You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 172

Chapter 168: You Don’T Want Your Mother To Know, Do You, Uncle?

A girl who escapes reality and hides in a place where no one can “find” her, how should she show her face?

Use external force to “pull” her out?

Or let her take the initiative to come out?

When the student Mellon proposed the corresponding guess, Mrs. Chelsea had already tried to use external force, but it didn’t work at all.

Then she can only let her get out of the “hiding place” by herself.

To do this, it is hard to say, easy to say and very simple.

As long as there is enough bait to lure her out.

And considering that the real Eliza didn’t want anything else except Melen during this time, she was so autistic because of this.

Then it seems that there is nothing more suitable for this bait than Mellen.

So what Mrs Chelsea does is simple.

Let Alyssa “accidentally” discover that there is a kind of magic that can tamper with photos…

This is not enough to deny Mellen’s father’s identity, but at least it can raise a little doubt in the girl’s heart.

That is, a truth that embarrassed and even desperate, what if it was faked?

As long as this idea is born, the girl may be angry because of it, or it will rekindle some kind of “expectation”,

But this mentality is in conflict with her current ‘sensible” personality.

So if she can’t help but want to investigate this, she can only do it with her true colors…

Of course, Mrs. Chelsea couldn’t be sure that the student’s conjecture was completely correct.

So she was just an experiment.

If the experiment shows that her daughter is indeed shown as a ‘sub-personality”, then even if her daughter ‘shrinks her little head back into the turtle shell” afterwards, she can think of other ways to make her daughter stop escaping reality.

And if the experiment shows that the daughter is not the case, then it is natural to look at other possibilities.

As for the doubts about the identity of Mellen’s father, whether it will raise some questions that she should avoid.

Mrs Chelsea thinks not.

Because it can be seen from the words at breakfast, the daughter has discovered that as a mother, she has an affair with Mellen.

In this case, how could Alyssa really do something out of the ordinary?

If something like this had happened before, she wouldn’t even have to ask Mellen to pretend to be her daughter’s biological father.

Because the effect of the two is similar, there is not much essential difference.

With this attitude, Mrs. Chelsea sat in the study, quietly waiting for the student Mellon to give her feedback.

Her daughter had already gone to Melon, she knew that.

But just to find him, can not be sure of anything.

The daughter’s attitude when she sees Mellon is the key to judgment.

Although she hadn’t communicated with Melon about this before, Madam believed that her students could know what she was thinking.

Will definitely reply to myself afterwards.

“The only caveat is that Mellon may have learned the truth from Alyssa…”

Thinking of this, Mrs. Chelsea couldn’t help frowning, and began to think, if the student really knew what she did, how should she deal with it?

As a result, before she could figure out what to do, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the study.

“A Practitioner who calls himself Luca Joze has come to visit you, ma’am.”

Luca Joz?

Mrs. Chelsea was startled.

She is actually very familiar with this name, especially in the past two days, she has seen it frequently in some documents and reports.

Because this person is the main person in charge of the Primitive Shinrikyo in the United Kingdom, and he is also the host and initiator of this sacrifice ceremony.

He is now looking for himself, apparently because of the two Practitioners who were imprisoned.

But since he was able to arrive in person during this turbulent period of only one day after the sacrifice ceremony, it proves that his purpose here is not just to redeem people…

“Invite him to parlor number 7.”

Therefore, Madam solemnly said, “I’ll go there right away.”

On the other hand, after the girl said that sentence, Merron realized instantly that the teacher was using herself to “deal” her daughter again.

This made him hesitate, whether to tell the truth or not.

However, seeing such a hint of hesitation on his face, the girl with an uneasy expression seemed to understand something, and the fingers that stirred the corners of her clothes trembled, and the nervous flush on her face quickly faded and turned pale.

The words were still trembling.

“Mom wants me to marry Kevin. You, you don’t like me either… that’s why it’s like this, right?”

“I’m just, um…somewhat not sure how to explain.”

Melon said with an embarrassed expression: “This matter is actually not what you think it is.”

He was using a procrastination plan to ease the other party’s emotions, lest the vulnerable girl in front of him be hit again.

However, his plan was unsuccessful.

Hearing this sentence, Alyssa just stared at him blankly, her bright blue eyes looked very sad.

“But you really don’t like me, do you? It’s all me being self-indulgent? Like when Kevin treated me?”

“I actually disgusted you like that, didn’t I?”

“Of course not, I like you very much.”

Meren spoke to reassure her: “It’s just that you’ve seen it before, and what did your mother and I do. Now it’s nothing to say that—”

“It makes sense!”

The girl suddenly interrupted him, bit her lower lip, and looked at him with courage:

“Mom, mom doesn’t know that you already know the truth, so if you, if you pretend not to know, I don’t care what happened to you and her!”

These words were a bit sudden, and Merron was even a little stunned to hear it.

But after being stunned for a while, he still said euphemistically: “Even if you agree, your mother will not agree with us being together, this matter—”

“We can find a place where Mom can’t find it.”

The girl insisted: “Every year, just report her safety several times a year. Why do you need her consent?”

Mellon was speechless.

The real Alyssa is indeed a stubborn and stubborn child.

And she didn’t understand at all that confession is not a horn of charge, but a declaration of victory…

He sighed secretly because of this, feeling that this empathetic and sensible person looked completely different from the previous one.

So Merron didn’t say anything, just looked at each other quietly.

At first, the blond girl was still looking at Meren with nervousness and anticipation, waiting for his reply.

However, gradually, her eyes that just lit up dimmed again, and she obviously understood everything.

“I’m very sorry…”

After whispering something, Alyssa turned around and hurried away.

“So, this time, she should be self-isolating for a while as the teacher said several”

Watching the slender blond back receding away, this thought flashed in Meren’s mind.

This made him feel a little complicated.

But if things get back on track, that seems fine too?

After all, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. In some cases, what we should face must always be faced…

Thinking like this, Melon wanted to go back to the bedroom and explain the situation to the teacher, hoping that she could pay attention to Eliza’s personal situation.

As a result, just as he turned around, he suddenly heard the sound of the footsteps of the little leather shoes hitting the ground that had already gone away, and it became clear again!

It seems that someone who has gone far has returned?

He was a little surprised.

Turning his head and looking, Meren found that the other party was walking towards him again at this moment.

However, what surprised him was that the girl’s current expression had completely lost the timidity and loss she had before.

Instead, full of calm.

After stepping in front of Melun, she quietly looked at Melun for a few times, and a rather astonishing smile suddenly bloomed on her face.

“If I’m not mistaken, you actually want to be with my mother?”

The voice was clear and moving, and the tone was full of smiles.

Meren didn’t speak, just looked at her vigilantly.

“You are very clever.”

The girl laughed more cheerfully because of this, and her white teeth were even dazzling.

“So you should know that some things between you and your little niece can’t be told to mom, right?”

“My dear uncle?”

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