You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 143

Chapter 140: Girl’S Secret

You call this the black man behind the scenes? 140 Girl’s Private Affair

The profession of hunter does not have the ability to use magic pockets.

So the sword that Guderian promised was not in him, but in the wizard’s bank.

But this does not affect anything. After going to the bank, you only need to say the corresponding password, and you can get it out of it naturally.

Mellen was a little moved by this.

He actually wanted to ask the teacher for a weapon, because he found that what he lacked in melee combat was a sword.

He had kept a sword in his magic pocket before, but the sword was so ordinary that it collapsed after one use.

However, the teacher’s attitude was very clear, and he did not support him using the hunter’s offensive method at all, so he didn’t say this before.

But now, I didn’t get a weapon from the teacher, but I found an opportunity in the person in front of me…

After thinking about this for a moment, Merron nodded, but did not refuse.

Although it is not clear why the truth believer in front of him let himself go to the ceremony.

But there are bound to be many visitors, and he has no worries.

And there is a golden finger, and he can predict in advance whether he will be affected by it.

Go if you don’t have influence, and don’t go if you have influence. Anyway, it’s not a shame to take his sword in vain for this guy who attacked him.

But the teacher could not agree to Guderian’s request to see him just because of a weapon.

“So she actually believed in the voters initially, and wanted me to try to get in touch with these truth believers?”

“But she didn’t mention that she would let this guy go… Is this asking my attitude on this?”

There was some speculation about this, and after leaving the dungeon, he sent the teacher roughly the situation of this meeting.

So that night, a wizard from the Chelsea family helped him take the sword out of the bank.

To Meren’s surprise, the sword that Guderian gave him was not an ordinary weapon with a simple shape, but a delicate stabbing sword with cumbersome silver branch guards.

When I sat in the living room and looked at it, the slender blade shone with pure and cold light under the light.

Holding it in his hand, it is heavy and seems very handy.

This sword is very gorgeous in appearance, and it is very valuable at first glance.

After waving a few times, Melon found that it was not the kind of weapon whose function was completely limited. Although it was more suitable for stabbing, it was equally smooth to slash.

Eternal heart.

This is the name of the sword, and along with the sword is taken out, there is a matching black scabbard and holster.

However, although he knew the name, the other party did not clarify the specific strength of this sword, but only claimed that it was extremely sharp.

It is really impressive that furniture and even things like gold and iron can be easily chopped off.

However, there is no enemy for the time being, and Meren has no way to figure out where the limit of this sword is.

In fact, in contrast, what Mellen is thinking about now is more of another thing—

He heard that mysterious call again, as trivial as mosquitoes and flies, constantly ringing in his ears.

This voice appeared shortly after leaving the dungeon. Compared with the last time, it seemed to have weakened, and it did not sound very rushed.

It seems that the opposite side called him this time, not because of an emergency.

Of course, this is not what Merron is thinking about. Even if it is not urgent, he still has the intention to go over and see how the group of people on the opposite side summoned him.

Only now, he can’t go.

Because of the “mysterious knight” vest corresponding to the call, the state is very special at this moment.

The invisible vest can be clearly perceived in the mind, but when feeling it, Melon found that the vest seemed to be “melting”.

In other words, it was reshaped by some external force.

This is not an accident, because Meren now knows that his previous arrival accidentally killed an imperial prince, which has now become international news.

As a result, the reputation of his “mysterious knight” vest spread all over the world overnight, and the popularity he could gain was naturally very large.

In this case, the strength of the vest is enhanced, which is a natural thing.

But vaguely, Melon feels that the vest is not just being enhanced now, it seems to be evolving in a certain direction.

However, because this change has not ended, it is difficult for him to know whether his feeling is an illusion or something that is actually happening…

Thinking like this, Melun unconsciously looked out the window at the night scene, and couldn’t help but remembered something she had predicted before.

“What can be called a private matter?”

Some of the things predicted have not happened yet.

As a client, Mrs. Chelsea’s attention was not even on her daughter at the moment.

Right now, she was sitting in a rather dated bedroom, staring sideways at a photo on the bedside table.

The photo is black and white and dynamic. There is a tall girl in a black wizard student uniform, walking by a shaded lake with a smile on her face, full of lively and cheerful temperament.

Beidi Pavilion

Beside her, was a tall, fat-looking boy with brown hair and black eyes, facing the smiling gaze of the girl beside her with a naive expression on his face.

Mrs. Chelsea’s eyes narrowed involuntarily.

The girl in the photo looks quite similar to her, but it is not her, but her sister.

As for this innocent looking young man, of course, he was also his sister’s lover back then.

Therefore, she was thinking about one thing, the ‘splashing dirty water” that Mellen told her before.

The so-called splashing of dirty water is of course not limited to speaking ill of the enemy. The main purpose is to reduce the credibility of the enemy’s words, so that the daughter will not be affected.

So, what can make the enemy lose the possibility of being trusted to the greatest extent…

Picking up the photo on the bedside table, there was a flash of apology on the lady’s face, but she didn’t hesitate, she simply raised her finger and tapped the honest and honest boy in the photo.

So the image of the sister’s former lover began to twist and wriggle, changing into another look—

Black hair, blue eyes, slender body, and a gentle smile on his face when he walked with the tall girl by the lake.

This is what Mellen looks like!

“Now it’s not just my mother who robs you of Melon, Alicia…”

Whispering in a low voice, Mrs. Chelsea put the doctored photo back in place, and then wandered around the bedroom where the owner had been away for a long time, changing a lot of information one after another.

What can my sister say to her daughter?

Madam is not sure, but she thinks that her sister must mention that she is also a member of the family and the identity of Alisha’s biological mother.

To prove this, of course, you need evidence.

And what evidence is there that can prove her identity better than her sister’s former boudoir and some daily necessities in the boudoir?

However, as long as Alisha finds this place, she will find that her so-called biological mother, her former lover, is also her current stepfather!

The age doesn’t match up, but it doesn’t matter. Even if Eliza thinks this is not Mellen, at least she can recognize that it is a person who looks exactly like Mellen.

As long as she recognizes this, she will inevitably wonder what the so-called biological mother is now contacting her for…

After forging all this, Mrs. Chelsea quietly left the scene, and after returning to the study, she took out the prepared media materials and tried to use the possessive technique on her daughter.

It was not difficult for her.

In less than a minute, the world in front of her suddenly changed, from the original study to a girl’s bedroom full of pink.

And the lady’s graceful body has also quietly changed from mature to youthful.

Then, she saw that “myself” was writing some words on the white manuscript paper with a quill pen.

Some words that made her stunned on the spot after seeing it clearly, and couldn’t recover for a long time.

[Shortly after getting in, Grace peeks fascinatedly from the closet. 】

[She saw that her mother was kneeling down and praying, her long skirt was lifted up and tucked around her waist, and the uncle behind her was beating her angrily with a whip. 】

[The voice of her prayers became more and more high-pitched, full of pain and excitement…]

“Come and see me in the study, I have something important to discuss with you!

It wasn’t long before Merron saw this sentence sent to him by the teacher. The strokes between the lines were messy, and it seemed to be full of anxiety and anger. +Bookmark+

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