You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 145

Chapter 142: 2 Cats

You call this the black man behind the scenes? 142 Two cats

There is a peculiar fragrance in the girl’s boudoir, which is the smell of body fragrance mixed with some elegant solid wood furniture.

Outside the window shaded by pink curtains, a gust of evening wind will blow from time to time, bringing in the freshness and unique smell of the grass outside.

When he brushed past the desk near the window, he rustled some manuscript papers full of delicate black characters on it.

However, at this time, the hostess of the room did not sit in front of the desk. Instead, a snow-white kitten walked around the surface of the table with its tail swaying, then jumped and landed on a classically-shaped cat not far away. On a black and white grand piano.

A clutter of unnecessary key noises rang out.

This little female cat seems to want to use this method to attract the attention of the hostess of the room.

But what makes it wonder is that the noise of stepping on the piano usually attracts a lot of complaints, but now, it has not received any feedback at all.

It tilted its head and found that the little master with beautiful blonde hair was hiding in the luxurious four-poster bed covered by the pink curtain, curled up and wrapped himself in the red satin quilt.

The veil-like curtain blocked the line of sight, and it couldn’t see what the little master was doing.

I could only vaguely see the graceful body trembling in the red quilt, accompanied by faint sobs, as if she was sobbing softly because of something.

Listening carefully, it can vaguely hear a little sad muttering. The hostess in the quilt seems to be constantly muttering someone’s name and salutation.

At first, it was like a whisper of mosquitoes and flies, extremely weak, but gradually, it became relatively clear.

However, because of this, the hostess seemed to be even more sad. After a few whines, there was no sound at all.

It seemed that the person on the bed was tired from crying and slept peacefully.

The room calmed down as a result.

It’s just that some people’s sad emotions come and go quickly, and some people’s sadness is endless.

Under the puzzling gaze of the kitten, the mistress, who had just slept for a short time, began to cry again in a low voice.

As if she really encountered some unbearable pain.

So it jumped onto the bed lightly, came to the position of the owner’s head curled up in the quilt, and fiddled with the few strands of messy blonde hair that had been missed from the quilt with the soles of its pink feet, trying to comfort her.

The sobbing of the mistress stopped abruptly.

Afterwards, a greasy, slender hand with slender fingers was pulled out of the quilt, and gropingly patted the little milk cat’s forehead a few times.

Accompanying it, there was a weak and weak whimper with a little hoarseness.

“Go play aside and ignore me.”


The kitten barked at her affectionately, tilted her head and bit her hostess Bai Nen’s finger lightly, but she sneezed inexplicably because of the body fragrance on it, and her voice sounded extremely cute.

Pets often have the power to heal people’s hearts.

After such an interruption, the sadness in the heart of the young girl curled up in the red quilt slowly calmed down.

Lifting the quilt and sitting up, she first wiped the wet corners of her eyes with the velvet handkerchief placed on the bedside table, then got out of bed with bare feet and walked towards the bathroom.

The toes smeared with coquettish black left some traces on the white carpet, and the back of the blonde in the light pajamas gradually drifted away. Under the curious gaze of the kitten, after a while, the sound of the bathtub filling up appeared in the bathroom.

Then, with a trivial sound of the body entering the water, the surroundings fell into a state of complete silence.

In another bedroom quite far away, the nun who was crawling on the head of the bed breathed a sigh of relief.

Her current situation is very special, similar to possessing a body, and she can clearly feel the blond girl’s mental, emotional and physical state.

But unlike possessed, her thoughts were not projected onto Alisha.

It’s like synchronizing with the other party. With some kind of blood connection, all of Alisha’s thoughts, thoughts and even the feelings she endures will be cast on her through a wonderful connection.

“Above the Sky”

Therefore, although she can’t see it, she can clearly know what the other party is doing.

It made her feel very speechless.

Isn’t that just a stinky little brat?

As for crying so hard for him?

However, although the nun was a little embarrassed by what happened tonight, it was more exciting.

Because she found that things became more interesting.

She now knows that when her dear sister was faced with a choice, not only did she not expel or even kill the little apprentice who affected the relationship between mother and daughter.

Instead, she went with the flow and pretended to be a lover with her student!

From the nun’s point of view, this is simply a foolish response.

Because of this kind of thing, if one is not careful, not only will it not break her daughter’s thoughts, but it will turn the mother and daughter against each other.

Especially when there are enemies watching in the dark.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that her sister Yin Shabella can’t say anything wrong if she can make such a decision.

According to the girl’s usual character, she is indeed unlikely to do anything out of the ordinary.

However, who could have imagined that behind the girl, there is her own existence?

“You’re really in a cocoon, my dear sister…”

Muttering with interest, the nun lying on the bed closed her eyes, and she could concentrate on what a certain blond girl was thinking.

[The water temperature is so hot, uncle, bathtub plot… Will my mother eat it too? 】

[It’s so boring… Uncle, I want to be hugged…]

【A little sleepy…】

Because the bloodline has not been fully awakened, the nun’s synchronization is not complete, intermittent, and some thoughts are very confusing.

But the nun herself was not very interested in what her daughter was thinking.

This didn’t prevent her from consciously inserting certain thoughts into the girl’s thinking under this kind of feeling.

“Am I really my mother’s child?”

“How could she treat me like that?”

“It must be because of that engagement that my mother tried to lie to me.”

“Damn Felix!”

The state synchronization between mother and daughter is actually one-way. She can only feel everything about Alisha, but Alisha cannot feel her.

However, relying on her superb spiritual power, she was able to distort and influence her daughter’s thoughts through this one-way connection.

Although this kind of influence is not necessarily strong, it may even be very vague after being passed on, and it may even become a kind of unspoken emotion.

But it can still greatly change Alisha’s thoughts and attitudes about certain things.

For example, with the help of the nun, the girl suddenly “thought clearly” that the so-called stepfather was probably her mother acting, and the reason was the engagement.

Take, for example, the novel I wrote earlier.

Writing a novel is, of course, not a perverted idea, but a stratagem.

A plan that can make Mrs. Chelsea feel flustered and must find a way to save her daughter from being perverted.

The girl will think that as long as she shows a strong abnormality, her mother will definitely feel sorry for her, and then she will take the initiative to confess everything and return her uncle to her.

The underlying reason for this idea, of course, is that the nun wanted to use this to provoke the relationship between mother and daughter.

This is like a “beautiful man’s plan”, using beautiful men to continue to sow discord, the rift between the two sides will become bigger and bigger, and eventually conflict will break out.

It’s just that, whether it’s the mother and daughter who are in the scheme, or the handsome man who is used as a chess piece, they can’t detect the existence of the nun who is playing the The girl Eliza will only think that certain thoughts are all over the place. It was what she thought of herself!

This is the source of the nun’s confidence that she can successfully raise her daughter into a bloodthirsty demon, and then backstab her sister Yin Sabella.

Of course, since he was in the game, that little **** named Melen would definitely not end well.

Just let him be proud now, thinking that it would be a good thing to be scrambled by two women?

There will always be days when he can’t cry!

Thinking of some **** and cruel scenes that will happen in the future, the nun is full of excitement, and even can’t wait.

But on the surface, she has always been gradually guiding the current thoughts of a certain blonde girl.

“I remember, somewhere in the manor, there seems to be a special bedroom?”

“Mom never let me go near that place.”

“Is there any secret in it…”

After laying the groundwork for the truth about her mother, the nun disconnected this synchronization.

The young blond woman lying on the bed opened her eyes.

Looking at the luxurious brown carpet near Chi Chi for a long time, I kept thinking about my plan, my next move, and some things I was looking forward to…

Gradually, she inexplicably thought of everything she had felt before.

As a result, a restlessness quietly emerged from the bottom of her heart, causing her toes, which were also smeared with coquettish black, to writhe a few times on the bed unconsciously.

Bei Tooth bit her red lips, her eyes couldn’t help becoming blurred.

In his mouth, he murmured someone’s name.

“Anthony…” +Bookmark+

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