You Made Me a Superstar

Chapter 396

Chapter 389: Taking The Entertainment Industry By Storm

Chapter 389 Swept the entertainment industry

“Unruly people, just like him!”

“Fuck off!”

“Does anyone want to exchange with him!”


Bagpipes sounded.

The melodious melody is not cheerful, but has a sense of heaviness that cannot be relieved.

A light wind blew, blowing up the fallen leaves.

In the black and white picture, a teenager silently carrying a suitcase left the police academy under the harsh voice of the instructor.

Under the setting sun, his back was getting farther and farther, and his figure became more and more blurred.

The students of the    police academy were a little frightened, a little surprised, a little confused, and some were quietly watching his leaving back.

The back figure slowly walked into the distance, and when it was about to disappear into the hazy world, it suddenly stopped, and then turned his head.

Suddenly looking back, the black and white color scheme turned into color, but he was no longer a teenager…

The moment Zhou Yang turned his head and looked at the camera.

The auditorium became silent.

The sad melody is accompanied by a memory, which is entangled in all hearts.

The vicissitudes of life, the disheveled and haggard hair, looking back at the direction of the police academy, with a bit of nostalgia in the affection…

Then, that nostalgia turned into a hidden firmness, followed by a slight tremor of his body, as if he was about to turn around and leave.

Then, the picture freezes for a few seconds.

“I want to exchange with him…”

In the distance, at the police academy, the black and white picture also turned into color, and the appearance of one of the young people suddenly changed to that of Liu Hua.

He stood with his head bowed.

The long and empty road in the distance is too hazy to see the end.

I don’t know where the distance is, and I don’t know where I will be in the future. Everything seems to have been a long time in the past, and everything seems to be whispering yesterday.

In the melodious and low melody, he raised his head.

The picture freezes.

then dimmed again.

Darkness shrouded the entire big screen, like a shadow shrouded the hearts of all audiences.

【Buddha said: You will never die if you are boundless, and your longevity is a great calamity in the boundless hell】

Lights on.

seems to dispel the darkness on the screen and dispel the haze in the hearts of all fans.

In the rows of seats, either by the music, or by the acting skills of the actors, or by the look back, some people silently watched the screen with tears in their eyes…

Some people stared at the screen angrily and felt that the ending was too bad, and they were so angry that they thought why good people don’t live long…

And some people are amazed, their eyes are fixed on the line of the ending and the ending subtitles…

Arrangement: Zhou Yang.

Director: Zhou Yang.

Starring: Zhou Yang.

In the auditorium, after a brief silence.

Wang Shuai, Huang Jiacheng, Shen Changwei, and even Cao Bangguo and other directors stood up immediately.

The applause was like thunder.

“Congratulations to Director Zhou, Director Zhou, you did it!”

“Yes, that’s great!”

“This is the most amazing movie I’ve seen over the years. Director Zhou’s control over the camera is already perfect!”

“Amazing, really amazing!”

“The movie is well done, but this movie has to be watched a second time, there are too many details, I have to take a good look at my thoughts now…”

“Fortunately I got two tickets!”


Countless praises surround Zhou Yang.

Those who were familiar or unfamiliar, once friendly, or once hostile all surrounded Zhou Yang and did not hesitate to praise themselves.

Zhou Yang was surrounded by the crowd, like a splendid flame that attracted much attention.

In the crowd…

A figure stood up, did not go up to applaud and bless, but stood up and silently left the crowd without anyone noticing.

When she was about to walk out of the theater, she paused slightly, turned her head to take a deep look at Zhou Yang, who was surrounded by her, and then lowered her head and gradually disappeared amid the calls of countless reporters and fans.

Django was still sitting on the chair, looking at the slowly rising subtitles and Zhou Yang, who had long since disappeared from the crowd.

His eyes were extraordinarily complicated. He only felt that his whole body had been drained, his whole body was terribly tired, and the surrounding noise gradually became silent.

In a dreamlike feeling, he finally stood up and left the auditorium with his head down.

Once a professional, his superiority in understanding the art of film was completely shattered with the appearance of “Infernal Affairs”.

The once pride turned into unwillingness, and finally unwillingness turned into frustration and daze…


“Totally lost.”

Leaving the theater, looking at the ray of sunshine in the sky, a wry smile appeared on his face.

After    muttered to himself, for some reason, he felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

He let out a long sigh of relief.

But losing is not wrong, is it?

He tried his best.


Shootout, gore, violence, martial arts, action…

When talking about Hong Kong films, people will always unconsciously reveal the unique characteristics of Hong Kong films.

Especially in the late 1980s and early 1990s, these features were vividly performed by countless directors, and at the same time, countless classic movies were born in the market where hundreds of flowers were blooming.

Perhaps it was too brilliant, or the market was too small, and it was overturned by the impact of Hollywood. By the mid-1990s, the decline of all Hong Kong films gradually appeared.

Hong Kong film directors no matter how they shoot, they can only linger in these inherent routines, eating the leftovers of their predecessors, and finally giving birth to one bad film after another that is not accepted by the market.

The less    is not accepted by the market, the more directors have to make short-term bad films to return blood and capital, but the more they shoot, the worse they are.

During the    period, there were also classic works like “Overlord”, but in the end, it was a flash in the pan, and after all, it was impossible to cover up the decadent trend of Hong Kong films.

Hong Kong movie is dead!

In the past few years, there have been a few words circulating on the Internet, and many people agree with this sentence.

Of course, many filmmakers were not reconciled. They watched Hollywood movies and clenched their fists as they watched the booming mainland movies. They tried to go upstream and save this bleak market.

Zhang Zuolu is one of them. He is the screenwriter of “Night Walker”. He also participated in the script creation of the classic movie “Overlord”. He is one of the main writers in the team.

He wrote the script “Dark Walker” for three years.

three years.

He watched countless Hong Kong movies.

No matter good or bad, no matter how high the box office is, as long as it is an ingenious movie, he will watch it.

He not only watched, but also analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of these films very seriously, and from these advantages and disadvantages, he came to the key points of the revival of Hong Kong films.

Exciting and exciting gunfights, hearty fighting scenes, reversing suspense and interlocking plots, contradictions between black and white…

The script of “Dark Walker” took three years to prepare and one year to write!

Repeatedly revised and sculpted, every bridge segment was used to the extreme, and almost all the advantages of these Hong Kong films were covered.

He is confident that his script has been the best, and there can be no better movie than this script!

For Nightcrawler, he was ambitious.

He once thought he had found a new way!

In fact, the box office of the premiere did give him confidence, and he felt that he saw hope for the revival of Hong Kong Island movies.


“So, the script can still be written like this…”

“The movie can still be made like this…”

“Infernal Affairs” premiere ended.

Zhang Zuolu walked out of the auditorium.

He looked at the sky and muttered to himself.

Afterwards, I stood in a daze at the bustling streets and alleys, watching the movie theater with people coming and going.

“Infernal Affairs” and “Night Walker” are completely different.

There are very few shooting scenes and almost no action scenes. The whole process is a game between characters and a collision between psychology and psychology.

The literary drama should be the most boring, but the conflict between emotions, the tense atmosphere that makes people go crazy, and the sad music that appears at the right time…

After reviewing the plot of “Infernal Affairs”, he seemed to see a brand new door that was slowly opening towards him.

In this declining Hong Kong film era, he saw a road that no one has ever traveled.

“Huh? No tickets for today?”

“No tickets for tomorrow?”

“What about the day after tomorrow?”

“Stolen all?”

The movie “Infernal Affairs” was naturally not enjoyable the first time he watched it, so he naturally wanted to watch it a second time.

As a screenwriter, the plot of this movie does have a lot to learn.

However, when he came to the ticket window, he found that it was overcrowded. When he finally got in line, he silently found that the pre-sale tickets for the day after tomorrow were all sold out!


“Infernal Affairs” was indeed sold out at the box office.

【Director, screenwriter, starring, soundtrack… He proved himself with his strength, a new era has begun! 】

On Weibo, when this hot search first appeared, it had the word “fire” in it, and after a few minutes, the word “fire” instantly became “explosive”.

People always have a curious mind.

After watching the movie, countless fans were shocked by the structure of “Zhou Yang” in “Infernal Affairs”, such an amazing operation has never occurred in the history of Chinese movies, or even in the history of world movies.

[In-depth analysis of the plot of “Infernal Affairs”, this movie is a ghost movie, everyone is a ghost, they are actually dead, just reincarnate in **** over and over again, reproducing the scene before death]

A well-known film critic named “Conan Doyle” on Weibo posted a Weibo, and deeply analyzed the content of “Infernal Affairs”, in a very detailed way, to restore the entire “Infernal Affairs” plot, and got came to such a conclusion.

This Weibo instantly changed from “fire” to “explosive”.

“Infernal Affairs” in the opening and ending credits use the infernal **** of Buddhist scriptures.

Timeless, spaceless, chaotic world, weird opening music…

Everything in “Conan Doyle” has become logical and flawless.

【The brilliance of Hong Kong films, Zhou Yang’s amazing acting skills and charming eyes! 】

“Hong Kong Island Film Weekly” bragged about “Infernal Affairs”, saying that it was the best movie on Hong Kong Island in the past 20 years, and even listed this movie as the same level as “Overlord”.

“Wild Luzi” “Isn’t it relying on the help of those directors?” “I’m just lucky”, “I’m just a lucky guy”.

“Before the release of “Infernal Affairs”, Zhou Yang seemed to have countless such labels attached to him…”

“His rise was too fast and too smooth. It was so smooth that people felt like he had a pair of hands behind his back, deliberately paving the way for him.”

“After the release of “Infernal Affairs”…”

“These people, should you shut up?”

“Director, screenwriter, starring, soundtrack, post-editing…”

“In every link, he participates and dominates…”

“In Chinese history, can you still find such a director?”

“In the history of the world, can you still find such a director?”

“In the history of human cinema, can you still find such a director?”


Noon on October 10th.

A Weibo article was published on Qgou. The main writer of the Weibo article was Miao Miao, the vice president of Yangcun and the president of Soku Video.

Her three rhetorical questions went viral throughout the Weibo movie section.

The world is magical.

is so magical that many sunspots are silent.

No one refuted, because they didn’t know how to refute.

At this moment, their hearts are still full of disbelief.

This guy is so crazy!

Probably, living in this era is sad.

“The last scene, I can’t get into the state…”

“There was no way out, Director Zhou looked at me with a smile and said he had a way to get me into the state in a second…”

“I was curious at the time, so I asked Director Zhou what he could do…”

“Then I got punched…”


The evening of August 10th.

Another interview news titled [Zhou Yang Beats People] made headlines on Weibo.


Seven in the evening.

Netizens who posted on Weibo and major social media found that Zhou Yang not only dominated the top ten hot searches on Weibo, but even appeared on CCTV news.

[3 dead, 18 injured, 5 people held criminally responsible, the fire accident investigation report of a pedicure shop in Yanjing announced! 】

【Tears! The well-known director rushed into the sea of fire to save three people, and finally jumped from the second floor to protect the injured, causing many wounds on his body to burst! 】

【Heroes in the fire! 】


“People’s Daily” Weibo, in the tragic explosion, Zhou Yang jumped down from the second floor with an injured person in his arms and hit the bed, as if he was in a movie.


The moment    jumped down, a new round of explosions occurred on the entire second floor. Under the shock wave of the explosion, Zhou Yang hugged the little girl and ran towards the safe area, as if he didn’t know the pain at all.

The fire was soaring into the sky.

His speed is as agile as a cheetah, dodging pieces of scattered glass and falling objects, and finally put the little girl down safely…

This scene is even more exaggerated and more exciting than the filming!

“do not take photos!”

“Spread out, disperse!”

“Don’t surround yourself, let the fire trucks come over, don’t surround yourself, or they won’t be able to come!”

“hurry up!”

in the video.

After    rescued the little girl, he kept breathing, but he didn’t rest. Instead, after seeing the crowd of onlookers in the distance, he waved at them frantically, almost roaring.


There was another explosion upstairs…

When he saw someone fell and broke his leg, he resolutely rushed over again…

The scene is shocking, and the shock makes people’s scalp tingle!

There is no second update…

The mind is confused, and the second one is written like shit

(end of this chapter)

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