You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 99

Jianyun knew that Baize had an operation in the morning. She arrived a little early to ask about her mother's condition. However, Bai Ze's reply to her had to be observed first. It was very likely that a second operation would be carried out in the next few days. Moreover, he pointed out that Ouyang Fei was very weak, and the sequelae of serious injury six years ago was very serious.

Bai Ze is in a hurry to enter the operating room, and asks Jianyun to have dinner and chat in the evening. Jianyun agrees.

Before her mother woke up, she was still living in the ICU and was not allowed to visit. Jian Yun had nothing to do in the hospital, so she went to take the subway to prepare to go to Mingshi for resignation.

Half an hour later, Jian Yun entered the Ming's gate. She asked for a carton at the front desk on the first floor and went straight to the personnel department.

Several familiar colleagues of the personnel department saw Jian Yun come in. Sister Xiao and they all welcomed her. When they saw that in a few days, Jian Yun had lost a lot of weight and was obviously haggard. They could not help asking about her one by one.

"Jian Yun, is there something wrong with my family?" Xiaojie takes Jianyun's hand and looks concerned. She is the oldest in the personnel department, and she is very nice to her.

"Nothing. It's just a cold and fever these days. It's hard." From the very beginning, Jian Yun told Wu Wenjing not to talk about her in the company. She didn't want to let people know that her mother was still lying in the hospital.

"Then pay attention to your health." Another male colleague, Xiao Zhou, once pursued Jian Yun. Although he was rejected by Jian Yun, he was still infatuated with her. At the moment, he was deeply distressed to see her so haggard.

"Thank you." Jian Yun smiles. These colleagues still make her feel very warm, but she has not seen Wu Wenjing since she came in. I don't know where Wu Wenjing has gone.

"But, Jane Yun, why did you suddenly resign?" Seeing Jian Yun start to pack up her own things on the table, sister Xiao can't help but say: "how good the treatment of Mingshi is. Now general manager Huo is here. Ming's development prospect is known as the most promising enterprise in East China. It's a pity to resign now."

Before Jian Yun said anything, she heard Xia Bingbing's sharp voice ring out, "Xiao Jinghua, since you know that the Ming family has a bright future, you'd better be at this point. Don't worry about what you should not do! Or you're just like her! And you, if you don't want to deduct your salary, go back to work immediately! "

Jian Yun looked up and saw Xia Bingbing standing at the door of the manager's office, hands in front of her chest, looking at this side defiantly.

Jian Yun didn't pay attention to her. She didn't have many things of her own. She simply packed them up and put them in the cardboard boxes. Then she raised her head and asked the deputy manager in charge sitting at the door, "manager Chen, what else do I need to provide for my resignation procedures?"

Xia Bingbing was so ignored that she immediately felt that her dignity was offended. She winked at ah Hui and suddenly sneered: "Jian Yun, we need to check the carton box to see if you have taken the Ming's property away!"

Jian Yun knew that Xia Bingbing would find fault. Now she is not in the mood to argue with Xia Bingbing. At the moment, she takes a step back, puts the carton on the table beside her, raises her eyebrows, and signals Xia Bingbing to check as much as she likes.

Xia Bingbing doesn't move. Ah Hui immediately dumps the contents of the carton on the ground. Several of her colleagues who are close to Jian Yun show displeasure on their faces, because Xia Bingbing's move is really humiliating.

But Jian Yun still didn't say anything. She looked at ah Hui, checked her things one by one, threw them aside, and just squinted.

Ah Hui checks carefully, but there are not many things in Jian Yun. She doesn't find anything belonging to the Ming family taken away, so she shakes her head at Xia Bingbing.

"Finished?" Jian Yun raised her eyebrows.

Xia Bingbing's face is very gloomy. She doesn't speak. Jianyun squats down and slowly picks up the things that have been thrown on the ground. Sister Xiao also helps her clean up.

When Jian Yun rearranged the things into the box and stood up to ask deputy manager Chen, she was stopped by Xia Bingbing.

"Wait a minute, there are bags left to check!" Summer ice cold road.

"Xia Bingbing, don't go too far!" Jian Yun is also angry. She is just tired and lazy to argue with Xia Bingbing, but it does not mean that she will be bullied.

"This is for the sake of Ming's honor. I don't want Ming's reputation to be damaged by some villains. If you take out any precious documents, it will be the Ming family who will lose it!" Xia Bingbing held up his chin and said in a reasonable way.

"Don't slander me with your dirty mind!" Jian Yun couldn't let Xia Bingbing flip her bag. She turned her head and left.

Ah Hui reached out at this time, and Jianyun turned around to avoid it. But maybe she was too tired because she didn't eat or sleep these days. She suddenly felt dizzy, and her body shook. The cardboard box in her hand fell to the ground with a bang, and the bag also dropped.

"Jian Yun!" Xiao quickly helped Jian Yun.

However, ahui quickly took away Jianyun's bag, so he applied the same skill again. All of the things in Jianyun's bag fell to the ground.

The things she had just emptied out of the box had already made people uncomfortable. This time, she turned to Jian Yun's bag. After all, the bag was personal and private, which made people disgusted. Several female colleagues all stopped ah Hui, but everyone's eyes were instantly attracted by an object on the ground.

It's a jewelry box made of pure gold. It's heart-shaped and embossed with twig patterns. It's extremely exquisite. It's worth a lot to see. But what's more, it's the pink diamond in the jewelry box that's so beautiful that you can't hold your breath."My God, what a big diamond!"

"Or powder diamond! How much is it Those female colleagues immediately exclaimed, and the others followed.

Ah Hui took the jewelry box, but she was stunned.

"Give it to me!" Xia Bingbing was stunned when she saw the pink diamond, but then she grabbed the jewelry box and looked at it with disbelief, "fake, it must be fake, how can you buy powder diamond?"

"Whether it's fake or not, it's all my stuff. Manager Xia doesn't know about the invasion of privacy. Can I sue you?" Jian Yun also eased her strength. She stares at Xia Bingbing with a cold tone.

"Say, this lover's heart, where do you come from?" Xia Bingbing glared at Jian Yun fiercely. Her forehead was full of anger.

This heart of love pink diamond was originally sold by a mysterious man at Sotheby's auction house at a high price, which attracted the world's attention. Of course, Xia Bingbing also knew about it. At that time, she liked the diamond very much when she saw the picture of the diamond. However, the people around her didn't have the financial resources to buy such an expensive diamond. She sighed for a long time. She didn't know which lucky girl this diamond would be given to People.

So now when Xia Bingbing saw that the precious diamond that she had been haunted by actually appeared in Jian Yun's hand, she was absolutely furious.

"Why should I tell you?" Jian Yun ignored Xia Bingbing. She used to work in the Ming family, but she didn't like Xia Bingbing. Now she has resigned. If not for so many people watching, she would like to smash Xia Bingbing's head with her box in her hand. #####

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