea family has offended several pure-blood families in a row, but because of the madam’s tough methods, those families did not dare to come and make trouble.

Martin knew more than that.

Including how to disguise to be more like a wild wizard who hopes to find an organization to keep warm.

Because of this, although he faced a few words in the next assessment, the gray-haired old assessor never showed a smile.

But in the end, he successfully passed the assessment and became a member of the Mixed-Blood Association.

“Since it was introduced by Russell, let him explain the next arrangement for me.”

After saying this, the examiner waved his hand, indicating that they can leave.

Martin breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked out of the assessment site that looked like a clothing store with the bald head named Russell.

“Next, I will take you to apply for an apartment dormitory. You can usually live in a dormitory or go out to a hotel by yourself, but it will be very inconvenient, so I suggest you stay in a dormitory.”

“Is it a single room?”


“Then I’ll stay in the dormitory.”

“In this case, you need to participate in the daily cleaning schedule, specifically-”

Just as he was talking, the door of the clothing store behind him was suddenly pushed open, and a grey-robed figure passed by quickly.

Martin was stunned to find that the figure was the old assessor who had assessed him before. At this moment, he burst out at a speed that did not match his age and ran towards the end of the street!

There was clearly a hint of urgency on his face.

what happened to him?

The two looked at each other, couldn’t help being curious, and ran over.

Then, they saw a stealing scene that left Martin speechless.

“East Graham is our association’s territory, and your meteorological association has crossed the line this time!”

The old examiner, who had a cold face before, was now holding a middle-aged man by the collar while blowing his beard.

The tone tends to roar, and the spit Xingzi sprayed the other party’s face.

“If you don’t want me to go to your president for a theory, just get out of here!”

“To be precise, Graham is Mrs Chelsea’s territory, how dare you say it’s yours?”

The middle-aged man asked strangely, “You have a big temper, why don’t you say that in front of your wife?”

“This division is the tacit consent of Madam!”

“Oh? Where are the specific documents?”

“It’s the default! Do you understand human language!?”



“Didn’t you say that your organization’s income is very strict?”

After watching the excitement for a long time, Martin understood what was going on, his eyes turned to the bald head beside him, and his expression was very dissatisfied.

What’s the matter, a pure-blood like me condescended to join your mixed-race group, spent a lot of money, and was questioned like a grandson for a while.

As a result, when others just happened to pass by here, they met a wild little wizard with wizard blood, and they let him join without any concern?

It’s not enough to join, those two guys even grabbed it? ?

Who are you burying? !

“This is normal.”

After looking at the black-haired boy not far away, who was stunned by being robbed, he explained with a bald head: “Before you came, you should have understood the original intention and purpose of our organization, right?”

“Train as many half-blood wizards as possible, enter wizard schools around the world, make contacts, and ultimately improve the status of all half-blood wizards in the wizarding class.”

Martin said yin and yang strangely: “So, do you think that guy has better background than me, better ability than me, or better connections than me?”


The bald head said: “But he looks better than you, not a little better, but much better. I can even say that out of 10,000 wizards, you may not find such a person.”

“…Maybe my ears are wrong?”

“You heard right, that’s what I meant.”

The bald head pointed out unceremoniously, “The goal of our organization is to train people to gain status for the mixed class.”

“In other words, it is to train more of my own people to go to the old guys who control the entire wizarding world, or the little guys who can control the wizarding world in the future, asking them to be our backers, fortunately on some important decisions. Speaking for our unwelcome mixed race.”

“What kind of person do you think is more in line with this goal?”

“Shouldn’t it be ability?”

“Wrong! Not to mention that the growth resources that mixed blood can obtain are completely incomparable to pure blood. Those big figures and future big figures have no shortage of subordinates with strong ability to do things.”

“Purebloods from a small family, you can’t wait for them to be cattle and horses – I think you should know this better than me.”


“So you understand what we’re looking at? That’s right, looks.”

“It’s not fair, but that’s the reality. Even if you do some things well, you can’t stand up to the kind of person over there. It’s more beneficial to go to a big person and pretend to be pitiful and plead for a few denunciations.”


Martin opened his mouth to refute, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

Then he shut himself up.

What made him even more depressing was that when the scramble was in full swing, when the two asked the client which association he wanted to join, the client was unwilling to join the mixed-race association that Martin had managed to infiltrate!

However, after that, I didn’t know what the old assessor had secretly promised, and the party involved hesitantly agreed to join.

A farce is barely over.

Martin, who was in a very unhappy mood, was then arranged by the bald head to use an old bedroom that seemed to be moldy as a dormitory.

Then when he saw who the neighbor was living in the room opposite the door, his mood became even worse.


The boy of the same age with black hair greeted him when he went out, and his smile was full of sunshine.


“Go away!”

Martin responded angrily: “I don’t want to know you!”

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