You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 185

Chapter 185: Contradiction!

Chapter 185 Contradiction!

Many directors like smoking.

In a huge conference room.

is filled with a strong smoke smell, which is quite difficult for Zhou Yang, who does not like smoking.

However, the conference room is very harmonious as a whole, and many directors of the five generations are talking about their plans for this year and next year.

Zhou Yilin held a cigarette between his hands, as if he had inadvertently leaked in the chat that his “Golden Armor in the City” had already sold the copyright of the Mexican side when it was filming, and Laomei also supported “Golden Armor in the City”. Interested, I’m currently talking about script and copyright issues…

When many directors of five generations heard this, they all praised Zhou Yilin for a while.

In the aftermath, Zhou Yilin sighed softly.

said that the domestic film environment is really bad. The relevant departments of Huaxia Film have too little support for the film, and they can’t nourish the blockbusters, so they can’t talk overseas, and they can’t stand up straight.

His words made a lot of directors of the five generations agree, especially a director named Cao Bangguo sighed. He even said that his films are not only lacking in support, but they are simply ignored, and they have grown savagely. Looking at Zhang Jianguo, the initiator of this meeting, he said that Zhang Jianguo was too stingy, and criticized some of China’s film systems for being imperfect…

Zhang Jianguo smiled all the time and nodded at their opinions.

In addition to these, Chen Kai, who was sitting in the main seat, talked about some things at the overseas film festival.

Said how free and good Western films are, how bad the Chinese film environment is, and even talked about Chinese fans and the media, all of which are so incompetent, which affects the incubation of blockbusters too much.

His words naturally aroused the approval of a group of people. Although last year’s “Tianji” was really embarrassing, as one of the leading figures of the five generations of directors, Chen Kai has a certain weight both internationally and in China. In the film-related departments, he is also a veteran.

Zhang Jianguo listened carefully and recorded every word of the director present.

Zhou Yang couldn’t hold back, and secretly opened a window, just in time for the fresh air to cover the choking smell of smoke.

He felt a little uncomfortable.

Although I don’t know how the relationship between the relevant departments and directors in the original world was, the status of the directors in this world seems to be a bit high, and various opinions and criticisms of the relevant departments, both overtly and secretly, come one after another.

Zhang Jianguo was always smiling.

After the grumbling directors had finished speaking, he stood up and announced the official start of the meeting.

As the initiator of this meeting, Zhang Jianguo opened a slideshow on the stage, and in a very serious form, he said a series of work arrangements for the end of this year and the first half of next year.

“Everyone, with the opening of the market and the integration of Huaxia Films with overseas, the local market will inevitably be hit to a certain extent. We have invited you all out of your busy schedule, just to discuss with you your thoughts on the future and your opinions on the future. Next year’s work schedule…”

The    slideshow was spinning on the big screen in the distance.

Zhou Yang saw the data on the slideshow. Currently, the share of the box office market for Chinese films and overseas films is 60% to 40%, overseas films are 60%, and Huaxia is 40%…

This data is slightly better than the same period last year. At this time last year, the split has become 30% in China and 70% overseas.

Although the data looks better…

But in fact, the entire Chinese film has fallen into a state of malaise.

One “Hero” takes up nearly half of the revenue, and the rest of the movies are not like cannon fodder, and none of them can be beaten?

“I don’t know how this proportion will drop after the two films “Superman” and “Jurassic” land in China. Everyone is the mainstay of China’s films. I hope everyone will actively chat about their views…” When After Zhang Jianguo’s voice fell, the directors continued to smoke and began to shout.

Zhou Yang couldn’t understand what they were saying at first…

But then I listened, but I heard a director stand up: “The director should have a certificate to work, not all cats and dogs can make movies. How many bad movies have been made by these layman directors in this year’s Huaxia market? I am in As I said last year, professional people do professional things, and people who don’t know anything can make movies after a few months of study. Will this movie be made well? How many resources are wasted by these people!”

Zhou Yang subconsciously looked at the name on the director’s table. His name was Zhao Sicheng. He was very good in the millennium. He made three movies in one year, and each movie’s box office exceeded 10 million. The director still has the right to speak.

“Yes, here, I still want to say one thing, not all young directors are worthy of being called six generations of directors, I don’t mean to look down on Ye Luzi, but the three major European film festivals, how many so-called directors rely on Huaxia The name of the six generations of directors, they rushed to nominate one after another? What was the content they filmed? They didn’t have any ideological connotations, and they were full of ugliness. Helping people should be banned…” Another director also replied slightly.

“First, directors must be certified to work. Second, I think we old people should set up an organization to strengthen the review of young directors’ professionalism and avoid uneven films from appearing in the market. Third, we should recommend Those excellent and truly talented directors of the six generations are systematically cultivated and supported. For example, Xiao Jiang next to me, he just won the Best Newcomer Award at the Tokyo International Film Festival in Tokyo a few days ago. He must, especially the official media, should give him support…” Director Cao Bangguo also nodded, stood up and said these words.

“I agree with what Director Cao and Director Zhao said, especially some films that go to overseas exhibitions, they must be strictly reviewed and checked, and some films that exceed the subject matter should be banned, or banned from directing…” Zhou Yilin stood up and watched With Zhang Jianguo.

“I think the system should be more standardized and rationalized, so that the talented directors of the new generation will show their ideas more diligently, instead of blindly flattering overseas and taking a slanted sword to damage the international image of Chinese films. , this is actually very dangerous…” Another director stood up and said these words to Zhang Jianguo.

On the podium, Zhang Jianguo did not respond when he heard this, but still just wrote their opinions with a smile.


These directors expressed their opinions. Instead of talking about the crisis of overseas films hitting the Chinese market, they talked about the establishment of the “China Film Review Association”.

Zhou Yang suddenly felt that he and Feng Kai were marginal figures in this meeting.

Feng Kai clenched his fists several times to speak, but lowered his head again.

In the end, he said softly: “Do these people think that their power is not large enough? If such an organization is really established, then the other six generations of directors of the new generation will be finished!”

Zhou Yang also nodded when he heard the words.

The five generations of directors had terrifying power, and they controlled more than 30% of Huaxia films. If such a “Huaxia Film Review Association” was established, wouldn’t it be a one-handed thing?

Moreover, Zhou Yang found that only himself and Feng Kai were not their faction among the six generations of directors, and the others belonged to their faction, and there were many up-and-coming directors of the sixth generation who did not attend the meeting. The directors are most likely to be “unlicensed directors” in their mouths.

I don’t know how long after the messy opinions were raised…

Zhang Jianguo suddenly looked at Zhou Yang: “How about, let’s listen to the opinions of several directors of the new generation, Director Zhou, what do you think about the current Chinese film format?”

The conference room suddenly fell silent.

The veteran directors of the five generations seem to have forgotten that among the new generation directors, there is a young man who made a big splash at the Berlin Film Festival.


Their eyes were full of contempt, and many people didn’t even look at Zhou Yang when they saw Zhou Yang stand up.

Zhou Yang stood up and silently looked at these veteran directors…

He was silent for a long time, and finally looked at An Xiao who was standing in the corner not far away.

When he saw An Xiao nodding lightly at him, his eyes were full of encouragement, he had a general idea in his heart.

The contradiction between the new generation of “Wild Road Zi” directors and the directors of the older generation has always existed…

It’s just that many directors of the new generation were recruited by the older generation after they were honored and followed their rhythm.

“I don’t agree that a director’s license is required for filming…” Zhou Yang looked at everyone, and finally said this sentence, followed by: “I am a stunned young man who has just joined the industry, and I don’t understand the twists and turns inside. Yes, I only know that film review is the responsibility of the relevant departments. I personally agree with the film support plan. However, I think the real definition of six generations of directors and the definition of talent should be affirmed by the market, not by a few people. affim……”

After Zhou Yang said this, everyone’s expressions changed greatly.

Especially some senior directors staring at Zhou Yang, this is already blatantly demolishing their stage.

“More importantly, I can’t represent the opinions of the six generations of directors of Huaxia, and all the people present can’t represent the opinions of the six generations of directors. Many directors did not come for some reasons. If possible, I hope to conduct a fair and just one. Vote to see what everyone thinks of this proposal…”

“I’m done with my thoughts.”


After Zhou Yang said these words, he nodded to Zhang Jianguo and sat down.

No applause…

There are only eyes full of warning.

“Director Zhou, so you are questioning the authority of us people?” At this moment, Zhao Sicheng stood up and stared at Zhou Yang coldly: “Director Zhou, do you know how your “Mines Bottom” is Did Berlin win? Do you really think that was a movie you made alone?”


(end of this chapter)

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