You Call This the Black Man Behind the Scenes?

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Half-Blood Wizarding Society

The sky is clear and the air is fresh.

On the lawn of the manor, a group of sparrows were jumping and playing, making bursts of chirping.

Occasionally there are two or three of them, and they will flap their wings and land in the pool below the Angel Fountain not far away to wash their feathers, which seems to be very clean.

In the spacious and gorgeous banquet hall, Mrs. Chelsea was still sitting in her old position, while looking at the scenery outside the window, she held a cup of **** tea, which was said to warm the palace and ward off the cold, and occasionally lowered her head to take a sip.

Beside her, the upright silver-haired butler was reporting his work in a low voice.

“Apart from frequent visits to high-end brothels in the Docklands, Brady did not leave any other clues before he committed suicide.”

“We had previously suspected that there was a contact person in the brothel, but after our investigation, our people denied that.”

“We judged that his behavior was just an indulgence before his death. This also proves that his suicide was planned for a long time.”

“And in Mary’s cell, we…”

It has been more than a week since Mrs. Chelsea was assassinated by the maid, and what happened during the period seems a little confusing.

The maid Mary died suddenly in the cell, and the captain of the guard, Brady, who was in charge of the cell, committed suicide at the same time.

There were no suspicious traces left on the scene, as if all this was going on according to a plan that had been made by a certain will.

The investigation was blocked, and the clues about the assassination seemed to be interrupted just like that. The victim, Mrs. Chelsea, did not show any displeased expression, and her face remained calm, as if she had expected this.

“However, after carefully combing through Brady’s blood relatives using spiritism, we found that he left a 17-year-old illegitimate child in this world.”

The housekeeper whispered, “The mother of the illegitimate child is a wizard.”

“Bastard inherited his mother’s wizard blood?”

Madam looked sideways at the housekeeper, as if she was finally interested in his report.

“Yes, he is a half-blood, and he has also joined the “Half-Blood Wizards’ Rights Protection Association”. He is currently receiving pre-school education and is preparing to apply for admission to the Canterbury Wizarding School.”

The so-called half-blood wizard refers not to the product of the combination of a wizard of a certain race and a wizard of another race, but the child left by the combination of a pure-blood wizard and ordinary people.

This kind of child is likely to be an ordinary person after birth, but there is also a small chance of inheriting the blood of a wizard.

As long as a child with wizard blood has undergone systematic education, he can officially become a wizard who masters extraordinary spells.

But half-blood wizards are not welcome.

In the mainstream wizarding world, pure blood is in power, and mixed blood is very repellent.

Some extreme pure-blood families even plan to kill and cleanse the mixed-bloods in secret, lest “these dirty **** contaminate the pure and noble wizarding class”.

But there are also some wizards who are very uncomfortable with this kind of behavior, and have a certain kind of goodwill towards mixed blood.

Isabella Chelsea is one of them.

So in her territory—that is, Graham City, there are many mixed-race and mixed-related organizations active.

The “Half-Blood Wizards Rights Protection Association” is the most representative of such organizations.

Only now, this organization born out of her kind indulgence is vaguely linked to her assassination…

Mrs. Chelsea, who was sitting by the window, lowered her eyes and sneered after thinking for a moment.

“A group of hyenas who hide in the gutter and dare not show their faces, that’s all.”

She seemed to have guessed something, and the butler asked in a deep voice, “Should we go and arrest the illegitimate child?”

“Never let the enemy lead by the nose.”

Taking a sip of the **** tea in her hand, she felt a hint of warmth rise in her lower abdomen. Mrs. Chelsea, with her blond hair held high, said softly, “Otherwise, you will easily fall into a quagmire and become stinky, and you won’t see the slightest benefit.”

“So what do you mean?”

“What do you think someone is trying to get rid of me?”

“…to sow discord?”

“If we really think so, we are in the middle of the enemy’s conspiracy.”

With that said, Madam put the teacup in her hand on the low table covered with a clean white tablecloth, and pointed to a newspaper next to her.

“We need to combine clues that don’t seem to be connected to think about the whole thing.”

Under the sunlight outside the window, the newspapers on the table seemed quiet.

However, in fact, they are not ordinary, because the pictures of the various plates above will move.

Including but not limited to the avatars of wanted criminals showing hideous expressions.

The actual effects of a wizarding inventor’s latest spell invention.

When some high-level wizards gather, there is a lively scene in the photos taken…

The front page headline of this newspaper is a group of mysterious people wearing black coats, carrying suitcases, and wearing various masks on their faces hurriedly passing by on a street.

The matching title has been deliberately bolded several times—

[Privilegers from all over the world gathered in Newn County, Blackthorn Kingdom, is it a sign of disaster? Or a messy prologue? 】

Newnshire is the area where the city of Graham is located, or, in other words, the city of Graham is the core of Newnshire.

“What are these lunatics going to do…”

Seeing this, the butler’s face became very solemn.

Because he was in charge of the relatively mundane affairs of his wife, he paid little attention to information about the wizarding class.

When I saw the news at this moment, I was caught off guard, and immediately felt a surge of pressure on my face.

Among the wizarding groups around the world, no one would think that the group of truth believers are normal people, because they are crazy and often go against common sense.

But in the same way, no one dared to underestimate them, because they were very vengeful and would never die.

“That’s what we need to focus on next.”

The lady said indifferently: “So, do you understand what to do next?”

The housekeeper nodded silently when he heard the words, and then asked in a low voice, “So, what about the Half-Blood Wizards Rights Protection Association…let’s just forget it?”

“No, it’s not the point here, but we can still investigate a little.”

With that said, Madam changed the subject, “Your little grandson has reached the age to apply for admission to the wizarding school?”

“Yes,” the butler replied hurriedly, ‘should be admitted to Fort St. Grant in the same batch as Miss.”

“Although the quality of teaching at Fort St. Grant is among the best in the wizarding education community, it’s not very good in terms of student practice.”

Mrs. Chelsea said softly: “If you are willing, you can ask your little grandson to help me with this.”

“That’s his honor!”

The butler replied immediately, with a calm tone, but a look of joy clearly flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, the meaning behind this sentence is not simple.


As if thinking of something, the lady who picked up the **** tea cup suddenly asked, “That Mellon, how is your investigation?”

The meeting more than a week ago made Mrs. Chelsea have some doubts.

So that night she ordered her subordinates to re-investigate Mellen.

But compared to other things, this matter is not important, so she didn’t pay much attention to it.

Now when it comes to the housekeeper’s grandchildren, she thinks of that little guy by the way.

However, what she didn’t expect was that after her voice fell, a touch of embarrassment flashed on the butler’s face.

“Mr. Merron Gilbert’s family is the same as our last investigation, but the tracking of his personal whereabouts…”


“I’m sorry, ma’am, our people have lost him.”


A look of surprise flashed on Madam’s face when she heard the words, “You mean, he has left Graham?”


The housekeeper nodded, “The day after meeting you, he didn’t know why he distributed all his property to some poor people, and then went to the small town of Smedley on the outskirts within two days.”

“And then, he faked a fake identity through some people there, and arrived in Hayden City, Farland County by airship, and then our people…”

The butler felt very embarrassed when he said this.

Because he clearly remembered that when Merron went to the train station to leave the city last time, they tracked his location without much effort, and by the way gave him a very good dismount.

However, it was only a few days, and they could not grasp the whereabouts of the little guy…

Although they didn’t send top experts to follow them because it wasn’t too important, UU reading, but relatively speaking, the group of people who followed Meren was considered a very powerful elite in the eyes of others.

After all, they can’t look down on too low-level personnel.

But now…

“It’s not your fault.”

Mrs. Chelsea’s expression was thoughtful, but she didn’t explain much.

After waving her hand to signal the housekeeper to retreat, she couldn’t help thinking about this matter.

The Sun Knight’s Breathing Method that she gave to Melen at the time was not a simple breathing method, but the core secret of the ancient Sun God Church back then.

As long as one enters the door, the overall quality of the cultivator will be significantly improved, and the perception of the surrounding environment will be much stronger than that of normal people.

Especially when standing in the sun, a knight with a good breathing technique has a perception that can even be compared to the last official wizard.

So it’s not a difficult thing for her people to lose their goals.

But how is this possible?

Although the effect of the breathing method after getting started is very significant, it is much more difficult to practice than other breathing methods.

According to the records of Helios, the average entry time for knights who practice this breathing method is one year.

The most genius, it will not be less than a month.


Just thinking about it, the butler who had left before came back in a hurry, with a clearly relieved look on his face.

“Ma’am, according to the report, our people have regained control of Mr. Merron Gilbert’s whereabouts not long ago.”

It’s quite a coincidence…

Mrs. Chelsea was stunned when she heard the words, and then asked with interest, “Where is he?”

“Currently taking an airship from Hayden City, heading back towards Graham.”

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