You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 114

At the edge of Thousand Dragon Lake,

Lu Xuan stood atop a wooden platform soaring twenty zhang high, gazing out over the lake.

As if sensing mealtime nearing, serpentine figures occasionally surfaced on the lake, resembling dragons and chimeras.

From his storage pouch, Lu Xuan withdrew three enormous wooden barrels, each brimming with chunks of demonic beast flesh.

The flesh, relatively fresh and teeming with spiritual essence, still bore streaks of blood.

Below, the serpents and pythons swimming about sensed the aroma of the demonic beast flesh. Their speed increased, their agitation heightened.

Seeing this, Lu Xuan smiled faintly, lifting one barrel and pouring its contents down.

Instantly, the lake surged, myriad diverse serpents and pythons burst forth, scrambling to seize the descending demonic beast flesh.

The waters turned turbid as dozens of serpents, pythons, and other serpentine creatures fought over the meat, even attacking nearby creatures in an attempt to stop them from seizing the food.

Observing this, Lu Xuan couldn't help but recall scenes of feeding koi in a small pond.

It was a similar scramble for food, but the reaction caused by the serpents and pythons was hundreds, if not thousands, of times more intense.

Amidst the feeding frenzy, he focused his consciousness on the various serpents, swiftly gaining information about their kinds.

"Double-Headed Dragon, second-tier demonic beast, ferocious and aggressive, fond of avian demonic beast flesh."

A serpent with two heads, covered in jet-black scales, emanated a fierce aura.

"Crimson Armor Python, first-tier exotic demonic beast, exceptional defense, favors the blood and flesh of similar kinds."

A colossal python wrapped entirely in crimson scales swam in the lake. Lu Xuan noticed it often positioned itself near warring serpents, waiting for one to be injured, blood and flesh to fall, and then it would opportunistically consume fresh serpent meat.

"Ice Chi Dragon, second-tier demonic beast, carrying faint ancient chi dragon bloodline, enjoys the blood and flesh of ice-attributed demonic beasts."

In the very center of the lake, a snow-white chi dragon coiled peacefully, emitting a gentle coldness that froze the water around its body into ice.

Surrounded by a blank space created by several other serpents, the Ice Chi Dragon leisurely enjoyed its meal, a stark contrast to the commotion nearby.

Before long, the large barrel of demonic beast flesh was almost entirely consumed by the serpents. They each claimed a territory, swimming leisurely, seemingly waiting for the second batch of flesh to fall.

Lu Xuan picked up another enormous barrel and accidentally tilted it over.

Dozens of serpents leaped into the air.

But there was nothing in the sky.

"Apologies, wrong one."

Lu Xuan glanced at the restless serpents and pythons in the lake, a smile playing on his lips.

He grabbed a barrel brimming with demonic beast flesh, and with a splash, he emptied it.

The ferocious Double-Headed Dragon leaped high into the air, charging relentlessly toward Lu Xuan on the elevated platform.


Lu Xuan's expression turned cold. The golden bracelet on his wrist shimmered, a dragon's roar resonated, and a slender dragon-shaped phantom shot out, diving into the neck of the Double-Headed Dragon.

Instantly, below the two heads of the Double-Headed Dragon, a fluctuating golden ring appeared, tightly binding the serpent's figure.

The Double-Headed Dragon thrashed weakly in mid-air, then with a snap, crashed into the lake, creating massive waves.

Caught off guard by Lu Xuan's move, the Double-Headed Dragon immediately quietened down, turning to compete with other serpents and creatures for the fallen demonic beast flesh.

"A third-grade artifact naturally restraining serpent-like creatures. Effortlessly managed."

Lu Xuan sighed inwardly. Among demonic beasts of the same tier, serpents were quite powerful, and this Double-Headed Dragon, with its evident special bloodline, was not easy to handle. Unexpectedly, it was effortlessly controlled by this imitation Binding Ring.

He attentively observed the behavior of numerous serpents below.

Centred around the point where the demonic beast flesh was dropped, on the outermost perimeter, over ten giant pythons and chimeras remained on the lake's surface, refraining from entering the fray for the flesh.

Only when lucky enough to have a few chunks of meat tossed into the outer area or when the central serpents finished eating, would they scavenge the leftovers.

These giant pythons and chimeras were mostly first-tier demonic beasts, weaker in strength, risking being defeated by the more powerful serpents if they joined the scramble. Hence, they sought a safer spot.

A bit closer in, many exotic pythons and chimeras lingered, mainly second-tier, ferocious, bearing numerous scars. Leveraging their aggression and relatively safe positions, they managed to secure a fair share of the demonic beast flesh.

As for the central area, it was occupied by several of the most powerful serpents and chimeras, some possessing bloodlines similar to the Double-Headed Dragon.

Among them was the Ice Chi Dragon, surrounded by several second-tier serpents and creatures, claiming the central position, even selecting times to feast.

"The distribution of demonic beast flesh is extremely uneven. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. This Ice Chi Dragon with its entourage enjoys the highest level, while the minority, like the Double-Headed Dragon, occupy the upper tier. The aggressive second-tier pythons and chimeras hold the middle tier, leaving the weakest ones on the outer rim."

"This method severely hampers the collective growth of the serpents."

Lu Xuan sighed. This breeding method seemed highly illogical to him. With so much demonic beast flesh thrown in, most was seized by the central serpents and creatures, leaving those on the outer edges unsatisfied.

Moreover, the central serpents, like the Ice Chi Dragon, Double-Headed Dragon, although grabbing a significant share of the meat, it didn't serve their growth optimally, merely filling their stomachs.

This method failed to maximize the utilization of the provided demonic beast flesh.

To other cultivators, breeding serpents resembled a competition among cultivators for opportunities. Through strength, they battled for demonic beast flesh, aiming to elevate their tiers or evolve their bloodlines.

But Lu Xuan believed there was much room for improvement. By intelligently using the demonic beast flesh, not only could the central serpents improve, but it also offered considerable opportunities for the outer pythons and chimeras.

"The right kind of demonic beast flesh can promote the growth of serpents and chimeras. The next step is to understand each type's preferences and most beneficial demonic beast flesh, then distribute it reasonably."

"Of course, the first hurdle is to ensure these serpents and chimeras entirely obey my commands."

Thinking this, Lu Xuan decided to take the route of surrounding the central area from the outside, gradually gaining complete control over these dozens of serpents.

With this in mind, he lifted the last massive barrel, leaving a small portion of the demonic beast flesh

. As the central serpents scrambled, he precisely threw it to the giant pythons and chimeras at the perimeter.

As a large amount of demonic beast flesh fell, the pythons and chimeras, who had been nibbling on the remains, felt slightly disoriented. They hesitated for a moment before quickly swallowing the meat.

This translation aims to maintain the essence of the passage while ensuring readability and smoothness in English.


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