You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 126

Chapter 126: Premiere

Chapter 126 Premiere

Film critic Zhang Xiaoou actually dislikes Wang Shuai.

is particularly disgusted with the operation of his funds.

Before the movie “The Crow” was released, there were all kinds of hype and all kinds of renderings, which made everyone’s curiosity hang up, and then came to the cinema to watch the movie with the emotion of curiosity that drove the cat to death.

It is obviously a literary film, but it is even more popular than commercial films…

He felt that this was a kind of coercion on the weakness of human nature and a blasphemy on the moral level.

Unfortunately, despite the disgust in his heart, he still came.

After    came, and after seeing a group of female fans around Zhou Yang, he was even more disgusted by his originally quite opposite emotions.

With the advent of the Internet age, the fan economy has gradually taken over the mainstream of the entertainment industry. A very heavy literary film suddenly became a gathering place for the fandom…

Excessive hype and fan circle economy, this movie viewing experience must be very bad.

Zhang Xiaoou didn’t know what to say in his heart, and even started to feel disgusted with Zhou Yang.

Hope this is not an overhyped, self-defeating movie.

He sighed inwardly.

Fortunately, after the movie started, the noisy female fans became quiet for the first time, and the various banners of “Come on” also hung down.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiaoou would probably write hard and criticize the premiere scene of “The Crow” with all kinds of messy adjectives.


The premiere of    The Raven has officially begun.

The opening of the film is concise and bland, without any musical foreshadowing. It is in the form of a documentary like “The Bottom of the Mine”. It uses a realistic method to present a cold image of all beings.

In the 1990s, the talent market as messy as “The Bottom of the Mine” was full of hustle and bustle and alternative prosperity.

Cursing, haggling, vague conflict, and shoving squabbles.

There are people of the three religions and nine classes. The heroine Qin Fangfang appeared in this world.

Different from the beautiful, cute and elf-like appearance in reality, Song Yiyi in the movie can feel anxiety across the screen.

When she appeared, Zhang Xiaoou’s eyes lit up!

In fact, he has always liked Song Yiyi!

Although this little girl is very young, she has been very serious in every film she has made since her debut, and she has a solid foundation in acting. She can perform every role in a three-pointed way. This is among the many young Huadan who are competing for beauty in the entire Chinese film circle. Outstanding presence.

In this talent market full of talents, she dresses plainly, but she can’t hide her beauty. She stands out in this talent market full of “earth-earth hats”.


Zhang Xiaoou felt a little uncomfortable unconsciously.

Especially the overall color scheme of the movie. Although it is not as claustrophobic, cold and suffocating as “Mining Bottom”, the gray and white color scheme on the lens is full of biting coolness.

This is Wang Shuai’s personal style.

He doesn’t like to embellish the opening of the movie with too much embellishment. He pursues authenticity and simplicity. A few awkward bird sounds to hint at the advancing tone of the story.


The confused heroine “accidentally” met the manager of the herbal medicine company. Qin Fangfang, the heroine, followed them into the car with surprise and longing…

The hint in the movie is even stronger.

Especially when the car drove to the small county town, there was an unpleasant crow chirping in the background music.

Contrasted with the crow’s cries are the warm lights in the hotel and Qin Fangfang who is full of joy.

Qin Fangfang and the eldest sister played by Liu Tingting are chatting about their poor family environment, about their younger brother who is about to go to college, about the future, and about the object of his crush in college…

The overall tone of the hotel room is different from the cold outside, full of warm colors.

Qin Fangfang said with a sweet smile on her face.

Liu Tingting’s eldest sister is also laughing. She dresses very fashionably, caresses her hair like a confidant eldest sister, and gently chats with Qin Fangfang about her past.

The movie did not give Liu Tingting any lines, but Liu Tingting smiled happily, her eyes full of hope like Qin Fangfang.

The lights in the room are warm, very warm. The two lie side by side and stare at the ceiling, telling each other about the past, and from time to time bursts of hilarious smiles…

The picture is very happy and warm.


Turn off the lights.

endlessly pervades the screen, only the narrow light in the corner of the hotel shines.

Qin Fangfang is still excitedly talking about the beauty of the future in the dark, as well as the bits and pieces of childhood…

The eldest sister played by Liu Tingting disappeared with the darkness.


Qin Fangfang’s cheerful voice slowly softened.

Zhang Xiaoou’s heart suddenly tightened, and there seemed to be a gas in his throat, which couldn’t be expressed.

Wang Shuai is the best at tearing apart the beautiful.

He used the most beautiful warm light tone to render a little girl’s various visions for the future…

Next, he should also use the cruelest way to contaminate everything.



The premiere of “The Crow” in China has already begun, but the premiere in Cannes was postponed to the next day.

Although it has been delayed, it does not prevent a group of pundits from watching “The Raven”.

Cannes selection has a process.

At the beginning, the main members of the jury determined the shortlisted films, and then the invited public jury watched the films collectively. Through voting, the attribution of the awards was preliminarily confirmed. According to the screening situation, feedback from public film critics and various departments of the jury, and after layers of review, it is confirmed whether the film has a chance to win the award.

This year’s jury chairman is named Miller and George, a director and producer from Canada.

Westerners are actually quite interested in films about women abduction and trafficking, especially at the Cannes Film Festival, which is quite novel.

The public jury who had not seen the movie “The Raven” came to the screening room one by one, and they stared at the screen, looking at the long, narrow, muddy, curving mountain road.

The camera was bumping with the screen, and they felt an inexplicable mental and physical discomfort, and they wanted to vomit for a while.

But fortunately, Wang Shuai’s film did not deliberately challenge the audience’s senses and disgusting. After a brief camera shake, it began to rise gradually.

The audience saw a mountain of mountains…

They saw the winding mountain road in the mountains, leading like a snake into the hazy deep fog in the distance.

Their hearts suddenly burst into cold sweat.

Stones fell from both sides of the road from time to time, the road was full of potholes, and some parts collapsed…

Especially when they saw the tricycle passing through a landslide in a very thrilling way, their hearts were all pumped, for fear that the bumpy tricycle would fall into the bottomless cliff.


This movie is not an adventure movie, the thrills during the journey are just embellishments, and finally arrived safely in a village of earthen embryos.

They watched the plot start with anticipation…

But, watching, they suddenly found that they couldn’t bear to watch any longer.


“Five thousand!”

“She’s from the city, literate…”

“Then, add another thousand, six thousand!”

“Hehe, that’s boring, look at her face, she’s white and tender…”

“It’s hard to work in the fields so white and tender…”

“College student, what is a college student, the son she gave birth to is the champion, how many college students are there in your village? Ten thousand yuan, not a penny, or I’ll take it away, look at this face, ouch… the village next door If you hadn’t asked someone to entrust me several times, I wouldn’t have come and sold it to you…”


In the screening room, after seeing this scene, many of Zhou Yang’s female fans felt intense discomfort in their hearts, as if they had been slapped **** their faces.

They started gnashing their teeth unconsciously, wishing to bite the woman played by Liu Tingting to death.

The heroine was taken to this remote, backward, small village of Huangni and fell into a coma after that.

Outside the house…

But there was a vague voice of bargaining.

The camera gradually switched to the trafficker played by Liu Tingting, giving her a close-up.

The good eldest sister who was very concerned about the heroine in the hotel last night, at this moment her face was full of philistine and strong.

She pointed at the hostess in the house, looking aggressive, while the old lady of the buyer lowered her head, her eyes were full of confusion, and she could only compromise in the end.

“Eight thousand… My family is poor and has no money…”

“Okay! Eight thousand is eight thousand, you can make an exchange, you bring this pig to me…”


It seems to be selling some cheap goods, and it seems to be animals like pigs and sheep!

Female fans are so depressed!

Especially seeing the place where the heroine once sat in the tricycle was replaced by a pig, the uncontrollable anger that burned their bodies!

They can’t wait to rush into the screen and punch the woman hard.


This anger did not decrease with the beginning of the plot, but became stronger!

The trafficker played by Liu Tingting and another gang hand over the unconscious Song Yiyi to Huang Degui’s family…

Not only got 8,000 yuan, but also led a pig with the word “hi” written on it and left Huangjia Village happily.

The camera left a back view of them, and the camera finally froze when she and the gang were talking to each other. She burned the girl’s ID card and burst into laughter…

Laughter spread throughout the village!

Many women are gnashing their teeth, but there is nothing they can do.

“Zhou Shuai is out!”

“Ah? What’s the matter, how did Zhou Shuai become like this?”


In the screening hall, suppressed emotions infected everyone.

Immediately after…

A girl stared at the screen excitedly, then her eyes widened.

(end of this chapter)

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