You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: When Adding Buff

As an airborne minister assigned by the International Council of Wizards, dealing with various pure-blood families in the country is one of the essential tasks of Arzak Cornelu.

And the Chelsea family in Graham City, this behemoth that has risen in recent years, is of course his focus.

So when the secretary mentioned that Mrs. Chelsea’s housekeeper had sent him an interview draft, Cornerou directly asked the secretary to bring it over and read it roughly.

Then, he fell into deep thought.

In fact, Cornelu has been paying attention to Graham City recently, or Newn County, where Graham City is located.

After all, during this period of time, there are pilgrims of truth emerging from all directions, gathering there.

This is a very menacing phenomenon, since Practitioners have a reputation for being insane and disorderly.

Usually these people are scattered all over the place, which is enough to be a headache.

Now that they’re converging on a massive scale, it’s hard to tell if something catastrophic isn’t brewing.

If it weren’t for the surrounding Graham City and the Chelsea family’s sphere of influence, Cornelu would even consider sending an army of wizards to keep an eye on it.

But even though there was no overt action, secretly Cornelu never stopped keeping an eye on Graham City and the surrounding towns.

He was the first to know about some movements in the Mixed-Blood Association.

He also knew about the annihilation of the Raifali family that day.

And when that happened in Ernest Manor, one of his undercover associates was even there.

So in fact, Cornelius, the Minister of Magic, knows a lot more than the major newspapers that are currently boasting about Kevin.

There is some discrepancy between the facts and the reports, which is very obvious.

But Cornelu didn’t think too much about it, because it seemed to him to be a very normal thing—

The current generation of the Felix family, the head of the Ministry of Magic’s Law Enforcement Department, has a reputation for being violent and irritable.

Now it’s hard to come up with a Kevin who can use his brain. It’s not normal for the Felix family to not brag.

But secretly, Cornelu felt sorry for the young half-blood named Iger.

It’s not that he regrets that he was unfairly reported on this matter.

What he regrets is that a genius finally appeared in the mixed blood, and he was mixed with the pure blood family…

In the face of the increasing number of mixed-race wizards in various countries, the current mainstream attitude of the International Council of Wizards is very moderate.

Some extremely moderate high-level officials even expected that the mixed-bloods would gain the same rights and status as the pure-bloods in various places.

The birth of this concept is very complicated. The core point is actually the accumulation of contradictions between the “central and local”, which promotes the idea of moderates to support emerging forces as a check and balance.

So in the eyes of the pure-blooded families who control the “place”, the moderates are not at all moderate.

This conflicting idea was mixed with various miscellaneous reasons, and it continued to develop and grow, eventually leading to the introduction of the “Half-Blood Wizards Protection Act”.

However, despite the fact that the Act has been in existence for decades, its implementation has been slow.

The reasons for this are more complicated.

But there is one situation that is very intuitive, that is, the group of half-blood wizards is too scattered, and it is difficult to unite to the outside world.

Among them, there are those who hate pure blood and even the world because of all kinds of unfair treatment since childhood.

There is a group of people who have a docile philosophy and expect to rely on hard work to fight for more rights and interests for mixed races.

There are people who ignore the external situation, mingle in the secular world or among the old mountains and forests in various places, and live their own “little days” by themselves.

There is even a habit of being discriminated against, and instead perverted to the extreme worship of pure blood.

All in all, the harsh environment made the mixed-race people basically scattered.

In recent years, although several large-scale organizations have stood up and continued to unite the mixed race, they have not achieved much because they have not been able to provide much substantive benefits.

In other words, whenever a mixed-blood organization or individual makes a move that can obviously unite people’s hearts, it will be immediately suppressed by many pure-blood families.

Arthur of the Meteorological Association is a victim of this tacit understanding—

As a highly talented mixed-race, Arthur was not only personally favored by his professors and tutors in the school, he also encouraged many mixed-race compatriots to unite and fight against the suppression of the general environment.

So in the school, the situation faced by the half-blood wizards was rapidly improved, and the situation gradually improved.

Until the backbone of Arthur was hit by a single blow and his morale dissipated, this kind of open pattern immediately disappeared.

Cornelius was actually very sorry for this.

Because he actually paid attention to that Arthur before, and felt that he had the potential to grow into one of the representatives of the mixed-race class.

But now, this person has been forcibly abolished by the pure-blood family, and he has no heart and energy, and it is impossible to have any future.

And when he found out that the newly emerging Iger Wilson was cooperating with Kevin of the Felix family, he also felt the same regret.

After all, a mixed-race with top talent is too rare. If he really wants to grow up, the effect must be greater than that of Asher.

It’s just that since this genius has already cooperated with the Felix family, is it still possible to maintain his half-blood identity?

Cornelius had no hope of this.

Until now, he has seen this interview draft handed over by Mrs. Chelsea.

This interview is well written.

Cornelu is an official who doesn’t know much about publicity and propaganda, so he can’t say what’s good about it.

But after reading it, his impression of Iger Wilson became very clear.

Mature and steady, not much talk, seems a little shy.

Ignoring his slightly sissy habit of taking care of his skin, it can be said that this is a very kind big boy.

After thinking for a while, Cornelu added another ambitious and wise impression to him—

Has top talent but still chooses to stay in the mixed-blood association, can it really be because of strong feelings, or because he wants to contribute to the unity of the mixed-blood and pure-blood classes?

Cornelius doesn’t believe this.

So Iger Wilson must have seen this mixed-race identity oppressed by the mainstream, which will actually bring him great benefits.

In fact, this benefit is very obvious, but few people can see it.

Even if you see most people can’t catch it.

That is, pull over the International Council of Wizards, which currently controls most of the wizarding world, and serve as a backer for him.

The delay in the implementation of the “Half-Blood Wizards’ Rights and Interests Protection Act”, as well as the fact that mixed-bloods are being ostracized in various places, is one thing that makes the upper echelons of the parliament very angry.

But for various reasons, it is difficult for them to have the strength to change this.

At this time, if there is a charismatic mixed-race wizard who can stand up and run around under the banner of uniting all wizards, it is bound to open a hole in the current harsh environment.

How big the opening can be, of course, depends on how many people the wizard can unite.

And as long as this hole reaches a certain scale, the parliament will naturally have a channel to use its strength to further promote the mixed-race people to strive for more interests.

At the same time, the council will naturally support and maintain this half-blood wizard who has come forward.

Could Iger Wilson be the one to stand up?

Cornelul is not sure now, the other party is too young after all, and does not meet the standards of this person.

But he saw that the young man had this ambition.

“He seems to have that potential too…”

Thinking about the beginning and end of the “Kevin Incident” in his mind, and considering the origin of this interview, Cornelul suddenly laughed.

Then he called his secretary, handed the manuscript to the other party, and ordered:

“Give it to The Wizarding Education and ask them to put this interview on the front page tomorrow, and—”

Under the secretary’s astonished gaze, Cornelu said, “And in my name, I will attach a sentence to it.”

“Together, for the future of the wizarding world.”

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