You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Sacred Floral Fragrance

The average person dreams uncontrollably, the content is chaotic and disorderly, and the things in the dream are quickly forgotten after waking up.

A small number of people have the knack of “lucid dreaming” and can stay awake in the dream, and then in turn control the dream and do whatever they want in it.

Mellen’s dream now, somewhere in between—

He was awake, but he couldn’t control what “dreams” he did.

At the beginning, he seemed to have suddenly fallen into a pitch-dark world, with an empty mind, no sense of direction, and no idea where he was.

Only a burst of noisy voices continued to come from the depths of the void in all directions, screaming, howling, scolding, roaring…

At first, Meren was curious about the specific content of these voices. After all, he clearly remembered what he was doing before he fell asleep.

However, after listening carefully for a while, he found that these sounds were just noises made by some people, and there was no useful information at all.

The only thing that impressed him was that there were more screams and wailing.

I don’t know how long it will last like this.

Then it seemed that some switch was touched, and the pitch-dark world around it instantly seemed to have been lifted, becoming brighter and clearer!

Merron found himself in a magnificent cathedral.

The cathedral is empty and silent, and the dome is decorated with a large number of frescoes full of mystery.

In front of the surrounding walls stood many sculptures, some as majestic as gods, and others as ugly as demons.

But the amazing thing is that at the core of this church, it is not a god, but a complex, old-fashioned and clumsy metal typewriter.

A thin old man in a gray linen robe was sitting on his knees in front of the typewriter, his face contemplative, not knowing what he was thinking.

A group of mysterious people dressed in black coats and wearing various masks on their faces knelt down on the white surface behind the old man, their eyes focused on the old man, and their expressions were full of expectation.

It’s just that the old man never spoke, as if he was thinking about a very profound question.

“Bishop Luca.”

Finally, a man in black couldn’t help but speak, “What the **** did Destiny Child… reveal?”

“A big secret.”

The emaciated old man answered in a low voice.

“Where are you pointing?” Another man in black asked excitedly.

“I’m still thinking.”

The old man shook his head and said, “His words are recorded in an unknown language that I have never seen before. Although it is very brief, I am not sure that I can completely decipher it.”

These words made the people in black in the cathedral look at each other in dismay, and each one seemed a little helpless.

Standing beside the old man, Merron, who was ignored, also stretched his neck curiously and glanced at the typewriter in front of the old man.

Unfortunately, nothing was seen.

“Then, can we still have the opportunity to listen to His revelation?” Someone in black asked again.


The old man answered without hesitation.

“Since he has responded to us, his arrival is an indisputable fact. It’s just that, to contact him again, we need a higher level sacrifice than this time.”

“Do you have a goal?”

“The **** of cold and death in the Land of Eternal Night is on the brink of recovery.”

The old man said, “Find it, wake it up, imprison it, and offer it to our Destiny Child as a sacrifice.”


A man in black said hesitantly, “There is the territory of the church, we may not be able to penetrate it in a short time.”

“Grannie Caesar, Deputy Crusader, Hand of God of the Church, exhausted and dying.”

The old man responded, his voice became more and more indistinct, and even the clear world around him became hazy.

“He was looking forward to a miracle to save his life.”

“The Child of Destiny is a miracle.”

“So, get in touch with him, go and spread the light of truth to him. If he doesn’t want to die, he’s going to be one of us.”

“But whether he can win the favor of Destiny Child depends on his luck…”

The sound disappeared, the hazy picture was completely shattered, and the surroundings fell into the deep darkness before.

But the darkness didn’t last long, and a new vision emerged quietly.

It’s just that compared to the previous time, the scene this time is a bit blurry, and it seems to happen more “farther” than before—

It is also a vast hall, bright and gorgeous.

It’s just that this is not a church, but a meeting room.

Clouds rippling outside the window, silently revealing that this conference room is not in the normal boundary.

More than a dozen well-dressed middle-aged and elderly men and women sat around the long table in the center of the conference room, silently listening to the low-pitched narration of an old man in front of the conference table.

“The rebels have breached the capital of the United Kingdom, and Charles III is about to be guillotined.”

“A large number of half-blooded wizards gathered near the capital, and there are those **** truth believers. Our Ministry of Magic can’t get close, let alone rescue the king.”

“The seal is loosened, and it is inevitable that the magic tide will come again…”

“We should have prepared earlier,” he concluded.

These words made the silently listening attendees begin to whisper, each with a solemn expression.

Grumpy, he couldn’t help but shouted in a low voice.

Mellon listened carefully for a while, and found that these people were scolding the truth believers mentioned earlier, as if these people were the culprits.

However, there was nothing substantive in the mere scolding, and Mellon, who was like an outsider, wandered around the conference room.

Then he discovered that among these people, there was one he knew—

Mrs Chelsea in the overhand position on the left side of the conference table.

In this “dreamland”, the lady is still blond, with white gloves reaching her elbows, elegant and delicate, with a calm expression, sitting there drinking a cup of **** tea.

“Isabella, what do you think?”

Seeing that no one in the conference room spoke first, the old man who spoke before turned his attention to Mrs. Chelsea.

The lady didn’t respond, but turned to look at another person in the corner of the conference table.

The man was an old man in a black coat, with sparse gray hair and age spots on his face. He looked old, at least eighty years old.

And as Mrs. Chelsea looked at it, the participants all turned their attention to the old man, each with a very complicated expression, disgust, rejection, respect, awe…

“Although the first wave of magic will bring countless disasters and deaths, it will not completely destroy the existing order of the world.”

Being watched by many eyes, the old man said slowly: “So even if we fail this time, it doesn’t matter, the next second step is the key point, and it must be stopped.”

“But looking at the current deeds of those lunatics, we suspect that the key to the opening of the second wave of demons may lie in the Northern Empire.”

Someone said: “The Empire has always been at odds with our Ministry of Magic, and it is difficult for us to do anything there.”

“So, we need to increase our influence in the empire,” the old man replied.

“If we could do it, we would have done it long ago.”

Someone said coldly, “As for using you?”

Hearing the words, the old man glanced at the speaker, but did not respond, but turned his head and greeted outside the conference room.

So a beautiful nun led a girl who made Melon very familiar into the conference room.

“Lily Corzia, who grew up in Graham City, is a member of our association.”

The old man said to everyone in the conference room: “She has another identity, Katerina, the eldest princess of the Northern Empire, and the daughter of William Pantolia.”

“You mean?”

A few people were stunned when they heard the words, and then their eyes immediately became very excited when they looked at the girl.

“Caesar’s betrayal led the group of truth followers to successfully assassinate the emperor, and the regent temporarily took charge of state affairs, but the empire always needs a new emperor.”

The old man said slowly: “According to their ancestors, everyone with royal blood has a chance to compete, so why can’t it be our Lily?”

“It’s hard.”

Someone said calmly: “Her princess mother will not give her the slightest foundation. Her age is also at a disadvantage in this matter. The chance of pushing her to the throne is too low.”

“But she’s one of us, and a member of the Pantolian family, a pureblood.”

The old man pointedly said: “It is difficult to push her to the throne, but if it succeeds…”

There was no need for him to say more, everyone in the conference room had already started chatting, obviously excited.

However, as the parties suddenly raised their hands, the conversation of these people quickly weakened, and finally became quiet.

“Children of the Pantorias, what do you want to say?” an old man asked kindly.

“I want to ask, where is Meren?” the girl asked with a frown.

“He disappeared.”

Someone responded, subconsciously displeased when the name was mentioned, “The last news came the night before, when he was still in the capital of the United Kingdom.”

“You should find him as soon as possible,” the girl said.

“It’s not uncommon for that guy to disappear.”

Someone heard the words and said with a smile: “It’s no big deal, I don’t think he will encounter any accident.”

“Maybe there will be an accident this time?” the girl insisted.

“Are you looking for him?” Mrs. Chelsea, who had never spoken before, suddenly asked.


“What’s up?”

“If you want me to fight for that throne.”

When the girl said this, she took a deep breath, then she mustered up her courage and said loudly, “You have to ask Mellen to help me!”


The girl’s voice gradually weakened as many people frowned.

Along with it, the still clear picture around it began to shatter.

“If I do become emperor, I want Mellen to be my prime minister!”

The darkness engulfed everything again, and a loud noise came quietly from the surroundings.

And this time, the darkness lasted for a very long time, so long that Melon couldn’t help but wonder if this “dream” was basically like this.

Until a shimmer of light emerged, shining a blurry picture into Merron’s eyes.

This picture is very hazy, like a thick mosaic, and the details are not visible at all.

Only a general outline can be seen—

Three people are standing in an open space, one of them is lying on the ground and seems to be in a coma, and the other person stops in front of the comatose person, blocking the approach of the last person.

“Get out of the way, Isabella!”

A loud, majestic, but full of anger voice sounded from the third mouth, and it sounded very clear.

“If you protect this damned blasphemer, then I’ll kill you too!”

“He’s my apprentice.”

A familiar but somewhat unfamiliar voice followed, “Not a blasphemer.”

“Don’t think about quibbling any more!”

The majestic voice said loudly: “This **** guy, sprinkled the stench of his body all over the spring of the kingdom of heaven, is it not blasphemy or something!?”

“Why didn’t I smell something stinky in here?”

It seemed to be Mrs., but said in a different voice: “It’s just some heather scent. It’s not very pleasant, but what’s the big deal?”

“You really don’t understand, or are you pretending you don’t?!”

The majestic voice was even more angry, but also weaker.

“Then let me be blunt! Isabella, your **** apprentice, just took off his pants, before our holy mother…”

The blurry picture was broken, and the voice completely dissipated.

Then, under Melun’s brooding gaze, the darkness around him slowly faded away, and the outside noise and the soft feeling of the skin touching the bedding came quietly.

In the bedroom of the Half-Blood Association, Meren, who was sleeping on the bed, opened his eyes.

“What plane are you doing?”

He secretly wondered, still thinking about the dream he had just had.

It seems that what he dreamed of should be some visions of the future?

However, some things in the dream made Merron seem to understand something.

For example, the so-called truth believers, the so-called magic tide, and the so-called heavenly fountain…

“It should be fake.”

Mellen thought to himself as he sat up from the bed.

“Otherwise, how could I do such a wretched thing?”

Thinking like this, he turned his gaze to the desk placed by the window not far away.

In other words, he looked at a few “Wizard Encyclopedias” on the desk.

Although the content of this long dream just now was a bit bizarre, it appeared after using Black Lives Matter, so it was impossible for Meren to ignore it.

However, there was so much in it that he felt unfamiliar.

Mellen felt that it was necessary for him to understand this next.

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