You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Chainsaw Horror

Chapter 191 Chainsaw Horror

Late at night.

The entire Huaxing was silent.

After Zhou Yang finished writing the script outline for “Spider-Man”, he read it several times.

When he seriously reflected again, he realized that it was definitely impossible to copy all of Spider-Man.

The “Spider-Man” in the original world is full of Western individualism ideology, especially when Spider-Man is holding the spider silk on the swing, the old American Statue of Liberty often appears in the background, and at the same time, it subtly uses various background music and music. Consciousness output, depicting a rich, democratic, and prosperous old beauty…

is the same as other Hollywood movies.

In fact, for a long time, after watching those so-called old beauty blockbusters, I would unconsciously be confused by the old beauty depicted in the movie, and even Zhou Yang was surrounded by many beautiful people, thinking every day if he was born In the U.S., having an U.S. green card, how happy it would be, and on various social platforms, talking about how good the old beauty is, and dreaming of marrying the old American uncle…

The American Sweet Theory is probably the product of it.

It was not until 19 years after an unprecedented disaster broke out in the world that everyone realized the sense of corruption under the surface of prosperity.

It is full of discrimination, ugliness, divisions and unequal classes.

Zhou Yang continued to look at the outline of “Spider-Man” and fell into deep reflection.

There is no doubt that the main plot of “Spider-Man” is no problem. It has proved the amazing IP value of this movie in the original world, and unlike the superheroes of this world, the superheroes of this world are still positioned in Either rich people, such as the comic “American Warrior” that Zhou Yang found in this world, or aristocratic bloodlines from appearances such as “Superman”, everyone’s definition of saving the world is the group of special characters who are high above the world. None of the little people of the commoner class.

If the main line remains unchanged, how can we get rid of the old American ideology of “Spider-Man” itself?

Zhou Yang suddenly thought of one thing, the original “Spider-Man” has many unreasonable things, that is, after the protagonist is bitten, he will instantly have various fighting skills?

Superman’s agility and speed are no problem for ordinary people, but how can the “Green Goblin” who also has superpowers, high-tech support, and armor be beaten?

The original Spider-Man suddenly turned around and was stabbed to death by his own aircraft. Zhou Yang is still vivid in his mind.

Zhou Yang remembered that the blade of the aircraft under the camera pierced the wall through the armor of the Green Goblin!

This amazing strength and speed. Spider-Man can dodge, but the Green Goblin can’t?

You can understand that the Green Goblin was negligent, and you never thought that Spider-Man would dodge, but even if Spider-Man did not avoid being stabbed to death, the aircraft would still pass through inertia and stab Spider-Man to death at the same time as the Green Goblin, right? Back then, the Green Goblin was standing…

In order to preach that justice will eventually triumph over evil, why not consider rationality?

And how can a mutated ordinary student beat a mutated human with all kinds of modern weapons to assist?

Being provoked by the villain for a few words, and then suddenly bursting, this is the normal state of many comics, but it is unreasonable, and it is too unreasonable.

“In order to balance the fighting power between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, it is most reasonable to give Spider-Man a kung fu, and there is a trick in Chinese Kung Fu called Fighting the Bull from the Mountain, which can just penetrate the one worn by the Green Goblin. Armor, there is a slight chance of winning, otherwise, how to fight? The two of them are not at the same level at all, so bragging also needs to be considered reasonable? Moreover, even if it gives you strength and gives you endless responsiveness, but You have not undergone professional training, and you suddenly do all kinds of difficult movements, won’t you flash to the waist? This is too unreasonable!” When Zhou Yang thought of this, he nodded silently: “Under the plot that does not affect the main line , to give Spider-Man a Chinese master, and to give Spider-Man a little help after Spider-Man has experienced setbacks, this is really reasonable!”

Zhou Yang nodded.

Then he started to think again.

“Where should Master Huaxia appear?”


“It’s more reasonable on an ordinary street…”

“What is his identity? He should be a doctor. He is calm and ordinary, but not mediocre. He should be an elegant and easy-going old man with a compassionate heart. They have some hopes, so as to reflect the current situation and realistic culture of the old American society from the side…”

“The encounter between him and the protagonist…is a group of black buddies who went to the Laomei shopping mall to “purchase at zero yuan”, and then the gangsters robbed his car. When they were about to make a move, they met the protagonist, and the protagonist taught him a lesson. This group of gangsters had a meal. This was their first encounter. Later, the protagonist was defeated and seriously injured after encountering the Green Goblin. After escaping from a coma, he encountered an old man, who was taken home by the old man and rescued by Chinese medicine…”

“There are often homeless people in the homes of the elderly. Those are too poor and cannot accept the high medical system of the old American society, especially some African-American buddies. After being discriminated against, they have no choice but to ask for help in order to survive. American……”

“This is the status quo of Laomei. Movies can’t blindly shoot the prosperity of Laomei, and it is only reasonable and meaningful to shoot dark places that others can’t see…”


When Zhou Yang thought of this, he nodded silently, and then based on the main line of “Spider-Man”, he cut some unnecessary plots and inserted the plot of the “Spider-Man” master.

Zhou Yang planned the number and time of the old man to appear in about ten minutes, which would not affect the main line and senses.

After inserting the plot of the old man, Zhou Yang checked the written content very seriously. When he felt that the plot he inserted was not abrupt, he nodded with satisfaction.

After finishing the    revision, he stroked his tired head and finally put the script aside.

“Dong dong.”

“Come in……”

Zhou Yang looked at the time.

It is early morning now.

Zhou Yang saw Wang Jing walk in from outside with a report.

“Mr. Zhou, I have asked an acquaintance to ask about “Spider-Man” on Laomei’s side, and no one there has heard of this thing at all. I also asked someone to ask about Laomei’s copyright department, and they said that No one has registered the name “Spider-Man”, and there is no similar superhero movie, we can register…” Wang Jing handed the report to Zhou Yang.

“Well, that’s good.” When Zhou Yang heard this, he was completely relieved.

Before getting “Spider-Man”, he considered the copyright issue, but he decided to get it after he didn’t find any related comics and works on the Internet, and now he has no worries at all.

He intends to register the copyright of this script in both Laomei and Huaxia.

“The next movie, do you really want to make this “Spider-Man”? With China’s current film industry system, it is difficult to make such a movie…”

“Can you contact foreign countries?”

“Yes, but the cost of special effects is very high. If you make this movie, you may lose your money. I understand your emotions very well, but now you are the leader of the entire company and control the lifeline of the company’s future direction. Sometimes you have to think about things. Be comprehensive…”


When Zhou Yang heard this, he instantly fell into a long silence.

The current state of Huaxing’s assets is quite embarrassing, and it will definitely not support the “Spider-Man” project. If the movie is simplified, it will not be able to produce the desired effect.

Although the return of the original world “Spider-Man” is very high, his investment amount is not low…

It seems that the investment has exceeded 100 million?

Zhou Yang has only been in this industry for a year. Although he knows some of the ways in this industry, the cost calculation is still out of control.

He was sure that he could make the film more cost-effective, and he was not sure that he could go to an investor to make such a large investment, and he was not sure that he could save money and make a better film than the original…

The sudden span is too big.

“Sister, please help me register the copyright in Laomei and Huaxia first…”


Wang Jing nodded, then turned to leave.

After Wang Jing left, Zhou Yang silently watched the script of “Spider-Man” for a long time and finally stuffed the script into the drawer.

The ideal is very plump, but the reality is very skinny.

He was a little disappointed.

But this disappointment did not last long.

It’s just that it is difficult to achieve a blockbuster like “Spider-Man” at this stage, it doesn’t mean that there is no other way at this stage…

“Spider-Man” can’t be filmed for the time being. Can other movies with slightly higher cost reporting rates be able to practice their skills? Wait until the box office is almost there, then…

For example…

Some restriction levels?

and many more!

I don’t know why, the first thing that came to Zhou Yang’s mind was a series of movies with very low production cost but very bloody!

When he thought about this movie, he found that his mind was full of the plot in this movie, and he couldn’t get rid of it no matter what.

At this moment, the company’s phone rang.

Zhou Yang received a call.

The call was from Christian. On the phone, Christian’s voice was a little hesitant.

After listening to the translation, Zhou Yang realized that the role of cannibal doctor he had decided before was robbed by another British nobleman named Anthony.

Christian felt that the old man had more of an ogre temperament, especially his sense of nobility, and Anthony was more suitable.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Zhou Yang, it’s not that you are not good enough, but there are better candidates. The main reason is that you are too young. If you are ten years older, then it is just right…” Christian kept talking on the phone. Saying various apologetic voices.

Zhou Yang was silent.

“Mr. Zhou Yang, we will give you the corresponding compensation according to the contract, you can rest assured…” Christian seemed very sincere, but also a little guilty.

“Mr. Christian, I don’t need compensation!” Zhou Yang shook his head after being silent for a long time.


“Christian, I want to make a low-budget movie. This movie may be a little bloody. Of course, the shooting time will not be long. Presumably, you are ready for all aspects of Lamb’s shooting? I want to borrow some Can the props of “Lamb” be filmed in sync with you?”

“Huh? How long will it take to finish filming?”

“Within a month…”



“What’s the name of that movie?”

“The Chainsaw!”

“What did you say?”

“”The Chainsaw”…”

(end of this chapter)

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