You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 223

Chapter 219: Confirm The Truth

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The shimmering ice cage was crystal clear, as if it shattered when touched.

However, a middle-aged man with an aquiline nose in a tattered black robe who was imprisoned inside sat quietly cross-legged, his eyes closed, and there was no sign of struggle.

Outside the cage, there were a pair of thin and old palms, which opened and closed correspondingly, and a large amount of frost-like mist was constantly pouring out of the palms, entwining into the pocket ice cage between the hands.

And around him are more than a dozen middle-aged and elderly wizards.

At this moment, they are surrounding an old memorial hall inside and outside, “writing” strange words with dark red on the surface or wall with magic wand.

Roughly speaking, these words are like red chains, and the core is the old man who cast the frost cage, or in other words, a triangular strange magic circle under the old man’s feet.

They are the masters sent by the school to round up the enemy, and they have imprisoned the opponent again at this moment.

However, all this has been done silently. From the outside, this memorial hall is quiet and there is no sign of a battle at all.

However, on a lush tree outside the memorial hall, a black snake with a bright golden vertical boy has been staring at it.

Then, as if he could clearly see everything inside, he constantly converted his thoughts into words through a wonderful psychic technique, and passed it to someone through an invisible book of secret words.

“Director Langdon of the Astrology Institute personally performed the Grote Space Cage Technique, which is a special sealing technique that involves life transformation. To maintain it, Langdon must build it with all his energy at all times. Get off.”

“It’s just that this kind of seal may not really be effective. This enemy is very strange. I can’t see through him. Be careful, I suspect that he has already discovered your existence.”

“Some special auras have appeared outside St. Grant’s Fort. The enemy’s allies have begun to move. Several trading companies and chambers of commerce on the Isle of Thunder are organizing manpower for defense. I also have some available people here, but the effect will not be very big. .”

“Are you sure?”



She kept sending some messages from the past, but the other side never responded. This made Mrs. Chelsea, who transformed into a snake, worried that the students had encountered any accident?

However, just as she was considering whether to visit or not, a piece of news came too late.

“When you were young, did you sometimes dream of something special? For example, a door sitting on a sea of clouds? A golden sun? And a large library with a height of 10,000 meters?”

When the text on the Book of Secret Languages was transmitted, it seemed like a peculiar enlightenment, so that she could clearly know what the other party was writing without having to read the text.

“Why did you suddenly ask such a thing?”

The lady was puzzled by this.

“It’s important, you tell me first, and I’ll explain later.”

“There is indeed such a thing.”

Based on her trust in the students, Mrs. responded without hesitation: “After the age of seven, you can hardly dream of these things.”

“Then when you were having these dreams, did you find that you seemed to have become another person, doing something incomprehensible?”


“Are these dreams actually sequential?”

“On and off, but it’s barely a connection.”



“Have you ever dreamed of kneeling before a female statue?”


“Do you feel repulsive or even disgusted when you wake up?”

“…Where did you hear this?”

Mrs. Chelsea couldn’t help asking at last, and she was a little surprised.

Because only she should know all this, and she has never told anyone else, not even her parents.

How did Mellen know?

This is obviously a problem, but after this sentence, there is no sound on the other side, and I don’t know what to do.

The more she thought about it, the more wrong she became.

In addition, everything in the memorial hall seems to be stable, and she has basically seen some of the things she wants to figure out.

So she couldn’t help but left here thinking, changed back into human form, and hurried towards where Meren was currently.

At this time, Melon was not staying in Juliana’s room, but in a forest park far away from the campus, or in a secret underground hut under the park—

This place is secret enough. It was a temporary residence that Merron found using the map.

Mellon is going to use this place as a “base camp” during his school days, as he had already told his wife before.

So at this time, she could walk into a tree hole-like entrance unimpeded, and it was easy to see the suitcase on the table.

The suitcase is open at this time, which proves that Mellon has not come out of it, and there is nothing abnormal around it.

But there is no exception, but it is the biggest exception.

Because Mellon could not have learned that information out of thin air.

“Who is contacting him with the Book of Secret Words?”

Madam naturally guessed this, but at this time Mellen hadn’t come out yet, so it was not easy for her to urge her.

So he patiently sat on the sofa next to him and waited quietly.

On the other hand, Meren had actually ended the conversation with the Scarlet Cross leader.

The words I asked the teacher before were also “evidence” provided by the other party.

As it turns out, everything fits together.

However, he did not completely believe it.

Not to mention, when Mrs. Chelsea was assassinated by a nun’s mole and almost died, he remembered it clearly.

If things are really like what the other party said, the teacher’s true identity is actually the leader of the other party, so how can such a thing happen?

Under the gram?

“There are also different camps within the Holy Spirit. We do all this to gain the trust of another group of Holy Spirits, not a real assassination.”

That’s how the leader explained it.

It’s just that this explanation is completely asymmetrical to the information predicted by Melen—

If he hadn’t been involved in the assassination, the teacher would have died, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to get Fate Points for it later.

In other words, this is not a bitter scheming, but a complete assassination operation.

It is precisely because of this that Meren, who has obtained a lot of secret information from the other party, did not release the restrictions after that. He just claimed that he would wait until after confirming that all this was true.

But even though she doesn’t quite believe that Mrs. Chelsea is the leader of the other party, it should be certain that she is a reincarnated Holy Spirit.

After all, he already knew before that, Madam’s identity as the Holy Spirit.

It’s just that at that time, Meren didn’t know whether this Holy Spirit bloodline was inherited from the family or something else.

Now it is clear that it is reincarnation.

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