You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 91

"I don't want his stuff!" Jian Yun did not squint.

"You are stupid! Why not? " Wu Wenjing points to Jianyun's forehead, "you sell it! A lot of money! We can't make so much money together in our life! "

Wu Wenjing danced excitedly, as if a golden mountain of money appeared in front of her.

"Sell? To whom? " Jian Yun squinted at Wu Wenjing and laughed at her innocence.

"Yes! Such a precious diamond is from the auction house again... " At the thought of that day's price, Wu Wenjing was immediately disheartened.

She also thought that even if they dare to sell such precious diamonds, ordinary jewelry shops would not dare to buy them, and they could not afford to buy them. If they can afford it, they are not likely to believe them. Maybe they think they are stolen and will go to the police. Once the police call the police, they will definitely find the original owner to confront them. That would be embarrassing.

"Let's leave it for a while." Jian Yun has lost her temper with this diamond. Throw it. She is really reluctant to give it up. If she doesn't throw it, she is angry again.

While speaking, Jianyun's resignation report has also been typed. She is preparing to send it to Xia Bingbing when her mobile phone rings.

Jian Yun picked up her mobile phone and saw that it was a strange number in Qinghu city. She didn't think about it too much. She just swiped the answer button.

"Miss Jane The man on the other end of the phone has a strange voice, but it is very gentle and pleasant to hear.

"Yes, I am! Who is it, please? " Jianyun's eyelids suddenly jumped and felt her heart beat faster.

"Wait a minute. Someone's looking for you here." The people over there didn't say much. It seems that they gave the phone to the people next to them.

"Xiao, Xiao Yun, can you come out now?" It's aunt Qin. Her voice is very urgent.

"Aunt Qin, is something wrong?" When Jian Yun heard that Aunt Qin's voice was crying, her heart immediately tightened.

"Xiaoyun, we are in the first hospital of Qinghu city. Don't worry. Listen to me. Your mother fell off the bed..." Before aunt Qin finished her words, she heard a "bang" from the other end of the phone, like the sound of a mobile phone falling on the ground, and then there was no sound in the phone.

Jian Yun had no idea how she got out of the company and how she got into a taxi. Until she stood in the hall of Qinghu first people's Hospital, her head was still blank.

"Jane Yun, don't worry, Auntie will be OK!" Wu Wenjing was watching Jianyun answer the phone. When Jianyun rushed out, she was not at ease and followed.

Jian Yun's lips were white and her hands were trembling. She took the phone in her bag several times, but she couldn't unlock it.

"I'll do it." Wu Wenjing takes Jian Yun's mobile phone. She has just watched Jian Yun slide several times and knows the unlock code. After opening it, she dials back the previous call.

"Hello? Who is it? " The phone rang several times, and the talent there picked up. He seemed very busy. There was a voice inside.

"Hello, it was you who just called." Wu Wenjing asked.

"Are you Miss Jane?" The man over there remembered and said simply: "have you arrived at the hospital? Go straight to the operating room on the third floor. "

Wu Wenjing hangs up and leads Jianyun to the elevator.

Jian Yun grabs Wu Wenjing's hand. She wants to say something, but her lips tremble for a long time, but she still doesn't say a word.

"Don't worry, it will be all right." Wu Wenjing can only comfort Jian Yun in this way.

The third floor soon arrived. As soon as the elevator door opened, Jianyun saw aunt Qin sitting on the chair facing her, looking dejected.

"Jane Yun, you are coming!" As soon as aunt Qin saw Jian Yun, she immediately sprang to her knees. When her knees were soft, she would kneel down, "I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your mother!"

"Aunt Qin, don't do this!" Jianyun and Wu Wenjing hold aunt Qin together and help her to a chair.

Wu Wenjing asked: "Auntie, please speak slowly. What's going on?"

"It's all my fault. It's because I didn't take good care of your mother that your mother fell off the bed..." Aunt Qin was already crying, "I'll go out and take out a garbage. It's only ten minutes, and I don't know what's going on..."

"Me, where's my mother?" At the moment, Jian Yun's mind is in a mess. She has a lot of questions to ask, but she doesn't know where to start.

"In the operating room." Aunt Qin wiped her tears and pointed to the light in front of her.

Looking at the closed door of the operating room, Jian Yun felt that her legs were as heavy as lead, making her unable to move.

"Xiao Yun, sit down for a while, Auntie and Jiren have their own natural appearance. Everything will be OK!" Wu Wenjing can only comfort Jianyun in this way. She holds him to a chair and comforts aunt Qin.

However, even though Jian Yun was so nervous that her mind was numb, she could not understand that her mother would be transferred to Qinghu No.1 Hospital because she was seriously injured and refused to accept any of the hospitals in Boshan.

Jian Yun couldn't imagine what she would do if her mother had something to do.

As time goes by, Jian Yun has never felt that time goes by so slowly as she does now. She is like a statue. Her eyes are fixed on the door of the operating room without blinking. She can't hear all the sounds around her ears.However, when the door of the operating room was really opened, at that moment, Jian Yun felt her breathing stopped.

"Is Ouyang Fei's family here?" There was a nurse standing at the door looking at the waiting area.

Jian Yun didn't move because she was so stiff that she couldn't stand up at all.

"Who are Ouyang Fei's family members?" The nurse called again.

"Yes! Here it is Seeing that Jian Yun did not move, Wu Wenjing quickly stood up and waved.

"You come here, have a look at this and sign it!" The nurse's voice was very urgent.

"Go Wu Wenjing joins Jian Yun and goes to the nurse to receive the operation consent from the nurse. However, Jian Yun's hands are trembling and she can't even hold her pen.

"Please sign quickly. If you don't sign, the doctor can't do the operation. The patient has been delayed on the way to the hospital, and the operation must be carried out immediately!" When the nurse saw that Jian Yun had not finished writing for a long time, she could not help but be anxious.

"Nurse, she is a patient's daughter. Can I sign for her like this?" Wu Wenjing saw that Jian Yun was about to stop. She helped him to take over the pen and asked eagerly.

"What is your relationship with the patient? Are you in charge? " The nurse hesitated.

"The patient is my aunt!" Wu Wenjing can only say so. Otherwise, with Jianyun's present state, she will not be able to sign.

"Let her sign for her!" The door of the operating room was opened again, and a man in a green suit came out.

"Director Bai!" The nurse said hello and did not stop Wu Wenjing from signing.

"Doctor, my mother, what's the matter?" Jian Yun finally found her voice. She walked forward on her stiff legs and looked forward to the male doctor who was half her head tall. #####

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